Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
by Helen M. Johnson | 1931 | 742,503 words
This page describes The Bhavanapatis which is the eighteenth part of chapter III of the English translation of the Ajitanatha-caritra, contained within the “Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra”: a massive Jain narrative relgious text composed by Hemacandra in the 12th century. Ajitanatha in jainism is the second Tirthankara (Jina) and one of the 63 illustrious beings or worthy persons.
Part 18: The Bhavanapatis
The Bhavanapatis are in two rows in the north and south, like rows of shops on the highway. The Bhavanādhipas are as follows:
- the Asuras with a crest-jewel cihna;
- the Nāgas with a snake-hood cihna;
- the Vidyuts with a thunderbolt as cihna;
- the Suparṇas with a garuḍa as cihna;
- the Vahnis with the jar-cihna;
- the Vāyus with the horse-cihna;
- the Stanitas with the vardhamāna-aṅka;
- the Udadhis with the makara-aṅka;
- the Dvīpas with the lion-lāñchana;
- the Dikkumāras with the elephant-lāñchana.
Among these the two Indras of the Asuras are Camara and Bali; Dharaṇa and Bhūtānanda are the Purandaras of the Nāgas; of the Vidyutkumāras Hari and Harisaha; of the Suparṇas the Vāsavas are Veṇudeva and Veṇudārin; the lords of the Agnikumāras are Agniśikha and Agnimāṇava; Velamba and Prabhañjana of the Vāyukumāras; of the Stanitas the Vāsavas are Sughoṣā and Mahāghoṣa; Indras of the Abdhikumāras are Jalakānti and Jalaprabha; Pūrṇa and Avaśiṣṭa are overlords of the Dvīpakumāras; Amita and Amitavāhana are the lords of the Dikkumāras.