A study on the effect of yashadamrita malhara and yashad bhasma with sikth taila in vicharchika with special reference to eczema
Journal name: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Original article title: A study on the effect of yashadamrita malhara and yashad bhasma with sikth taila in vicharchika with special reference to eczema
The International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to Ayurveda. It aims to integrate Ayurvedic concepts with modern scientific understanding, offering a comprehensive source of validated knowledge for both the modern Ayurvedic community and the broader medical fraternity.
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Manjeet Rani
C.P. Kashyap
J.R. Sankhyan
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal:
(Publishing full-length original papers and reviews on ayurveda)
Full text available for: A study on the effect of yashadamrita malhara and yashad bhasma with sikth taila in vicharchika with special reference to eczema
Year: 2017
Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
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Generally, skin diseases run a chronic course and the recurrence is very common. In Ayurvedic texts, topical application of Yashadamrita Malhara is said to be very effective in the treatment of Vicharchika . But previously no study was carried out to evaluate the effect of this Malhara . Hence this study was planned to evaluate the effect of Yashadamrita Malhara and Yashad Bhasma with Sikth Taila in the manegment and prevention of the recurrence of Vicharchika In firstgroup, Yashadamrita Malhara was applied externally to the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) which provided highly improvement to 55.55% patients, moderate improvement to 33.33% patients and mild improvement to 11.11% patients but the recurrence rate was high i.e 62% . Similarly in second group, Yashad Bhasma with Sikth Taila was applied externally to the patientsof Vicharchika (Eczema) provided high improvement to 44.44% patients, moderate improvement to 33.33% patients and mild improvement to 22.22% patients. In this study, total 20 patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) were registered, among which 18 patients completed the full course of treatment. Both the drugs were given for local application twice daily. Results of the study showed that both drugs may be recommended as one of the drugs for the treatment of Vicharchika Keywords: Vicharchika , Yashad , Malhara , Bhasma , Sikth Taila , Eczema INTRODUCTION Ayurveda made up of word Veda (knowledge) and Ayush (life) i.e. knowledge of life. An Ayurvedic system adopts a holistic approach towards health care by balancing the physical, INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ( ISSN: 2320 5091) (September, 2017) 5(9) A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF YASHADAMRITA MALHARA AND YASHAD BHASMA WITH SIKTH TAILA IN VICHARCHIKA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ECZEMA Manjeet Rani 1 , C.P. Kashyap 2 , J.R. Sankhyan 3 1 M.D. Scholar, 2 Reader & Head, 3 Senior LecturerP.G. Department of Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. P.G. Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Distt.- Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. Pin- 176115 Email: manjeetnandal 99@gmail.com ABSTRACT Generally, skin diseases run a chronic course and the recurrence is very common. In Ayurvedic texts, topical application of Yashadamrita Malhara is said to be very effective in the treatment of Vicharchika . But previously no study was carried out to evaluate the effect of this Malhara . Hence this study was planned to evaluate the effect of Yashadamrita Malhara and Yashad Bhasma with Sikth Taila in the manegment and prevention of the recurrence of Vicharchika In firstgroup, Yashadamrita Malhara was applied externally to the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) which provided highly improvement to 55.55% patients, moderate improvement to 33.33% patients and mild improvement to 11.11% patients but the recurrence rate was high i.e 62% . Similarly in second group, Yashad Bhasma with Sikth Taila was applied externally to the patientsof Vicharchika (Eczema) provided high improvement to 44.44% patients, moderate improvement to 33.33% patients and mild improvement to 22.22% patients. In this study, total 20 patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) were registered, among which 18 patients completed the full course of treatment. Both the drugs were given for local application twice daily. Results of the study showed that both drugs may be recommended as one of the drugs for the treatment of Vicharchika Keywords: Vicharchika , Yashad , Malhara , Bhasma , Sikth Taila , Eczema INTRODUCTION Ayurveda made up of word Veda (knowledge) and Ayush (life) i.e. knowledge of life. An Ayurvedic system adopts a holistic approach towards health care by balancing the physical, INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ( ISSN: 2320 5091) (September, 2017) 5(9) A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF YASHADAMRITA MALHARA AND YASHAD BHASMA WITH SIKTH TAILA IN VICHARCHIKA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ECZEMA Manjeet Rani 1 , C.P. Kashyap 2 , J.R. Sankhyan 3 1 M.D. Scholar, 2 Reader & Head, 3 Senior LecturerP.G. Department of Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. P.G. Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Distt.- Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. Pin- 176115 Email: manjeetnandal 99@gmail.com ABSTRACT Generally, skin diseases run a chronic course and the recurrence is very common. In Ayurvedic texts, topical application of Yashadamrita Malhara is said to be very effective in the treatment of Vicharchika . But previously no study was carried out to evaluate the effect of this Malhara . Hence this study was planned to evaluate the effect of Yashadamrita Malhara and Yashad Bhasma with Sikth Taila in the manegment and prevention of the recurrence of Vicharchika In firstgroup, Yashadamrita Malhara was applied externally to the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) which provided highly improvement to 55.55% patients, moderate improvement to 33.33% patients and mild improvement to 11.11% patients but the recurrence rate was high i.e 62% . Similarly in second group, Yashad Bhasma with Sikth Taila was applied externally to the patientsof Vicharchika (Eczema) provided high improvement to 44.44% patients, moderate improvement to 33.33% patients and mild improvement to 22.22% patients. In this study, total 20 patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) were registered, among which 18 patients completed the full course of treatment. Both the drugs were given for local application twice daily. Results of the study showed that both drugs may be recommended as one of the drugs for the treatment of Vicharchika Keywords: Vicharchika , Yashad , Malhara , Bhasma , Sikth Taila , Eczema INTRODUCTION Ayurveda made up of word Veda
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Vicharchika, Discharge, Eczema, Topical application, Pruritus, Data analysis, Clinical trial, Clinical research, Hyperpigmentation, Demographic Profile, Chronic course, Haematological investigation, Yashad Bhasma, Symptom complexes, Relapse of symptoms.