Tattvartha Sutra (with commentary)
by Vijay K. Jain | 2018 | 130,587 words | ISBN-10: 8193272625 | ISBN-13: 9788193272626
This page describes the divisions of the laukantika deva which is verse 4.25 of the English translation of the Tattvartha Sutra which represents the essentials of Jainism and Jain dharma and deals with the basics on Karma, Cosmology, Ethics, Celestial beings and Liberation. The Tattvarthasutra is authorative among both Digambara and Shvetambara. This is verse 25 of the chapter The Celestial Beings and includes an extensive commentary.
Verse 4.25 - The divisions of the Laukāntika deva
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of Tattvartha sūtra 4.25:
सारस्वतादित्यवह्नयरुणगर्दतोयतुषिताव्याबाधारिष्टाश्च ॥ ४.२५ ॥
sārasvatādityavahnayaruṇagardatoyatuṣitāvyābādhāriṣṭāśca || 4.25 ||
The ‘laukāntika’ deva are (the groups of) Sārasvata, Āditya, Vahni, Aruṇa, Gardatoya, Tuṣita, Avyābādha and Ariṣṭa. (25)
Hindi Anvayarth:
अन्वयार्थ: लौकान्तिक देवों के आठ भेद हैं:-1. सारस्वत, 2. आदित्य, 3. वह्नि, 4. अरुण, 5. गर्दतोय, 6. तुषित, 7. अव्याबाध और 8. अरिष्ट-ये देव ब्रह्मलोक की ईशान इत्यादि आठ दिशाओं में रहते हैं।
Anvayartha: laukantika devom ke atha bheda haim:-1. sarasvata, 2. aditya, 3. vahni, 4. aruna, 5. gardatoya, 6. tushita, 7. avyabadha aura 8. arishta-ye deva brahmaloka ki ishana ityadi atha dishaom mem rahate haim |
Explanation in English from Ācārya Pūjyapāda’s Sarvārthasiddhi:
The ‘laukāntika’ deva have been mentioned in general. Their divisions are mentioned next.
Where do these dwell? These eight classes of deva reside in the eight directions of north-east, etc., respectively. The abode (vimāna) of Sārasvata group is in the north-east direction, that of Āditya group in the east, that of Vahni group in the east-south, that of Aruṇa group in the south, that of Gardatoya group in the south-west, that of Tuṣita group in the west, that of Avyābādha group in the north-west, and that of Ariṣṭa group in the north. The particle ‘ca’ is intended to include two groups of deva between each pair of those enumerated. It is as follows. Between Sārasvata and Āditya are Agnyābha and Suryābha. Between Āditya and Vahni are Candrābha and Satyābha. Between Vahni and Aruṇa are Śreyaskara and Kṣemaṅkara. Between Aruṇa and Gardatoya are Vṛṣabheṣṭa and Kāmacāra. Between Gardatoya and Tuṣita are Nirmāṇarajas and Digantarakṣita. Between Tuṣita and Avyābādha are Ātmarakṣita and Sarvarakṣita. Between Avyābādha and Ariṣṭa are Marut and Vasu. Between Ariṣṭa and Sārasvata are Aśva and Viśva. All these are independent as there is no inequality among them. Being devoid of longing for sensual pleasures, they are celestial-sages (devaṛṣi). They are worthy of veneration by the other deva. They are well-versed in the Scripture comprising fourteen pūrva. They descend from the heaven for commending the resolve of the Tīrthaṅkara when he adopts renunciation.