Literature review of draksha (vitis vinifera)

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Journal name: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Original article title: Literature review of draksha (vitis vinifera)
The International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to Ayurveda. It aims to integrate Ayurvedic concepts with modern scientific understanding, offering a comprehensive source of validated knowledge for both the modern Ayurvedic community and the broader medical fraternity.

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Suchetha Kumari

International Ayurvedic Medical Journal:

(Publishing full-length original papers and reviews on ayurveda)

Full text available for: Literature review of draksha (vitis vinifera)

Year: 2017

Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

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Summary of article contents:

The draksha ( vitis vinifera ), belonging to family vitaceae, is used since ancient time for therapeutic purposes. Draksha has been widely used in the traditional Indian medical system of ‘Ayurveda’ for the treatment of a variety of ailments. Draksha is madhura and kashaya in taste ( Rasa ), and its vipaka is madhura and veerya is sheeta . It is vatapitta shamaka . In literature it is found that draksha is useful in many diseases like swarabeda(throat disorder), dourbalya (fatigue), raktapitta (bleeding disorder), netraroga, (eye disorder) rajayakshma (tuberculosis), daha(burning sensation), trshna(thirst), jwara (fever), vamana (vomiting), shukra dourbalya (semendisorder). It is identified as vitis vinifera from the family vitaceae, worldwide renewal of interest in herbal system of medicines. It is very essential to have a proper documentation of such useful medicinal plants. In this review an attempt is made to compile and document information from literature on Draksha . Keywords: Draksha

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Madhurarasa, Dose, Chemical composition, Therapeutic purpose, Pharmacological action, Draksha (Vitis vinifera), Madhura and Kashaya, Traditional Indian medical system, Therapeutic constituents, Nighantu Era, Indian Material Medica, Formulations and preparations, Arginine, Health benefit.

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