Tilakamanjari of Dhanapala (study)

by Shri N. M. Kansara | 1970 | 228,453 words

This is an English study of the Tilakamanjari of Dhanapala, a Sanskrit poem written in the 11th century. Technically, the Tilaka-manjari is classified as a Gadyakavya (“prose-romance”). The author, Dhanapala was a court poet to the Paramara king Munja, who ruled the Kingdom of Malwa in ancient west-central India. Alternative titles: Dhanapāla Tila...

Appendix 9 - Commentaries (3): Tilakamanjari-vritti

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The author of this Tilakamanjari-Vritti was Pannyasa Padmasagara, a disciple of Dharmasagara Gani. He was not the disciple of Vimalasagara as has been belie- 22 23 ved by Shri M.D.Desai and Pandit Mafatlal Zaveri. In fact Shri Vijayasenasuri ( and not Vimalasagara) only inspired him to undertake the work while he was in Cambay." As is usual with the Jain monks, the author of this commentary carried on his work during his sojourn from place to place 25 and completed it in Broach, in Vikrama Samvata 1635 (i.e. about 1579 A.D.). The literary activity of Pannyasa Padmasagara extended from 1578 A.D. to 1601 A.D. during which he is known to have composed ; (i) Naya-prakasa-tika; (ii)silaprakasa; (iii) Dharma-pariksa; (iv) Jagadguru-kavya; (v) Uttaradhyayana-katha-sangraha; (vi) Yukti-prakasa with a commentary%; (vii) Pramana-prakasa with a Vrtti; (viii) Yasodhara-carita 3B and the Sthulibhadra-carita. 26. 27 21. cf.Colophone of the Tilakamanjari-vritti of Padmasagara in photograph No.437: nirmitaca madopadhyaya sri 6 dharma sagara ganisisya pam0 padmasagara ganibhih | ukesavamsasambhutameghaji samghunandanah | suraji namakah sadhuh prati- netama lekhayata in the beginning of Part one; also see ft.nt.24@halowe 24 below. 22. Jaina Sahitya-no Samksipta Itihasa,pp.586-587. 23. Tilakamanjari, Pt.I,Introduction, p.29. 24. cf.Pams. Vrt. photograph No. 1: 2941120427/201159 desatah | stambhatirtha pure vyakhya kurute padmasagarah || 3|| 25. ibid. photograph No. 438 : sriyacakagresara dharma sagara kumajasevapara- padmasagarah | cakara vrtim bhrgukaccha madhye pamcatrisacandra mile'mite'bde || 6 || 26. Jaina Sahitya-no Samksipta Itihasa, pp. 586-587. / 27.Tilakamanjari,Pt. I,Intro.,p.30.

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☑ 1107 Evenly competing, by its extent of nine thousand gaanthas, with the size of the Tilakamanjari of Dhanapala, this commentary seems to have been commenced nicely. But the author does not carry on his enthusiasm beyond the introductory verses, and on the text proper he skips off many a passage. It is brief and covers, though not word by word, almost all the difficult passages in the text of the Tilakamanjari of Dhanapala, and follows the 'Khandanvaya' method of first giving the basic principal part of the sentence and then gradually explaining the adjectives. As regards pointing out the metres and the figures of speech, this commentator is rather not much interested in it! But after all it is a simple Vrtti mainly aiming at explaining difficult passages. It has not yet been fully published 28 A photo-copy. consisting of 438 photographs (being negative the paper black is/wwhile the letters are white) of the full work of 222 folios, is at present preserved in the personal Bhan- dara of Muni Shri Punyavijayaji at Ahmedabad. The copy is 29 quite readable. Another Ms. written on paper (folios. 127; size 12 x 27.5 cms.) dated Vikrama Samvata 1973 of the KantivijayaBhandara (No.2035) is preserved in the Shri Atmananda 28. Its publication, along with Santyacarya's Tippanaka and Vijayalavanyasuri's Paraga, was started in 1940. A.D. by Ishvardas Mulchand on behalf of Jaina Grantha Prakashaka Sabha.But somehow it did not proceed beyond the publication of the first volume covering the portion upto pp.1-9 of Tilakamanjari ' paksa 29. cf. the end of the Colophone : samvat 1973 varse bhadrapadakrsna po 13 madvasare subham bhavatu etc.

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30 1108 Jaina Jnanamandira, Baroda. the j The readings of the text of the Tilakamanjari of Dhanapala accepted by this commentary are sometimes not very exact. Moreover, it leaves out many passages, about the critical readings of which it is only" generally helpful" as has been rightly 31 evaluated by Pandits Virachand and Prabhudas?

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