An approach towards diagnosis and management of grahani dosha
Journal name: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Original article title: An approach towards diagnosis and management of grahani dosha
The International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to Ayurveda. It aims to integrate Ayurvedic concepts with modern scientific understanding, offering a comprehensive source of validated knowledge for both the modern Ayurvedic community and the broader medical fraternity.
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Asharafi Bakhtyar
Sharma Rakesh
Sharma Shilpi
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal:
(Publishing full-length original papers and reviews on ayurveda)
Full text available for: An approach towards diagnosis and management of grahani dosha
Year: 2017
Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
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Summary of article contents:
The root cause of all disease lies within the process of digestion. The disease " Grahani " is the leading disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The main site of Agni and the disease Grahani is the organ Grahani . Hence Grahani and Agni are interdependent. Grahani Dushti mostly leads to conditions like Praseka, Aruchi, Alasaka, Vilambika , Vishuchika etc. Mandagni causes improper digestion of ingested food when it goes to Adho-Marga , then it leads to Grahani Gada i.e. Grahani Dosha . Ayurveda has a lot to offer in the management of gastrointestinal ailments. In relation to children, there is demand of ideal drug. In support of this view, various Deepana Pachana drugs should be used followed by light diet regimen and then shifting on regular diet Keywords: Grahani, Agni, Mandagni, Deepana, Pachana, INTRODUCTION The disease in which the Grahani gets vitiated and there is impairment of agni is called as Grahani roga 1 . Grahani is the specialized partof the maha strotas. Acc. to Acharaya Sushruta , the 6 th pittdhara kala situated between Amashya and Pakwashya is called Grahani 2 while Acharya Charaka had mention it asthe part being situated above the Nabhi , as it is the site of Agni and does grahana of anna , it is supported and nourished by the strength of Agni 3. Hence Agni is to be corrected in allstages of Grahani Roga . Agni and Grahani have Adhara - Adheya sambandha . Grahain means “that holds”. Theduodenum should beconsidered as organ Grahani as their functions resembles each other. The duodenum consists of four layers 1. Mucosal 2. Sub mucosal 3. Muscular 4. Serosal INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ( ISSN: 2320 5091) (August, 2017) 5(8) AN APPROACH TOWARDS DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF GRAHANI DOSHA Asharafi Bakhtyar 1 , Sharma Rakesh 2 , Sharma Shilpi 3 1,3 PG. Scholar, 2 HOD,Dept of Kaumarbhritya, Rajeev Gandhi govt. P.G. Ayurvedic Medical College Paprola, Dist.Kangra, Himachal Pradesh-176115, India Email: ABSTRACT The root cause of all disease lies within the process of digestion. The disease " Grahani " is the leading disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The main site of Agni and the disease Grahani is the organ Grahani . Hence Grahani and Agni are interdependent. Grahani Dushti mostly leads to conditions like Praseka, Aruchi, Alasaka, Vilambika , Vishuchika etc. Mandagni causes improper digestion of ingested food when it goes to Adho-Marga , then it leads to Grahani Gada i.e. Grahani Dosha . Ayurveda has a lot to offer in the management of gastrointestinal ailments. In relation to children, there is demand of ideal drug. In support of this view, various Deepana Pachana drugs should be used followed by light diet regimen and then shifting on regular diet Keywords: Grahani, Agni, Mandagni, Deepana, Pachana, INTRODUCTION The disease in which the Grahani gets vitiated and there is impairment of agni is called as Grahani roga 1 . Grahani is the specialized partof the maha strotas. Acc. to Acharaya Sushruta , the 6 th pittdhara kala situated between Amashya and Pakwashya is called Grahani 2 while Acharya Charaka had mention it asthe part being situated above the Nabhi , as it is the site of Agni and does grahana of anna , it is supported and nourished by the strength of Agni 3. Hence Agni is to be corrected in allstages of Grahani Roga . Agni and Grahani have Adhara - Adheya sambandha . Grahain means “that holds”. Theduodenum should beconsidered as organ Grahani as their functions resembles each other. The duodenum consists of four layers 1. Mucosal 2. Sub mucosal 3. Muscular 4. Serosal INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ( ISSN: 2320 5091) (August, 2017) 5(8) AN APPROACH TOWARDS DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF GRAHANI DOSHA Asharafi Bakhtyar 1 , Sharma Rakesh 2 , Sharma Shilpi 3 1,3 PG. Scholar, 2 HOD,Dept of Kaumarbhritya, Rajeev Gandhi govt. P.G. Ayurvedic Medical College Paprola, Dist.Kangra, Himachal Pradesh-176115, India Email: ABSTRACT The root cause of all disease lies within the process of digestion. The disease " Grahani " is the leading disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The main site of Agni and the disease Grahani is the organ Grahani . Hence Grahani and Agni are interdependent. Grahani Dushti mostly leads to conditions like Praseka, Aruchi, Alasaka, Vilambika , Vishuchika etc. Mandagni causes improper digestion of ingested food when it goes to Adho-Marga , then it leads to Grahani Gada i.e. Grahani Dosha . Ayurveda has a lot to offer in the management of gastrointestinal ailments. In relation to children, there is demand of ideal drug. In support of this view, various Deepana Pachana drugs should be used followed by light diet regimen and then shifting on regular diet Keywords: Grahani, Agni, Mandagni, Deepana, Pachana, INTRODUCTION The disease in which the Grahani gets vitiated and there is impairment of agni is called as Grahani roga
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Agnimandya, Samprapti, Mandagni, Grahanidosha, Grahaniroga, Clinical feature, Premonitory symptom, Etiopathogenesis, Deepana Pachana, Pittaja Grahani, Vataja Grahani, Kaphaja Grahani, Dietary restriction, Tridoshaja Grahani, Grahani management, Ayurvedic classic, Gastrointestinal disease.