Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of Cordia dichotoma (Forster F.) bark extracts
Journal name: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
Original article title: Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of Cordia dichotoma (Forster F.) bark extracts
AYU is an internationally recognized quarterly journal dedicated to advancing research in Ayurveda. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including clinical and pharmacological research in Ayurveda's eight branches, herbal remedies, phytochemistry, and ethnomedicine.
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Pankaj B. Nariya
Nayan R. Bhalodia
V. J. Shukla
R. N. Acharya
AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda):
(An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
Full text available for: Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of Cordia dichotoma (Forster F.) bark extracts
Year: 2011 | Doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.96138
Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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Summary of article contents:
Cordia dichotoma Forst.f. bark, identified as botanical source of Shlesmataka in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeias. Present study was carried out with an objective to investigate the antibacterial and antifungal potentials of Cordia dichotoma bark. Antibacterial activity of methanol and butanol extracts of the bark was carried out against two gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and two Gram positive bacteria (St. pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus). The antifungal activity of the extracts was carried out against three common pathogenic fungi (Aspergillus niger, A.clavatus, and Candida albicans). Zone of inhibition of extracts was compared with that of different standards like Amplicilline, Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin and Chloramphenicol for antibacterial activity and Nystain and Greseofulvin for antifungal activity. The extracts showed remarkable inhibition of zone of bacterial growth and fungal growth and the results obtained were comparable with that of standards drugs against the organisms tested. The activity of extracts increased linearly with increase in concentration of extract (mg/ml). The results showed the antibacterial and antifungal activity against the organisms tested. Keywords: Antibacterial, antifungal, Cordia dichotoma, gram positive, gram negative, in vitro
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Traditional medicine, Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia, Antibacterial activity, Phytochemical analysis, In vitro, Zone of inhibition, Antimicrobial agent, Antifungal activity, Gram positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria, Drug resistant bacteria, Antibiotic resistance, Plant Extract, Natural source, Microbial infection.