Mahapurana of Puspadanta (critical study)
by Ratna Nagesha Shriyan | 1962 | 113,825 words
This essay in English studies the Mahapurana by Puspadanta highlighting the Desya and rare words from this and other Apabhramsa works. Understanding Desi or Deshya words is essential for comprehending Prakrit and Apabhramsa literature. This study focuses on a systematic examination of Desya or Deshi vocabulary, particularly through the works—Mahapu...
Appendix 1 - Desi and rare words exclusive to Jasaharacariu and Nayakumaracariu
. Ambaiya (NC) 8 12 (v 1. accaiya-) 'the Campaka bud' " [=campaha-kalika (gl.), the relevant passage is - "ambayahe mahuyaru nau nisannu"- 'The bee did not sit on the Campaka bud'. For detal's see NC edited by Jain, Hiralal, notes, p. 202] 1318. Ukkarada- (JC) 3 13 18 (v 1 ukkarada-) 'a heap of sweepings, a dung-heap' [=ulkara-samuha-sthana- (gl.) Obviously utkara- in the gloss stands for avakara-, 'sweepings' Cf. uk kurudi, ukkuruda-zavakara-, rasi-, 'a heap of sweepings' (D 1 110); cf. also Paiasaddamahannavo ukkarada-= asuci-rasi (Supasanahacariu) Hemacandra also notes mukkuruda-v 1 mugguruda in the sense of rast-, 'heap' at D 6 136, of ukkaruda- occurring in this sense in PC III, ukkaradi- 10 Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana and ukkurudiya- in Mah- aviracaria 5 157; cf M. ukurda, G ukardo= 'a dung-hill, rubbish heap'.] 1319 Uccolia- (JC) 2 6 16 (v 1. ucceli_) 'a foot-wear'. [The editor, Vaidya has rendered it with upanaha-, the relevant passage is "jo parapaya uccoliu vahai" 'who carries other's foot- - wear or shoes' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it] 1320 Uppettha-- (NC) 8 8 2 'frightened' > [=unmatta- (gl.), D. 1 129 notes uppittha- in the sense of trasta-, kupita, vidhura- and Pai 475 in the sense of akula-, the text in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta at 88 2 is not clear, it appears that here also the meaning is more probably trasta, 'frightened' uppittha- occurs in CMC, p. 63, line 6 and Lilavai (641) in the sense of trasta-] 1321 Kaditta- (NC) 3 12 5 (v 1 kidatla-) 'dice-board' [=phalakam (gl), the editor of Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta gives the meaning as katitrawith a query, PSM does not note it, cf kaditta-= 'a technical term of a gambling game called andhika' (PC III), of MW kata (L)= 'a plank, a thin piece of wood' ] 1322. Karayar-'to crow (w. r. to crows)' karayaramia (pres p) (Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 1 13 3.
1323. Kaula (Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 1 10 6 'a crow' [Compare kayala =kaka-, 'a crow' (D. 258. Pai 67), cf, kajala- occurring in this sense in PC III, cf M. havla, Kon haylo= 'a crow'. Made up of Sanskrit kaka-+ Pk suffix-ula-] 1324 Kitta- (NC) 3 12 5 (v.1. katta-) 'a stake at dice, a bet' [Eudita vastu (gl), cf. katta= andhika-dyula-kapardila, 'cowrie used in the gambling game called andhika (D 2 1); cf katti- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III For the word udita- given in the gloss see Appendix II) 1325 Khaccella-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 2 27 5 a kind of insect' (?) The [Vaidya has given the meaning prani-visesa- with 6 query. relevant passage is - "jhilliri khaccellai gumugumamti" - 'the crickets and khaccelas are buzzing' D 2 69 notes khaccala- in the sense of acchabhalla-, 'a bear' and khaccola- in the sense of yaghra-, 'tiger' These meanings don't suit the above context] 1326, Khadayasi- (NC) 3 15 11 'grass-eater' [khada+asin, ef khada--trna-, 'grass' (D 2 67); cf. khada- occurring in this sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III & Yt; cf G khad- in the same sense.] 1327 Khadakkia- (NC) 7 2 10 (v.1. radukkia-) 'pierced'. [The relevant passage is - "kanana-harnaham kanne khudukkiu" - 'the ear of the forest-deer was pricked or pierced' Khudukkai occurs at H. 4 395, illustration 4, and the passage 15 "ha khudukkai - gorad" (the separation from) the fair lady pricks the heart'. 1328. Khumta-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 4 10 12 'a stamp, a broken trunk of a tree or plant, a peg'. [=stambha (gl) of PSM khumta-= 'a stump'; cf. khumta - occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III & Br K, cf. M. khunt-, Hi Lhut-, Konkani khunto='a stump, stub, peg'. See ND khutti= 'peg, stake' ] 1329. Galakala-(JC) 120 12 'a peacock' [The relevant expression is - "galakala-kekkarahi "- 'with the sweet notes of the peacock' PSM does not note it Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary - kalahantha- (L), kala-ghosa(L), kala-dhcani (L), kala-rava(L), kala-svana(L)= 'the Indian cuckoo, peacock, having a charming voice (as a bird)'] 1330. Ghonasa-(JC) 196 'a kind of snake'. [sartsrpa-visesa-(gl) of Paiasaddamahannavo ghonasa-= 'a kind of snake' quoting in support PV, cf MW ghonasa(W), ghonasa(L)= 'a kind of serpent'; cf Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary, gonasa, gonasa = 'the rock snake, python' ]
Caluya-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 3 5 4 'a sieve'. - 311 [The relevant passage is - "caluya cattuya curiyau" - 'the sieve and the ladle were broken to pieces' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it Cf M calnt= 'sieve or strainer' and cal-ne strain, sift] 1332 Cimdha-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 1 16 3 'rags'. - [rastra-khandan.=(gl.), Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it, cf. cimdhiya- occurring in this very sense in KC at 117 8, cf M cindhi, Kon cina, G cindadi, Kon cindi= 'shred, strip, rag'] 1333. Cilisavana-(JC) 2 11 5, 3 10 14, 4 13 16 'loathing, disgusting'. [=jugupsakara-(g)), cf. cilisavana occurring in this very sense and context in FC II. The word is usually found used in the context of the description of human body. Cf. cilasi= 'disgust' (Jnanesvari), cf. M cilasvane 'loathing, disgusting, nauseating'.] The word ailisavana, is made up of alisa-+ causative suffix-ava-+ Agentive suffix-ana- It is not clear wheather the base cilisa- in cilisavana, is connected with the constituent ali- in clivvila-. 1334 Cumucum-'to warble, to twitter (w.r to parrots)'. • cumucumamti (pres 3 pl) JC) 1 21 1, 2 27 12 [Compare Kannada cuma cuma= 'sound emitted by rats' ] 1335 Coppada--(JC) 2 24 3, 3 36 16, 'a greasy or fatty substance'. [The gloss loosely renders it with mraksane; the expression at 3 36 16 "vasa- coppadu" - 'a greasy substance in the form of marrow'. Cf Cf PSM coppada-= mraksana-, 'a greasy substance like ghee, oil etc. and coppad mraks-, 'to besmear' (H 4 191, Tr 3 1 117), cf also cuppa- sasneha-, 'greasy' (D 3 15) Ramanujaswami (vide Desinamamala, Glossary) renders sasneha- and consequently cuppa, with 'freindly'. The cause of misunderstanding is the ambiguity of the Sanskrit word sneha-, which means 'oil' and 'affection' Cf Cf coppadayaoccurring in the above sense in PC III, of G copaad-vu-'to besmear, to grease'] 1336 Chali-(JC) 3 11 15 'a she-goat' [The editor renders it with chagi-, aja, cf PSM chalt= chagi- and chala -chaga-(H 1 191), cf late Sk chagalaka in the sense of 'a goat'] 1337 Jagadamta-(NC) 3 15 12 'harassing oppressing' [=bhanjan(gl), the relevant passsage "asesa-desa jagadamtau"-'harassing or oppressing all the countries'; cf jagadia-= vidravita, kadarthita,
'tormented' (D. 3 44); cf Paiasaddamahannavo Njagad-= 'to quarrel, torment' and jagadana= kalaha-, kadarthana-, quoting in support Uvaesamala and Upadesapada, cf. Njogad= 'quarrel, fight' (PC I & III); cf. Hindi jhagadna=, G. jhagadvu= 'to fight', cf. Kan jagala, Telugu jagada= 'a quarrel fight' Tagare equates it with 'fight, over-power' and connects it with jhakata- See Jhagadaha- in Appendix II] 1338. Jalla-(JC) 3 37 3, 4 16 15 'dirt of body'. [=mala-(g]), cf, PSM jalla-(D)= 'dirt of body'; cf. jalla- occurring in this sense in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka page 208, line 25 and Tri III.] 1339 Jhada-(7 C.) 3 3 4 'a sharp blow or stroke'. seems to [The meaning given in the Glossary to Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (Vaidya's edition) is "Indravne desi dhatuh". But our interpretation given above suit the context, the relevant passage is-"jhada vi hadavija jukahiu"- 'who has separated me from the chief of the herd with a sharp blow'. Cf Paiasaddamahannavo √Jhad-= 'to fell'.; cf. Jhada-= prahara- and jhada, kkiya-= 'onslaught' (PC III), cf. jhada-= 'forceful attack' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu I} ] - 1340. Jhala (JC) 4 16 7 'heat of the sun'. [The meaning given in the Glossary is usma-, 'heat', the relevant expression 15-"ranyara-jhala"- 'the heat of the sun's rays'; D 3 53 and Pai 742 note jhala- in the sense of mrgalrsna, 'mirage' and Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen connects this word with Sk Sal-. (See Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen § 211), cf M jhal='hot blast of air' ] 1341. Jhallira-(JC) 4 16 7 'splashing or pouring down' =dharayukta-(g 1); the relevant expression is-"pausa-jala-jhallira- 'the rain-water pouring down', cf G. jhal-= 'throwing water forcefully'. Made up of jhalla Agentive suffix-ra-.] 1342 Jhilliri-(JC) 2 27 5 'a cricket'. [Vaidya renders it with pranivisesa-; cf jhilliria= masaka, 'a mosquito,' also 'a cricket' (D 3 62) See commentary on D. 3 54- "masakavacaka-sabdah ciryamapi varlante". Cf. jhillia= 'cricket' ( Pai. 287), cf. Jhullika= cricket' (Y..)] 1343 Jhuttha-(NC) 6 13 15 'falsehood, lie'. [Occurs in a compound sa-jhuttham, cf. Jhuttha= alika, 'falsehood. (D 358), cf. Hindi Jhuth= 'false' ] 1344. Jhuray-'be tormented,' 'be afflicted' Jhurava (pres 3 s) (Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta) 58 10 [Compare jhur- occurring in this sense in Bh at 68 8, of M. Jhur-ne 'to pine and waste away'. See Jhurana- in Appendix II.]
. Thavala-(NC) 3 12 9 'a stake at dice'. 313 - [=vastu uditam(gl); Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it, cf. thaula- occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III where it is glossed as daya-. For the word uditam in the gloss see Appendix II.] 1346. Dhiddhis-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 2 20 8 'dough of cereal grains'. [dhanyadinam pistam(gl); the relevant passage is "dhiddhisu gilamti palu sambharivi" - 'swallow dough thinking it to be neat'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it.] 1347. Dali (Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 2 24 2 'split pulse.' [=simbi, dhanyadi-dalam (gl.), cf etc'; cf. MW dali (W)= 'a sort of grain' cf M. dal-, H 1. dal-, Kon, dali= 'split or broken pulse.] Paiasaddamahannavo dali (D)= 'split pulse, gram 1348. Paccala-(Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta) 9 18 2 'abundant', 'full of'. "surakamti sasikamti-paccale"- [=pracura- (gl.). the relevant passage is - "full of the lustre of sun and moon' D 9 69, Pai 52 and Trivikrama 34 72, 833 note paccala- in the sense of samartha-, 'competent'. paccalain the sense of samartha- occurs in CMC p 58, line 28. paccalamay be connected with Sanskrit pakva-, Prakrit pakka-substituted by pacca-+lasuffix. ] 1349. Pattana-(NC) 218 'the feathered part of an arrow'. [The editor of NC, has equated pattana- with patra-, the relevant passage is "nam mayana-bana-pattanu-phuriu" - 'as if, the feathered part of Cupid's arrow fluttered', cf. pattana= banasya phalam, 'the front part of an arrow' and punkha-, 'the feathered part of an arrow' (D. 6 64) Ramanujaswami, the editor of Desinamamala has given the meaning of "banasya phalam" at D. 6 64 as 'a kind of fruit'. This appears to be a wrong rendering as he seems to have misunderstood the word phala-; cf, PSM phala-= 'the front part of an arrow' Trivikrama 3 4 72, 758 also notes pattana- in the sense of banaphalaand sara-punkha-.] 1350. Parada (JC) 2 27 5 'a forest cock' [=vana-kukkuta, (gl), the relevant passage 15- "Jahi parada kokkamta bhamamti" where the wild cocks wander about crowing'. D. 65 notes parada- in the sense of sarpa-visesa-, 'a kind of snake'. This seems to be a different word] 1351. Pariyala-(JC) 2 23 9 'a plate, a platter'. [The editor, Vaidya renders it with bhajana-, cf. Paiasaddamahannavo pariala-= bhojana-patra- quoting Bh in support of the meaning, cf. pariali 40 6
sthalam, bhojana-bhandamiti yavat, 'a plate or dish for eating' (D. 6 12) cf. M. paral, parel= 'an earthern platter or dish, a sort of earthern platter on which common people eat, bake their cakes etc.'; cf. Kannada pariyala= 'a plate-like vessel of metal or wood' and Konkani paler= 'a shallow dish of brass or bronze3.] 1352. Picca-(NC) 5 10 21 'water'. [jala- (gl); the relevant passage 15-"apusiya- nazana-cuyamsu-a-piccam"- 'with water of tears dropping from his eyes unwiped'; cf. picca occurring in this very sense in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka on page 226, line 28] D: 6 46 has pibba- according to Ramanujaswami's edition signifying jala-. There appears to be uncertainty about the spelling of the word. Some manuscripts give picca- and others pivva-. Paiasaddamahannavo has noted one occurrence of piova-. va-, ba-, and ca- are known to be confused with one another in manuscripts. It is quite likely that the real spelling may be piccam, because in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta (5 10 21) it rhymes with niccam (apusiya-nayana-cuyamsuapiccam, annayam niva ghosai niccam)" The editor of NC has suggested its connection with pyja- peja-. We can suggest that as we have raccai for rajjai, similarly there might have been current *piccal for pyjai and from that a noun piccacorresponding to peyam might have been formed. 1353. Pittala-(JC) 1 16 2 'brass, bell-metal' [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo pittala= dhatu-visesa-, Cf. pittala- in this very sense occurring in Tri I; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary pittala(L)= 'brass, bell-metal'; cf M. pittal, Kon pittali, in the same sense; cf. Kannada pittali, hittali, Te pittati, Tamil pittalai, Malayalam piccale in this very sense. See Turner's Nepali Dictionary pital= 'brass'] 1354. Phamphavaya-(JC) 2 12 8, 213 4 (v. 1. papphavaya-) 'bard, minstrel' [=bandi-caranadayah(gl.); the relevant passages are. t - "(1) "padibuddhau phamphavayasarehi"- "he was awakened by the music of the bards and minstrels' (2) "veyaliya phamphavaya thunamt?"-"the bards and and minstrels are praising'. PSM does not note it. Cf. phamphava-, phamphavaya-= 'bandi-visesa-(PC' III] 1355. Bukka-(NC) 86 13 'a kind of musical instrument.' [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo bukka-(D), bukka-(D)= vadya-visesa- quoting Supasanahacariu in support of the meaning.] 1356. Bokkada-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 3 11 4, 36 11; (NC) 7 24 'goat.' [=aja-(gl. on JC); cf. bokkada= chaga, 'goat' (D. 696) ;cf.. botkata-
occurring in this sense in Prabandha Kosa page 79, line 23;. botkata is a Sanskratisation of Prakrit bokkada;- cf. G. bokado, M. bokad, Hindi bakra, Konkani bokkadu='goat'. 1357. Bhaditta-(JC) 3 11 8 'a dish of roasted eatables'. [=pakva iti tippanam; cf. Paiasaddamahannavo bhaditta= 'sula pakva mamsadi kabab' quoting Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra and Kumarapalapratibodha; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary bhatitra= 'roasted on a spit', cf. M. bharit= 'a spit', cf. M. bharit= 'a sause, brinjals or plantains dressed with seasoning',] 1858. Mirikka-(Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta) 7 7 3 (v.1.; virikka-) 'causing jealousy'. [=matsarakara- (gl); the relevant passage is- "vyayalacchi-suraganiyamirikkai"- 'with the goddess of Victory causing Jealousy in the celestial nymphs'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it] 1359. Moggasa-2 27 4 'mongoose, ichneumon'. [Compare mamgusa-, muggasa-, muggusa-= nakula-, 'mongoose' (D. 6 118); cf M. mungus, Konkani mungusu, Kannada mungist in the above sense ] 1360. Rimcholi-(JC) 13 12 'a row, a line'. 7 [srent- (gl.); the relevant expression is- kira-rimcholi"- 'the rows of parrots'; cf. rimcholi= pankti-, 'row, line' (D. 7 7, Pai. 106); 2 1 30, 101 equates rimcholi- with rksali-, naksatra-mala,, cf. rimcholiin the sense of pankt- occurring in PC I, II, III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Chandonusasana of Hemacandra 6 20 46, Up.K page 564, line 19 & Karpuramanjari 3 20.] 1361. Rui-(Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta) 7 2 4 'cotton'. [Compare ruoi-= arkadruma, 'Calatropis gigantea' (D 7 9) and ruva-= 'cotton' (Pal. 879), cf, M rut= 'carded or cleaned cotton', Kon ruvvi= 'cotton plant', Hindi rui, G. ru= 'cotton." 1362. Rojha-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 1 10 1 'a white-footed antelope'. 12 [Compare rojjha-= rsya-, 'a white-footed antelope' (D 7 12); cf, G, rojh- 'a white-footed antelope'] 1363. Rora-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 2 26 17 'poor'. [=daridra-(g]); cf rora-= ranka-, 'beggar, wretch' (D. 7 11; Pai. 49) of rora- occurring in this very sense in CMC (page 273, line 15) and Vajja (146) See rorattana.] 1364. Rorattana-(JC) 2 26 7 'poverty.' [=daridrya-(gl.) See rora=]
1365. Vayada- 2 27 12 'a parrot'. [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo vaada-= suka-, 'parrot' quoting Sadbhasacandrika; cf. Sk vacata_] 1366 Vicca-(?) (Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 2 26 10 (v.1. cicci-) 'path'. [=vartman(gl); cf Paiasaddamahannavo vicca-(D)= madhya-, marga-(H 4 421); cf. Hindi bic-] The variant reading noted by ST manuscripts is acc-and the gloss on it gives citayam If we take the variant reading cicci the relevant passage would be- "acci vlagga" (=citayam arudha)- 'mounted on the funeral fire or pyre' See cicci-,~. 1367. Vibbhadiya-(Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta) 3 11 13 'insulted' [=apamanita-, tadita-(gl); the relevant passage is "hau naracaina vibbhadiya"-'I was insulted by the king', D. 7 70 notes vipphadiyain the sense of nasita-, 'destroyed'. Everywhere else bbhadiya- occurs in the sense of destroyed or killed'; cf. vibbhadiya- occurring in the sense of 'destroyed' in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. (9 13 3) and Paumacariu of Svayambhu I (14 1 4).] 1368 Vihadapphada-(JC) 4 19 12 'agitated.' [vis phurita-(gl); the relevant passage is- "anavaraya-kova- vihadapphadesu"- 'constantly agitated by anger', cf. Paiasaddamahannavo vihadapphada-(D)= vyakula, vjagra-(H 2 174); cf. vihadapphada- occurring in the sense of vyakula- in Karakamdacariu, PC III and Chandonusasana of Hemacandra 4 61 1.] 1369. Sambheda- 4 14 12 'attack' [sam+bheda- (=akramana-), cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary sampheta= 'conflict or encounter of angry persons' See ✓bhid ] 1370. Siggiri-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 4 3 8 'a cloth canopy'. [Vaidya has given the meaning of sggiri- as nilavarna- with a query' The relevant passage 15- "siggiri-namdana-vana-saddalai"- 'with a canopy in the form of a carpet of green grass of the forest'. Here saddala- 1 s rendered with nila-patra-yukla by the commentator. Perhaps based on this Vaidya has doubtfully rendered siggiri- with nilavarna-. PSM does not note siggiri-. Cf. siggiri pataka-(Paumacariu of Svayambhu III). In Paumacariu of Svayambhu I. the gloss on the word sahula- gives siggirika-, cf D 852 sahuli-= vastra- and PSM sahulia=sirovastra-khanda (Rambhamanjari); cf. srikari= 'palanquin' (Prabandha Kosa)] In Pracina-phagu-sangraha edited by B.J. Sandesara, year, 1955, Index sub. notes sikiri- where the editor gives "dhvajavalu chatra-", bannered umbrella.' He connects it with Sanskrit Srikara-.
It appears that siggiri- means 'a cloth held over the head by way of a decorative piece which serves as conopy'. 1371, Sijjamta(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 3 5 14 'being cooked'. [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo^/ sijjk-= 'to cook', cf.√ sijjh= occurring in this sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II. ; cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary sidh-(W) 'to be well cooked'. of M. sijne= 'to be under cooking by boiling, to be concocting'.] 1372 Sumghia- (Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 3 8 10 'smelt", [aghrata (gl.); cf. sunghia-= ghrata-, 'smelt' (D. 8 37). Hindi sunghna, Kon hung-ce 'to smell] 1373. Hulli-(Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta) 2 27 10 'a young one'. [hulli- occurs in the compound hani-hulli-, which is recorded in the Index of Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta with simha-balaka- as gloss on it. So hulli-balaka- ; cf. G. bhulku= 'small child'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note the word.']