Jain Science and Spirituality

by Medhavi Jain | 2020 | 61,419 words

This essay studies the elements of Jainism and investigates how Jain science and philosophy can give the world answers to through science and spirituality. Instead of interpreting it as a confined, strict philosophy, it is shown that Jainism represents a path towards self-awakening through self-improvement....

5.6. Metaphysics and Self-Improvement

‘We are not here by some fortuitous event of nature. We are divine creatures, selected for some time in this planetary school, and we have conceived our educational modules so as to upgrade the learning procedure. We are from the light, yet we are of the light, and we are such a great amount of more astute than we would ever envision. We should simply to recall.’[1]

Often in our life’s routine we see examples that describe a person’s extraordinary transformation from a dumb to a genius. This is nothing but peeling-off of many layers from one’s mind that leads to a newer strength, higher levels of confidence and better understanding of a particular subject.

According to Jain philosophy gaining knowledge is removing innumerable layers of gyanavarniya karma, and by doing so getting closer to one’s true essence that is the consciousness, all knowledgeable, all blissful. Being humans we all have some strengths as well as weaknesses.

We cannot have an idea of whatever is happening to us, all we can do is to improvise our thoughts even in the most adverse circumstances, eventually our reactions lead us to further learning.

‘There are various dimensions of learning, and we should gain proficiency with some of them in the flesh. We should feel the agony. When you are a soul you feel no torment. It is a time of re-establishment. Your spirit is being reestablished. When you are in physical state in the substance, you can feel torment; you can hurt. In profound structure you don't feel. There is just bliss, a feeling of wellbeing.’[2]

In the state of pure consciousness one is beyond the boundaries of gender and all one understands is why this happened and how and then one is at peace.

‘That which is in this world is genuine and that which isn't is not. To be is reality and to not to be is non-reality. All savants and pragmatists have thought on existence. They have reflected, yet have additionally broke down it. The principle task of rationality is to dissect reality.’[3]

And the job of metaphysics is to help one in understanding that reality through philosophy.

Out of the six substances, only time is the one which does not have an existence, it is there in an abstract form and the rest of the five substances together are called, ‘pancastikaya’ that which has a kaya (being).

Out of these five only soul is the unique one in having consciousness.

‘Soul is an unbreakable surface of units of consciousness (atma-pradesha), it is called jivastikaya.’[4]

Footnotes and references:


Dr. Weiss Brian. Messages From The Masters (MFTM). UK. CPI Mackays, Chatham, 2000. pp. 51


MFTM. pp. 60


Acharya Mahaprajna. The Quest For Truth (TQFT). Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, Ladnun. 2003. pp. 172


TQFT. pp. 180

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