Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
by Helen M. Johnson | 1931 | 742,503 words
This is the English translation of the Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Charita (literally “The lives of the sixty-three illustrious People”), a Sanskrit epic poem written by Hemachandra in the twelfth century. The work relates the history and legends of important figures in the Jain faith. These 63 persons include: the twenty four tirthankaras , the t...
Tattva 7: Nirjarā (destruction of karma)
A. Outer Austerities.
- Anaśana.
- Aunodarya.
- Vṛttisaṅkṣepa.
- Rasatyāga.
- Kāyakleśa.
- Saṃlīnatā.
B. Inner Austerities.
- Prāyaścitta.
- Vinaya.
- Vaiyāvṛttya. (See n. 123.)
- Svādhyāya.
- Dhyāna. (See n. 8.)
- Vyutsarga.