Tattvartha Sutra (with commentary)
by Vijay K. Jain | 2018 | 130,587 words | ISBN-10: 8193272625 | ISBN-13: 9788193272626
This page describes synonyms of sensory-knowledge (matijnana) which is verse 1.13 of the English translation of the Tattvartha Sutra which represents the essentials of Jainism and Jain dharma and deals with the basics on Karma, Cosmology, Ethics, Celestial beings and Liberation. The Tattvarthasutra is authorative among both Digambara and Shvetambara. This is verse 13 of the chapter Right Faith and Knowledge and includes an extensive commentary.
Verse 1.13 - Synonyms of sensory-knowledge (matijñāna)
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of Tattvartha sūtra 1.13:
मतिः स्मृतिः संज्ञा चिन्ताऽभिनिबोध इत्यनर्थान्तरम् ॥ १.१३ ॥
matiḥ smṛtiḥ saṃjñā cintā'bhinibodha ityanarthāntaram || 1.13 ||
Sensory cognition–mati, remembrance–smṛti, recognition–samjñā, induction–cintā, and deduction–abhinibodha, are synonyms of sensory-knowledge (matijñāna). (13)
Hindi Anvayarth:
अन्वयार्थ: [मतिः] मति, [स्मृतिः] स्मृति, [संज्ञा] संज्ञा, [चिन्ता] चिन्ता, [अभिनिबोध] अभिनिबोध, [इति] इत्यादि, [अनर्थान्तरम्] अन्य पदार्थ नहीं हैं, अर्थात् वे मतिज्ञान के नामांतर है।
Anvayartha: [matih] mati, [smritih] smriti, [samjna] samjna, [cinta] cinta, [abhinibodha] abhinibodha, [iti] ityadi, [anarthantaram] anya padartha nahim haim, arthat ve matijnana ke namamtara hai |
Explanation in English from Ācārya Pūjyapāda’s Sarvārthasiddhi:
Pramāṇa has been said to be of two kinds, indirect (parokṣa) and direct (pratyakṣa). The first kind is described in this sūtra.
These are the synonyms of sensory-knowledge (matijñāna), mentioned first. These arise on the destruction-cum-subsidence (kṣayopaśama) of karmas which obscure sensory knowledge. And there is no activity of these in scriptural knowledge (śrutajñāna), etc. The derivatives are mati, smṛti, samjñā, cintā, and abhinibodha. Cognizing is cognition. Remembering is remembrance. Recognizing is recognition. Inductive reasoning is induction. Deductive reasoning is deduction. Other expansions, as appropriate, must be understood.
Though the words are derived from different roots, by the force of convention, these are synonyms. For instance, though the words ‘indra’, ‘śakra’, and ‘purandara’ denote different activities, all these are the names of the same person, the deva-husband of Śaci. If different meanings are attached to these from the point of view of their etymological meanings, the same may be done with regard to the synonyms of sensory knowledge (matijñāna). The meaning intended is that these synonyms do not transgress the range of cognition arising from the cause of destruction-cum-subsidence (kṣayopaśama) of karmas obscuring sensory knowledge (matijñāna).
The term ‘iti’ indicates varieties or species. These are the synonyms or names of sensory knowledge. What is the cause of that?
[see next sūtra]