To evaluate upashayatmaka effect of sarjadi lepa in dadrukushta (dermatophytosis)

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Journal name: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Original article title: To evaluate upashayatmaka effect of sarjadi lepa in dadrukushta (dermatophytosis)
The International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to Ayurveda. It aims to integrate Ayurvedic concepts with modern scientific understanding, offering a comprehensive source of validated knowledge for both the modern Ayurvedic community and the broader medical fraternity.

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Anu M. M
Prashanth Jain
Geetha B Markande

International Ayurvedic Medical Journal:

(Publishing full-length original papers and reviews on ayurveda)

Full text available for: To evaluate upashayatmaka effect of sarjadi lepa in dadrukushta (dermatophytosis)

Year: 2019

Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

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Summary of article contents:

Background: Fungal species that are confined to superficial layers of the human skin are known as Dermatophytes. Dermatophytosis is characterized by annular lesion and scaling. In recent year there have been a considerable increase in the incidence of skin problems in the trop cal and developing countries like India due to various reasons like poverty, poor sanitation and pollution etc. Dadru kushta (Dermatophytosis) is a type of acterized by Udgata Mandala (round elevated lesion)which simulates symptoms of dermatophytosis. Dadru kushta with major ingredients Chakramarda beeja, Sarja rasa, Hareetakihave been conducted on Dadru kushta work was planned to study the Upashayatmaka study about etiopathogenesis of Dadru kushtakushta. Methodology: Open clinical trial with pre and post test design was carried out in 30 subjects aged 16 60, presenting with classical signs and symptoms of twice a day for 7 days. Detailed proforma was prepared to assess result and observation. Kandu, Raga, Pidaka, Udgata mandala of the study showed that Sarjadilepa is effective tion of hygienic norms is important to elicit the early and better results Keywords: Dadru, Tinea, Upashaya, Sarjadi lepa INTRODUCTION Skin is the largest organ of human body

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Dosha, Raga, Nidana, Kandu, Pidaka, Clinical feature, Socioeconomic status, Open clinical trial, Viharaja Nidana, Aharaja Nidana, Kshudra Kushta, Dermatophytes, Tridoshaja manifestation, Dadru Kushta, Dermatophytosis, Mahakushta.

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