Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra

by Helen M. Johnson | 1931 | 742,503 words

This is the English translation of the Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Charita (literally “The lives of the sixty-three illustrious People”), a Sanskrit epic poem written by Hemachandra in the twelfth century. The work relates the history and legends of important figures in the Jain faith. These 63 persons include: the twenty four tirthankaras , the t...

Tattva 7: Nirjarā (destruction of karma)

A. Outer Austerities.

  1. Anaśana.
  2. Aunodarya.
  3. Vṛttisaṅkṣepa.
  4. Rasatyāga.
  5. Kāyakleśa.
  6. Saṃlīnatā.

B. Inner Austerities.

  1. Prāyaścitta.
  2. Vinaya.
    1. Jñānavinaya.
    2. Darśanavinaya
    3. Cāritravinaya
    4. Upacāravinaya
  3. Vaiyāvṛttya. (See n. 123.)
  4. Svādhyāya.
  5. Dhyāna. (See n. 8.)
  6. Vyutsarga.
    1. Dravya.
    2. Bhāva.
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