An ayurvedic review on rajonivritti

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Journal name: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Original article title: An ayurvedic review on rajonivritti
The International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to Ayurveda. It aims to integrate Ayurvedic concepts with modern scientific understanding, offering a comprehensive source of validated knowledge for both the modern Ayurvedic community and the broader medical fraternity.

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Aswathi Sara Varghese

International Ayurvedic Medical Journal:

(Publishing full-length original papers and reviews on ayurveda)

Full text available for: An ayurvedic review on rajonivritti

Year: 2017

Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

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Summary of article contents:

Ageing isa complex and inevitable process in a woman’s life, which ultimately leads tovarious age related diseases. It involves multiple biological changes in a woman’s body, for which theyare forced to adapt mentally be it from the moment she was born to adolescence in order to be prepared for motherhood or ultimately the transition to menopause. Menopause is a natural phenomenon occurs at the age of 45-55 years. Irregular periods, hot flushes, night sweats etc., are the symptoms of menopause. Ayurveda defines rajonirvritti as a phenomenon occurring due to the jara and pakwasharira . In modern management for this with HRT therapy which results in multiple complications in long term use? Ayurveda treatment for perimenopause involves correcting hormonal imbalance with appropriate diet, Samshamana therapy , Panchakarma therapy, Rasayana and Yoga Keywords: menopause, rajonivritti , rasayana , HRT INTRODUCTION Aging is a complex process in awoman’s life causing gradual lack of adoptiveresponse and various other diseases as time passes. Adolescence and menopause stages are found to be the most crucial ageing process in their life causing various biological and psychological changes in their body. The word ‘Menopause’ comes from the Greek word ‘Menos’ (month) & ‘Pausis’ (cessation). Menopause is anatural phenomenon occurs at the age of 45-55 years. Menopause means permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity 1. Irregularperiods, hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and mood swings all these are symptoms of menopause. Some major health issues in the long run, associated with menopause are osteoporosis and Alzheimer. In Ayurvedic classics, rajonivritti is not described separately Rajonivritti kala is mentioned by almost all Acharyas, is around 50 years 2. Ayurveda meanwhile considers menopause as a result of the imbalance of tridoshas and dhatukshaya as the body is undergoing a transition from yuvavasthato to vriddhavastha (jaraavastha). INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ( ISSN: 2320 5091) (March, 2017) 5 (3) AN AYURVEDIC REVIEW ON RAJONIVRITTI Aswathi Sara Varghese 1 , Sandhya.K 2 Final Year PG Scholar, Professor Department of Prasuthi Tantra & Streeroga, SDM College of Ayurveda Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India Email: aswathisara ABSTRACT Ageing isa complex and inevitable process in a woman’s life, which ultimately leads tovarious age related diseases. It involves multiple biological changes in a woman’s body, for which theyare forced to adapt mentally be it from the moment she was born to adolescence in order to be prepared for motherhood or ultimately the transition to menopause. Menopause is a natural phenomenon occurs at the age of 45-55 years. Irregular periods, hot flushes, night sweats etc., are the symptoms of menopause. Ayurveda defines rajonirvritti as a phenomenon occurring due to the jara and pakwasharira . In modern management for this with HRT therapy which results in multiple complications in long term use? Ayurveda treatment for perimenopause involves correcting hormonal imbalance with appropriate diet, Samshamana therapy , Panchakarma therapy, Rasayana and Yoga Keywords: menopause, rajonivritti , rasayana , HRT INTRODUCTION Aging is a complex process in awoman’s life causing gradual lack of adoptiveresponse and various other diseases as time passes. Adolescence and menopause stages are found to be the most crucial ageing process in their life causing various biological and psychological changes in their body. The word ‘Menopause’ comes from the Greek word ‘Menos’ (month) & ‘Pausis’ (cessation). Menopause is anatural phenomenon occurs at the age of 45-55 years. Menopause means permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity 1. Irregularperiods, hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and mood swings all these are symptoms of menopause. Some major health issues in the long run, associated with menopause are osteoporosis and Alzheimer. In Ayurvedic classics, rajonivritti is not described separately Rajonivritti kala is mentioned by almost all Acharyas, is around 50 years 2. Ayurveda meanwhile considers menopause as a result of the imbalance of tridoshas and dhatukshaya as the body is undergoing a transition from yuvavasthato to vriddhavastha (jaraavastha). INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ( ISSN: 2320 5091) (March, 2017) 5 (3) AN AYURVEDIC REVIEW ON RAJONIVRITTI Aswathi Sara Varghese 1 , Sandhya.K 2 Final Year PG Scholar, Professor Department of Prasuthi Tantra & Streeroga, SDM College of Ayurveda Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India Email: aswathisara ABSTRACT Ageing isa complex and inevitable process in a woman’s life, which ultimately leads tovarious age related diseases. It involves multiple biological changes in a woman’s body, for which theyare forced to adapt mentally be it from the moment she was born to adolescence in order to be prepared for motherhood or ultimately the transition to menopause. Menopause is a natural phenomenon occurs at the age of 45-55 years. Irregular periods, hot flushes, night sweats etc., are the symptoms of menopause. Ayurveda defines rajonirvritti as a phenomenon occurring due to the jara and pakwasharira . In modern management for this with HRT therapy which results in multiple complications in long term use? Ayurveda treatment for perimenopause involves correcting hormonal imbalance with appropriate diet, Samshamana therapy , Panchakarma therapy, Rasayana and Yoga Keywords: menopause, rajonivritti , rasayana , HRT INTRODUCTION Aging is a complex process in awoman

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Rasayana therapy, Panchakarma Therapy, Ageing process, Phytoestrogen, Samshamana therapy, Yoga Therapies, Rajonivritti kala, Symptoms of menopause, Menopause symptoms.

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