Paumacariya (critical study)

by K. R. Chandra | 1970 | 238,015 words

This is an English study of the Paumacariya: the earliest Jain version of Rama's life story, written in Prakrit by Vimalasuri dating to the 4th century AD. In this text, Rama (referred to as Padma) is depicted with lotus-like eyes and a blooming face. The Paumacariya places emphasis on the human aspects of characters rooted in Jain values, contrast...

6. Genealogy of the Hari Vamsa dynasty

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It does not mention the The names in it are also the whole the four Jaina The Paumacariya narrates that during the congregation of Sitalanatha, the tenth Tirthankara, Sumukha, the king of Kosambi kidnapped Vanamali, the wife of a weaver, Viraka by name (Virayakuvindo) and put her into his harem. In due course both of them, being struck with the lightning, died and were reborn in the Harivamsa country (Harivasa). Viraka was distressed by the separation from his wife. He took to asceticism under Muni Pottilaka (21.5). After his death he was reborn as a celestial being. By the power of his

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ORIGIN AND GENEALOGY OF VARIOUS vaMsaS 227 clairvoyance he perceived the existence of the couple in the Harivarsa country. He kidnapped that couple and brought it to Campanagara (The couple was made the king and the queen of that city). The new king came to be known as Hariraja, because he was born in the Harivarsa (Harivasasamuppanno) and was kindnapped from there (hariuna anio). Thus the Hari Vamsa originated at Campanagara after the name of Hari (21-2-7). In this line was born Janaka, the father of Sita (21. 33). In the RCR (21. 2), Viraka is a merchant. The cause of their death is not mentioned while the pair was reborn in Haripura of Haritaksetra (21. 7). Then they repaired to the 'Bhogabhumi' of the southern part of the Rukmagiri. From there they were kidnapped to The name of the town is the Bharata country. not mentioned (21. 2-7). Vasudevahindi agrees with the Paumacariya and further mentions that Candrakirti, the Iksvaku king of Campa died heirless. In his place the kidnapped person was enthroned and named as Hari (I. p. 356). His wife is named Harini. According to the Harivamsapurana of Jinasenasuri (Chs. 14 & 15), Viraka is a merchant. A maid-servant (duti) Atreyi is said to have been sent by king Sumukha to seduce Vanamala. Sumukha is reborn as a son of a Khecara in Haripura situated on the Vijayardha mountain and Vanamala as Meghapura. Both of them got married. Campapura. The heirless king who died Amrtadidhitikirti (i.e. Candrakirti 15. 53). who succeeded the throne there gave birth to Hari. came to be known as Hari Vamsa. a Khecara-daughter in They are kidnapped to in that city is called The kidnapped couple After him the line The Trishashti Shalaka Purusha-caritra (Vol.IV.p 73) has introduced a minister, Sumati by name, who through a nun named Atreyika seduced Vanamala for Sumukha. The twins born at Harivarsa are named Hari and Harini. The name of the king of Campa is Candrakirti who belonged to the Iksvaku line. The celestial being (Viraka) is said to have inspired the minister to make Hari as the king of Campa. Amaracandrasuri also gives the same account1. According to the Ramapurana of Bhattaraka Somasena. (p. 70) the minister of Sumukha sent Viraka to some distant country and then procured his wife through a duti. It follows the Paumacariya when it mentions that Viraka became a monk under Prosthila Muni. Further it tells us that Sumukha 1. Caturvimsati Jinendra Samksipta Caritani, Ch. 20. 4-28,

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228 A CRITICAL STUDY OF PAUMACARIYAM was reborn as Simhaketu in the house of king Prabhanjana of Hari Vamsa and queen Mrtkanda hailing from Bhogapura situated in the Haripura country of the Bharataksetra. Vanamala was reborn as Vidyutmala being the daughter of Vajraghosa, the king of Silapura and his queen Subhama. Both of them got married. An elephant is introduced to select Simhaketu to succeed the throne of the heirless king of Campapuri. The new king was renamed as Markandeya. As his father belonged to Hari Vamsa hence this line was also known as Hari Vamsa. It has been stated elswhere that according to the Ramapurana of Bhattaraka Somasena., the Hari Vamsa was already established by Rsabha and the first king of this line was Harikanta of Campapuri (p. 4). Thus Somasena has mingled the traditions of the Paumacariya, the Adipurana and the Trishashti Shalaka Purusha-caritra According to the Adipurana (16. 259) and Mahapurana (5. 22. 6) Rsabhadeva had established Hari Vamsa and made Harikanta as the king of that Vamsa. According to the Brahmanical tradition Janaka did not belong to the Hari Vamsa. The Puranas tell us that Srikrsna was born in the Lunar dynasty (Candra Vamsa). He was known as Hari so his lineage came to be known as Hari Vamsa, There is a Purana which deals with the life of Srikrsna and it is named as Harivamsapurana, because Hari and Srikrsna are made identical. But in the Paumacariyam, the Soma (Lunar) and the Hari Vamsas are two different dynasties (5-2) without having any relation to each other. As regards the Vamsa to which Janaka belonged, the Valmiki Ramayana states that he was born in the line of Nimi (1.71), the twelfth son of Iksvaku. (7.55.4). The Puranas also agree with this account (Visnupurana, 4. 5. 1). It is said that after the name of Janaka (son of Nimi) the line came to be known as Janaka Vamsa in which, after many generations, was born Janaka II, the father of Sita (Visnupurana, 4. 5. 32). Thus the Jaina and the Brahmanical traditions differ as regards the name of Vamsa to which Janaka belonged and also about the origin of Hari Vamsa. The following is the genealogical list of the kings of the Hari Vamsa as found in the Jaina works:-

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ORIGIN AND GENEALOGY OF VARIOUS VAMSAS Paumacariya, 21.1-33 Paumacariya, 21 1. Hariraya1 Hari 2. Mahagiri Mahagiri 3. Himagiri Himagiri 4. Vasugiri Vasugiri 5. Indagiri Indragiri 6. Rayanamali Ratnamala 7. Sambhuta Sambhuta 8. Bhuyadeva Bhutadeva 9. Mahidhara (and others) Mahidhara(and others) Sumitra Munisuvrata Trishashti Shalaka Purusha-caritra, IV. p. 78 Hari Ramapurana of Bhattaraka Somasena., p. 71 & 81 Markandeya Mahagiri Prthvipati Himagiri Vasugiri Giri Mitragiri (And others) Sumitra Munisuvrata 10. Sumitta 11. Munisuvvaya 12. Suvvaya 13. Dakkha 14. Ilavaddhana 15. Sirivaddhana 16. Sirivakkha Suvrata Daksa Suvrata (and others) Ilavardhana Srivardhana Srivsksa 17. Sanjayanta Sanjayanta 18. Kunima Kunima 19. Maharaha Maharatha Puloman (and others) Hemagiri Vasugiri (And others) Sumitra Munisuvrata Vijaya Daksa Ilavardhana Srivardhana Srivrksa Sanjayanta Kunima Maharatha Puloman (and others) (and others) 1. Hari of Campanagara (21.6). 2. Sumitra of Kusagranagara (21.11). 229

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Paumacariya, 21.1-33 20. Vasavakeu3 (Indakeu) (28.15) (wife-Ila) Vasavaketu Paumacariya, 21 Trishashti Shalaka Purusha-caritra, IV. p. 78 (Indraketu) (wife-Vipula) 21. Janaka (wife-Vaidehi) Janaka (wife-Vaidehi) Janaka Sita Bhamandala Identical with the Paumacariya Ramapurana of Bhattaraka Somasena., p. 71 & 81 Vasavaketu (wife-Vipula) Janaka 230 A CRITICAL STUDY OF PAUMACARIYAM The following is the list of the ancestors of Janaka as found in the Brahmanical works:- Valmiki Ramayana, 1.71 1. Iksvaku (7.55.4) 2. Nimi 3. Mithi Visnupurana, 4.5 lksvaku Nimi Valmiki Ramayana, 171 11. Dhrtimat (Sudhrti) 12. Dhrstaketu Janaka, or Mithi or 13. Haryasva Vaideha 14. Maru 15. Pratindhaka 4. Janaka I 5. Udavasu Udavasu 16. Kirtiratha 6. Nandivardhana Nandivardhana 17. Devamiidha 7. Suketu Suketu 18. Vibudha 8. Devarat Devarat 19. Mahidhraka Brhaduktha 20. Kirtirata 9. Brhadratha (Brhadratha)2 21. Maharoman 10. Mahavira Mahavirya 22. Svarnaroman Visnupurana, 4.5 Sudhrti Dhrstaketu Haryasva Manu (Maru)3 Pratika Krtaratha Devamidha Vibudha Mahadhrti Krtarata (Krtivata3) Maharoman Suvarnaroman. 1. Vasavaketu of Mithila (21,32). Thus their capitals shifted from place to place. 2.3. Bhagavatapurana.

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ORIGIN AND GENEALOGY OF VARIOUS VAMSAS Valmiki Ramayana, 171 23. Hrsvaroman Visnupurana, 4.5 Hrsvaroman 24. Janaka II Kusadhvaja Siradhvaja Kusadhvaja Sita 231 Sita Bhanumat The Valmiki Ramayana and the Puranas are generally in agreement as regards the names and the number of the ancestors of Janaka. Mithi and Janaka I are two persons in the Valmiki Ramayana while in the Puranas they are one and the same person. Then Janaka II, the father of Sita is called Siradhvaja in the Puranas. A comparison of the account of the origin and the genealogical list of the Brahmanical tradition with that of the Paumacariya indicates that the Paumacariya is giving quite an independent version. The Paumacariya mentions that Janaka belonged to Hari Vamsa while the Valmiki Ramayana states that he is a descendant of Iksvaku. The line of continuity breaks at two places in the Paumacariya while in the Valmiki Ramayana it is continuous and there is not a single name preceding Janaka (the father of Sita) which may be common to the Jaina and the Brahmanical traditions. As regards the genealogical lists found in other Jaina works, the Paumacariya, except one additional name of Puloman, agrees with that of the Paumacariya The Trishashti Shalaka Purusha-caritra gives very few names and the names of Prthvipati, Giri and Mitragiri are not found in the Paumacariya Prthvipati is mentioned in the Vasudevahindi Vol. I. (p. 307). The Ramapurana of Bhattaraka Somasena. mentions the name of the first king as Markandeya and then follows the Paumacariya leaving out many successors after Vasugiri and it has different name for No. 12. It is a common feature of all the Jaina lists that they are not complete and countinuous.

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