Mahapurana of Puspadanta (critical study)
by Ratna Nagesha Shriyan | 1962 | 113,825 words
This essay in English studies the Mahapurana by Puspadanta highlighting the Desya and rare words from this and other Apabhramsa works. Understanding Desi or Deshya words is essential for comprehending Prakrit and Apabhramsa literature. This study focuses on a systematic examination of Desya or Deshi vocabulary, particularly through the works—Mahapu...
Appendix 2 - Rare words found in the old glosses
[Full title: Rare words found in the old glosses of Jasahara-cariu and Nayakumara-cariu]
1374. Abdaka-'a mirror'. [Gloss on addaa- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 90 13 14 (noted by Alsdorf). This is a Sanskratisation of Prakrit addaa-. See addaa.] 1375. Aligarapana-'waywardness'. [Gloss on duyali- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 88 4 7. Cf. G. algarl= 'whimsical', 'following one's own bent of mind or mood' and M. algarium 'slack, disorderly, slovenly (person) .] 1376 Asuri-'the mustard'. [Gloss on raya at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 48 18 8,= cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary asura(L)='name of the plant Sinapis Ramosa'.] 1377. Udita-'offered as a stake'. [Gloss on kitta- at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 3 12 5 and on thavala- at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 3 12 9, uditais a Sanskratisation of Pk uddra-. See Nudd-] 1378. Utkalitam 'boiled'. Mahapurana of Puspadanta 12 11 10, Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo - [Gloss on murava- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 12 11 10, Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo ukkaliya-(D)= 'ubla hua'. Cf M ukal-ne, ukal-vu- 'to boil'. In Sanskrit ut~+kal- (ud- No kal-) is used in the sense of 'to unbind, loosen' MW, utkalita= 'unbound, loosened' (Bhava Prakasa), utkalayati=(L)= 'drives out, expels' (Katyayani Sutra) and utkalita(L)= 'prosperous, rising, increasing' is different from the above. See Turner's Nepali Dictionary uklanu and uklini= 'to ascend, go up, climb'. Turner connects it with *utkalati and compares with Sk utkalita' 'rising'.] • 1379. Uttavala-'hurry, haste, speed'. [Gloss on parakajja etc. at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 1 13 8, cf. Paiasaddamahannavo uttavala= sighrata-, 'hurry'; cf. uttavala-occurring in this sense in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka on p. 142, line 30, uttavaliya, in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II and uttavalaya, in SR cf. G, M. utaval, M. utavali= 'haste, hurry, rash forwardness or impatience'; uttavala- is connected with Sk uttapa+la- suffix.] 1380 Utramdi-'a vertical pile of pots, pitchers etc.' [Gloss on vattuttioidi- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 32 205 and on utturadi- MP 77 6 1. Cf. M. utrand, utrad-, See under utturadi- and vattutti-vidi-.]
* 319 1381. Katari-'a dagger' 1 [Gloss on kampana- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 83 66 and on Jhasa- at NC 543. Cf kattari-= ksurika-, 'daggar' (D. 24), Ramanujaswami has rendered ksurtka and consequently kattan- With 'knife'. But katari- is known in the sense of 'dagger', rather than a knife', cf. also katara= ksurika- 'dagger' (H. 4. 445, illustration 2); Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra II has churi- in the sense of 'dagger.' Cf. kattara- occurring in the sense of 'dagger' in Sam K, cf. Hindi, M. katar= 'a 'sort of dagger'; See Turner's Nepali Dictionary katar= 'dagger, small sword'; cf. also Kannada katan, Te katara, Tamil katlari in the same sense] 1482. Katikana-'dagger' (?). [Gloss on kattart- at NC 918 12. The word is obscure; the source of the word is not clear; cf. kaditalla= 'some armour or weapon associated with the belt' (Brihatkatha-kosa 56, 298), cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary katitala (L)= 'crooked sword, sabre, scymitar', cf. Kannada kaditale= 'leather shield'; kana 'hilt or handle' and kane= strl-kativasira-bandha-.] 1383. Kadhi-'a dish prepared by mixing gram-flour with butter-milk, boiling it and seasoning it with spices'. [Gloss on dhuvai at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 5 15 10. Cf. G., M, Kon, kadhi-= 'a kind of Indian soup'; cf. English curry= 'a highly flavoured Indian dish'] 1384 Kalija'the liver'. [Gloss on vokka- at MP 11 24-12' Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kaliya(L)= 'the liver'. For NI A. derivatives see' Turner's Nepali Dictionary "kalejo- 'the liver'.] 1385. Karpatika-a traveller, a pilgrim'. [Gloss on desia- at 54 17 7; cf. kapatika-= 'a rogue-beggar' (Brihatkatha-kosa 65, 23); cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary karpata-=(L) ='one dressed in ragged garments, a beggar' and karpatika='a pilgrim' (Kathasaritsagara).] 1386 Kasthabhaksana-burning oneself alive on a wooden pyre'. [Gloss on sala at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 605 11, cf. kastha-bhaksana- "burning oneself alive"; literally, 'being eaten away by wood" (Supplement to JO I., vol X, no 2, p 120), no 2, p 120), cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kasthabhaksana= 'devouring of wood (of the funeral pile). ] 1387. Kuruvila-'a crab.' [Gloss on kikalasa- variant reading of kailasa- noted by 'T manuscript at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 78 14 8. Cf. kurucilla- v.1 kuruvilla-= kulira, 'a crab' (D 241) and kuruvilla= 'crab' (Pai. 305). Taking into consideration G. karacalo, the spelling kurucilla- appears to be preferable to kuruvilla-. ca- and va- are easily confused in Mss]
1388 Kukasa-'the husk of grain 1389 [Gloss on sisakka- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 19 2 2; cf. kukasa- v.1. kukkusaz- dhanyadi tusah, 'the husk of grain' (D. 2 36); ef. G. kuska= 'chaff' 'husk'] Kolika-'a spider'. [Gloss on visambhara- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 31 17 13 and on sinisava- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 31 17 13. Cf kolia-jalakara- krmih, 'a spider' (D. 265) and kolaya-= 'spider (Pat 389) cf. kolia-='weaver', (Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana), cf. the two meanings of lantuvaya, namely, 'spider' and 'weaver'. Cf. M. kolt= 'a creature of the spider kind ] 1390. Kosataki-'a kind of vegetable'. [Gloss on ghosaya- at MP 89 17 11. See under ghosaya-.] 1391. Kharasua-'a kind of bulbous plant'. [Gloss on kasera- at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 16 12. Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo kharimsua-(D)= kandavisesa-.] 1392. Khicdi-'a dish of cooked mixture of rice and pulse'. - [Gloss on khicca- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 24 11 10. This is a vernacular word and is identical with G, M, Konkani khucdt, Hindi khicrt in the same sense, For further details of the word see Turner's Nepali Dictionary khucari-.] 1393. Khotaka-'fetters'. [Gloss on hadi- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 7 13 8. The word is a Sanskratised form of Middle Indo-Aryan khoda-; cf. khoda-= sima-nirdharaka kastha-, 'a boundary post' (D. 2 30) & Paiasaddamahannavo khodi(D)= 'a large block of wood'; cf. G khod= 'a large block of wood' and Konkani khodo= 'fetters'.] 1394. Gadi-'a raised seat, a throne'. [Gloss on cauri- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 6 1 6. Cf. G. gad= 'a raised seat, throne, cushion, soft pad' and M. gadi. H₁. gaddi= 'a seat of some eminent personage, a throne.'] 1395 Guali-'knavery'. [Gloss on duali- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 8 5 13 2 and at 88 4 6 (noted by Alsdorf). gual is most pobably a corruption of gulai-. See gulai-] 1396. Gumdika-'a bundle, ball of straw etc.' [Gloss on combhala-at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 50 5 9. Occurs as vastra-gumdika; cf. gundika 'scroll' (Br K.); M. gund= 'a button, a bundle (of straw or grass)' a ball, roll, coil (as of thread, tape, yarn) of coarse thread,' cf. Kannada gundu= 'anything globular]
. Gulai-'knavery'. [Gloss on duali- at MP 85 10 9 Cf. G. golo= 'rogue, knave'; cf. Urdu gol murkha-, mudha, anadi and Hindi gul= 'clamour, uproar, hubub.' See guali-.] 1398. Gedi-'a bat bent at one end to strike the ball with'. [Gloss on covana- at MP 1 16 10. Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo geddi-(D)= 'a stick used in playing with a ball'. In support of this meaning Paiasaddamahannavo quotes Kumarapalacarita; cf. G. Hindi gedi= 'a bat bent at one end to strike the ball with' gedi- appears to be 'a hockey stick'.] 1399 Gophani-'a sling for throwing pebbles'. [Gloss on blumdimala, at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 76 725 Cf. PSM, gophana-(D)= 'a sling for throwing pebbles or pieces of stone', cf. M. G. gophan-= 'a sling used by farmers to ward off birds from their crops' Cf gophana-= 'sling' (Tri II)= 'a kind of weapon' (Yt 1 145 15) See golagophanibelow]. 1400. Gomayacchatra-'fungus' [Gloss on dalimbaa at MP 67 28. Cf. gomayachanna- (-tra ?) occurring in this sense in Vt. It is recorded in Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary in the sense of 'fungus' as found in lexicons only'.] 1401. Golagophani-'a combination of pallet bow and sling > [Gloss on bhimdimala,-at 12 18 6. Cf. H. gulel='a pallet bow' and Urdu gulul-, gol-= 'a bullet of a cannon.' Cf. M. gol, Hindi goli= 'bullet'. See gaphani above.] 1402. Chani-'an oil mill' [Gloss on savvala- at MP 11 16 9, 123 I and at 52 97 Cf Paiasaddamahannavo ghana (D)=tila-pidana-yantra- Cf. M., G. ghana, ghani- and Konkani ghana 'an oil mill'. Cf. Kannada, Tulu gana-, Telugu ganage, Tamil kana-= 'oll-mill'.] 1403. Chuntarita-'polished'. [Gloss on sumamtha- at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 9 22 10 Cf. M ghot-ne, Konkani ghontar-ce= 'to rub with a hard and smooth body in order to smooth or polish'; cf. Hindi ghotna= 'to rub'; cf. M. ghotto-= 'smoothed, levigated, polished'] 1404. Caditam-'mounted, climbed' [Gloss on avagga- at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 76 10 cadita- 1 s Sanskratisation of Prakrit cadia-, cf. cadhitva- 'having mounted' (Yasastilaka-campu 2 158 29). Cf. G. cadh-yu; cad-ou; see under cad-] 41
1405. Candeva-'caopy.' [Gloss on ullora- at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 921 34 Cf. Hindi candev 'awning, canopy'; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary candra(L)= 'an awing, a canopy'.' See under camdova-.] 1406. Candrapaka-'a canopy [Gloss on ullora- at MP 39 18. This word possibly word possibly stands for candrata pa- One meaning of candratapa- is 'awning', ef. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary candratapa-(L)= 'an awing'; cf G. candani-= 'awning', candani See under candova- for further details.] 1407. Candropaka- 'canopy'. 'moolight'. [Gloss on ullovaya- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 8 7 15 ullova- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 12 15 and on camdova- at MP 4 910. This appears to be a Sanskratisation of Prakrit camdovaya-. See under camdora- for further details.] 1408 Cabuka-'a whip' [Gloss on kusa- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 20 15 6. Cf. Hindi, M., G., Konkani cabuk= 'a whip, a lash' and Persian cabuk= 'a horse whip.] 1409 Jadita-, Jatita- 'studed, inlaid'. [Gloss on veyadiya- at MP 38 6 3 and 88 14 11 respectively. These are Sanskratised forms of Prakrit Jadia-. See under jadia-.] 1410 Jhagadaka-'a quarrel'. [Gloss on kalaha- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 38 20 10. It is a Sanskratisation of Prakrit jhakata-, of jhakata- given by Hemacandra at H, 4 422 as the rendering of the word ghamghala-, cf G, jhagdo, Hindi jhagda, M. jhagda, Kon jhagde quarrel'. See Jagadanta in Appendix I] 1411. Jhampitva-'having closed'. - [Gloss dhamkivi at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 100 5 7. Sanskratised form of Prakrit jhamp-, 'cover, close', of PSM √Jhamp-= a-+ chaday, cf. Hindi jhampna= 'to cover' and M jhamp-ne= 'to cover, to close with a lid or top'] 1412. Jhataka-'a plant, a tree' == [Gloss on kudamga- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 53 1 4 Occurs in a compound laghujhataka-, jhataka- is a Sanskratisation of Pk Jhada-; of jhada-: latagahanam, 'a bower of creepers, a thicket' (D.3 57). latadigahanam (Tr 34 72, 1)= latagrha- (Pai 721) of MW jhata(L)= 'an arbour'; cf. G, M, Kon jhad-= 'a tree, a bush.') 1413 Jhurana-'tormenting' [Gloss on visurana at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 81 1 11. See ✓hurav in Appendix I.] 1414 Thelatheli-'pushing and counter pushing". [Gloss on pellavelli- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 9 18 16. Cf G. thelathel= 'pushing, crowdedness'. See Turner's Nepali Dictionary thelnu= 'to push']
. Dahivadi-'a kind of dish made from gram and buttermilk'. 323 [Gloss on lavana- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 91 21 10. Cf. M vada= 'a cake made of pulse' and vadi= 'a cake or pat'; cf G. dahivadi-] 1416. Pakhara-'armour of horse or elephant. [Gloss on guda- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 59 12 8. Occurs as gaja-pakhara-. See pakkhara-.] 1417. Palakhi-'a palanquin' [Gloss on jampana- at MP 71 7. Cf. G, M, Kon palakhi='a litter, a palanquin'; cf. Kan, Telugu palaki- in the same sense. Cf. padumki= vranasibika", 'a litter for the wounded' (D. 6 39)] 1418. Potika-'a dhoti, a bath-towel.' [Gloss on ollaniya- at MP 88 19 7, See potti-] 1419 Phali-'a kind of garment' [Gloss on celya- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 35 18 5. Cf. PSM phalia-(D)= 'a kind of cloth manufactured in a particular country', cf. MW phali- (L)= 'made of cotton' and Apte's Student's Sanskrit-English Dictionary phala-= 'a garment of cotton', cf G phali 'a kind of garment worn' and phaliyp= 'a sheet of cloth worn on the head'; cf M phala= 'a roll of spun silk, a shred' and Konkani phalt 'a shred or strip of cloth'] 1420. Mihika-'snow'. [Gloss on osa- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 9 5 12. cf mihia= megha-samuha-, 'a group of clouds' (D. 6 132); cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary mihika= 'snow' (Bhava Prakasa), 'mist, fog' (L).] 1421. Mulagi-'entirely, wholly'. [Gloss on avaggi- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 91 21 11 (noted by Alsdorf) Cf G. mulgu= 'altogether, wholly, entirely'.] 1422. Mohari-'mustard seed'. [Gloss on raiya at MP 48 18 8, cf M_mohri='the mustard seed.'] 1423 Ravika- 'a churning stick'. [Gloss on mamthaa-at MP 12 11 12 and on mamdira-at MP 85 64. It is a Sanskratisation of vernacular ravi- or ravaiya; cf ravaa--manthana a churing stick' (D. 73) Cf.M. ravi, G. ravalyo= 'a churing rod'] 1424. Rolabaji- 'knavery, mischief' [Gloss on duali-at MP 88 4 6 (noted by Alsdorf). Either connected with Desi rola--kalaha, kolahala or probably rolabaj is a corruption for golabaj-.]
1425. Roli- Role-'a clamour'. [Gloss on duali at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 85 13 2 and on duvali at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 91 16 4 respectively. (noted by Alsdorf). See rola-.] 1426. Roula-Roula-Baji-'knavery, mischief'. [Gloss on duvali-at 85 10 8. (noted by Alsdorf). See rolabaji above.] 1427. Lohnu akdu- 'a metal hook'. [Gloss on mamdira- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 85 6 4. Old G expression-loha-='Iron', nu-Genitive post-position, akdu-connected with Sanskrit ankuta-, Prakrit amkuda-.] 1428. Vaggharayati- 'treats with heated oil and spices'. [Gloss on dhuvai at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 5 15 10. Cf Paiasaddamahannavo vaggharia-=oyagharita, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary vyagharita (W)= 'besprinkled, sprnikled with oll or ghee'; cf. G vaghar-vu, H 1. vagharna to season, to mix spices, onion, ghee etc. with food that is being cooked to give a relish to it'; cf Kannada oggarisu='to season, to spice' and oggarane='a kind of seasoning done in two ways into boiling oil or ghee one OI more spices are thrown after which vegetables are added and boiled with the mixture, or to pulse that has been boiled with salt, tamarind, pepper, etc. fried spices are added'] • 1429 Volapana- 'going'. [Gloss on ammanu-amcahu at Mp. 25 2 5. volapana-is a Sanskratisation of Prakrit ✓ vol.It is made of vol→ causative suffix apa+ nominal suffix ana-; cf. G. volav-vu See Nool-] 1430. Svammga-entirely to oneself'. [Gloss on avaggi at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 91 21 11. Cf. G. suvamg= 'totally or entirrely one's own' ] i