Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra

by Helen M. Johnson | 1931 | 742,503 words

This page describes Birth-rites of Kunthu which is the fourth part of chapter I of the English translation of the Shri Kunthusvami-caritra, contained within the “Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra”: a massive Jain narrative relgious text composed by Hemacandra in the 12th century. Shri Kunthusvami in jainism is one of the 63 illustrious beings or worthy persons.

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Part 4: Birth-rites of Kunthu

Now Siṃhāvaha’s soul completed its life of thirty-three sāgasas in the palace Sarvārthasiddha. His soul fell on the ninth day of the dark half of Śrāvaṇa, the moon being in Kṛttikā, and descended into Śrī’s womb. A white, four-tusked elephant; a hull the color of the night-blooming lotus;[1] a lion with a high mane; Lakṣmī, beautiful from sprinkling; a five-coloured wreath of flowers; a full moon; a shining sun; a flag-staff with a banner; a full golden pitcher; a pool filled with lotuses; an ocean with high waves; a palace made of jewels; a lofty heap of jewels; a smokeless fire—she saw these fourteen dreams. At dawn the king explained the dreams described by the queen, “According to these dreams your son will be a Cakrabhṛt and a Tīrthakṛt.”

Then in nine months, seven and a half days, on the fourteenth day of the dark half of Rādha, the moon being in Kṛttikā, the planets being exalted, Queen Śrī bore a son marked with a goat, golden, complete with all the favorable marks. For a moment there was comfort to the hell-inhabitants and light in the three worlds. Then the thrones of Śakra and the other Indras shook. The fifty-six Dikkumārīs approached instantly like servants, at the shaking of their thrones, and performed the birth-rites. Śakra became five-fold and took the Lord to Mt. Meru, and the sixty-three Indras bathed him with water from the sacred places.

Śakra set the Lord on Īśāna’s lap and bathed him then, made a pūjā, et cetera, and began to praise him aloud.


“Today the waters of the oceans, Kṣīroda, et cetera, the lotuses and water of the lakes, Padma, et cetera, the herbs of the mountains, Kṣudrahimavat, et cetera, the flowers of the gardens, Bhadraśāla, et cetera, sandal from the ground at the foot of Malaya, et cetera, have their purpose accomplished by means of bathing you, Lord of the World. The power of all of the gods has its purpose accomplished by celebrating the festival of your birth-kalyāṇa,[2] god. Today Meru, adorned by you, like a palace by a statue, has become the most important mountain; today it has become a sacred place. Today eyes have become eyes; hands have become hands by seeing and touching you, Lord of the Earth. Today our inborn clairvoyance was fruitful since we made your birth-festival after knowing your birth, O Jina. Just as you were on my heart today at the time of your bath, may you be within my heart for a long time, Lord.”

After praising the Ford of the World in these words, Purandara took him quickly, went to Hâstinapura and put him at Queen Śrī’s side.

Footnotes and references:

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See I, n. 147.

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