Jain Science and Spirituality

by Medhavi Jain | 2020 | 61,419 words

This essay studies the elements of Jainism and investigates how Jain science and philosophy can give the world answers to through science and spirituality. Instead of interpreting it as a confined, strict philosophy, it is shown that Jainism represents a path towards self-awakening through self-improvement....

3.3. Types of Meditation

‘There are two sorts of meditation: shukla dhyana and dharmya dhyana. The previous means contemplation on oneself or the spirit. The latter means knowing, in reflection, the embodiment of things other than the spirit. Let us additionally remember the distinction between the term dharma and dharmya. The previous alludes to religious or spiritual conduct, while the last alludes to the nature or essence of things. Dharmya Dhyana is a procedure of contemplation on the essence of things and their utility for specific purposes. It is a scholarly endeavour. It should, be that as it may, be noticed that basic reflection isn't dhyana. It progresses toward becoming dhyana just when you have controlled it and intentionally provided it a guidance.’[1]

A higher stage of meditation where the seeker can enter as per his desire.

The other two types of meditation in Jainism are: Arta dhyana and raudra dhyana, which means to meditate upon negative emotions like anger and misery.

‘Other than contemplation, there is another sort of dhyana which might be called thoughtless meditation. Both have their very own significance. Darshana is dhyana without musings. In this contemplation thinking is altogether absent. The practitioner does not think. He just observes. In addition, it includes a reason likewise, else it won't have a bearing. Therefore, there are two sorts of dhyana, contemplative meditation and perceptive meditation.’[2]

Darshana is closer to the realisations one has, as they are not related to a particular thinking pattern, they simply present themselves in the mind of the seeker often providing instant solution or clearing some obstacle from a thought; whereas in contemplation one focuses one’s energy into a particular object or idea.

Footnotes and references:


MBM. pp. 11


MBM. pp. 12

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