Role of ayurved ocular therapies in the management of life-style disorders related to visual display terminals
Journal name: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Original article title: Role of ayurved ocular therapies in the management of life-style disorders related to visual display terminals
The International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to Ayurveda. It aims to integrate Ayurvedic concepts with modern scientific understanding, offering a comprehensive source of validated knowledge for both the modern Ayurvedic community and the broader medical fraternity.
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Shweta Pandey
Rajendra Kumar Soni
Prabhakar Vardhan
Vidya Bhushan Pandey
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal:
(Publishing full-length original papers and reviews on ayurveda)
Full text available for: Role of ayurved ocular therapies in the management of life-style disorders related to visual display terminals
Year: 2023
Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
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Summary of article contents:
The frequency of lifestyle disorders among Indians has reached alarming proportions in the present era, with the development of the economy and the growing westernization of the way of life. Computers are one of the most astonishing technological achievements and a significant contribution to human life. Our lives have become simpler as a result of the use of these technologies, both at home and at the office. Visual display terminals have become an integral aspect of today's life. A collection of ocular and extraocular symptoms known as “visual display terminals syndrome” is brought on by extended usage of computers and other digital devices. Asthenopic symptoms of the eyes, blurred vision, diplopia, dry eyes, sluggish concentrating, and musculoskeletal symptoms including shoulder and neck pain are all connected to it. These symptoms are associated with Vata - Pittapradhana and are somewhat comparable to those of Shushkakshipaka (~dry eye syndrome) , a Sarvagata Netra Roga (~diseases afflicting all the parts of the eye ). The Chakshuendriya'sAtiyoga (constantly staring at the computer), Hinayoga (~working in a dimly lit environment without blinking), and Mithyayoga (~seeing very small fonts against a bright light) are all practices of the Chakshuendriya ( ~eye ). The amount of time spent in front of a digital device screen, the working distance from the gadget to the eyes, and the frequency of use are some of the various considerations. For the eyes, Acharya Vagbatta recommended surface Dosha shamak (~ pacification ) and rejuvenating treatments. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive treatment to stop VDTS's (visual display terminal syndrome) extraocular and ocular issues. Through our text, Kriyakalpa therapeutic techniques, such as Netraparisheka (~procedure for eye irrigation), Anjana (~collyrium), Nasya (~nasal installation), Tarpana (~eye nourishment), Padabhyanga (~foot massage), Nidra (~sleep), proper dietary regimen, Numerous eye exercises, and Yogic practices are also beneficial to the prevention of VDTS. Keywords: Vision Display Terminals Syndrome, Computer Vision Syndrome, Kriyakalp,Shushkakshipaka , Yogic Practices
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Anjana, Nasya, Tarpana, Shushkakshipaka, Vatadosha, Pittadosha, Yogic practice, Rasayana properties, Padabhyanga, Computer Vision Syndrome, Ghritapana.