
The Chronicle of The Kings of Norway

by Snorri Sturlson | c.1179-1241 | 320,198 words

The "Heimskringla" of Snorri Sturlason is a collection of sagas concerning the various rulers of Norway, from about A.D. 850 to the year A.D. 1177....

Go directly to: Footnotes.

Chapter XV - Saga Of Hakon Herdebreid

(hakon The Broad-shouldered)

- Sub-Contents: (+ / -)


Preliminary Remarks:

This saga describes the feud between Hakon Sigurdson and his uncle Inge.

The only skald quoted is Einar Skulason.

Footnotes and references:

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The period is from A.D. 1157 to 1161. — L.

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