News: February Update

Date: 2012, 26 February

Not much happened the past few weeks on the content, but i have been working on a new Chapter browsing tool. For starters, every chapter now has a small navigation box that says on the exact same position wherever you scroll!

As you can see it contains the following new features you can use for every chapter:

Print page: A printer-friendly page with default text formatting and no non-chapter related content.
Share with friends: Click to show 3 social media buttons.
Show book index: Opens the popup in the bottom right corner of the screen with book index

Show Glossary: If you click this the box will enlarge and show a glossary with words related to this chapter. Every word listed in the sidebar glossary has at least 1 definition in the database.

Please note, the "show glossary" is experimental and is based on a default full-text engine, thus not every word may get indexed correctly. Another thing is that a chapter may contain words in different encodings as in words in the glossary. If you spot a word that is not listed in the new sidebar "show glossary", but does exists in the glossary database, let me know and i would be happy to fix this!

Hope you enjoy.

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