Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
by Helen M. Johnson | 1931 | 742,503 words
This page describes Story of Kalyanamala which is the third part of chapter V of the English translation of the Jain Ramayana, contained within the “Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra”: a massive Jain narrative relgious text composed by Hemacandra in the 12th century. This Jain Ramayana contains the biographies of Rama, Lakshmana, Ravana, Naminatha, Harishena-cakravartin and Jaya-cakravartin: all included in the list of 63 illustrious beings or worthy persons.
Part 3: Story of Kalyāṇamāla
Rāma passed the night there with Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa and started at dawn. In course of time he came to a place where there was no water. While Sītā, who was thirsty, rested under a tree, at Rāma’s command Saumitri went to get water. As he went, he saw a pool adorned with many lotuses, giving delight at a distance like a dear companion. Then the king of Kūbarapura, King Kalyāṇamāla, came there and saw Lakṣmaṇa. At once he was pierced by Kāma’s arrows whose nature is to pierce and, bowing to Lakṣmaṇa, said, “Be my guest for dinner.” Observing the agitation of love and bodily characteristics, Lakṣmaṇa thought, “She is a woman, but dressed as a man for some reason.” With these reflections, Saumitri said, “My lord and his wife are in a place not far from here. I can not eat without him.” He had Raghūdvaha and Sītā conducted to that place by distinguished men with good manners and gentle speech who had invited them. He, noble-minded, bowed to Rāmabhadra and Maithilī and had a tent set up at once for their use.
He approached Rāma there after he had bathed and eaten, accompanied by one minister, having a woman’s appearance, and without attendants. Rāghava said to her whose face was bowed from embarrassment, “Wby do you conceal that you are a woman by men’s clothes, sir?”
Then the lord of Kūbara said: “In the city Kūbara there is a king, Vālikhilya, whose wife was named Pṛthvī. She became pregnant. One day Vālikhilya was taken away by Mleccha soldiers who had come for an attack and had captured him. Afterwards Queen Pṛthvī bore me, a daughter, and the minister Subuddhi proclaimed, ‘A son was born.’ The lord, Siṃhodara, when he was informed of the birth of a son, said, ‘Let the boy be king there until the return of Vālikhilya.’ I grew up gradually, wearing men’s clothes from the beginning, unnoticed by others except my mother and ministers. Known by the name of Kalyāṇamāla, I exercise sovereignty from suitable advice of ministers. There can be truth even in pretense. I have sent a great deal of money to the Mlecchas for my father’s release; they take the money but do not release my father. Be gracious. Release my father from them now, just as King Vajrakarṇa was formerly released from Siṃhodara.” Rāma said, “Continue wearing men’s clothes and ruling your kingdom until we have gone and freed your father from the Mlecchas.” The woman, wearing men’s clothes, said, “That is a great favor,” and the minister Subuddhi, “Let Lakṣmaṇa be her husband.” Rāghava said, “At our father’s command, we are going to a foreign country. When we have returned, Lakṣmaṇa will marry her.” They agreed to this and Kākutstha stayed there for three days.
In the last part of the night while people slept, he departed with Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa. When she did not see Jānakī, Rāma, and Lakṣmaṇa at daybreak, she, downcast, went to her own city and ruled the kingdom as usual.