Mahapurana of Puspadanta (critical study)
by Ratna Nagesha Shriyan | 1962 | 113,825 words
This essay in English studies the Mahapurana by Puspadanta highlighting the Desya and rare words from this and other Apabhramsa works. Understanding Desi or Deshya words is essential for comprehending Prakrit and Apabhramsa literature. This study focuses on a systematic examination of Desya or Deshi vocabulary, particularly through the works—Mahapu...
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328 Premi, N, Puspadanta, Rajasekhara, Rahurkar, V.G., BIBLIOGRAPHY : Jain Sahitya aur Itihas(in Hindi), Bombay, 1942. 1. Mahapurana, edited by Vaidya, P.L. 2. Jasaharacariu, edited Vaidya, P.L. Ramanujaswami, P.V., : Ramcandra suri, Silanka, Somadevabhatta, Somaprabha, Somesvara, Suru, N.G., Tagare, GV, Trivedi, K.P., Trivedi, P D., Trivikrama., Upadhye, A.N., 3. Nayakumaracariu, edited by Jain Hiralal. 1. Kavyamimamsa, edited by Sarma Kedarnath, Patna, 1954. 2. Karpuramanjari (for editions see Konow) Usaniruddham of Rama-Panivada, cantos I & II, Poona. Revised edition of the Desinamamala of Hemacandra, edited by Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen, Poona, 1938. : Natyadarpana, vol. I G.OS. XLVIII, Baroda, 1929. : Caupannamahapurisacariam, edited by Bhojak A.M., Prakrit Text Society, Banaras, 1961. Kathasaritsagara, Revised edition by Phansikar WL, Bombay, 1930. ; Kumarapalapratibodha, edited by Jinavijaya Muni, GOS. XIV, Baroda, 1920. : Manasollasa, III vol., ed. by Shrigondekar, G. K, Baroda, 1961. : Karpura-Manjati of Rajasekhara, Bombay, 1960. : Historical grammar of Apabhramsa, Poona, 1948. • Sadbhasacandrika of Laksmidhara, Bombay, 1916. Anyoktyastaka Sangraha, Bharatiya Vidya Series, no, 11, Bombay, 1946. Prakrta Sabdanusasana, edited by Vaidya. P.L. 1. Brhat Kathakosa of Harisena, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1943. 2 Kamsavaho of Ramapanivada, Bombay, 1940. 3. Kuvalayamala of Udyotana Suri, Part. I, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay, 1959. 4. Paramatmaprakasa of Yogindudeva, Bombay, 1937. 5. Candralekha of Rudradasa, Bharatiya Vidya Series no. 6, Bombay, 1945.
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