Effects of amlaki churna on blood glucose levels in pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case study
Journal name: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Original article title: Effects of amlaki churna on blood glucose levels in pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case study
The International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to Ayurveda. It aims to integrate Ayurvedic concepts with modern scientific understanding, offering a comprehensive source of validated knowledge for both the modern Ayurvedic community and the broader medical fraternity.
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Bishnupriya Mohanty
Rohit Kumar Yadav
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal:
(Publishing full-length original papers and reviews on ayurveda)
Full text available for: Effects of amlaki churna on blood glucose levels in pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case study
Year: 2024
Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
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Summary of article contents:
Diabetes being the “iceberg disease”, the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus has increased globally due to sedentary lifestyle, food habits, stress, strain, etc. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is over 26.4% of the population in Goa. In Ayurveda Acharya Bhavaprakasha quotedआमलकी(Emblica officinalis) as “ रक्तपित्तप्रमेहपिरंवृष्यंरसायनम ” and explains pharmacological action of आमलकीin haritakyadi varga (shloka no. 37-41) as वयस्थािन , रसायन , पिदोषशामक and specifically Pramehaghna. It is considered the best Naimittika Rasayana for the management of diabetes mellitus. Henceआमलकी churna is selected in type 2 diabetes mellitus for the study. In the present study 5 subjects of prediabetes and 5 subjects of known case of diabetes mellitus are selected. All 10 subjects were treated with आमलकी churna 2 gm twice daily half an hour before food with warm water. The effect of therapy was evaluated at the interval of 4 weeks which was done on the basis of objective parameters. The objective parameters were fasting blood sugar levels, post prandial blood sugars and glycosolated hemoglobin (HbA 1 C).It was seen that आमलकी churna has reduced blood sugar levels. It also reduced the dose of conventional drug which may cause side effects with long term use. Keywords: Type
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Siddhanta, Dosha, Ayurveda, Prameha, Amlarasa, Emblica officinalis, Clinical study, Laboratory investigation, Cost effective, Naimittika Rasayana, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Prediabetes, Antioxidant Action, Immunomodulatory Action, Glycosylated hemoglobin, Blood glucose level, Hypoglycemic action, Acute Effect, Insulin deficiency, Macrovascular disease, Microvascular damage, Side effect.