A study of role of sharerika and mansika dosha in vyadhik-shamatava

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Journal name: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Original article title: A study of role of sharerika and mansika dosha in vyadhik-shamatava
The International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to Ayurveda. It aims to integrate Ayurvedic concepts with modern scientific understanding, offering a comprehensive source of validated knowledge for both the modern Ayurvedic community and the broader medical fraternity.

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Kavita Kanyal
Vijay Shankar Pandey

International Ayurvedic Medical Journal:

(Publishing full-length original papers and reviews on ayurveda)

Full text available for: A study of role of sharerika and mansika dosha in vyadhik-shamatava

Year: 2023

Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

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Summary of article contents:

In both the universe and the body Satva, Rajas, and Tamas are considered to be the initial basic elements. These are mainly considered to be related to the Mana but due to being the basic elements through various processes the basic three Dhatus of the body Vata, Pitta , and Kapha have also been considered to have originated from them. At the time of the formation of the body of the fetus according to their condition, Prakriti is formed. At the same time through them, physical strength and Vyadhikshamatava are also generated in seed form. The ability generated at this time has been said to be innate, genetic, etc. which develops progressively through exposure to different opportunities. It is the concept that this innate Prakriti, strength remains from birth till death. According to the need, the strength and health potential known as acquired potential is generated judiciously by means of Aushadh , diet, Vihar , etc. In Ayurveda , the etiology and pathogenesis of any disease is based on the Theory of Dosha. The medium of origin or growth of acquired ability is also these Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Aaharpak, Samagni , physical activity, proper sewage removal, etc., can be understood as its complement. Thus, by maintaining the equilibrium of Shareeika and Mansika Doshas through a variety of methods or measurements, health, strength, and ability are developed. Keywords: Dosha, Prakriti, Triguna, Vyadhikshamatava INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL Kavita Kanyal

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Dhatu, Dushya, Triguna, Sadvritta, Satvaguna, Physical strength, Intelligence and memory, Holistic approach, Disease manifestation, Vyadhikshamatava, Equilibrium of Dosha, Mansika Dosha.

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