Mahapurana of Puspadanta (critical study)

by Ratna Nagesha Shriyan | 1962 | 113,825 words

This essay in English studies the Mahapurana by Puspadanta highlighting the Desya and rare words from this and other Apabhramsa works. Understanding Desi or Deshya words is essential for comprehending Prakrit and Apabhramsa literature. This study focuses on a systematic examination of Desya or Deshi vocabulary, particularly through the works—Mahapu...

Part 7 - Pure Desi words

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786. A-chitta- (pp) 60 2 3 'untouched'. [=as prsta (gl.) a-+chitta- See Achir.] - 787. Acchod- 'to remove forcibly,' 'to / tear asunder,' 'to tear away violently,' 'to dash to the ground', or 'knock against the ground', acchodai (pres. 3 2.) 50 5 11, 60 11 3, 78 16 12. acchodivi (absolutive) 90 4 13, acchod(y)a- (pp) 75 8, 7 10 11, 12 15 6, 65 19 4, 79 11 7, 85 227 (v. acchoddya-), 93 11 10 (v 1 atthodia-) [=trotayati (gl at 60 11 3), asphalita- (gl. at 85 22 7); the commentator has loosely rendered acchodiya- at 65 19 4 as mocita- and at 7 10 11 as kavalita ; of ✓ acchod- occurring in this Very sense in PC-I and PC.III. acchodiya- occurs in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta at 27 4 and 3 10 8 and is rendered by the editor with asphotita-, but here also the above meaning suits the context. Tagare conrects acchodia with aksodita- ] The word acchedio at 93 11 10 is a misprint for acchodio. (See Addenda et Corrigenda in NP Volume III) At 65 194 the commentator has loosely rendered acchodiya- (as noted above). The meaning 'removed forcibly, torn asunder' would suit the context. Similarly, at 7 10 11 the gloss loosely equates acchodiyawith kavalita-. This sense finds no support from any source. Until we find some other clear passage we need not attribute this sense to acchodiya-, We can rather interpret the expression acchodiya" as 'dashed against the ground by khayakala' - "khayakale Paiasaddamahannavo quotes accodiya- from Gathasaptasati, 160 and interprets it as akrsta-, that is, 'pulled'. Really speaking here too, the sense is 'removed forcibly' or 'torn asunder' PSM also equates ✓ acchod- in the sense of 'to knock on the ground violently, dash to the ground' and quotes from Surasundaricariu The relevant expression is - "acchodemi silae" 'I shall dash (him) on the rock' - 788 Amcoli-65 15 6 (v 1 accoli-) 'a lap' - ' [=utsanga- (gl.), the relevant passage is "vaisariya amcolihi"- 'he made (her) sit on the lap'. PSM does not record amcoli- or accoli cf. uccoli in the same sense occurring in PCI The relevant passages of PC are as follows

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(1) "uccolhe camdarcca thiya" (931) 'the moon and the sun occupied the lap'; (2) "cumvevi uccolihi vaisariu" (20 3 3) - 'having kissed (Hanuman), Ravana made him sit on his lap' In the latter passage, the variant of uccoli is acchol See uccoli- ] 789. Adayana - 1917 'unchaste woman, a prostitute' - [=pumscal (gl.), the relevant passage is "kim chajjar adayanalajjiyau"- 'what beauty is there in a prostitute's blushing?', cf adayana=, adaya asati= 'an unchaste woman' (D 1 18), Trivikrama records adaand- (Tr 2 1 22) and gives its etymology thus. "ateh sil ana adaana atanasila"; cf. adayana-= pumscali-, asati- (PC, II) ] 790 Addaviyadda- 83 16 12 'cross-wise and helther-skelter [=vakra (gl) the relevant passage is - - "bhakkhivi jamgalu addaviyaddai uppari risihi nihittai haddai"- "having eaten the flesh the bones were placed helter-skelter on the (body of the) sage'. addavyadda- occurs in JC at 26 12 in the sense of 'cross-wise, helter-skelter', the relevant passage is "al-addavy adda-hadda-visamu" '(the dwarf) had his bones scattered belter-skelter and cross-ways', cf addadda-= 'crossways' (PC.II), PSM does not note the word. Cf. G. adalreda= 'lying across', of M. advatidva, Konkani advetidoc= 'rather oblique or transverse, also cross and crooked, intercrossing'; cf Kannada, Tu, adda-= 'sideways'; of also G adabid= 'densely, thick' ] In the Sanskratised form of addaviyadda-, namely, ardavitardaka, which occurs in the Upimitibhavaprapanca Katha of Siddharsi, tne editor, Peter Peterson gives 'ludicrous, purposeless' as the meanings in various contexts But in all the contexts, the meanings or shades of meanings like 'helter-skelter, oblique, across and aside, besides the point, in a disorderly manner, in all directions' fit very well So Peterson's suggested meanings are to be discarded The relevant passages of the Upamitibhavaprapanca Katha are as under "vadante ardavitardakam" (p 630, 111)- 'speak in any random and irrelevant manner' "vellate ardavitardakam" (p.631, 1 16)- 'wanders across and aside this way and that way', "ardavitardakam cestante" (p 991, 1.6)- 'they behave in a disorderly manner'. to wander in all "bhramito ardavitardakam" (p.1084 1.15)- 'made to directions across and aside',

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"ardavitardakam paribhramanam" (p.1130, 1.11)- 'random and disorderly roaming about', Addanna- 80 16 17 (v.1 adanna-), 84 7 9, 98 8 6 (v.1. adanna-) 'agitated, distressed' [=mlanim praptah, udungna- (gl.), at 98 86 the gloss loosely equates addanna, with bhagna-, here also 'agitated, distressed' would suit the context, ef addanna-, addana-= akula='agitated' (D. 1 15) also adanna-= akula (H. 4 422 illustration, 16), Paiasaddamahannavo notes adanna- in the same sense and quotes from Upadesapada in support, cf. adanna-= akula- (PC I).] 792. ✓ Ammanuamc-'to go some way to see somebody off*, 'to accompany semeone upto a short distance to see him off', ammanuamcahu (infinitive of purpose) 25 2 5. - [=kiyanmatra-marga-volapanam kartum (gl.)%;B the relevant passage is "ammanuamcahu nisariu rau"- 'the king set forth to go some way to see (them) off', cf ammanu-amcia-= anugamanam having followed' (D 149); cf anuamci-anugatya (SR), the relevant passage 1 S in Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana "tasu anuamci palufti visamthula vihalamanu"- 'As I returned after seeing him off, I was much agitated'; cf also ✓ anuamc- occurring in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. in the same sense For the word volapana- given in the gloss see Appendix.] ammanu- and amcahu are printed separately in the text. Vaidya takes them as separate words and gives kiyanmatram as the meaning of ammanu on the strength of M. ammal-= 'a little' 1 Hemacandra notes abbhadavamcra- as a Desya word at H. 4 395, illustration 3 The commentator takes it in the sense of "anugamya"= 'having gone after, having followed' It appears likely that this Nabbhadavamc- may not be genetically different from ✓ ammanuamc-. Paiasaddamahannavo analyses abbhadavamcia- as made up of abbhada- and amcia- and consequently it records a word abbhadaword abbhadain the sense of having gone backwards' can be Desinamamala knows ammanu-amcia- in the sense of anugamana-, and we have Sanskrit, Prakrit √amc- meaning 'to go'. So ammanuamelooked upon as consisting of anuamc- (=anugam-) and some obscure first element 793. Ammahiraa- 4 4 13, 85 7 5 'a lullaby'. 1 (=svadesa-stribala-prasiddha-raga-dhvani; jo jo iti nadavisesah (gl.), Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this word, cf. ammahtraya-= 'lullaby' (PC II). Alsdorf See Mahapurana, Vol I, Vaidya, P L., Bombay, 1937, Glossary, p. 663

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has taken it as amma+hira- and the second member he interprets as 'nada-visesa-', Tagare also connects amma with ammahiraa- ] The passages in which ammahiraa- occurs are considered below, (1) "sovamtau ku on suiharaena pariyamdar ammahiraena" (Mahapurana of Puspadanta 4 4 13)- 'The sleeping child is being rocked in the cradle with a lullaby pleasant to hear'. The text of the lullaby is as follows "hohallaru (v 1. hullaru) jo jo (v ho v.1. hoho) suhu suahi par panavamtau bhuyaganul namdar ryjjha dukkiyamalena, kasu vi malinu na ho manu//" (Mahapurana of Puspadanta4 4 14-15) - (2) "ammahiraena tamdyjar, niddamdharyau pariyamdija" (Mahapurana of Puspadanta 85 7 5)- (Krsna) is being put to sleep by singing lullabies, and contented with sleep he is being rocked in the cradle'. The text of the lullaby here is as follows:- "hallaru hallaru jo jo bhannai, tujhu pasae hosai unnai] halahara bhayara veriagoyara, tuhu suhu suyahu deva damoyara/" (Mahapurana of Puspadanta 857 6-7). " 3) "Katthai dimbhau pariyamdijjor ann ohnicu geu jhurijjai ||" (FC. JI 24 138) 'Somewhere children are being rocked in cradles, and notes of lullabies are being sung'. Thus, in the above contexts, ammahiraa- means 'a lullaby' or a song used to quiet a baby and put it to sleep while rocking it in a cradle' In the Ritthanemicariu (so far unpublished) also an mahircu= occurs in this very sense. 794 Alyalli-12 18 9, 15 13 3, 25 16 6, 85 5 2 'a tiger'. (= vyaghra- (gl.); cf. aliyalli recorded at D 1 56 and aryalli at D. 1 24 in the sense of vyaghra-= 'tiger'; Trivikrama gives all in the same sense (Trivikrama 3 4 195), cf. alyalla-= vyaghra- (PC III)] 795. VAlliy 'to give, to offer' allivah (pres, 2 s) 25 67, 31 28 3 [= deli, samarpaya(gl), cf Nalli Narp-= 'to offer' ( H. 4 39, Trivikrama 2 1 99); cf. Vallav- in the same sense in PC I, Bh, cf. G alvuz 'to give'] 796 ✓Avarumid- 'to embrace, to clasp' avarumdami (pres 1 s) 71 5 6, avarumdalu (pres. 2. s) 11 18 3, 17 5 11, 32 11 2, avarumda: (pres. 3 s,) 85 7 4; avarumdia- (past participle) 1 17 13, 25

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, 32 11 10, 44 7 3, 65 12 3, 85 24 13, 92 3 13, 94 12 13; avarumdivi (abs ) 20 4 10, 57 18 5 [= alingita (g)); cf avarumdia-= {arirambha-= 'cmbrace' (D. 1 11); cf. Navarumd- in the same sense occurring in JC (28 1), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Karakamdacariu, PC I, and Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ; see avarundana-, ] 797. Avarumdana- 25 15 'an embrace'. [See Navarumd-] 798 A-viballiya- (pp) 17 11 5 [=avicalita-, sthura-(g)); see ✓ hall-.] 87 4 7, 102 89 'in plenty,' 799. Asarala- 19 2 4, 56 3 14, 70 15 2, 87 4 7, 'abundant,' 'unlimited'. [= bahula-, aparyapta- (gl); Alsdorf notes balm and aparyanta as the gloss on asarala at 87 4 7; Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this; cf. asaralaoccurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I & II ] 800. Ayallaa-48 19 'uneasiness due to love' [= kataksa-(gl), cf. aalla-= roga-= 'disease', cancala-='unsteady' (D. 1 75), cf. ayallaya-= pidita-(Paumacariu of Svayambhu II); Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary notes ajallaka- as recorded in Lexicons only and gives- "(etymology doubtful) impatience, longing for, missing, regretting".] The word ayalla- occurs in Mahapurana of Puspadanta in a compound expression **amun. iyavaniyayallao". Vaniyayallao is rendered in the gloss with stri-kafaksa-, and hence the whole compound can be rendered ajnala- stri-katuksa-= one who has not known the side glance of a damsel'. But some more evidence would be necessary to take this meaning as authentic, for, elsewhere ayalla- has the sense of 'painfully uneasy (uneasiness due to love)', or 'disturbed state of mind due to love' or 'love-lorn condition of the mind (madana-vyakulatva-)". Paiasaddamahannavo renders ayallaya- with 'restlessness' and quotes in support of this sense the following passages - 1) "mayanasarayihuriyamgi sahasa ayallayam patta" (Paumacaria of Vim alasuri 8 189) - 'with her limbs shattered with the darts of the Love-god, she all at once reached the state of love-lornness'. 2) "viddho anamgabanehi jhatti ayallayam patto' (Surasumdaricaria 16, 110) - 'struck by the arrows of the Love-god, he attained the state of love-lornness'. 3) "kim una pra-vaassa maanaallaam attana uidehim akkharehim nuvedem?" (Karputamanjari) - 'Dear friend, how can I convey my love-lorn

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state in proper words ? 'Paiasaddamahannavo gives ayallaya- as feminine. But in the above mentioned citations, it can be masculine or neuter and not necessarily feminine. ayalliya occurs in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II at 27 37 and the gloss renders it with pidita, but this is not an ordinary pida, for the context is that of madana-badha and ayalliya here means being pierced by arrows of Madana and not surply pidita- aalliyaya also occurs in PC III at 69 20 10 and ayallaa-at 83 2 1 in the same sence aallaa also occurs in Kamsavabo at 220 in the same sense namely longing or uneasiness due to love We may also compare in this connection aalla recorded in D 751 n the sense of roga--'malady.' It remains to be seen whether aalla-had also the meaning of 'malady' in general or the Desinamamala meaning is just a loose paraphrase of the specialised sense madanaroga 'malady of love.' Further ayalliya- occurs at 19 3 13 in Bh The context is the description of Vajjoyara's daughter seeing Dhanamitta and falling in love with him and the consequent love-lorn condition of her. The relevant passage is "amgai mayan ayalliyai- the limbs were lovelorn' So here also ayalliya means 'love-lornness' or disturbed state, uneasiness due to love or love sickness' ayallaya occurs in CMC also in this very sense The relevant passage on p 110 line 5 1 s "kumart saha-sahihi kimcivelam acchiuna gaya niyaya-bhavanam garuya mayana"yallaya-hiyaya"- "The princess remained with her friends for a while and went home with a heart painfully uneasy due to love or with a greatly disturbed state of mind due to love'. - ་ ayallaka- occurs in Merutunga's Prabandbacintamani (p 33, line 8), a Prabandha in Jain Sanskrit The relevant passage is as follows 'atha damaranama sandhivigrahiko malava-mandaladayatah sri bhojasya sabham varnayan mahantam ayallakam Janayati." 'After that the minister for peace and war by name Damara, who had returned from Malava, while describing the court of Sri Bhoja created great longing among all.' In this Hindi translation of Prabandhacintamani Pandit Hazariprasad Dvivedi has rendered ayallaka, with ascɔrya-. Really speaking ayallakais not 'wonder' or 'marvel' Here, looking to the context the mea ning of ayallaka- appears to be 'longing' or 'curious longing' In the same work ayallaka- occurs on page 73 lines 5 & 6 also, the relevant "advayameva praphullayallahalal ari-preryamanah" - "being pushed by waves of full-fledged longing' The word ayallaka- is rendered with ananda- in the Hindi translation. But 'longing' fits in passage i$ - -

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the context. cf. also ayallaka- in the sense of 'longing' noted by Maurice Bloomfield in his "Some aspects of Jain Sanskrit" 1, Elsewhere ayallaka- is 'longing exclusively with love.' Here it is irrespective of love It is 'longing' in general Either the meaning was extended to convey 'longing' in general or it was so previously. ✓ Acakkh- 'to taste, to relish' acakkhiya- (p. p) 176 [Gloss loosely renders it with bhaksita-. 'eaten'; it should be asvaditasee No cakkh-, ] 802 ✓Ayam- 'to make miserable, to afflict' 903 ayamijjar (passive 3 s.) 85 17 11 [=duhkhikriyate-(gl); Alsdorf notes dukhyate, klesam utpadyate as the gloss (vide Harivamsapurana); the relevant passage 1 s- "nayamijjai visaharasayane" (he) is not afflicted by the bed of snakes', this sense of the word is not noted by PSM ] Ayamiya- 87 2 6 'trampled, crushed, pressed down' [=campita-(gl); Alsdorf notes niddalita- as the gloss here; the relevaut passage is- "nayasejja ayamiyam pabale "- 'trampled or crushed the bed of snakes with his strength', PC I. and PC III have √ayam-= samarthyam kr'-, 'exert force, stretch oneself', this meaning is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo; it is connected with D.I 65 ayama-= bala-, 'strength'. Our ayamiya also seems to be connected with DI 65 in view of the context.] 804. Adhatta- 77 6 6 'surrounded with a view to attack'. 1. - "hari [-=vestita-(gl), the relevant passage is lion was surrounded by jackals'; cf. PSM 'attacked'.] adhattau jambuehi"- the adhatta- (D)= akranta, Here adhatta is rendered by the gloss with vestita-. Paiasaddamahannavo quotes a passage from Samaraiccakaha wherein the word adhatta- occurs, according to Paiasaddamahannavo, in the sense of akranta-, 'attacked'. The passage 1 s as follows'- "etthamtarammi vijayavamma-naravaina adhatto lacchinilayasam surateo nama naravat" (Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra 140) - 'In the meanwhile, the king Vijayavarma attacked the king of laksminilaya, by name Suryatejas' In this passage of the Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra, we can very well take adhattain the sense of vestita-, 'surrounded' Similarly the word adhatta- in the MP passage also can be taken to mean akranta-. So there is nothing in these two passages which can make us prefer between the two meanings, namely, akranta- and vestita-. Both suit the context. Festchrift, Jacob Wakernagel, Gottingen, 1923, p 226

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. Aranala- 7 24 7, 20 5 8, 33 8 6, 38 12 12, 48 10 1 80 13 3, 94 147 'a lotus'. [=kamala~(gl); cf. aranala-= kamulam= 'lotus' (D 1 67), Trivikrama also notes the word in the came sense and gives its etymology thus "arad dure samipe ca nalamastit aranalam" (Tr 14 52), Hemacandra notes aranala as a tadbhava- in the sense of kanjika-= 'sour gruel' cf with that MW aranala-= 'scur gruel made from the fermentation of boiled rice, this aranalaquite different from our word ] 806. ✓ Alumkh- 'to taste a specimen, to smack' alumkhuya (p p.) 13 11 4 " [asvadita-(gl.) the relevant passage 1 s- "alumkhiyai pikkai phalai" the ripe fruits were smacked'; the word occurs in JC at 138 in the same sense and the relevant passage is "govalamuhalumkhiya-phalai "the fruits which were smacked by the mouths of cowherds', ✔alumikh, also occurs in the above sense in NC at 7 2 11 and the relevant passage is - "garalambaya-phalai alumkhar"- '(the king) smacks the poisonous mangoes', Hemscandra (H.4 182) and PSM note the root in the sense of spr's = 'to touch' only Trivikrama also notes Nalukkh 11 the also notes sense of sprs (Trivikrama 24 132), PSM √alumgh-= 'to touch' which is nothing but a variation of /alumkh- The meaning in our context as well as in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta and NC is specialised ] 807. Avaggi- 91 21 11 'totally, wholly, entirely to one's self'. - (=svanga, ekalah (?) (gl); Alsdorf notes mulagi as the gloss on avaggi, the relevent passage 1 s- "blumjar bhoyanu kema vi na dhai avaggi jama rasol khar" 'he eats the entire meals all alone, and is not satiated' PSM does not note it, avaggau occurs at NC 7 6 10 where it is glossed as lagnam, caditam, but here also the word appears to have been used in the sense of 'whole, entire', the relevant passage in NC 15- "samihe kerau rinu avaggau ko vi bhana mahu vatta laggau" - 'a certa.n warrior said, "the whole debt of my master is still on me" cf, avaggi occurring in this very sense in PC I, II & III and avaggaya in PC III, cf.G. augu= 'one's own, peculiar For the words svanga- and mulagi given in the gloss see Appendix ] Alsdorf doubtfully takes the reading avamgo and interprets as apamarga recorded at D 1 62 and Trivikrama 3 4 80 (vide Harivamsapurana, Glossary) But he is, on the right lines when he compares G mulgu, 'entirely' with mulagi given by the gloss in his manuscript.

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Many a time avaggi- is used in connection with territory belonging to a king It connotes 'one's entire ownership or one's own'. It is comparable to Modern Gujarati Adverb augu (or by Metathesis agvu) in the sense of 'peculiar to oneself, belonging to oneself'; for example, • teni saili agvi che' - 'his style has the stamp of his own individuality' 808 ✓ Asamgh- 'to resort to' 50 5 13, 80 asamghai (pres 3 s) 25 22 14, 34 11 5, 70 10 12, 73 30 12, 78 11 14, 83 11 10, 92 11 7, asamghi(y)a-(p. p) 3 12 10, 16 17, 27 4 2, 24 15 7, 36 1 4, 40 4 2, 52 21 10, 62 13 2, 73 12 13, 79 13 2, 82 8 7,89 13 8,94 6 4, 95 10 14, asamghivi (abs) 41 7 11, 15 4, 87 15 3, 88 4 13, 102 4 12, asamghiuna (abs) 59 19 4. [=asrayati, asrita- (gl), at 73 30 12, the gloss renders asamghar with asrayati, akalayati, anuranjayali ca, cf Nasamgh- occurring in this very sense in JC (2 12 1 & 3 11 13), NC, PC, II, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III etc.; asamghain the sense of asamsa- in PC II is altogether a different word. cf al-o asamgha-= 'confidence, trust' (Supplement to J O. I, Baroda, vol x, no 2, p 109).] Hemacandra records asamgha- in the sense of iccha-, 'desire' (D I 63) and Trivikrama notes the word in the sense of astha = 'regard, care' (Tr I 3 40) asamgha- in the sense of 'desire' can be connected with asomsa-, cf Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen §267, where he postulates *asamha-= asamsa- But the connection of th s sense of Nasamgh- with the sense of 'resorting to' is not clear PSM gives asamghia- to mean adhyavasita- and quotes in support Setubandha. 809. Ahacca-85 23 10 'a stroke'. [The commentator renders ahacca- with aghataka-, PSM notes ahaccain the sense of prahara-, aghala-. But if we take ahacca- here to mean atyartham= 'very much' on the authority of D. 1 62, then also the meaning suits the context. Alsdorf takes it in the sense of atyartha-.] 810 Ijja 65 21 12, 69 25 3 'mother'. - {=mata¬, upadhyaya-bharya (gl.), PSM notes yja- as a Dest word in the sense of 'mother' quoting from Anuogadarasutta. Muni Ratnacandraji's Prakrit dictionary also gives yja- in the sense of 'mother' At PC I 49 9 b) njja- is used in the sense of spasru-= 'mother-10 law'. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary notes the word in the sense of 'bawd, procuiess' as occurring in Lexicons only. This meaning can be connected with the above meaning on the ground that a procuress was generally a vesyamala ]

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Ibbha- 29 23 8 'a merchant' 199 [The televant passage is- "lam pecchivi vimbhu bbha-tanau"- "seeing him the merchant's son was astonished' cf ibbha-= vanik-= 'a merchant' (D. 1 79), Muni Ratnacandraji gives ibbha- in the sense of 'a person possessing wealth which can cover an elephant together with its litter completely' and ibbha-kula- in the sense of 'a family of rich merchants' In Jain Sanskrit it is used in the sense of 'a chief or leading and prosperous bania of the community', cf. ibhya- 'a wealthy man' (Supplement to J. O. I, Baroda vol. x no 2 p 110). MW records it in the sense of 'elephant' and not merchant'] 812 I-67 14 8 'Goddess of wealth' [=laksmi (gl.), Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this word, ef, MW 1 (L)= 'Name of Laksmi'.] 813 Ui-28 36 34 'See ! look!' [=pasya (gl.), the relevant passage is "uz ma'- 'O mother, look! cf_ta= pasya= 'look' (D 1 86, H 2 211) also uaha= pasyata- Imp 2 pl (D 198), cf, ua occurring in this very sense in Gathasapta sati, uya in Lilavni & Vajja (235) & uva in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III & Usa (256)] 814 Ukkhaya-(v 1 uggaya-) 35 7 9, 59 12 6 'raised' [This word is used in the context of a sword cf. ukkhaya-= utkhata (H 1 67,, PSM notes the word ukkhaya- and quotes in support Supasanahacaria; here also the word is used in the context of a sword, the relevant passage is "ukkhayakhagga dittha" they were seen with raised swords'. cf ukkhaza-= "(with karavala) unsheathed, Uprooted" (PC I); cf ukkhaja- in JC and Bb and ukkhaya in used in the same sense] 815. Ukkhusiya-71 12 9 'besmeared'. [=lipta (gl), the relevant passage is - NC "keyairaukkhusiyamanavam" -- *where human beings were smeared with the pollen of Ketaki', this word is not attested anywhere else.] 816 Uccoli-22 15 10, 56 7 7 'folds of a garment near the lap (used to carry something), the folds of a garment to be tucked into the waist-band in front. [=kativastra, (g)); cf uccola--hiv-, 'the folds of a garment in front (D 1 131), PSM renders it as "stri ke kativastra ki nady", cf uccolioccurring in the above sense at JC 2 289 cf uccoli= utsamga-= 'lap' (PC I) For the meaning, cf. M of= 'the lap of a Dhoti or saree also such cavity formed with the shoulder-cloth', see amcoli-] រ

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At D. 1 131 the commentator paraphrases uccola- (Masculine) with Sanskrit ntv. Ramanujaswami takes this nivi- (and consequently uccola-) to mean 'the knot of the wearing garment'. But nivi- in Sanskrit has two meanings of Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary niv-= 1) 'a piece of cloth wrapped round the waist (especially as worn by women)', 2) 'the knot of the wearing garment' kativastra- is quite different from 'knot of garment' supposed by Ramanujaswami and Paiasaddamahannavo as the meaning of the dest word uccoli. The root of the error lies in misunderstanding Hemacandra's paraphrase word niʊl-. Further, it is interesting to note that the word under discussion occurs with the spelling cmcoli- (v 1, acculi-) at MP 65 15 6 Here it is glossed as utsanga-='lap' With this meaning, namely, 'lap', but with the spelling uccoli- (fem) it occurs twice in PC But the meaning 'lap' does not hold good for MP 22 15 10 or 56 7 7 where it is glossed kafivastra- At 22 15 10, the girl gathers vegetables in her fold of garment. The relevant line is "sarala-hariyapattahu tambirayahu, mai uccoli bhariya mahurayahu". Here the uccoli- 1 s said to have been filled with some vegetable and the girl carries along with her Therefore uccoli- cannot mean 'lap' here It meers 'fold of dress or garment' and the line can be rendered as 'I filled up the fold of my garment with reddish vegetables having straight green leaves'. it At 56 77 also uccolt can be rendered as 'folds of a garment'. The relevant passage is - "uccolihi amgalau nihittu" wbich can be rendered as- 'placed burning charcoal in the folds of garment'. Therefore, the gloss at 56 7 7, namely, kativastra- and Vaidya's gloss for uccoli- at 22 15 10 are nearer the truth The semantic development we can easily figure out. uccoli-, to start with, meant the fold of a garment', and later on came to mean 'the lap'. Compare a parallel development of meaning in the case of the Gujarati word 'kholo' which primarily means 'fold of garment' and secondarily 'lap'. It is not clear whether the variant amcol- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 65 15 6 is the result of the influence of the Sk ancala-= 'front part of a garment, the border or end of a garment'. 817. Uttemta- 29 13 12 (v.1.uddemta-), 30 4 7, 31 2 2 'unruly'. [Vaidya renders it with unmatta-, Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this. The meaning uddanda-, 'unruly' satisfies all the three contexts In Kannada uff means 'abuse, bad language, overbearing manner' In Marathi udaphu is an unsteady or fickle person'. It is not clear whether uffemta, v.l.uddemta- is connected with these.]

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. ✓Udd 'to offer one's shoulder, to stretch or extend one's hand', uddi(y)a-(p.p) 89 126, 101 16 15, uddiyaa-(p.p enlarged) 84 11 14 (v.1.odiyaa= v. 1. oddiyaa-). - - [=urdhviks ta-(gl.), Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this sense of the word; cf. Nudd- occurring in this very sense at JC 2 33 6 and the relevant expression here is "uddiyakara-" 'extended hand'; cf Nuddoccurring at NC 2 12 5 where the passage is- "uddiyau karu"- 'extended the hand', Nudd- occurs in this sense in CMC also on p.319, line 17 and the relevant passage 15 - "uddio amjali- 'offered or put (his) hands (in front of or before some body)', cf. G odvu= 'to hold forth'; cf. Kannada oddu= 'to hold the hands so as to receive, catch or support a thing'. See ✓ samodd- and ✔udd- below.] 819. ✓ Udd 'to offer as a stake' uddia- (pp) 5629 - [Though the gloss renders the word by harita-, really speaking, it means 'offered by way of stake or offered as a stake' ; later on in the context haramta- Occurs; the relevant passage at 56 2 9 is - "uddiuniyarajju"- "offered his kingdom as a stake', cf. uddia- occurring at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 3 12 6; the relevant passage is- "uddiyai nanavrha-vittai- 'various kinds of riches were offered as stakes'; of hudda=pana, 'a stake'; cf. M., G hod= 'wager, bet'; cf. Kannada Noddu= 'to put a stake or as a stake at play' and oddu-'a stake at play' See ✓ odd- above.] 820 Umada- 102 5 17 ( dhalai) 'asserting itself'. [The gloss renders it with pravartante. The relevant passage is - "na vi vayanunnadai jinimdaham"- The word of Jinendra asserts itself'.] 821. Uttividi- 32 20 5 'a pile, a series of objects placed one upon another'. [=utramdi? (gl.), see vaftutividi- and utturadi-.] 822 Utturadi- (v.1 uttakadi- v 1 utturudi-) 77 6 1 'a pile, a pyramid, a series of objects placed one upon another'. [=utramdi ti bhasayam (gl), the relevant passage is - 'bhuvanutturadi- nivadane kim huo mighoso"- "was it a noise of falling of worlds standing one upon the other ?' Here the context is of the bhuvanas, 'worlds' standing one upon the other and thus forming an utturadi. Hemachandra has recorded ulliridi- at D. 1 122 and paraphrased it as - "urdhvordhvam bhandadeh sthapanam". The rendering of this by Ramanujaswami is inadequate, as he has rendered it 'one above the other'. Really speaking in conformity with the Sk, rendering of the word 26

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it should be 'arrangement as of utensils one upon another'. In one of the Manuscripts of Desinamamala the reading is uttaracidi- which is nearer to M utramd-. Trivikrama- gives uttiriidiam and renders it in Sk with uparyuparisthanam (Trivikrama 3 4 71, 434); cf. M utramd-, G. utrad-= 'a vertical pile or stack of pots, pitchers etc., a series of pots arranged one upon another'. See uttwrdi- and vattuttiidi-.] 823 Utthar- 'to attack, to proceed to fight, to engage actively in fight': uttharamli (pres 3 pl ) 61 11 3; uttharamta- (pres.p) 86 9 2 (v.1.ottharamta-); utthariya- (pp) 75 8 6, utthari (absolutive) 78 17 11. yuddhartham utthita- (g) at 75 8 6), gloss at 61 11 3 loosely renders as sammukham agacchanti. cf. PSM ✓utthar-= a+kram-, 'to attack'. PSM also notes utthariya-(D) in the sense of utthita-. As in all its occurrences, Nutthar- is used in the context of battle, it should be "yuddhartham utthita"- and not mere utthita-. cf. Nutthar-= a+kram- (Trivikrama 3 194); cf ✓ulthar- in the same sense occurring in PC.II and Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. See Notthar-. ] 824. Uppiccha- 5 1 11, 14 6 7 (v.l.upittha-), 74 4 3 'abounding in,' 'replete with'. [=ulbana- (gl. at 5 1 11 & 14 6 7), ucchnita- (gl. at 74 4 3); Paiasaddamahannavo notes uppiccha- and gives cross-reference to uppittha- where one of the meanings given is akula-, 'full'; see uppeceha-] The reading in the text at 14 6 7 is uppiccha- and the whole expression is "hasuppiccha-simdhussari-jainio". Herein jhasuppiccha- qualifies simdhu- and is rendered by the gloss as matsyolbana- i. e., 'full of, abounding in fish' Therefore, uppiccha- is equivalent to 'abounding in' jhasup piccha- can be rendered as phasakula-, jhasakirna- The other reading upittha- possibly stands for uppittha-. The Desinamamala records three senses for uppittha- namely, trasta-, 'afraid' or 'frightened'. kupita-, 'angry' and vidhura- 'distressed, deprived of'. Trivikrama uotes uppittha- in the sense of trasta-, kruddha- (Trivikrama 3 1 132, 35). At Mahapurana of Puspadanta 5 11 1 also, the meaning 'full of, abounding in' fits well. At MP 74 4 3 gloss renders uppiccha- with ucchrita-. Paiasaddamahannavo on the strength of Jivajvabhigama Sutra records ahittha-, uppiccha- aula- (akula-) and rosabhariya- as synonyms and at another place bhiya- (bhita), duya-(druta-, pidita-), uppiccha and uttala (uddhata-) as synonyms. In that case, uppiccha- would mean akula- and uddhata-. So at 5 11 1 and 14 6 7 it is used in the sense of pracura- which is one of the meanings of ulbana- and at 74 4 3 it is used in the sense of uddhata-, 'puffed up, arrogant' rendered by the gloss as ucchrita-. It is quite

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possible that uppittha- as recorded in the Desinamamala and our uppiccha- may be different words and there may have resulted some confusion in the spellings and meanings of the two words due to easy inter-changeability of ccha- and ttha- in the manuscripts. 825. Uppeccha- 39 16 2 'abounding in,' 'full of'. [=paripurna (gl.), the relevant passage is- "niggau phan garaluppecchanayanu"- 'the snake with eyes full of poison set forth'; this word is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo; see up piccha-.] 826. Ullur 'to pluck, uproot' ulluriya- (p.p) 15 3 3, 18 8 7. [Compare ✓ullur= trut-, 'break' (H. 4 116, Tr 3162), cf. √ulluroccurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 6 13), Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. etc.; see ✓lur-.] 827. Ulluria- 25 21 1 (v.1. kulluna-) 'a baker, confectioner' [Gloss gives kandukt- which may be a Sanskratisation of Prakrit kamdui-, ≈Sanskrit kandavika-. See kamdu- at S no. 294. For the discussion on the word see kulluna-.] 828. Ullova- 39 18, 37 21 5, 87 14 4, Ulloa- 12 1 5, Ullovaya- 8 7 15, 72 1 5, 94 17 2 'an awning, a canopy'. [=ulloca-, candrapaka-, candropaka-, vitana- (gl.); cf. ulloca-= vitana-, 'canopy' (D. 198). In two of the manuscripts of the Desinamama a the reading is ullova-. This reading appears to be preferable in view of the form of the word in MP, JC, NC, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. & Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka, cf. ulloyaused in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 16 14), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, ulloya- in Lilavai and Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka (p 288, line 6) and ulloca- in Yt; ullova- in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta is glossed candeva-, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary ulloca-(L)='a canopy'. For the words candrapakacandropaka- given in the Mahapurana of Puspadanta gloss and candeva 11 NC gloss, see Appendix] 829. ✓ Uvvar- 'to survive, escape, remain': uvvarasi (pres. 2, s.) 60 87 (v 1. uvvarahi), uvvari(y)a (pp) 181 15, 39 13 10, 55 3 7, 59 2 13, 66 1 6, 85 5 2, 85 13 4. [The relevant passages are-1) "dadhapamjari padiu naru ko uvvariu kaya mtaho" (18 1 15)- 'Has a man who has fallen in the snare of Yama's claws ever survived?' 2) "paryanivi uvvariu sesu chammasu niruttau" (59 2 13) 'having known for certain that only the last S 1 x months remained", 3) "uvvariyam kaham pr aliyallahi tie karamgulittayam '_ 'somehow three fingers of the hand escaped from the tiger'. D 1 182 records udvaria- in the sense of adhika-, 'more, abundant'; Paiasaddamahannavo notes. -

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it in the sense of avasista-, cf. udvar- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 23 4, 2 82 3, 4 10 4 & 4 20 9), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II & Lilavat; cf. H 1. ubarna= 'to escape' and uvera= 'remainder, residue'] 830 Uvvara- 16 21 11 'deliverance, relieving, protection'. [=uddharana-raksana- (gl.); Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this meaning of the word. Tagare connects uvvara- with *udvara(na); cf H₁. ubara-. See uvvarua- below.] 831. Uvvarua 37 25 3 'delivered, saved relieved, protected'. 832 - [=uddharita-(gl.), Vaidya renders this word with avasista- (vide MP I, Glossary). See uvvara-.] --Uhara 10 12 9 'a kind of aquatic animal' [=jalacara-visesa-(gl.), PSM does not note this word, cf. avahara 'marine monster' (Yasastilaka-campu); see ohara-.] 833 Oilla-27 10 2, Oillaya- 13 10 3 (v 1. ovilla-) 'mounted' The passage at 13 10 3 is "veyaddhagirihi oillayai "- 'who had mounted the Vaitadhya mountain'; cf. oilla- arudha-, 'mounted'(D 1 158).] 834 VOnall- 'to hang, suspend' onallia-(past participle) 7 5 12, 7 22 5 [adhah patitah (gl. at 7 5 12), here it is used in a causal sense to mean 'made to hang down'; cf PSM Nonall-= ava+lamb-, 'to hang'; in support of this Paiasaddamahannavo quotes the following passage from Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. - kesa -kalavu khamdhe onallai" (946) the mass of hair hung loosely on the shoulders'. cf. onallaa-= avanata-, patita- (PC.II), 'exhausted, drooping' (PC.III).] - 835. Otthar- 'to attack, proceed to the battlefield to fight, engage actively in fight'. otthari(y)a-(past participle) 75 4 12, 78 9 21, 85 13 4, 88 11 14. [Gloss loosely renders it with ucchrita- at 75 4 12 and krudhva agatah at 85 13 4. cf. otthariya-= akranta, 'attacked' (D. 1 169), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo otthariya ~= avastrta-, vyapta-, cf dotthar-= a+kram (Lilavai): Tagare connects otthara with Fava-starati (vide Historical Grammar of Apabhramsa) See ✓ utthar-.] The relevant passages wherein otthariya- occurs are as follows 1) "mai kuu ranamgani ottharie" (75 4 12)-'Being enraged when I proceed to the battlefield to fight'. 2) "otthariu samatthahi nanasatthahi" (78 2 21)- 'Engaged actively in fight by means of various weapons'

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) "kiha valaddu modiu otthariyau" (85 13 4)-'how he attacked and destroyed the bull' 4) "saradharahi vutthau mahumahanu, nam navapausi otthariu dhanu" (28 11 4) 'Krsna showered the volleys of arrows, as a cloud makes an assault at the advent of the rainy season'. "To attack, to proceed to the battlefield to fight, engage actively in fight, confront in battle'- these are the meanings which fit all the contexts and this is confirmed by D. 1 169- ottharia- which is equated with akranta-, akranta- here should be rendered by attacked or confronted in battle' and not by 'seized' as is done by Ramanujaswami3. The meaning given by Alsdorf and Paiasaddamahannavo can be further specified as above. The word under discussion occurs with the spelling ultharia- at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 75 86 Here it is aptly glossed as "yuddhartham utthitah" In PC also uttharia occurs in this very sense. ✓ Oral- 'to roar'. oralia-(past participle) 28 29 1 [The relevant paasage is "nam kanani harina oraliu" - - 'as though the lion roared in the forest' cf. Noral- 'grunt, roar' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu III), cf oralia-, 'raised a cry, made a loud sound, (Bb 7 11 10 & 15 12 12) See orali-. 837. Orali- 5 1 7, 8 7 8 'roar of a lion'. [=sabda-, dhvani-(gl.), D 1 154 notes oralli- in the sense of "dirgha_ madhura-dhvant", 'a long sweet sound'. Trivikrama equates orall with gabhira-dirgha-rava-(Tr 34 172). cf orali, 'rumbling roar' (PC II), orala garjana simhanada (Paumacariu of Svayambhu III) Cf. also oralli- in this sense occurring in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka; Cf. M. aroli, 'a loud call, a loud bawling or roaring' See Noral.] 838. ✓Ohatt 'to diminish' I ohattaa- (p. ohatta (pres 3 s.) 28 23 10, 76 4 13, 79 5 5, 102 47 p enl) 7 18 7, 32 7 3 [Compare ohatt-= 'to diminish, to lessen' (H. 4 419 illustration 4), the relevant passage in this illustration is "pekkhu gahirima sayaraho ekka vi kania nahi ohattar"- "behold the depth of the ocean, not a drop is lessened', cf. also ohatta-zapasrta-, 'gone away' (D 1 166); cf. Johatt_ In the sense of 'diminish' 10 PC I, PC II & Bh' cf G. of-, M. ohti-= 'ebb' and M. ohatne, 'to flow down or abate'. With the root we may compare ND hajnu= 'to get out of the way, go away, retreat'.] See Desinamamala, Ramanujaswami, P, V, poona, 1938, Glossary.

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. Ohara-10 2 9, 12 12 19 87 9 12 'a kind of aquatic animal'. [=jalacara visesa- (gl), Alsdorf notes the reading uhara- at 878 12 and gives the meaning 'sea-animal' with a query; this word is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo cf. ohara- in the same sense occurring in PC I & PC III See uhara-.] 840 Ohaliya-7 5 12, 70 8 2 'washed' 'bathed' [=praksalita-, snapita- (gl), the relevant passages are -1) "ruhirohaliyadehu" (7 5 12) - 'the body washed with blood'; 2) "vah-apavahaohaliya-nayana" (70 8 2)- 'eyes bathed (7082)with the streams of tears'.] PSM gives 'soiled, tarnished' as the meaning of ohaliya- The supporting passage quoted from Surasumdaricaria 1 186 and Sanatkumaracarita 1 S- "amsujalohaliya-gamdayalo". Now in the light of the gloss of Mahapurana of Puspadanta we can say in the ease of the passages quoted by Paiasaddamahannavo, the meaning will be the same, namely, praksalita- The passage can be rendered as "the cheek-region washed by tears'. So the meaning 'soiled' or 'tarnished' is to be given up. 841. Kayara 28 2 14 (v 1. kayaruya-), Kayara- 72 10 6 'dirt, rubbish'. [=dhuli, kacavara-punjah (gl,) D. 1 11 notes kayara- and renders it with trnadyutkara-; Ramanujaswami renders this with 'a stack of grass'. Though he understands utkaraunderstands utkarato mean 'a stack', it appears that utkara- corresponds to ukkarada- recorded by PSM, ukkuruda- recorded by D. 1 110 and G ukkardo, M. ukirda- and means 'a dung-heap, a heap of refuse'. Cf. also kacchara-= panka, 'mud (D 2 2) and kaccharav 1 kaccara-= kardama- (1g. 3 4 70) Cf PSM kayavara-(D), kacavara-(D)= rubbish, dirt' Cf kayara- in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 14 3, 3 14 7 & 3 14 8), Bh and kacavara- in Up K. in this very sense MW records kaccara-(L)= 'spoiled by dirt'. Cf also Jain Sanskrit kacavara- which is a back-formation from Prakrit kayavara-, kacavara-, H₁ katavara-. Cf. Turner's Nepali Dictionary kacar= 'rubbish'.] The variant at 28 1 14 for kayara- in MB manuscript is kayaruya, glossed as roga-. In most of the occurrences of kayara there is no medial nasalisation. This occurrence is unique or may be an error. 842. Kakkbada- 11 13 10 'cruel,' 'hard-hearted' [=nisthura-hrdaya- (gl); cf. PSM kakkhada- kathora-, parusa-, Trivikrama notes this in the sense of karkasa (Tr 13 105, 44), cf kakkhada, occurring in Bh and PCI There is no etymological connection between kakkhada- and karkasa-.]

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. Kamkelli- 416, 9 27 14, 16 12 11, 16 26 10, 22 13 1, 28 14 3, 30 12 5, 33 1 11, 37 6 1, 37 13 10, 38 24 2, 48 13 12, 61 11 12, 71 12 6, 81 18 2. 82 14 7, 89 2 12, 91 20 5, 95 5 1 'Jonesia Asoka'. [Compare kamkelli= asoka-vrksa-, 'Jonesia Asoka' (D. 2 12). Cf. kamkellioccurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 12 3 & 4 17 10), Vajjalaggam (220) & CMC and kamkilli- in Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana%3 B Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary notes kankeli- in this sense and quotes in support from Balaramayana-. See kimkilli-] 844. Kadacamcu- 102 6 4 (v.1 kavadacumcu- v.1. kadayavu-) 'A proper name for the future Jina'. [=katapru (gl.); Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records katapru in the sense of 'a worm' as recorded in Lexicons only] 845 Kadamaddana- 84 13 11 (v.1 kadavamdana-), 91 15 10 'destruction,' 'annihilation'. [=kataka-bhanjana- (gl.); at 91 15 10 the commentator has given kadain the sense of samuha-, but kadamaddana- in the sense of vinasa, suits the context. This is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo; cf. kadamaddana- in the sense of inasa-, vidhvamsa- in PC.II and PC.III. The word kadamaddanaoccurs in NC at 4 7 11 and at 8 3 11 in this very sense and in the same context namely, of battle. The editor has rendered kada- occurring at 8 3 11 with kata-, and has not noted kadamaddana occurring at 4 7 11 In most of its occurrences the word is used in association with bhada- or suhada-, 'warrior' and the context is of war; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary katamarda-(L)= 'Name of Siva.' The latter part appears to be mardana-., but the meaning of the element kata- is not clear. See kadavaddana-.] 1 846 Kadavaddana- 59 12 7 (v 1. kadamaddana-) 'destruction,' 'annihilation'. [=prakata-curnikarana- (gl). Here also, as in the case of kadamaddana-, the word occurs compounded with bhada-, 'warrior'. See kadamaddana-.] 847 Kadaha- 76 7 7 'a kind of plant'. [PSM notes kada- to mean trna-visesa- and kadahu= vrksa-visesa-. Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kata-(L)= 'an annual plant, grass'; cf. Kan kadaha-= 'a tree with orange-coloured fragrant blossoms and with projectting antherae'.] 848. Kana- 50 7 5, Kana(y)a- 11 16 10, 83 6 6, 94 23 14 'an arrow'. 1 [=bana- (gl), cf. kanaa-= isu- 'an arrow' (D 256); cf. kanaya-= bana- (PC.I, PC.III & Paumacariu of Vimalasuri) In Sk, kana- is used in the sense of 'a grain, an atom'.] See Nayakumaracariu, Jain, H., Karanja, 1933, Glossary

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At 50 75 kanaa- is shortened as kana- as it occurs as a member of a compound nikkana-, 'devoid of arrows'; of H. 1 269- "kisalaya-kalayasahrdaye yah" and Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen § 150 for dropping of the final syllable. 849. Kanailla- 51 52 'a door-keeper'. 850 [=pratihara-(gl.), cf. kadailla- v.1, kadaalla-z pratthara-, 'a door-keeper' (D. 2 15, Trivikrama 2 1 30, 2). In case kadailla- is a spelling variant we 'one who has most to do with kataka'-, (kataka= can explain it as 'a ring used as a handle to pull the door')] Kamtha 25 21 6 (v 1. kattha- v.1. kola-), 91 51 4 'a pig, swine'. [=sukara- (gl.); cf. kamtha-= sukara- 'a pig' (D. 2 51) and (Trivikrama 3 4 72 630).] 851. Kamdara- 41 12 6 'hair'. [=kesa-(gl.), the relevant passage 15- "dadha-mutthihi uppadiya kamdara"with firmly closed fist he plucked the hair'. This word is not recorded in Paiasaddamahannavo] 852 Kamdotta- 29 6 5, 30 15 1, 52 9 5, 73 1 7, 92 14 12 'a blue lotus'. nilotpala, 'a [=nilot pala-, padma-, utpala-, kamala-(gl.); cf. kamdoftablue lotus' (D. 2 9). Trivikrama gives utpala- as the meaning of the word and gives its etymology as follows. "kandaduttikate udgacchatiti kamdottam" (Trivikrama 1 4 121, 54). cf. kamdutta= utpala-, 'lotus' (H. 2 174), cf. hamdotta- in JC (4 17 14) PC.I, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Brihatkatha-kosa, Kamsavaho of Ramapanivada, Chandonusasana of Hemacandra and kamdutta, in Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana in the same sense; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kandota (L), kandota-(L), kandottha-(L)= 'Nymphaea Esculenta, the blue lotus'. According to Upadhye kamdotta comes from kandottha- (kanda+uttha-) which, he says, 1$ a Sanskrit word. He says that various words like kandata-, kandotaetc., noted by lexicographers, are mere back-formations from the Prakrit kamdotta In that case the word could have two forms: kamdotthaas well as kandoftha-, because Sanskrit ud-+stha- is represented in Prakrit by uttha- und uttha-. But everywhere the spelling that is found is kamdottaThe de-aspiration would remain unexplained.] 858. Kappa-12 2 8, 39 6 1,56 5 9, 56 8 2, 58 22 1, 59 10 23, 84 3 16 'tax, tribute, ransom'. \=kara-, danda-, karabhara-(gl.); cf. kappa- occurring in this sense in PC I & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this, kalpa- is not used in Sanskrit in this sense, Burrow & Emeneau note Kannada, Tulu kappa, Kan kappu, Tamil, Malayalam kappam, Te kappamu= 'tribute, tax' (See Dravidian Etym ological Dictionary).] 1. See Kamsavaho, Upadhye, A N, Bombay, 1940, notes, p 175,

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. Kappada- 36 8 9 'a garment,' 'a cloth'. 209 [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo kappada- vastra-, cf. kappada- occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 36 15), Karakamdacariu, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. in the same sense; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary karpata- 'old or patched or ragged garments, rag' (Kathasaritsagara). Cf. M.; G. kapad-, Hindi kapda-, Kannada kappada-= 'cloth, clothing' ] 855. Kabbada- 5 21 3, 20 5 8, 32 3 15 'a settlement'. - " - [Vaidya renders it with vasati-misesa-, The passage at 5 21 3 describes a kabbada- as follows- "kabbadai mahiharapaniyaryai 'the kabbadas surrounded by mountains'; Paiasaddamahannavo gives kutsita-sahara- as the meaning of the word, cf. karbata-= 'a poor town' (Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra III) and karvata-= 'a settlement surrounded by mountains' (Brihatkatha-kosa) cf. also kavvada in this sense in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. Cf. also Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary karvata-(W)= 'a village, a market town'. kavata-= 'a district containing 100 gramas', and karvataka-(L)= 'declivity of a mountain'.] 856. Kammaravi- 4 17 9 'an act of cleaning the musical instruments'. [=sarva-vadyanam mrdadisammarjanam karmarav nama (gl.); the context is of a concert; this is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo] 857. Karamara- 9 10 9, 76 7 7 'a sour fruit, Averrhoa Carambola'. [PSM does not record this; cf. karimara- (PC.I) and karamara- (PC.II) under Botanical names, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary karmara-(L), karmara-(L), karma. raka-(L), karmaranga-(L), karmaphala-(L)= 'Averrhoa Carambola", cf. also M. karamara-, karamala-, karambala-, Konkani karmbala-= 'Averrhoa Carambola',] 858. Karamari- 73 21 10, 85 1 16 (v.1 karimari) 'a slave-girl, a prisoner' [=dasi, bandini (gl), cf karamart-= hathahrta stri, 'a woman abducted by force' (D. 2 15). Trivikrama paraphrases karamari- as "hathahrta stri band™" and gives its etymology thus: "karena mrdyamanadakrsyata ityarthe karo pa padad mrdnaterdar?" (Trivikrama 21 30, 105) Obviously Trivikrama is considering karamart as made up of two elements, 1 st kara- and 2 nd marl- derived from mar- which he takes to be equivalent to Sanskrit mrd-. Cf. Pk mal- Sk, mrd- cf. MW karamari (L)= 'a prisoner'.] 859. Karoda-65 3 6 'a bull'. - [=vrsabha-(gl), ef, karoda-= vrsabha-= 'bull' (D. 254; Trivikrama3 4 72, 726).] 860. Kalamala- 36 2 6, 40 3 3, 71 5 10 'distress due to jealousy,' 'agitation and restlessness,' 'absence of pleasure arising from longings of love'. 27

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[=irsyajanita-kheda-, vyakulatva-, arati-(gl.); Paiasaddamahannavo notes kalamala- in the sense of 'dirt of the stomach' quoting in support from Thanamgasutta-. The word is used in the sense noted by Paiasaddamahannavo in Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra also. Cf kalamalaya- occurring in PC I in the same sense as Mahapurana of Puspadanta cf. H₁. kalmal= 'fidget, flutter', M. kalmal 'nausea preceding vomiting, qualmishness and talmal= 'restlessness through pain'.] At JC 2 10 14 kalayalar occurs The variant reading is kalamalai, Looking to the context the variant kalamalar appears preferable. The relevant passage 1 S- "kamuu dajjhai kalayalai (v 1 kalamalar)"- the kamuka is being burnt or consumed as if by ardent longing'. The word kalamaloka- occurs in Up,K in the following passages,- (1) "tato tra vidyamane na sukhayate madiya-vacanam utpadayatyaratim janayati kalamalakam" (p 421, 1 12) Here sukhabhava-, arali- and kalamala- are clearly distinguished. (2) "tatah samudurttam- hrdayam sanjatah kalamalakah sampannam vamanam" (p. 520, 16) Here vyakulatva-, 'disturbance' and corresponding - 'uneasiness' fits in, or here kalamalaka- may mean 'nausea preceeding vomiting' (3) "hrikalamalakam ghoram vamyamanah sahatyayam" (p 528, 1. 18) Here. kalamalaka- is associated with vyakulatva of heart. } So, the meaning surmised by Feter Peterson for kalamalaka-occurring in Up K. namely, 'palpitation of the heart' is to be discarded in the light of the Apabbramsa occurrences The word halamala- occurring in the expression "garbha-kalamala"- in the Up.K. appears to be a different word in the sense of 'miserable state of foetus'. 861 Kasara- 7 20 4,8 2 18, 28 28 7, 28 31 9, 32 20 14, 42 7 10 'a bull of low breed who shuns work'. [The gloss loosely renders kasara- with balivarda-, 'bull' at 7 20 4 and vatsatara-, 'mule' at 82 18 At 32 20 14 the commentator has rendered kasara- with pandura-. But in the light of the occurrences noted below, we should take it to mean a 'mule' or 'bad bullock' cf kasara-= adhama-balivarda, a bull of the lowest quality' (D. 2 4). It also occurs in the Sense of gali-vrsabha-at H 4 421, illustration I) balwarda-, vatsalara-, goyuva- and 'mischievous bull' rendered by Vaidya are loose-renderings of kasara (See MP I, Glossary-&: notes) Cf. hasara- used in this sense in Gatha Saptasati and Tri J, Helen Johnson has rendered with a bad tempered or disobedient bullock?- (Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra I);

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Im PURE DESI WORDS -2 b 1 cf. also kasara-, 'a buffalo' (Yasastilaka-campu). In most of the occurrences kasarais contrasted with dhavala-, 'an excellent bull'.] 862. Kayanamtiya- 57 3 5 (v 1 Layanamniya-) 'the Gunja berry'. [=kakani-, gunja-(gl), the relevant passage is - "kanani kayanamtiya vinai, satarullau kim molti bujhai" - 'Does the sabara who picks up gunja berries in the forest, know the value of pearls?' cf. kaini=gunja-, 'the Gunja berry' (D. 2 21), cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kakini(L), hakini(L)= 'a seed of the Abrus precatorious used as a weight', cf Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary-kakini-= 'a weight, the quarter of a pana-, end kakacence= 'the shrub Abrus precatorious'; of Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary gunja= 'Abrus precatorious (bearing a red and black berry which forms the smallest of the jeweller's weight'. (Susruta) ] 863 Kananaa- (?) 15 24 1 'Lord Brahma' [kananae= he brahman(gl), this is not recorded by PSM, cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary ka-- 'name of Brahman' and kanana-(L)= 'the face of Brahman'.] 864. Kahaliya- 12 11 13, 23 5 2, 85 10 1 (v 1 kahaleya- v 1. kahilaya-) 'a cowherd' [Compare kahila- gopala-, 'a cowherd' (D 2 28), Trivikrama also notes the word in the sense of vatsa-palaka-(Tr 34 72, 624), cf. kahalya- occurring in the sense in JC (1 21 5) cf. Hi kahar= 'name of a community whose main occupation 15 carrying palanquins'. } 865 Kimkilli- 46 6 4 (v.1. kamkelli-) 'Jonesia Asoka' [ asoka-vrksa-(gl) The variant kamkelli seems preferable. See kamkelli-.] 866. Kirada 29 15 9, 99 7 1, 99 8 5, 'a deceitful merchant, deceitful Bania (used in ridicule)'. a petty or* [vanik(gl); Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word, cf kirada-= occurring in this very sense in NC & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , cf. MW, kurata-= 'a merchant' (Rajatarangini), cf. also kirataka-, 'a deceitful merchant' (J.O I., Baroda vol. X no 2. p 120).] The word kurata, occurs in Silanka's commentary on Sutrakrtanga (Agamodaya Samiti edition folio 234) and the quotation is - "brah" manam dodamiti brayat tatha vanijam kiralam iti" It occurs in Bhagavata Purana also in Skandha 12 Adhyaya 3 Sloka 35 The quotation 15- "panayis yali var hsudrah kiratah kutakarinah". It occurs in Rajatarangini at VIII 132 For other references, see B.J Sandesara's note on "kurata, a merchant" published in the 1 st issue of Parab- September, 1960, pages 37 to 41 (monthly organ of Gujarati Literary Conferance) and "a note on the word kirata, a deceitful_merchant" in Bharatiya Vidya- vol. VIII pp 74-75.

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kirata- originally might have meant 'a deceitful person', and latter on came to be applied to a merchant because of his deceitful nature. Hence kirata- came to mean 'deceitful merchant'. We do not know if the ancient place-name in Rajasthan, Kiratakupa, modern Kiradu contains this kirata- as its first constituent'. 867. Kilivimdi- 52 20 18 (v.1. kilivamdi-) 'slapping of one's arms with one's own palms'. [=bahucchotika-(gl.); the context is of a battle. This word is not recorded in Paiasaddamahannavo; cf. kiliimdi-, kilivimdiya- in PC II See karayalavatti-] kilicimdi- occurs in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II also in connection with fight, clutching with arms, slapping one's arm with one's own palm as modern wrest lers do by way of challenge. 868. Kucchara- 84 3 19 (v.1. kocchara-) 'causing wonder', 'curiosity', or 'competent'. [=raikucchara= manohararati-kautukot padint(gl.). Here the meaning 'competent, skillfull' also suits Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. See kocchara-.) 869. Kudamga- 53 1 4, 86 10 11 'a bower, an arbour of creepers, a thicket'. [=laghujhataka- (=orksa) samuha-, hrsvasakhah svalpavrksah(gl); cf kudaya-, kudamga- latagrha-, 'a bower latagrha-, 'a bower of creepers' (D 2 37). Trivikrama notes kudaa-(Trivikrama 2 1 30, 107), kudumga- and kudukka- (Trivikrama 2 1 30, 34) in the same sense. Paiasaddamahannavo notes kudumga- in this sense and quotes Gatha Saptasati in support%; cf. kudumgana- in the same sense occurring in JC (1216) and kudumga- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, cf. MW kudanga-(L) "( found in Prakrit) a bower", kutangaka-(L), kutungaka-(L)= 'an arbour or bower formed of creeping plants' and kutanka-(L) = 'a roof, a thatch'. For the word jhataka- given in the gloss see Appendix. ] 870. Kudiya- 76 1 6 (v.1 khudiya-) 'broken to pieces', 'wrecked'. - ( The expression "gayapaya-kudiyu" is rendered by the gloss as "gaja padaih ksubhita kampita khudita va akulita visamonnata ityarthah"; the relevant passage is - "gayapayakudiya kulini" 'the road wrecked by the trampling of the elephants' feet'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word. MW records ✓√kud-= 'to plunge, to trifle' (Dhatupatha). The variant given by other manucripts is khudiya- and that is also noted by the gloss. In that case kudiya- means khandita- and this word may be equated with vasmonnata in the gloss, cf. khudia khandita-(H. 1 53, Tr 3162); cf. No khud- khand-(NC, Karakamdacariu, Bh, Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra , PC.I); cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary√ khund-= 'to break into pieces' (Dhatupatha) ] 1. Sec Epigraphia Indica, Volume XI, p. 72. 1

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. Kudhi Lagg- 'to chase a clue or to trail' 213 kudhi laggahi (pres. 2 s. ) 60 16 14; kudlu laggio (absolutive) 92 10 4, kudhi laggi (p.p.fem) 83 12 12; kudlu laggaa-(p,p enl) 29 14 11, 9233 [ kudhi=prsthe pascal(gl), cf. kudho-hrtanugamanam, 'following up stolen property' (D. 2 62) and Paiasaddamahannavo kudhavaya-(D)= anugamana-, 'trailing, tracing'; cf. kudhe lagg- in the same sense in PCI ] 872. Kumta-98 11, 29 18 9, 61 10 1, 69 20 1, 94 34 (51 kumtha-) 'a cripple,' 'maimed'. [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo kumta--hasta-hina-; kumla- occurs in JC (2 17 1 & 2 366) and Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta and is rendered with kubja- by the elitor But here also 'crippled or maimed' fits in; or maimed' fits in; cf. kumta-, 'hunch-back' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu II) cf. kumfa- in this very sense in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka cf. MW √√kunth-= 'to be lame or mutilated or blunted or dulled' (Dhatupatha), cf. G. komyo-, 'hunch-back', komt, 'hump', cf. Kannada kunta-, Mal kunda-= 'a cripple, a lame man'.] 873. Kummana- 71 14 7 'faded, withered'. [=mlana-(gl.); the relevant passage is - uppalu savani nihittau kummanau 'the lotus which was worn on the ears was withered', cf kummana, kurumana-= mlana-, 'withered' (D 240). Trivikrama notes the word in the same sense and further states that kumm-is a Prakrit substitute for mla-. (Trivikrama 2 1 30, 31); cf, Hindi kumhlana, 'be withered'] 874. Kuruvimda- 28 12 10 'a kind of grass' The relevant [The gloss loosely renders with sankha-gharsanam "kuruvimdu tanu vi jamghajuyaho nasavamlu karu damtihi". passage is Here the upamana is the trunk of the elephant, tanu indicates how upamana is inferior to upameya kuruvunda is a comparison for jamgha, Paiasaddamahannavo notes the word in the sense of mani-visesa- and 'a kind of disease of the thighs'. In support PSM quotes the following passage from Aupapatika Sutra "ent kuruvimdacatta-vattanu-puvvajamghe". kuruvimda- given by Hemacandra in Desinamamala as the meaning of kolira- at D 2 46 and recorded by Trivikrama at Trivikrama 1 3 105, 57 and rendered with padmaragavisesa do not appear to be connected with this. cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kuruvinda-(L)= 'a fragtrant grass (cyperus rotundus); cf. Kannada kurunn, Ta kurundam= 'the corundum stone, Spatum adamanticum used for cutting and polishing diamonds This is nearer the meaning given in the gloss, namely sankha-gharsanam.] 875. Kulluria- 25 21 1 'baker', 'confectioner'. [The text gives the reading ulluria, and kanduki as the gloss on it. ulluria in this sense is not attested anywhere else In view of the con-

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text and the gloss the variant reading kullana is to be preferred; ET. kullaria-= kandauha, 'a confectioner' (D. 2 41); cf. PSL. Lallarija- fo: which reference is given to hullarize-; under kullariya- Paiasaddamahannavo records ''n confectioner's shop'; PSM also records Fullurija- m the cup of 'n confectioner', of hallurisa- (tem.)= handant (PC II); cf. G. Auloz 'raw flour of bajn of rice mixed with ghee and molasses and used as a food article'. Sec ulluria- ] cf 876. Kovali- 32 20 15, 32 27 9 'the jujube trec'. [At 26 28 the reading accepted in the constituted text is lafari-, but there Luvall- is recorded as a varot reading for fador-, and the gloss on kuralt is badart-, ef. PSM, }uvalt{D}= tresa-1'icsa- (Kumarapala Pratibodha), ef. MW Kuralt in the same sense occurring in Yasastilaka-campu; cf. MW Luvalt(L)= 'the jujube tree'. 877. Kusa- 20 15 6, 93 5 3 'rens', 'bridle' 'whip'. [=cabuka (tarjanaka-), valga, kaviha-(g]). It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo cf. kusa-, 'a bridle' (Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta). Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records husa- in the sense of a cord, n horse's bridle' as recorded in Lexicons and compares it with kasa kaso 'a whip, rein, bridle'. Both the occurrences in MP, are in connection with horses Hence Lusa- may be something to control the horses, 1. e. 'a whip or a bit of a bridle'. of also Kan huse='a bridle, rein'. For the Word cabuka- in the gloss at 20 16 6 sc Appendix. See kusapasa- below ] 878. Kusapasa- 88 8 17 'bridle,' 'reins', 'whip'. [=tarjanaka-(gl.). Here also the word is used in connection with horses See husa- above.] 879 Kusumala- 31 18 4, 82 10 4, 100 4 3 'a thief'. [=cora-(gl), cf kusumala-= caura-, 'a thief'. (D. 2 10, Tr 3 4 72, 148), of Lusumala- in this sense in PC II & Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta ( 3 37 18 ), cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kusumala-(D)= 'a thief'.] 880 Kuhani 82 14 12 (v 1 kuhint) 'a street,' 'road' - [=murga-(gl.), the variant reading kulunt is preferable See kuluni-.] 881 Kuhini-2 16 1, 9 23 11, 11 14 8, 12 6 4, 14 7 10, 25 22 2. 27 11 8, 35 13 6, 53 9 10, 76 1 6, 93 69, 99 11 5 'n street, a road' [=marga-(g]), cf kuhint-- rathya-, 'a road' (D 2 62). Trivikrama notes the word as huhant in the same sense kuhin in this sense in JC (4 8 3), PCI, PC II, 882 Kuvara- 83 3 10 'a cry for help', 'rescue, for (Tr 34 72, 253) cf. Br. K ; see kuhant-.] redress" [=putkara-(gl). It is not recorded by Paiasaddamahannavo It occurs in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta in the same sense and cannot be connected with "hu+arava" as suggested by

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, the editor of NC cf. also kuara- occurring in this very sense at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 29 13 Vaidya connects it with "ku iti rava" (vide Jasaharacariu, Glossary); cf. Luvara- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. This usage is peculiar to Apabhramsa ] 883. Ke(y)a- 12 11 5, 20 3 10, 41 12 9, 98 17 16 'a rope'. [=varatra-, rajju-(gl); cf. kea-- rajju-, 'a rope' (D 2 44) and kemju-= rajju (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 730). Kan kayira- is a kind of horse'. Hence keyamay perhaps mean 'a bit of a bridle' (varatra).] - 884. Kera- 16 17 10, 20 14 12, 54 17 5, 58 22 9, 71 3 2 'an order,' 'a command', 'permission'. [=ajna- (gl) It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo kera- occurs in the sense of seva-, 'service' in KC, PC I, Br. K, NC (5 10 13) The relevant 'the Lord's command'.] expression in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta is "pahu-kera" 885. Kela-15 23 11 'a wine-glass'. - [=madyabhajanam (gl.), the relevant passage is- "kelasavasa melleppinu"- 'having given up the desire for the liquor from the wine-glass'. It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo] 886. Kelilli- 41 2 42 'a banner'. [dhvaja-, pataka- (gl), the relevant passage 15 - · "pamcavanna-kelillicamcalam"- 'tremulous with five-coloured banners'. The word is not recorded in Paiasaddamahannavo] 887. Kocchara- 4 18 1, 9 18 6 (v. 1. kucchara-), 28 27 14, 48 4 7, 86 82 'competent, skilful'. " [=daksa-, manojna- (gl), at 86 8 2 the gloss loosely renders it with kautukotpadaka- It does not seem to suit the context Here also daksa- would fit in well. Alsdorf notes the gloss manohara- also for kocchara at 86 82 This word is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo See kucchara-] 888 Kodda- 30 11 9, 101 31 'curiosity' 'wonder'. . [Compare kodda- v 1. kudda--ascarya-. 'wonder' (D 2 33), kodda- (D 2 33), v. 1. kudda- kautuka-, 'curiosity' (H 4 422, illustration 9), TrivikTama notes kudda-- kautuka- ( Tr 13 75 ), cf. kodda-, kuddaam, kuddam occurring in this sense in Kams, kodda in JC, PC III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , cf MW kudya-(L)= 'curiosity'; cf. M kod= 'holding admiringly or fondly, longing, craving'. See koddavana-.] I 889 Koddayana- 72 4 9, 80 8 11, Koddavaniya- 13 6 1, 59 17 11, 62 1 11, 74-11 3 'generating or causing curiosity, wonder, eagerness, etc., wonderstruck'.

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[=kautukot padaka-, kautukotpadini-(gl.). koddavana- is Agentive from causative of kodda-, cf koddavana-, koddavaniya-_occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 13 3 & 3 26 14), Paumacariu of Svayambhu I. Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, Cf. G. koddamanu= 'full of fond hopes, aspirations', kod-, 'fond hopes'. See kodda-.] 890. Koni- 69 27 3 'elbow'. [=kopara-(gl), the relevant passage is- "viraiu konihala-kalahanau 'a fight involving the blows with elbow ensued'. Trivikrama records kuhinam in the sense of kurparam, 'elbow' (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 139); cf. kuniya= 'to have a withered arm' (Tri II)] 891. ✓ Khamc- 'to draw, to pull back, to curb': khamca (pres. 3. s.) 9 22 11, 87 11 8, 88 8 11; khamci(y)a- (past participle) 13 4 9, 139 13, 15 24 8, 17 8 8, 19 2 7, 21 7 8, 58 15 12, 85 19 2, 87 9 1, khamcira (agent.) 52 16 14. 'to - [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo √ khamc-= krs-, pull', cf. ✓ khame- occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 17 7), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Karakamdacariu, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. For the parallels from N. I. A. languages see Turner's Nepali Dictionary khaichnu or khicnu='to draw, pull, attract'.] 892. Khamda- 101 8 12 'head'. [Compare khamda= mundam, 'the head' (D. 2 68); khamda- can be interpreted in two ways. In case it is taken to mean 'head', it can be taken as a Desya word; otherwise it is a Tadbhava. cf. khamdaoccurring in this sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (4 17 8).] 893. Khamdaa 98 17 10 'a sword' [=khadga- (gl.), cf. PSM khamda-, khamdu-= khadga-=, cf.G_khamdu-= 'a sword'.] 894. Khicca-24 11 10 'a dish prepared from rice and pulse boiled together with a few spices'. khicca- is equated [kaiccahu uppari = "khicdi upari (?) krsaraya upan" (gl.); the relevant passage is - "khiccahu uppari ghiu omatthiu" 'ghee was poured over the khichrt'. cf. Paiasaddamahannavo khucca-(D)= khicdi, krsara-; with "urupulla-" by Hemacandra at D. 1 134 and has paraphrased as dhanyamisra- in the vrtti, ef Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary khucca-= 'a kind of dish (made of rice and peas etc) (Naighantuprakasa) and khicci-, khicct- Galano's Dictionary) For the word khicdt given by the gloss see Appendix.] In the "Introduction to Girvanapadamanjari & Girvana-manjari'. U. P. Shah has described in detail the krsaranna- (J. O. I., Baroda, vol. 1, no. 2, pp 69-70). Threrin krsara is equated with G., M., Picadi and Hindi Lhicart. But etymologically khucadi- or khicca- have no connection with krsara-,

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✓ Khatt- 'to cut off': khutta (pres- 3. s.) 16 7 9. 217 [Compare Nkhutt- tud-, 'break'. (H. 4 116, Trivikrama 3 1 62), cf. kufta-= trutitam, 'broken' (D. 2 74); cf. ✓ khuff in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. and √ khumt- in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta in the same sense; cf. M. khutne='to crop or pluck, to be arrested in progress'; cf. H₁. kotna= 'to nip' See ✓ khud- ] 396. Khud- 'to chop off', 'to cut off'. $ khudami (pres. 1. s.) 74 15 9, 76 4 4; khudai (pres. 3. s.) 1 15 8; khudeppinu (absolutive) 73 27 14, khudiya- (p p) 864 3, 87 2 8. [Compare khud- tud-, 'to break' (H. 4 116, Trivikrama 3 1 62); cf. No khudin the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 10 11), NC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. & Kamsavaho of Ramapanivada, cf. M. khudne = 'to crop, pluck, nip off'. See ✓ khutt-.] -- 397. ☑Khupp 'to plunge', 'to get stuck up', 'to submerge', 'to get embedded', 'to be fixed (as in mud etc.)'. hhuppai (pres 3. s.) 1 16 5, 77 99; khuppamta- (present participle) 14 7 9, 73 13 6, khuppaa-(pp) 35 9 9, khutta-(p p.) 7 20 4, 12 16 11, 15 18 8, 28 19 7, 31 23 6, 43 8 8, 57 16 5, 58 4 6, 61 8 1, 84 6 2, 94 4 11. [Gloss loosely renders khuppar at 1 16 5 as skhalati, and khulta- at 43 8 8 as ksipta-, cf √khupp-=No masj- 'to plunge' (H. 4 101, Trivikrama 3 1 45); cf. also khutta- nimagna-, 'plunged, submerged' (D 2 74), cf. khupp used in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III, Gatha Saptasati, & Chand For the parallels in N. I. A. languages see Turner's Nepali Dictionary khopnu In most of its occurrences ✓khupp is used in connection with panka-, kaddama-, cikkhalla, 'mud' and means 'to get stuck up in mud'.] 898 Kheda- 5 21 3, 18 14 6, 20 5 8, 32 3 15 'a village, a residence of peasants and farmers'. described as- "thiyaduvasagirisariya" - [At 5 21 3 kheda- 1 s 'enclosed with mountains and rivers on both sides', cf. Paiasaddamahannavo kheda-= 'a town surrounded by rivers and mountains'. Trivikrama notes kheda- in the sense of grama-sthanam (Trivikrama 3 4 71, 786); cf. khedaya- occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta (3 15 11) and kheda- in Bh%; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kheda= 'a village' (Jain), kheta a village, residence of peasants and farmers' ( Harsacarita, Jain ), cf. M. khedez 'a hamlet or small village'] 899. Kheri-8 1 11, 58 19 8, 66 10 8, 75 10 7, 86 7 9, 91 7 3 'malice mixed with anger due to enmity', 'hostile malice'. comt=vairam, kalaha-, vaira-krodha- (gl). At 75 10 7 kher= occurs pounded with vari-. Paiasaddamahannavo PSM. notes kher= in the sense of kheda- 28

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udvega-; cf. kher- occurring in the sense of uneasiness, hostile malice' in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (4 1 5), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. In Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta the commentator renders khen- with krodha-, dvesa-.) 900. Kholla- 2 13 9, 15 18 8, 20 6 6, 20 23 9, 25 2 8, 41 2 12 'deep, hollow' [Vaidya renders it with gambira-; cf. Paiasaddamahannavo kholla-(D)= kofara-. gahvara-, a deep cavity, chasm'. (Nisitacurni); cf. kholla- in the sense of 'deep, very deep' in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I. cf. M. khol-= 'deep' kholga- 'a pit, a hollow, a cavity'] 901. Gamjolli(y)a- 14 14 12, 36 16 7, 83 9 7 'horripilated, thrilled with rapture'. [=romahcita-, ullasita- (gl); cf. gamjolla romanela-, 'horripilated' (D. 2 100), Hemacandra at H. 4 202 notes ✓ gumjull- and equates it with ut-las-. This does not mean 'sport' as rendered by Ramanujaswami (vide Desinamamala, edited by Ramanujaswami, Appendix II, p. 103), but is equal to pulana-, 'to horripilate'. Trivikrama notes the word as gajjilia- at Trivikrama 2 1 30, 42 and gives "sprste ange hasah pulakasca". He further explains it thus - "ange sprste yo haso jayate tasmin pulakarthe ca garjateniliah". He also notes √ gumjoll-= ut-+las- (Tr 31 111); gamjollia- occuring at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 8 36 6 has been rendered with ksubdha- by the editor, but romancita fits the context, cf. gamjollya- in this very sense occurring in PC.I, II, III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ; cf. M. ganjne= 'to tease, torment'.] - 902. Ganiyari 16 23 5, 25 5 2, 32 9 8, 43 3 5, 54 4 2, 57 15 4, 88 6 7, 91 7 10, 93 15 4, 94 4 5, 95 13 7 'a cow-elephant,' 'a female_ elephant' [=hastini, karenu, karenuka(gl.). It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo; cf, ganyariin this sense occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III and ganika in Vt., cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary ganeru(L)kaneru(L)= 'a female elephant'.] 903 ✓ Galatth- 'to throw off, to push away'. galatthi (y)a-(pp) 12 12 18, 31 27 9, 53 9 7, 69 1 5, 71 17 3, 88 66, 90 2 13, 93 11 3. = [Vaidya renders galatthya- at 31 279 with kadarthiita~; cf. galatihalia ksipta-, 'tbrown' (D.2 87) and No galatth-= Noksip, 'to throw' (H. 4 143), cf. galatthalia-= prenita- (Trivikrama 3 1 132, 10) and ✓ gallatth-= ksip- (Trivikrama 3 1 79), cf galacchiya- in this very sense occurring in JC (316 & 4 2 24) and galatthiya- in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta & KC; of also galatihiya-= prerita, ksipla-(PC III) and galatthana-= ksepana- (Paumacariu of Svayambhu II), cf Ngalaith in the

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sense of 'ejecting by putting the hand on the throat' in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , cf. Kon.galyagacci= 'turning away or throwing out by force or by collaring'. See galati allana- and galahatihana-, ] Paiasaddamahannavo equates galattha- with prerana- and cites a stanza in support from Upadesapadatika. But there also the meaning seems to be kadarthana_ or pida- and not prerana. Paiasaddamahannavo also equates galatthallia- with preritaand quotes two stanzas from Setubandha At these two places in Setubandha namely, at 5 43 and 8 61 galatthallia- does mean prerita, 'pushed and pressed hard' We are not sure whether galattha- is connected with Sanskrit asta-, 'thrown' in which case galathalla- would be an extension of galatiha-. 904 Galathallana- 75 11 12 (v.1. gallatthana-) 'catching by the neck, collaring, seizing by the collar'. [=galahastadana-(gl.); cf. Paiasaddamahannavo gallatthalla-(D)= galahasta, cf. galatha. llya-= 'caught by the nape' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu III) and Ngalatthall-= nissaray-(Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ). See Ngalatth- and galahatthana-.] 905. Galabatthana- 857 (v 1. galaghallana- v.1 galatthallana-) 'driving away or throwing off by catching by the nape' [The relevant passage 'capable of throwing off 1 S - "parabala-bala-galahatthana-samattha" the strength of the rival army by catching by the nape'. Vaidya has rendered it with grasana-. Compare galaha. stita-= 'throttled, surpassed' (Supplement to J.O I., Baroda, vol. VIII no. 2, p 14).] 906. Giriyaya 74 9 10 'a toy-top'. [ Though the commentator has rendered it with kanduka-. in view of the sense of the Gujrati word garyo and looking to the shape of the mountain with which giriyaya- is compared, it can well mean 'a toy-top' here. The relevant passage where the word giriyaya- occurs is as follows- "gin giryayasarisu goppau jasu rayanayaru" - 'to whom the mountain is like a top and the ocean is like a small puddle'. PSM does not record this word, cf. girka-= 'a ball for playing with' (Yasastilaka-campu), cf. Dialect G.gariyo= 'a top (a toy)'; cf Hindi girgiri= 'a kind of toy for children'. ] - 907. Gilla- 47 9, 29 5 3, 32 13 9, 39 11 7, 58 16 2, 75 2 10, 84 2 2, 88 5 8, 93 95, 96 7 8 'wet', 'moist'. [=ardra_(gl.), at 479 the gloss gives bhaksaka- for gilla- Perhaps the gloss has connected gilla- with √gil-, to swallow' But ardrasuits the context as the relevant exression is "lalagillam" - "wet with -

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saliva'. At 32 13 9 Vaidya has rendered gilla- with grasta- (vide MP.I, Glossary). But, here also ardra- suits the context. This word is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo; cf. gilla- occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta and Karakamdacariu In both the texts the context is the description of elephant and the relevent expression in both is - "maya-gilla-gamda" - 'with temples or forntal globes wet with ichor'. At Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 127 15 also gillaoccurs in the same sense and cotext as that of NC and Karakamdacariu The relevant expression is "gilla-gamda" which qualifies gaimda-, 'the excellent elephant'. The editor has paraphrasd this as sibikavahaka (sibikatoahaka) rendering gilla- with sibika (see Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta Glossary, p. 117). This interpretation does not appear to suit the context nor can we cite any authority for it. We may take gilla- bere also to mean 'wet' and "gilla-gamda" as 'wet temples' Again in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, at 4 17 6 gillaoccurs in the sense of 'wet' and the relevant expression is - "vasaluppa-gillam"-moist with greasy substance in the form of marrow'. Cf. gilla-gillolaya- atisaya ardra- (Paumacariu of Svayambhu I) and gillla-= ardra- (Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, PC III). For N.I A derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary gilo= 'soft, over-ripe'. ] 908. Guda- 59 12 8, 75 6 5, 77 13 5 'an elephant's armour. - [= guda, gaja pakhara- (= prsthastarana), kunjarasannaha (gl.); cf. Paiasaddamahannavo guda-'an elephant's armour'; cf gudia-= sannaddha-(Trivikrama 3 1 132, 108) 1.e. '(an elephant) made ready With armour on'; cf.guda-ju the same sense occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. In Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. although the editor has rendered gudiya- with alankrta-, sajjikrta- actually the meaning is the Same as here ie. 'armoured'; of gudita-= '(an elephant) made ready with armour on' (Supplement to JO.I., Baroda, vol. X, no. 3 p 128) and guda in the same sense in Chandonusasana of Hemacandra and Yt; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary guda-(L)= 'an elephant's trappings or armour', cf. Old G.gudou 'to make an elephant ready for fight'.] 909. ✓ Gapp- 'to become entangled in,' 'to be embarrassed' . guppa (pres. 3. s.) 1 16 4, 15 18 6, 83 2 7, guppamti (pres. 3. plural) 18 1 8, 56 8 11, guppamta(present participle) 7 24 10, 70 18 11, 77 8 13. ( The gloss loosely renders guppai at 1 16 4 with patah; cf. guppantam= sammudham, 'stupefied, bewildered' (D 2 102) and No gupp-= vyakuli bhu (H.4 150). Cf gupp- in the sense of 'becoming entangled in' occurring in JC (4 2 18), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Karakamdacariu; cf. also No gupp-occurring in this very sense in PC I, II & III, cf MW.Ngupp-= 'to become perplexed or confused (Dhatupatha) (in Prakrit gappam, Jain)".] 910. Gomdala-11 16 9, 14 7 2, 17 2 13, 28 27 13, 52 14 1, 59 12 15, 77 8 10, 78 29 1 'a battle-gathering,' 'clamour OI tumult and confusion'.

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[= sangrama-, melapaka-, yuddha-(gl.); cf. Paiasaddamahannavo gumdala-(D)= anandadhvani; Vaidya renders gomdala- with 'a gathering', cf. gomdalaoccurring in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta and PC.II and gumdala- in Bb. (1888) & Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary gundala(L)= 'the sound of a small oblong drum', cf. M gondhal 'confusion and perplexity; bustle, stur, hurry-skurry, burlyburly; a tumultuous festivity festivity in propitiation in propitiation of Goddess', and gondhalne= 'to intermingle confusedly, to be confounded'. See gomdaliya-.] At Mahapurana of Puspadanta 11 169 the commentator has given sangrama- as the alternative meaning. But melafaka- is the basic sense Because the context is of fighting, the commentator has interpreted gomdala- as sangrama-. It is really speaking 'a gathering for the purpose of fighting'. Similarly, at 14 7 2, 17 2 13, 28 27 13, 52 14 1, 59 12 15 and 78 29 1 gomdala- refers to 'a battle gathering' or 'a noisy gathering' At 77 8 10 gomdala- stauds for 'clamour and confusion', the relevant passage at 77 8 10 is as follows. 'jayayam ca padisuhadagomdalam"- 'there was a clamour and confusion created among the warriors of the enemy party'. gomdala- occurs in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta at 4 10 7 where the editor renders it with akranda-, and also connects it with gud-, to play'. But 'a battle gathering or a noisy gathering' would suit the context. In Paumacariu of Svayambhu II also gomdala- occurs in several places in the sense of 'hubub and confusion' and confused mass'. The relevent passage at 40 7 3 is "maha-gaya-gomdale" - 'a confused mass of chariots and elephants' and at 40 17 3 "maha-gomdaluddama" - "great and intense hubub and confusion'. - - Paiasaddamahannavo records gumdala- in the sense of ananda dhvani and in support of this quotes from Surasundaricaria. Surasundaricaria. The relevant passage is "matta-varakamini-samghakaya-gumdalam" -'where the group of intoxicated damsels were making bilarious noise'. PSM also interprets the word in the sense of harsa-bhara-ananda-sandoha- and in support quotes the following line from Supasanahacaria- "anamda-gumdalam lalar lilavathi parikalio" 'Surrounded by sportive ladies he rocks in Joyous clamour'. Thirdly, Paiasaddamahannavo no'es gumdala- in the sense of anandamagna, and quotes in support the following line from Supasanahacaria - "tam "tam taha datthum anamdagumdalam" But here we can just as well take anamdagumdalam as a Baluvrthi compound and render the passage having seen him so full of joyous and merry confusion'. In that case we are not required to take gumdala- as an Adjective. The word gumdala- occurs in Hemacandra's Chando'nusasana at 7 45 1. Here the commentator has rendered it with vardhalam or

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mardala-dhvani 'Tumult, hubub and confusion' suits the context. The relevant passage is - "jalahara kan gumdalu nittha na janasi virahiaham" - 'O cloud! You are causing tumult, and you don't realise the pangs of the lovers in separation'. Here the name of the metre is also gomdalam. Thus, as in one direction the word is extended to mean 'battlegathering', in another direction it is extended to mean dhoani-, sabda-, kolahala-. This suggests that the basic meaning is 'a noisy crowd'. For the etymology and the discussion on the meaning of gomdhalasee (1) Vagvyapar by Bhayani, H C., pp. 272-274 and (2) an article "Gaundali nrtya" by Deshapande, V.V, in Bharata Itihasa mandala quarterly vol XX, no. 77, June, 1939, pp. 18-20 and (3) the article on "gondali dance" by Srikantha Shastri in Bharata Itihasa Mandala vol. XX, no 78, Oct., 1939, pp. 81-82 911 Gomdaliya- 1 3 7, 69 4 3 'gathered". [=Sabdita-(gl); the relevant passages are - 1) "majamda-gomchagomdaliya kiri" (137) and 2) "mayamda-gomda-gomdalyasini" (69 4 3) which can be rendered as '(garden) where the parrots have formed a noisy gathering on the cluster of blossoms of mango trees'. gomdala-occurs in NC at 16 12 and the passage is "majamdagomchi gomdalya nincha" whieh also can be rendered as above, Here also gomdaliya means 'gathered'. See gomdala- ] 912. Gobhi 10 11 15. [ For the discussion see gomi-.] 913. Gomi- 10 11 15 'a centipede'. 914 - [gobhi- in the text appears to be a misprint; here gomi- suits the context; cf PSM gomi(D)- tri-indriya Jantuvisesa, a particular worm with three sense organs'. In the text also gomi- is described as tumdiya-. Ratancandraji's Ardhamagadhi Dictionary notes gomi- in the sense of 'centipede', cf. Kannada gomu= 'a sort of centipede' ] Gosa-1 16 9, 20 14 11 'morning', 'dawn'. [=prabhuta-(gl.), cf gosa-= prabhatam, 'the dawn, early morning'. (D 296), Trivikrama connects it from gosarga-= 'day-break, the time at whin cows are let loose' (Trivikrama 13 105, 10), cf. gosa- occurring in the same sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III, LilavaI, Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana, Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra%; cf. Kon gosa-= 'morning'.] sna

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. Goba- 17 14 7, 17 14 12 a), 17 14 12 b) 'a warrior,' 'a brave hero'. [The relevant passages are- 1) "mahilana gohaho mottyara" (17 14 7)- '○ brave hero (only) before women!" 2) "mahilana gohu hau sayana. maggi gohana gohu kaddhiyai khaggi" (17 14 12) - "It is true I am a hero before the womenflok so long as I have to deal with gentlemen; but when swords are drawn I am the bravest of the bravest'. D. 2 89 notes goha- in the sense of bhata-, 'warrior' and purusa-, 'man'. Trivikrama 3 4 72, 574 notes goha- in the sense of gramyajanagrani. goha- occurs in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta at 8 13 2, the relevant passage is "kim mahu atthi gohu" - 'Is there anyone hero before me?'. goha- occurs at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 1 23 2 and rendered by the editor with purusa-. Here also the meaning 'warrior or a brave hero' suits the context. goha- occurs in the sense of jara in PC.II In Goa Kon ghou means 'husband'.] - 916. Ghai- 52 8 6, 71 5 2,88 15 9 (ghar) 'Pleonastic Indeclinable, Expletive particle usually signifying a counterposition to a position previously stated'. [=pada purane(gl.), H. 4 424 takes ghai to be anarthaka expletive In support of this sense PSM quotes from Kumarapalacarita; cf. also khai(D) and khai(D) - 'an indeclinable used to embellish the sentence; or to convey the meaning "again" (PSM) In support of this Paiasaddamahannavo quotes from Bhagavati Sutra and Aupapatika Sutra, cf ghai occurring 101 Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III as an expletive particle and specification of its meaning given in the Index to Paumacariu of Svayambhu III.] We do not know if ghai has any relation with the Vedic particle 'gha' and the classical Sk particle "ha". 917 Ghaggbara- 4 4 4 'a small ornamental bell'. sense. "ghaggharamalolamkiya" - [The relevant passage is - 'adorned with a girdle of small bells'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it in this sense. Cf. ghagghara occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (327), Paumacariu of Svayambhu I & Paumacariu of Svayambhu III; in the same Cf. also ghargharaka-, 'a bell used as an ornament' (Trl. II). Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary gharghara(L)= 'a bell hanging on the neck of a horse' and gharghari= 'a girdle of small bells of tinkling ornaments worn by women' (Bhojaprabandha) Cf. M., Konkani ghagri= 'either a jingling ball or a bell as worn on the toes by dancing girls'. Cf. gharghara- 'either a Jingling bell or a metal water-pot' (Suppl. to J O. I., Baroda, vol X Do. 3, p 131).] 918 Ghamghala- 32 7 2, 65 21 11, 74 10 6, 84 6 4 'adversity,' 'turmoil,' 'full of obstacles,' 'trouble',

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[=apad-, vighnapraya-(gl.); cf. ghamghala= jhakata-, kalaha-, 'a quarrel' (H. 4 422). ghamghala- occurring at 4 1 10 in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta is paraphrased by vighnakara- and equated with mathaka- or valodaka- by the editor. But apad suits the context ghamghala- occurs in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II in the sense of 'desert, parched land' according to the editor.] Here at Mahapurana of Puspadanta 32 7 2 and also at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 4 1 10 the word ghamghalais used in the sense of apad-. On the other hand, Hemacandra in his Apabhramsa grammar 4 422 specifically gives the meaning "Jhakata-" i.e'quarrel' (cf. G. Jhagdo and Hindi, M. jhagda= 'quarrel') and quotes a stanza 4 422 illustration 2) to support the meaning But it appears that even in the citation given by Hemacandra, the meaning "apad" suits well and we need not take ghamghala- to mean 'quariel'. The stanza cited and the meaning of that stanza given by Vaidya is as follows "jwa supurisa twa ghamghalai, wa nai tita valanai jwa domgara twa kottarai, ha visurai kai ||" "Just as there are many good men, so there are many struggles; there are rivers and there are turnings; there are hills and there are hollows, O heart why are you depressed?" (See Vaidya's edition of Sidha-Hema. notes, pp. 701-702). But to us the stanza appears to yield better meaning if it is rendered in the following manner :- 'As there are good men, so there are adversities attendant upon them; as there are rivers, so there are turnings (along with them); as there are hills, so there are hollows associated with them. O heart, why are you deppressed ?' The purport is - as rivers and turnings, hills and hollows are inseparably connected, so also, good men are ever subject to adversities. If this is acceptable, then some new evidence would be required to justify the meaning 'quarrel' given to ghamghala- by Hemacandra. Our rendering gives a proper connection of meaning between sajjanaand ghamghala- as against the one we get from interpereting ghamghala, as kalaha-. At Mahapurana of Puspadanta 74 40 6 and 84 6 4 ghamghala- means the impending vighnaor trouble from the opposite party (pratibhata-). The relevant passages are as follows :- 1) "dullamghai padibalaghamghalai" (74 13 6) - 'It is difficult to oppose the impending troubles from the opposite army'. 2) " paribhadaghamghalu bhujabalu kalamti" (84 6 4) - "They get the

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measure of the impending trouble and the strength of arms of the opponent' At Mahapurana of Puspadanta 62 21 11 also ghamghala- stands for troubles and obstacles'. ghamghala- occurs at 2 31 5 in JC The editor has rendered it with kalaha- following H. 4 422 But 'trouble' seems to suit the context which is the description of a dog. The relevant passage is - "bahusu. arakula-ghamghala-vayanu" - 'possessing a mouth which was a source of trouble for u herd of swine'. As noted above ghamghala- appears to have yet another meaning at PC, II 45 7 8. The relevant passage is as follows:- "jalavimdu jema ghamghale padamtu] jam disa tam sahasu mahamtu"|| According to the editor, some meaning like 'desert' or 'parched land' is suitable to the context. The meaning moha- recorded by Paiasaddamahannavo is not sutable for any of the above quoted passages. ghamghala- also occurs in Hemacandra's Chando'nusasana at 4 52 1. The commentator interprets the expression "manavisaghamghala" as 'manam vihvalam vsrnkhalam va'. But it is not clear on what grounds he has taken visa-ghamghala- as equivalent to vihvala, or visrnkhala-, The commentator's rendering would rather presuppose a reading vihalam. ghala- or visamthula- which does mean vihoala-, But even then the meaning of the line is not quite satisfactory. To describe mana- as visrnkhala- or vihvala- is not quite satisfactory- 'Agitation or trouble' can fit in So "mana-visaghamghala" can be rendered as - 'mana in the form of vicious trouble or agitation'. Again ghamghala- occurs in the same text at 5 31 1. The expression 1 s "kayaghamghala-" and the same commentator has taken ghamghalaas duhkha-. Here also 'agitation or disturbance' fits in. So the passage, "navaghana-mamdalena thakka pahia kayaghamghalena" can be rendered as 'the wayfarers were halted by the trouble-shooting new clouds'. - 919 ✓ Ghatt- 'to throw'. ghattiya-(pp) 65 22 8. [Compare Nghatt- ksip, 'to throw' (H. 4 143, Trivikrama 3 1 79), cf. Nghatt- occurring in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, PC,I, PC.III, Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra ; cf M. ghatle= 'thrown, poured'. ] 29

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. Ghall- 'to throw, put, place': ghallai (pres. 3. s,) 3 13 2; ghalli(y)a- (pp) 7 5 12, 17 11 10, 1952, 23 1 12, 36 6 2, 42 1 13, 46 8 9, 49 14 4, 66 10 6, 71 7 6, 82 5 2, 836 9. 3 [At 42 18 ghalliya- 1 s rendered with tyakta-, 'abandoned'; Nghall primarily means 'to throw' and hence tyakta-= 'thrown away'. One development of meaning is 'placing'. If a thing is placed violently it is 'throwing away'. So 'to abandon' or 'to throw away' is a second development of meaning of Nghall-; cf. Nghall-- ksip-, 'to throw' (H.4 334). Cf. No ghall- occurring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, KC, PCI, PC.III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , cf. M ghalne= 'to throw, pour, thrust into', G, ghal-ou= 'push in' and Konkani ghaluka= 'to put, place'.] 921. ✓ Ghall- 'to narrate, to tell'. ghallia-(p.p) 9 28 12 (v.1. paghallia- v.1. pajhullia- v.1. pabbullia-). - [=kathita-(gl.); the relevant passage is "Jo ucchehu jinumde dhanupamcasachi ghalliu tarugharagirikhambhaham so barahagunu bollu//" - "The height which was described as five hundred dhanus by the Lord Jina was said to be twelve times the same in the case of the trees, houses, hills and pillars'. This word is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo in this sense; cf. Pujnjabi gall- 'to talk of' and Sindhi and Kacchi gal= 'talk'.] 922. Ghara 76 4, 28 27 1, 54 15 3 'a kite'. - [ At D.2 107 ghari-1 s equated with sakunikakhyah paksi-. Ramanujaswami renders this with 'a hen-sparrow' But the word sakuni in Sanskrit has two meaning, 1) a kite, 2) a hen-sparrow; cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary sakuni='a large bird, grdhra--vulture or cilla--kite", and sakuni (L)='a hensparrow'. In most of its occurrences ghara-is used in the context of war and hence can be equated with 'a valuture or kite' which feeds on carrion'. This is confirmed by the gloss on the word ghara- occurring in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta at 4 10 7 namely, grdhra-. Hence we can render sakunika (and consequently ghari-) with 'a vulture' or 'a kite'; cf. "alla ghari sauni" (Pai. 286); cf. ghara-occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 27 12) & Karakamdacariu; cf.M.ghar, Kon, ghart='a kite'.] 'kite'), In the light of the meanings in M. and Kon and the rendering saunj= (Jain Sanskrit sakunika-, G. samadi-, samali-, 'kite') and cilla- (Hindi cil-, 'kite'), it appears that mostly ghara-meant 'a kite'. In that case the meaning ghrdhra-or 'vulture' given by the gloss at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 4 107 and Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary (on the strength of late Laxicons) requires some positive evidence to support it.

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. Ghutta-16 20 4 'a mouthful or a single gulp of any liquid', - 227 [The relevant passage 1 S "kim ghuttena jalahi sosyjai" -'can the ocean be dried up by a mouthful ? cf. ghumta-= 'a gulp' (H. 4 423 illustration 2); cf. Noghult-= 'to drink in a single gulp' (Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 1 15 9); cf. Hin. ghumt- 'a mouthful' and G ghumt, 'a puff', ghumtdo, 'a gulp'; cf. Kannada, Telugu gutaku-= 'a single gulp of any liquid'. See No ghoffand ghotta- and dugghotta-.] 924. Ghepp- 'to grasp, seize' gheppai (pres. 3 s.) 15 7 4, 38 19 11; gheppamti (pres. 3 plural) 11 33 11. Compare ghepp-= grah-, 'take, seize' (H. 5 256, Trivikrama 2 4 87); cf. Nghipp- occurring in this sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, and Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, cf M. ghe-ne, Kon ghev-ce= 'to take, seize, lay hold of'. Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen postulates a root *ghrp- to explain the etymology of ✓ ghepp-. (See Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen§ 107, 212, 288 & 548) ] 925. Ghott- 'to drink' ghottai (pres. 3. s.) 60 11 2, 85 10 5; ghottamti (pres. 3. pl) 47 14 8; ghottia-(past participle) 68 10 13. [=pitam(gl.); cf. √ghotta-= √pa-, 'to drink' (H. 4 10; Trivikrama 3 1 16), cf. ghott- in the same sense occurring in PC II and √ ghutt- in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 37 3). See ghutta-, ghotta- and dugghotta-. ] 926. Ghotta- 56 6 4 'a gulp or mouthful of any liquid'. - [=gandusa-(gl); the relevant expression is - "mahughotta" - 'a mouthful of liquor'. Cf. ghotta-= 'gulp' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu II); cf.M., Kon ghot= 'a gulp'. See ghutta-, No ghott- and dugghotta-.] 927. Ghosaya 89 17 11 (v. 1. ghosai) 'a kind of vegetable, a species of cucumber known as Trichosanthes dioeca or Luffa acutangula or Luffa pentandra'. - [= Kosataki (gl)%3 B the relevant passage is "kar dinnal ghosayaiphalal" the kosataki fruits or the vegetable known as kosatak? were placed in his hands'; cf. ghosali v 1. ghosaliya-= saradudbhavo vallibhedah, 'a kind of creeper growing in autumn' (D.2 111); cf. also PSM ghosadai = latavisesa-. latavisesa. Cf. ghosed-phala- occurring in Mahaviracariu. Cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kosataki (L) = 'name of a plant and its fruit (Trichosanthus dioeca etc) and ghosatakt (L)='the plant svetaghosa', cf. M ghosali, Kon ghosale in the same sense. For the word kosatakt- given in the gloss see Appendix ]

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. Cakkh- 'to taste. relish'; cakkhar (pres 3.S.) 11 15 4, 23 2 23, 60 23 14, 85 10 7, 83 7 12, 90 17 14, cakkhamta- (present participle) (pp) 25 5 13, 43 5 12, 52 21 (pass pres. 3. s.) 2 19 4, 65 18 2, 22 5 13, 66 7 13; cakkhi(y)a- 11, 69 11 1, 78 29 14; cakkhijjar cakkhira (Agent.) 78 8 7. [= asvadita_(gl); cf.cakkh =atsvad 'taste' (H 4 258; Trivikrama 3 1 132, 242) ; of, No cakkh-in the same sense occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 16 9 & 3 22 3), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Vajja, (228); cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary caksana-(L)= 'eating a relish to promote drinking' For the derivatives of NL.A. cakhnu= 'to taste'.] see Turner's Nepali Dictionary 929 Camga-2 6 1, 2 12 1, 6 2 12,9 14 7, 94 13,9 15 5, 9 28 8, 11 15 6, 11 17 8, 15 17 9, 18 3 8,20 16 9, 27 6 13, 28 7 7, 28 13 4, 28 32 7, 29 4 5, 85 17 11, 38 20 2, 41 5 3, 44 3 11, 47 5 8, 48 5 12, 48 10 7, 49 1 12, 51 1 11, 52 8 11, 52 24 6, 53 9 9, 57 26 5, 60 10 12, 64 7 3, 65 14 9, 69 17 6, 71 8 10, 71 21 9, 73 4 6, 74 13 3, 74 14 3, 76 3 6, 79 5 13, 85 9 12 'lovely, beautiful, handsome." [Compare camga-= caru-, 'lovely, beautiful' (D 3 1); cf. camgaoccurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (4 5 15). Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, KC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. and Tri I. Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary canga (L)= 'handsome'. For N.I.A. derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary canga= 'well, in good health'.] 930 Camcira- 58 5 12 'variegated'. camcira-rayanasamuho" . - [= karbura-(gl.). The relevant expression is 'a cluster of variegated Jewels'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it camcira-appears to be formed from NNo came- by suffix -cta- In Sanskrit No cafic is only known in not clear whether this canc- in our camcira-, the sense of 'leap, shake' etc. It is any way is connected with 931. Camcela- 23 4 13, 52 11 2, 62 2 6 'crooked, curved'. [= vakra- (gl.); the gloss at 52 11 2, vaktram appears to be a misprint for vakram. In all the three occurrences the word is used in connection with the beak of a bird and means 'the curved or bent beak'. It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo] 932. ✓ Catt- 'to lick'; caftar (pres. 3 s.) 78 5 9, cattura (Agent.) 48 21 7. [The relevant passage is. ale jackal licks the blood drawn out by the tip of the arrow'; "pamkhuttinnaruhiru siva caftai" - 'the femderivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary of. Paiasaddamahannavo ✓ caft-(D)= 'to lick'. For N.I A. / cafnu= 'to lick'. ]

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. Catta Catta -1 16 1, 69 23 12, 82 12 2, 99 4 10 'a disciple, a student'. [=sisya-, chatra- (gl), cf. PSM- catta-(D)= vidyarthi-; cf. catta- occurring in the same sense in Karakamdacariu ] 934 ✓ Cad- 'to climb, ascend, mount'. cadai (pres. 3 s) 10 11 17, 17 2 11, 21 1 13, 23 16 11, 31 29 1, 73 20 6, 75 2 6, cadamti (pres 3 pl) 5 17 5, 11 29 17, 20 7 9, cadu (imperative 2 s) 33 1 8, cadamti-(pres p) 78 26 10, 85 22 6, 90 8 16, cadi(y)a- (p.p) 39 15, 45 16, 9 18 7, 12 5 1, 139 8, 1782, 21 10 1, 30 5 7, 33 10 2, 41 12 2, 45 4 1, 50 57, 52 10 16, 56 1 2, 57 4 13, 69 25 12, 70 4 6, 71 14 15, 71 17 7, 74 5 7, 75 11 14. 768 13, 78 1 1, 78 3 11, 93 7 7, cadinna (p p) 46 8 6; cadevi 86; (abs) 15 13 10, cadeppinu (abs ) 2 16 1, 248 12, 90 10 9, cadir (abs) 57 8 11, 63 3 13; cadavi(y)a- (causative p. p ) 1 18 2, 7 21 17, 15 7 7, 23 7 7,28 18 9,38 4 10, 41 7 6, 60 14 11, 60 19 3, 70 12 12 73 30 5, 85 23 9, 91 4 2. [At 33 18 cadu is rendered by the gloss aropaya; cf √ cad= a+ruh-, 'to mount, climb, ascend' (H 4 206, Trivikrama 3 1 128), cf ✓ cad- occurring in the same sense in JC,, KC Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. Vajja(210, cf. also √ cat in this very sense (Supplement to J. O I., Baroda vol. X no.3 p 132); cf G cadou, M cadhne, Hindi cadhna, Konkani cadta in this sense. Bloch 328 a. Turner 164 b connect it with I. E. *qelde-(*qelede-), an extension of the base *gele- 'he high, lift high' according to L H. Gray (Journal of American Oriental Society, New Haven 60 362 ff.) and with-dhe- extension *qel-dhe- gives us M, G., H 1, forms ] 935. Camdila 92 1 6 'a barber', [=napita-(gl), Hemacandra records camdila- in the sense of 'a barber' as a Dest word at D 32 and considers camdila- in the same sense as Tatsama word. Dhanapala notes camdila- in the same sense; cf. Pai. 101; cf. also Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary camdila-(L) and candila-(L) in the sense of 'a barber' ] 936 ✓ Capp- 'to press, squeeze, crush, occupy with forces': cappamli (pres. 3 pl) 19 4 5, 73 24 12, capp₁(y)a- (p. p) 15 4 11, 21 10 9, 28 35 7, 30 11 12, 51 10 7, 73 26 51 (v. 1. campia-), 85 12 1; 85 22 8, 38 4 3, 88 18 6, 88 20 1, 93 1 13, cappii (abs-) 7 13 12. 9 25 13, 12 18 4, 17 5 6, 21 9 2, 25 4 3, 28 52 20 9, 54 7 14, 62 11 10, 65 20 6, 79 10 6, 3, cappevi (abs) 12 11 3. 34 8, 30 7 4, 52 7 3, 85 4 5, 90 3 8, 93 11 [=halhat, balat vasikrtya (gl.), cappiv in the sense of hathat, 'with force' is a derivative meaning of No capp. It is a secondary develop-

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ment Cf. PSM capp=a+kram-= and ✓ camp-= to press' (H. 4 395, illustration 6); of. / capp- occuring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 18 4), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, KC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. For the N. I. A. parallels, see Turner's Nepali Dictionary cepnu- 'to press, squeeze, depress, urge' and capleti, 'flat'. Cf Kannada cappe, Tamil cappa= 'that which is flattened or pressed down' See cappana- and ✓ camp-.] 937. Cappana- 34 10 11, 85 20 6, 86 87 'pressing, crushing'. [See capp- and camp-.] 938. Cappar- 'to push away, drive away'; capparamti (pres. 3 pl ) 54 5 21; capparamta-(present participle) 52 18 8; cappariya- (pp) 666 5, capparivi (abs) 84 6 5. [=abhibhavan'i, adhibhavan, ustarita-, vancayitva (gl.) Though the commentator renders ✓ cappar- differently with abhibhu-, vanc- and utsr or utsar at different places, the meaning 'push away, drive away' suits all the contexts ustar- is the central meaning] I 939 Capphala - 23 17 1, 39 10 11, 52 9 1, 60 7 10 (v 1. cappala-), Capphalatta 3 14 24 (v 1. cappalatta- 'falsehood' [Although the gloss renders capphala- as capala-, misphola- & capalyam, asalya- suits all the contexts.] At Desinamamala 3 20, Hemacandra gives sehhara-visesa-- 'a garland for the head' and asatya 'falsehood' as two meanings of capphala-. The editor Ramanujaswami paraphrases asatya- with 'falsehood', that is, he takes it to be a noun. But under Siddhahema 8 3 38 capphalaya- is used as an adjective and accordingly Paiasaddamahannavo takes capphala- in this sense as an Adjective to mean 'a liar' (muthyabhasi-)We have got in Mahapurana of Puspadanta capphala- as well as capphalatta-. As asatyacan be used both as a noun and as an adjective, similarly perhaps capphala-, though an adjective could be used as a noun meaning 'falsehood' and taking it to be an adjective the abstract suffix '-tta-' was applied to form the word capphalatta- meaning asatya-, 'falsehood' At 3 14 24 also asatya- suits well though the gloss renders it with bahu pralapitva- Cf. also PSM quoting cappahalaya- from Kumarapalaprati bodha 8 79 in the sense of asatya- and the meaning given by PSM to the word cappalaya- as bahumithyavadt- with bahu pralapitva-. Hence bahupralapitva-, cf D 34 camcappara- asalya-, 'falsehood'; Trivikrama records cappalaa- in the sense of mithyabhast (Trivikrama 3 1 30, 23) and renders capphalam with mithyavacah (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 508).

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. Camakk-'to walk, wander about' . camakkai (pres 3. s.) 71 14 4 (v. 1. cammakkai). 281 [=gacchati (gl.). The relevant passage is "kar vi samau vi hamsu camakkai" a certain lady walks like a swan'. PSM does not record it; cf. camakk- in the sense of 'moving or walking' from Svayambhuchandas of Svayambhu edited by Velankar, H. D., Chapter IV-VIII published as an Appendix to Velankar's article-- 'Apabhramsa metres II' published in the journal of University of Bombay, November, 1936 (pp. 69-93), IV. 9 and page 74, stz. 19. The relevant passage is- 'piu parokkhai bhujaga camakkamti"- 'In the absense of my beloved, the paramours wander about', cf. camkata= 'walks'. See ✓ cimmakh-] 941 ✓Camp-'to crush, press, squeeze'. Kon campi(y)a-(past participle) (v.l. cappi(y)a-) 74 14 6, 85 24 10 [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo campana-(D) = 'pressing', cf. No camp-= a+kram (Trivikrama 3 4 64): cf- camp- occurring in this sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 15 8) & Paumacariu of Svayambhu 11; cf. camp 'to press' (Supplement to J O I. Baroda; vol. x, no. 3, p. 133).] No 942 / Cav-'to tell, speak, narrate, say', cavahi (pres 2 s) 20 19 7, 20 21 7, 23 7 5, 65 20 7, cavar (pres 3 s) 3 13 3, 3 16 2, 5 16 12,5 18 12, 92 38, 1967, 22 12 3, 23 2 10, 23 15 14, 23 I 6 5, 24 14 11, 25 6 3, 28 22 9, 31 13 4, 31 16 11, 32 14 2, 35 7 1, 37 7 8, 39 8 2, 60 8 8, 61 12 5, 61 18 10, 62 4 11, 62 5 13, 69 19 2, 69 25 1, 69 28 12, 70 8 2, 71 3 9, 74 2 7, 74 8 13, 75 7 2, 81 6 11, 81 17 8, 82 17 4, 84 2 13, 99 4 11, cavamti (pres 3. pl,) 1 23, 94 12, 20 3 5, 31 12 4, 61 64, 62 19 9, 73 30 10, 75 98, cavamta (pres. p) 1 10 9, 17 7 14, 225 8, 28 28 12, 35 1 10, 70 21 7, cavamliya- (present participle feminine gender enl) 319. cavevr (abs) 11 12 2, 28 29 1; caveppinu (abs) 22 21 8, 32 14 6, 35 11 3, 52 20 4, 56 3 14, 65 14 4, cavivi (abs) 22 7 2, 23 12 3, 27 9 11, 81 12 11, cavia- (past participle) 20 8 1, 37 8 1, 69 34 8. [Compare / cav-=, kath-, 'to tell' (H. 4 2, Trivikrama 3 1 69) ; of ✓ cavoccurring in the same sense in JC, NC, Karakamdacariu, PC I. II & IIJ, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. cf. Old G cavavu= to narrate, speak' and acavyo= 'not said, not described'.] 943. Cauri-6 16 'a comfortable seat, a cushion'. age is - [=gaditi desi (gl.), Vaidya renders it with sayya-. The relevant pass- "dinnai cauripattasana" - 'offered comfortable seats, thrones etc'. It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo For fhe word gadi- given by the gloss see Appendix]

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"sasehi va casapa- 944. Casa- 46 5 9 'a furrow made with a plough' [=ksetrahalarekha- (gl.). The relevant passage is innachi " 'like grain-seeds which are scattered in furrows'; cf. casa- halas phatita-bhumilekha-, 'a furrow, a line drawn by the ploughshare' (D. 3 1), cf G. casa-= 'a furrow made with a plough or dug along by the plough', cf M. tas- which may be a corrupt for cas- in the same sense, cf Hindi casna= 'to till a field, to cultivate'.] 945. Cah-'to see, to look': caha (pres. 3. s) 24 7 7, 989 22 [The relevant passages are - 1) "kari vi rahu vi nnayanehi na cahar" na (2477) - '(he) does not see either elephant or chariot with his eyes' and 2) "dha jama urutthalu cahai ta ditthau tahi lamchanu eyai" (989 22-23) - 'when the nurse looked at the chest, the mark was seen by her on it' Paiasaddamahannavo does not record it; cf. cahiya-= drsta- (Paumacariu of Svayambhu II)-] See Turner's Nepali Dictionary cahanu. Turner notes that the root meaning of √cah- is 'to see' He tries to connect ✔ cah- with Prakrit No cakkh-, Sanskrit No caks-. For connection between 'seeing' and 'liking' he com. pares an identical development in the case of No cakkh- 'to taste, to see'. Regarding the development of the form, Turner thinks No cakkh-might have specially developed into √cah-. And hence Sanskrit caks-, 'to see', Prakrit cakkh- 'to faste' Apabhramsa ✓ cah-, 'to see' and modern cah- to love, all would go back to one common source. Cf. S. pahanu= 'to consider'. M. pahne = to see' H 1. cahna= 'to look for, want, like'. - 946. Cikkam-'to move about, to wander'. cikkamahi (pres. 3 s, ) 32 19 15; cikkamai ( pres. 3. s. ) 15 88; akkamamta(present participle) 88 18 1, cikkamamti (present participle feminine gender) 32 16 11 [Compare Vakkam- occurring in this very sense in JC (144), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, PC.II. At Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 144 the editor has split the word as "ci kkam. ami", but the variant is cikkamamti. See No cikkav- below.] 947. ✓Cikkav- 'to go about, rove, move, wander': cikkavamta (pres, p.) 34 10 16, cikkavamti (present participle feminine gender) 83 27 (v. 1. cikkamamti). [=gacchanti(gl.), Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. See ✓ cikkam- above.] 948. Cikkhalla- 2 13 9 (v. 1. akkhilla-) 14 7 9 (v. 1. cikkhilla, ), 15 18 8, (v.1. cikkhilla-), 29 16 12 (v.1. cikkhilla-), 93 4 5, 95 6 6 'mud', 'mire'. [Compare cikkhalla- v.1. cikkhilla-- kardama-, 'mud' (D. 3 11) and cikhhillam= kardama (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 69), Paiasaddamahannavo notes cikkilla-, cikhalla-,

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and cikhilla- also in the same sense, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary aikhalla-(L)= 'mud, mire' (used in Prakrit); cf. M. cikhal, Konkani cikkhol-= 'mud, mire, muck'. See cikkhilla- cikkhulla-.] 949 Cilkbilla - 2 20 11, 7 12 6, 9 18 8, 12 1 10, 75 10 9, 75 12 6 (v.1. cikkhalla-), 91 14 5 (v.1 cikkhella-) 'mud', 'mire'. [Compare cikkhulla- occurring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 1 17) and Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. See cikhhalla- and cikkhulla-.] 950. Cikkhulla- 25 2 8 (v.1. cikkhilla-) 'mud, mire.' [See cikkhalla- and cikkhilla-, ] 951. ✓Cimica 'to adorn, to decorate, to deck': cimcaiya-(pp) 80 4 4, 81 17 1 (v 1. cemcaiya-). [= sobhamana-, bhusita-(gl); cf.√cimcaa- mandy-, 'to adorn' (H. 4 115; Trivikrama 3 1 61 ); cf. cimcaiya = alankrta- (Paumacariu of Svayambhu II & Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 4 7 17). See ✓ cemca-] 952. Cidaulla-98 14 'a sparrow'. [=cataka-(g 1); cida-tulla-. It is not noted in Paiasaddamahannavo Cf. Hindi cdiya-= 'a bird'.] 953 ✓Cidd 'to get wet,' 'to anoint or besmear (with mud).' ciddai (pres 3. s) 2 20 11, 95 6 6 (v.1. buddar), - [=ardri bhavati (gl. at 2 20 11), malai madhai mrdah cadda adesah apa bhramse prayo'camacah, patthi, pitthi putthivat, kardamena vile panam karotityarthah (gl at 95 66) The relevant passages are - 1) "camdanacikkhille pahu ciddar" (2 20 11) - 'Besmears the Lord with mud in the form of sandal-paste' and 2) "miccharasacikkhille ciddar" (95 6 6) - 'Besmeciddar" ars with mud in the form of mithyarasa' It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo] The gloss at 95 6 6 gives malai and madhai and also further says that 'mrdah cadda adesah etc' Here the gloss seems to quote some Prakrit grammarian to support the meaning of ciddar. It says that, for the Sanskrit root mrd- there are three verbal substitutes or dhatoadesas in Prakrit, namely, mal-, madh- and cadd- and because of the Apa bhramsa rule of one vowel substituting another, for cadd, we have No cidd-. (cf. H. 4 329 - "svaranam svarah prayo'pabhramse" - 'In Apabhramsa one vowel' may be substituted for another vowel'.) Of the three adesas cited by the gloss for mrd-, Nomalwellknown; cf.H.4 126- "mrdo-mala- madha-parihatta-khadda-cadda-madda- 30

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pannadah"; cf. cf. also Trivikrama 24 152 - "mrdnatermala-parihatta-khuddapannada-cadda-madda-madah". madha- 1 s current in Gujarati and Marathi; cf. G.madhou= 'to get framed, to cover with a coat of mud, to encase with a metal leaf, to cover over' and M. madh-ne= 'to overlay or line, to cover to cover over with gold or silver wash'. 954. Cimmakk- 'to go, walk, wander about'. cimmakkahu (11 f,) 78 4 6 (v.1. cimakkaham); cimmakkwi(absolutive) 29 15 3. [= gantum, bhrantva(gl.). The relevant passages are- 1) "ammakkwi raya. nihi rinayai" (29 55 3)- 'having wandered about in the night they were exhausted' and 2) "camgau cimmakkahu sikkhio si" (73 4 6)- 'you are taught well to walk'. It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo See No camakk-.] 955. Cilivvila-20 10 11 loathsome, disgusting'. - manuyakalevaru ruhira-cili- [= bibhatsa-(gl.). The relevant passage is vvilu" the human body is loathsome on account of blood'; cf. ciliccila v.1. ciliccila v.1. cihicilla= ardra-, 'wet' (D 3 12); ciliccila- means 'damp' - 'stickily damp or wet and hence bibhatsa-. The word cil. vvila- occurs in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II at 54 11 1 and 39 6 2. The editor has given "asuci-lipta" with a query. The word occurs in the same context as in MP, namely, in connection with human body which is described as 'disgusting on account of blood etc'. So we can very well render cilvvila- occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II with bibhatsa-, 'loathsome or disgusting', cf. cilisavana used in the same sense occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta and PC.II. Cf. cilicila- occurring in this very sense in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka p, 170, line 15. The word vilivila- occurring in CMC on p. 226, line 28 is the same as cilivila-; it qualifies matsya- and means 'sticky, loathsome' ca- and va- are confused in the manuscripts.] 956. Cilla- 71 12 3 'the tamarind'. [=cifica-(gl.), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo cilla-= vrksa-visesa-. cf Kannada cilla, Tamil Telugu cillez 'the clearing nut tree'] vQ" - 957. Conaya- 16 3 7 'aversion or disgust for food, loss of appetite'. [=arocaka-(gl), The relevant passage is- "cunaya-vilinai dinnau bhattu "like the food or rice offered to a person suffering from aversion for food or loss of appetite', of cunaa- arocaka-, 'disgust for food, want of appetite'. (D. 8 22); cf. cunia- occurring at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 8 2 6 which is 'rendered by the editor with curna-, 'slake-lime'.1 Looking to the context and the usage of the word in Mahapurana of Puspadanta, it appears to 1. See Nayakumaracariu, Jain, Hiralal, Karanja, 1933. notes, p 202.

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mean 'loss of appetite' or 'disgust for food'. The relevant Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta passage is - "tahi purisu naruccai ko vi kema cuntena hayamgaho bhattu jema"- 'she does not like any man, as boiled rice is unpalatable to one suffering from or affected with loss of appetite or aversion for food'. This interpretation is supported by the gloss which renders the line as follows: "yatha sitajvarena ajirnena va hatangasya annam na rocate'. 'Loss of appetite' is a natural symptom of cold & fever or indigestion.] 958. Combbala- 54 11 7, 88 5 4 'a coil of snake or a coiled wreath for the head' ་ - " [bibhatsa- given by the gloss at 54 11 7 appears to be a guess based on the context. The word cccurs either along with visahara-, 'serpent' or amta-, 'entrails'. The reltvant passages in Mahapurana of Puspadanta are 1) suhadamta. vali-visahara-cumbhalu (54 11 7)- 'the coil of snake in the form of a row of entrails of warriors'. (Here the context is of war which is compared to a forest) 2) "viluliyamla-cumbhala-pakkhaliyai "= 'the dangling wreaths or coils of entrails falling down'. In Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta at 4 10 7 also cumbhala- occurs compounded with amta-, 'entrails'. The relevant passage in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 15 - ' ghara-niya-luliyamta-cumbhalam"- 'the dangling coil-shaped entrails being carried away by vultures'. Here also the context is of war of cubbhala v 1 cumbhala occurring in this very seuse 10 Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, cumbhalaPC II and Paumacariu of Svayambhu III ) In all the above mentioned occurrences the word is used compounded with visahara-, nayaula- or amla. Hemachandra, Trivikrama and Dhanapala note the word in the sense of sekhara. It is not known whether the word was current in the sense of sekhara- and then developed the two-fold meanings namely 1) 'coiled shape' and 2) 'a supporting ring on the head.' See cumbhalt and combhala-. 959. Cumbhali- 73 21 8 'a ring (of cloth or of straw) to support the load carried on the head.' [The gloss on combhala- at 50 5 9, namely, vastragundika suits here. The revelant passage at 73 21 8 15- 'ma salilu vahai phanicumbhalu"- 'Don't carry water on the supporting ring in the shape of a coiled serpent'. Here the word occurs in Feminine gender. Because the supporting ring is in a coiled shape and resembles a coiled serpent, it is compared with phani- ; cf combhala- at MP 50 5 9 where it is compounded with sappa-. D- 3 16 records cumbhala-, cuppala- in the sense of sekhara-, 'a crest, a garland for the head'. Painotes cubbhala- in the same sense and Trivikrama 3 4 72, 357 also notes chuppalam in this very sense, cf. M. cumbal-= 'a ring (of cloth, grass etc.) put

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under a load upon the head or underneath a pitcher or vessel'. Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary notes Kannada simbi- (Ta, cimburi) in the sense of 1) 'a ring (of cloth) to be put under a vessel etc. upon the head; a coil (of straw or of a creeper), for setting a vessel on the ground' and 2) 'the coll of a snake'. He compares M. cumbal-with this. Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary also notes abbalaand cibbila- and cibbula- (Telugu sibbi) in the sense of a bamboo lid'] 960 Cubutt- 'to adhere to, to stick to' · cuhuffar (pres 3. s) 16 7 10 (v. 1. cahuttar) [= lagati (gl.) The relevant passage The relevant passage is- "to panavahu jai kamthi kayamta-vasu na cuhutta"- 'we shall pay homage (to king Bharata) if the noose of the God of Death does not cling to the neck' ; cf. cahutta-= nimogna-, 'immersed' (D. 3 2); cf. Paiasaddamahannavo cahuffa=- lina-, 'clung'; cf. ✓ cahutt occuring in this very sense in Vajjalagga (182). cf. G cot-vu 'to stick to, adhere to, cling to'.] 961. ✓ Cemcaa- 'to decorate, to adorn, to beautify' : cemcar(y)a- (past participle) 324 (v. 1. cimcarya-), 997, 24 12 9 (v. 1. cimcaiya-) 30 22 4, 39 14 3, 48 3 10, 61 15 13, 66 12, 66 5 4, 96 2 10. [= bhusita-, dedipyamana, alankrta-, (gl); cf. cemcaiya- in this very sense in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka, p. 63, line 3 See No amcaa-.] 962. Cojja- 87 23, 31 12 4, 36 16 4, 38 4 9, 42 9 2, 46 9 7, 55 9 4, 55 10 11, 58 10 10, 62 13 4, 65 6 8, 66 4 4, 83 17 6, 87 7 8, 94 23 1, 96 6 8, 99 155, 101 13 8, 'a wonder; 'a miracle; 'a surprise'. [Compare cojja- v.1. cujja-≈ ascarya-, 'a wonder' (D 3 14; Pa1 451); cf cojja- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 18 8), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, PC, II, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III, Bh, cujja- in Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana%; cf. M co]= 'a wonder or marvel'. In Sanskrit codya- is mostly knowu in the sense of a 'difficult question raised to invite for controversy'. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records only one occurrence of codya- from Sisupalavadha IX 16 in sense of 'astonishment'. But here the context does not compel us to take the word in the sense of 'astonishment'. Bohtlingk Dictionary notes codja- in the sese of 'wonder' quoting the earliest occurrence of the word from Hemachandra's Abhidhanacintamani and Anekartha-sangraha. Cf. Kannada codya, cojiga-, Ta cottiya, Telugu sodya= 'wonder, marvel' ] 963. Combhala- 28 27 1,50 59 (v. 1. cobhala-) 'a coiled wreath for the head'. [= samuhe bibhatse va (gl at 28 27 1), vastragundika (gl. at 50 5 9). are 1) ghara-niya-luliyamta-combhale " The relevant passages f 5 (28 27 1)- 'the dangling coil-shaped entrails being carried by kites'

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) "vivaramta-sappa-combhala-lalamtu" (50 5 9)- 'with the coiled serpents dangling from the cavities'. See cumbhala and cumbhali-. For the word gundika- in the gloss see Appendix] Looking to all the contexts it is quite clear that the meanig bibhatsa-, samuha given by the gloss at 28 27 1 cannot be supported. It is likely that it is a guess on the part of the commentator. There is no authority for these meanings. Till one comes across actual literary evidence we cannot confirm or deny whether the word was current in the sense of sekhara-as recorded by Hemacandra and Trivikrama. The meaning vastragundika, supporting cloth-ring on the head' has affinity with the meaning sekhara-. In that case it remains to be decided which was the primary meaning and which developed later. 964. Covana- 1 16 10, 93 7 1 'a stick used for hitting the play ball'. [=gedi yasti (gl. at 1 16 10), covana-damda-= catuskakridadandah (gl at 93 7 1) It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo; cf couana- occurring in the same sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III For the word gedi- given by the gloss at 1 16 10 see Appendix.] It is not clear clear what what catuska-in the gloss at 93 7 1 means. catuska- may be a playing-ground or the name of a particular game. 965. Chaua- 5 3 1, 6 5 3, 48 6 3, 89 10 5 'slender, thin, slim'. [=ksama-(gl.); cf. chaua- tanu-= 'thin, emaciated' (D. 3 25, Pa1. 154) cf, chaua, occurring in the same sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III] 966. ✓Chajj- 'to appear beautiful or charming', 'to shine'. chajjami (res 1. s.) 17 2 6; chanjai (pres. 3 s) 3 11 5, 5 17 5, 15 12 6, 19 1 4, 20 6 5, 22 4 11, 25 1 13, 31 20 5, 39 5 5, 44 7 8, 63 1 9, 73 29 18, 76 3 9, 78 27 5, 78 29 2, 83 20 6, 85 5 9, 85 15 10, 87 16 1, 87 17 8. [Compare √chajj-= raj-, ''to shine' (H 4 100, Pai 152, Trivikrama 3157) cf. Nchajj occurring in this very sense in JC (2 35 6), NC, KC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Bh, cf. old H₁ chajna= 'to embellish, to look beautiful, cf. chaj-vu, M. saj-ne. Kon saj-ce= 'to become, to beseem, to suit'.] Ꮐ - - 967. Chada-28 15 1, 41 6 5, 51 14 3, 72 10 8, Chadaya- 70 15 4, 96 7 8 'a spray or sprinkling of fragrant water, besmearing with dal paste'. san-

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[= chata- (gl) Cf PSM chamta- (D) and chamta- (Pal. 650)= 'a splash, a spray, cf.chada-, chadaya-floor-plaster' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III), cf. chadayaoccurring in the above sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 4 10) & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ; cf. M. sada= 'sprinkling thu cow-dung wash, colour water etc. on a floor'; cf. G. chada-= 'prints of the hand dipped in a red pigment, made on auspicious occasions on clothes, doors, walls etc'. cf. chata-= 'sprinkling' (Supplement to Journal of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, Baroda, vol.X. no.3 p. 136). See chadaulla-.] 968. Chadaulla- 16 1 12 'a spray or sprinkling of fragrant water'. [Vaidya renders it with sammarjana-, jaladiniksepa-. The relevant passage is- "kumkumena chadaullau dijjar"- 'a sprinkling or spray with water mixed with saffron is done'. See chada. - 969 Chadaya- 4 17 11 'a kind of musical time or measure'. [= tala-vsesa- (gl); the context is of a dance performance Tippana of Prabhacandra gives- srngara-rasabhinayacchatakatalah".] 970. Chimchai-54 12 6 (v. 1, chemchat) 'an unchaste woman'. [=pumscali (gl), cf chimchaa- jarah, 'an adulterer' (D. 3 36) and chimcha asatt-, 'an unchaste woman' (E 2 174) Cf. chimchai (Pal. 91), Trivikrama notes chimcha 10 the same sense at Trivikrama 21 30, 21 and gives the etymology thus - "dhik-dhik chicchi | dhigdhigiti garhana yasyah sa". cf. chimchal- occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III chemchaioccurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I and Gatha Saptasati in the same sense] 971. Chidd- 'to deceive'. ✓ chiddin (absolutive) 74 12 12 [ chalayitva (gl) The relevant passage is "so chuddivi mrgena mai aniya nayana-ravani"- 'having deceived him by means of the deer, I have brought the beautiful lady'. It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo] 972. Chibbara-- 76 6 13 (v. 1. chivira-) 'flat (w r. to nose)". [chibbaranasa prthu-nasikah (gl); the relevant expression is chibbara. nasa 'flat-nosed', Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. D 39 records ciccara and cicca- in the sense of capitanasa-, flat-nosed'; cf. civaranasa in the sense of 'flat-nosed' occurring in PC I, cibidanaso= 'snub-nosed' in Sam K and cipita-ghrana- in the same sense in Br. K, cf. cipita-= 'flattened rice' (Yt), cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary cipat (L)= 'flatnosed', cf G cibu= 'flat-nosed' and chibu= 'a flat dish'.] 973. ✓ Chiv- 'to touch', chwami (pres 1- s) 16 25 14, chivar (pres 3. s.) 16 19 4, 24 14-6, 34 11 1, 37 20 10, 86 1 15, chivamt (pres. 3 pl) 75 4 9, chivamtiya (p p enlarged feminine gender) 3 14 15, chiveppinu (abs) 99 10 9, chitta- (past participle)

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, 33 4 11, 46 3 21, 47 1 17,59 8 12, 70 9 2, 72 4 2, 74 13 1, 83 16 13 (v 1. vichitta), 85 20 12, chwahu (inf) 4 5 13, 78 26 9; chippai (pass. pres 3 s) 3 18 7, 65 9 4, 69 17 3, 71 9 8, 98 7 18 chippamli (pass pres. 3 plural ) 11 33 11; chippavu (pass. Imp. 3 s.) 62 13. [=sprsta- (gl). at 4 10 13 chitta- 1 s loosely rendered with taditaby the gloss, of /chio-= sprs- 'to touch' (H- 4 182, Trivikrama 24 132) and chitta-sprsta, 'touched' (D. 3 27 Pa 150) Cf √ chw_ occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 32 2, 3 14 11, 3 18 4), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. For N I A. derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary chunu= 'to touch, meddle with'] - 974. Chudu 17 7 1, 21 7 8. 39 10 5, 46 9 3, 52 12 3, 57 21 2, 57 25 5, 69 19 7, 81 3 2, 92 9 4 'quickly, soon, immediately'. [=sighram (gl), cf Paiasaddamahannavo chudu (D)= sighram, 'shortly, soon' (H 4 401 illustration 1) and yadi, 'if' (H. 4 385, 422); cf chudu= sighram (Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 3 9 12, JC 2 28 4, 2 287 & Paumacariu of Svayambhu II) cf. chudu=yadi (Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, PC II). chudu sighra (Chandonusasana of Hemacandra 4 76 4)] 975. Chudu chudu- 2 19 1, 12 1 3, 12 5 30, 30 22 8, 30 23 10, 32 17 11, 33 5 1, 71 13 9, 78 13 2, 78 13 6, 80 9 6, 81 10 13, 81 17 15, 91 8 1, 92 10 11, 94 2 1; chudu j chudu ji 80 84 'gradually whe never, in due course'. [=yada yada (gl), cf. chudu chudu occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 13 18). NC (567 & 6 15 12). Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II & Bh and chudu ji chudu in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I.] 976. Chuh-to throw, to place' chudha= (p.p) 49 7, 71 5 1, 73 5 8, 78 5 1, 79 5 11, 88 23 8, chuhavya- (causative past participle) 69 19 5 [=patita-, ksi pta-, niksipta- (gl), cf. √√chuh-= ksip-, 'throw' (H 4 143, Trivikrama 3 1 79); cf. ^/chuh-occurring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 10 2), NC, PC I, II, III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. For N. I. A. derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary chunu= *to touch, meddle with'.] 977. Chod-'to loosen, to let go' : choda (pres 3 s.) 28 19 9 [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo chod--muc-. Cf. No chod- occurring in sense in KC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra , this very chot- in Up K%; cf. ✓ chut-= 'to see Turner's Nepali Dictionary chornu= 'to cut, split' (Tri III) For N I. A. derivatives let go, to give up'.]

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. Choha-17 16 'casting (w. r. to glance)'. [=viksepa-(gl.), the relevant passage is- "arunacchi-choha-ramjiyadiyamtu" 'the horizon tinged by the casting of glance by Aruna (in the form of dawn)'; cf. choha-= viksepa-, 'casting, scattering' (D. 3 39) and chuh-ksip-, 'to throw' (H. 4 143) The expression "acchichoha" is equivalent to Sanskrit aksi-viksepa-, "casting a glance'.] 979. Jadi(y)a- 1 16 6, 6 1 3, 7 12 4, 7 22 13, 7 26 9, 9 27 7, 21 13 7, 28 17 17, 32 2 7, 35 12 5, 36 19 12, 54 17 3, 57 10 6, 71 17 1, 73 19 11, 74 11 4, 76 9 10, 77 13 12, 78 18 14, 82 3 11, 85 16 18, 85 19 11, 88 23 7, 94 11 8 'inlaid, studded'. [Compare Jadia--hhacita, 'inlaid, studded' (D.3 4 1); cf. jadia- occurring in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, PC I. For the NI.A. derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary jarnu= 'to set (Jewels), inlay'. Bloch compares Dravidian forms, Kannada Jadi, Tamil sader to drive in as a nail'. Kannada jadda-, Telugu Jadde union, nearness'.] == 980 Jampana- 717, 77 8 3, 83 8 7, 84 52, 88 6 12 'a palanquin'. [=palakhi iti dest (gi), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo jampana= yanavisesa, sibikavisesa-; cf. jam pana, occurring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 27 1), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Karakamdacariu Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. cf. yapyayana= 'palanquin' (Prabandha Kosa) yapyayana is a Sanskritisation of Prakrit jampana-; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary jampana= 'a sedan chair' (Jain); cf. Ht. jhappan= 'a kind of cot used by moun taineers for carrying men etc' For the word palakhi given in the gloss see Appendix.] 981. Jalajamjala- 78 20 3 'a tank'. [=tadaga (gl) The relevant expression is- "vanaviyaliyalohiya_jalajamjalu" 'a tank of blood oozed from the wounds'. It is not recorded by Paiasaddamahannavo jalajamjala- appears to be equivalent to jalasaya-, jamjala- is not known from any other source.] 982 Jauda- 28 1 3, jaudaya 62 5 10 (v 1. jauduya - ), '(saffron) produced in the Jaguda country ?. [=kunkuma- (gl. at 62 5 10), jauda-desa- (gl. at 28 1 3). It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary jaguda-(L)= 'saffron' Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary also records jaguda- in the same sense. See jadila ] At 28 13 and at 62 5 10 the words jauda- and jadila- occur compounded. At the earlier occurrence the compound is rendered as "Jauda-desot pannam kunkumam". From this it follows that jauda- is the name of the country and Jadila= (jatila-) meant 'saffron' The jauda country must have been famous for its saffron. This is further

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supported by the Sk word jaguda-= 'saffron' noted in Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary as occurring in Lexicons only and jaguda- noted by Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary in the same sense The gloss therefore on 62 5 10 where jauda is equated with kunkuma appears to be a loose-rendering and really it should mean there 'of the jauda country'. 983 Jousu-44 4 4 'the moon'. [=candra-(gl). It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo Perhaps connected with Sanskrit jyotis 'light, brightness'. cf. joya] 984 Joya-19 4 2,50 10 7 'the moon'. [=candra- (gl.); cf. Joa- candra-, 'the moon' (D. 3 48, Trivikrama 3 4 121, 20) It is not clear whether the word has anything to do with Sanskrit dyota-, light, brilliance' See jousu-] 985 Jokkh-'to weigh, measure, consider' : with jokkhat (pres 3. s) 4 5 5, Jokkhia- (past participle) 18 9 5, 83 4 10. [=akalayati, akalita, stambhita- (gl.), Vaidya renders jokkhai tolayati; the passage at 18 9 5 is as follows "pai niya-bhuyabalena hau jokkhuu"- 'I was measured, or weighed by you with the might of your arms' It is not recorded by Paiasaddamahannavo For the N.I.A. derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary jokhnu= 'to weigh, balance, ponder, consider '] 986. Jhamkh- 'to prattle, to utter nonsense or irrelevant' jhamkhahi (pres.2.s.) 74 14 4, jhamkhai (pres 3 s) 60 7 10. The relevant passages are 1) 'kim jhamkhahi nam Jarena gahi" (74 14 4)- 'why do you prattle as though you are delirious with fever ?' 2) "capphalu jhamkhai camdagahillau" (60 7 10)- 'The moon-struck person prattles falsehood' Cf. Jhamkh- in this sense at H 4 379, illustration 1) jhamkhat occurs at 3 29 7 in JC and is rendered with acchaday by the editor But 'prattle' suits the context. The relevant passage is "muhiyai jhamkhai"- 'prattles in vain'; cf No jhamkh- occurring in the same sense in NC, PC II, sense in NC, PC II, Bh, cf. G. jhamkh-vu= 'to brood over', Hi Jhamkna= 'to lement, weep' and Konkani jhakta= 'speaks in a droll manner', jhahi (fem )= 'droll speech; utterance with implied or hidden overtones, quaint speech' and jhakro= 'droll or immodest speaker'.] 987 Jhadapp- 'to strike, snatch, pounce'. Jhadappa (pres 3 s) 30 49, jhadappii (abs) 16 24 12, 62 15 3 (v 1. jhadeppinu), jhadappi(y)a- (F.p) 8 3 9, 54 14 11, 74 14 6, 76 2 10, 77 6 11, 88 6 5. 31

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' [Gloss loosely renders hadappya- with patana- at 8 39, and with prahata at 76 2 10 and at 77 6 11; cf. PSM- √Jhadapp-= a+chid-, and jhadappa- haste'; cf. √ghadapp- occurring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, Bh cf. M. jhadap-ne G had p-ou= 'to pounce upon, to santch'; cf. M jhadap= 'a stoop of a bird of prey' and S. jhadapnu= 'to strike as eg. wind, sun, demons etc.' and jhadap= 'a sun-stroke'. See Turner's Nepali Dictionary jharnu= 'to fall, descend, go down.' Turner connects it with 'jhata= 'sudden movent'. See jhadappana ] 988. Jhadappana- 25 4 8, 99 12 5 'striking with a flap or flapping' [Compare jhadappana- in this very sense occurring at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 2 33 5. See √ jhadapp- ] 989. Jhamduliya- 66 7 11 (v.l. Jlumduliya-) 'an unchasie woman'. - [The gloss wrongly gives "amlika, cinca"- as the meaning of the word. It appears to be an error in the text. The meaning given in the gloss can be equated with ambilya at 66 7 12 and jhamdulyacan be rendered with 'an unchaste woman'. The relevant passage is navai komala jhamduliya 'appears like a delicate unchaste woman'. cf. jhamdali- jhamdult asai- 'an unchaste woman' (D.3 54 and D. 3 61) and (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 475 & 476). See plumduliya and jhemduliya- ] 990. Jhamp 'to cover' jhampami (pres. 1.s) 1 11 4; Jhampia-(p p.) 26 14 9 [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo No jhamp-= a+chaday, 'to cover, cf. same sense occurring in JC-, Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana Bh (9 15 10) derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary Jhapnu= 'to cover'.] jhamp- in the For the N. I. A. 991. Jhampada- 12 12 5, 66 5 3 'unbound, uncombed and unkempt (w.r to hair)'. [dhammilla-jhampada-- muktakesah (gl) In both the occurrences, the word is used in connection with and qualifying a mass of hair Hence "netrayorardhonmilana-" (on the basis of M. Jhampad-, sealed or closed state of eyes under stupor, sealedness of eyes) given by Vaidya (vide Mahapurana of Puspadanta I, Glossary) as the meaning of the word appears to be a conjecture. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word. jhampada- occurs in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta at 1 16 6 and is glossed as muktavirala-. This meaning suits the context as the relevant phrase here also is "jhampadya-kesar" 'with unkempt hair'. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary notes jhampada-only in the sense of 'a kind of measure (in music)'.] - - 992. Jhasa-12 18 7, 28 24 6, 28 26 3, 52 15 5, 54 14 4, 58 20 10, 60 7 3, 73 26 1,78 7 12, 78 18 5, 88 4 14, 97 29 'a sort of dagger, a rapier'.

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[Compare Paiasaddamahannavo Jhasara- (D)= ayudha-visesa (PV); D. 3 60 notes jhasa- in the sense of tamkacchinnam, 'cut with a chisel'; jhasaoccurring in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta is rendered with katari- by the commentator. Cf. jhasa- in the same sense occurring in JC and Paumacariu of Svayambhu I. For the word given in the NC gloss see Appendix ] 993 Jhimduliya- 74 8 6 'an unchaste woman' [Gloss renders it with kamavihvala-, cf. M. chinal, sinal= 'whorish. unchaste'. See jhamduliya- and nhemduliya-] da 994. Jhumbukka-4 99, 12 1 5, 72 17 'a bunch, a cluster, a decorative bulb, a chandelier'. [=stabaka (gl.), PSM, does not note it; cf. jhumoukka- occurring in the same sense in PC II cf G Jhumkhu= 'a bunch, tassel, cluster' and jhummar= 'a chandelier' Cf M. jhubka or jhumka= 'a bunch or cluster (of flowers etc) and jhumbar 'a chandelier'] 995. ✓ Jhull- 'to swing, dangle, flutter, stream', jhulla (pres. 3. s) 14 5 12, 80 7 9; jhullamla (present participle) 24 12 10, (v. 1. rullamta), 42 5 21, 77 5 12, 87 12 6. [=dolayate, dolayamana, avalambamana (gl), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo Njhull-= andol-, 'to swing'; cf. Nghull- occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 27 7) & Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana (134) in the same sense For the N. I. A derivatives see ND jhulnu= 'to swing, sway from side to side'] 996. Jhemdaliya- 15 6 15 (v.1 jhimduliya-), 36 18 3 'an unchaste woman,' 'a harlot' vesyavrttih [=pums cali vesyaorttih (gl), cf jhemdulyya- occurring in the same sense in PC II See Jhamduliya and Jhumduliya_] 997. Jhempa- 86 1 15 (v 1 Jhampa-) 'a spring, a leap' [=jhampa (gl), cf. PSM jhampa='jumping at once', cf. Jhampa- occurring in this sense in PC I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, cf jhampa= 'a Jump' (Supplement to J. O I Baroda, vol X, no. 4 p 139) cf. G. Jhamplov_vu= Jump into, rush in', cf M- Jhemp-= 'a spring or dart forward to snatch or catch' aud jhampa-= 'a leap'.] We find the variant Jhempain three manuscripts The word jhempais not recorded elsewhere in Pk dictionaries; but it is preserved in Marathi 998 Takkara-31 16 4, 57 10 12, 93 8 5 'a smart blow or stroke on the head,' 'a rap on the head milder than a knock and harder than a tap'.

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branch or bough'; cf also dal- sakha (Jnanesvari) For the N I. A. cognates see Turner's Nepali Dictionary dalo- 'branch, bough'.] 1006. Davi- 35 5 3 (v.!. davi) 'a seal, a finger-ring' [-mudra (gl.); the relevant passage :s- "eha davi kulisamaya laeppinu" 'having taken this diamond ring' It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo The word may be originally connected with Sanskrit darui= 'ladle' Cf. M. dav-= 'a hollowed coconut used as a cup or vessel', and dava-= 'a hollow case of a seal'. See Turner's Nepali Dictionary dabba= 'small box, casket' 1007 Dimdira- 12 8 5, 14 6 5, 89 5 6 'the foam of the sea'. [=phena- (gl), the relevant passages are-1) syagholamana-dimdiracira" (1285,)- 'the flowing garment in the form of white whirling foam of the sea' and 2) tadalagga-dimdira pimda" (14 6 5 ) - 'the collection of the foam of the sea stuck to the bank'; cf. PSM dimdira-= samudra-phena-, cf dimdira- occurring in the same sense in PC I, II & III, Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka; cf. dindira-= 'sea foam' (Tri III), cf. Apte's Student's Sanskrit-English Dictionary dindira 'cuttle-fish-bone considered the foam of the sea'. Apte's Student's Sanskrit-English Dictionary has noted dindira- in the sense of 'foam' quoting from Vikramankacarita. Cf Hindi dindir- in the same sense.] - 1008 Dumga- 9 2 27 (v 1. tumga-) 'a herd', 'a group,' 'a multitude' [-vrnda, samuha (gl) the relevant passage is "mayamga-dumgai "_ *herds of elephants'. It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo; cf M. H₁. dung, 'a pile or heap'] 1009. Demduha- 16 20 9 (v-1. dimduha-) 'a small water-snake'. [The relevant passage 1 s- "demduhena kim sappu dasyjar"- 'can a water-snake bite the serpent?' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note demduha-, but notes dumduha-- 'a species of snake' At D 75 vaivalaa- is equated with demduha-, cf. dindika-, dinduka-- 'a water-snake' (Br K); cf. MW dindibha-(L)- 'water-suake' and dundubha- 'an unvenomous water-snake' (Sayana) cf. G demdvu- 'a tiny water-serpent'] 1010. Dev- to leap or rush forcefully or sweepingly towards some. thing', devamta (pres p) 17 12 8, devamti (pres p fem 17 13 4) [=dhavan (gl); cf Paiasaddamahannavo √/dev-= ut+langh-, 'to cross, to jump'; of dev- ud-langh- (PC.II)] The gloss on devamla at MP 17 12 8 renders it with dhavan The relevant passage here "sasichahi-saramga-devamla-stham"- 'the lion leaping at the deer seen in the reflection of the moon'. The context is that of a lion and a decr. Paiasaddamahannavo gives ✓dev- in the sense of

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ut+langh-, alikramana- and leaping (kudna) So the sense 'leaping at can well fit our context. The passage at 17 13 4 is- "devami disar saliladhara"- 'the stream of water is seen rushing forth'. Here a forceful motion of the stream is implied At PC.II 25 6 5 the passage 1 s- "uhaya valahi devamli vihamgai "- 'the birds were crossing or haunting both sides'. Here ✔ dev- means 'to jump across, fly across the whole length of the sky (atikram-'). deviya at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 775 is rendered with printa- on the authority of the tippna-. The relevant passage is- "rumda-pimda- devya bherumda"" 'the bherundas were running towards, sweeping on towards the mutilated trunks'. In the light of the above occurrences we can very well take here also devtya- in the sense of 'sweeping upon.' Hence dev-implies 'running on the ground' or 'any forcefull or sweeping motion either on the ground or in the sky'. 'To leap or rush forcefully or sweepingly towards something' would suit all contexts 1011. Dora- 85 10 21 (v 1. dora-) 'a rope'. [The relevant passage is- "dadhadorenam pabalabalalo baddho balo" - The strong and sturdy child was bound with a strong rope' of PSM dora-(D)= guna-, 'a thread'; of dora- occurring in the sense of a 'string-like necklace' in JC (2 26 5) & NC For N.I A cognates see N D. doro= 'thread'. The word davaraka- 1 s a Sanskratised form of dora-. See dora-] 1012. ✓Doll- 'to swing to and fro' dollar (pres 3 s) 4 18 2 [The relevant passage is- "dollar vasumai"- 'the earth swings to and fro', cf. ^/doll-= 'to swing': cf., ✓doll- occurring in the same sense in JC (4 4 16), NC, PC I & PCII. For the N.I.A cognates see ND dol-= 'oscillation, shaking'] 1013. Dhakk- 'to cover'. dhakkamta (pres p) 62 11 2 (v 1. dhamkamta). No [=acchadayan (gl.) cf. dhakk-= chad-, 'to cover' (H. 4 21); cf. ☐ dhakk- occurring in the same sense in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. See ✓ dhamk- and dhamkana-.] 1014 Dhamk- 'to cover, to conceal veil, shut dhamkai (pres.3 s.) 1 13 10, 3 12 17, 24 14 6, 47 5 12, 49 96, 73 19 2, 77 9 15, 886 12; dhamkamti (pres 3. pl) 3 15 11 (v.1. dhakkamti);

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[Vaidya has rendered takkara- at 31 takkara- at 31 16 4 with silasakala-, but aghata suits the context, cf. PSM addenda, takkara (D)= 'a rap on the shaven head with a finger', ef takkara- occurring in this very sense in NC, PC II, PC III Br K cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary takkara= 'blow on the head', cf Hi takkar-= 'a conflict' and G takkar-= 'a violent blow a blow with the horns of forehead, a butt', and fakar, 'a rap on the head, usually shaven' For NI A derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary fakkar= 'obstacle, collision'] Timta- 29 18 9 (v,1 temta-), 46 2 1 (v.1. temta-), 53 4 13 'a gambling house'. [dyutasthana- (gl), Vaidya has rendered timta- occurring at 29 189 with pumscali (vide MP I, Glossary). This meaning suggested by him appears to have been based on the usage in Karpuramanjari But dyutasthana- fits in well in the context. Cf dyutasthana-, 'a gambling house' (D 4 3); one of the manuscripts of the Desiniamamala notes the reading timta- also, PSM records timta- and timla in this sense and quotes in support Bh, cf timta- occurring in this sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta & KC and timtautla- in the sense of 'officer in charge of gambling houses' (PC III), {imtautta- occurs in Bh also in the same sense as in PC III See temta-] In the corrupt form this word occurs as thintha- in the sense of 'a gambling house' in Kathasaritsagara at XCII 15& 21 and as thintha-karala-= 'Name of a gambling-house keeper' in the same work at CXXI 71. These readings of Kathasaritsagara may be amended - 1000 Temta 12 9 18, 80 5 9 'a gambling house'. 1 Vaidya renders femta- at 12 9 18, with vrnta- (comparing it with M denth-, 'stalk') But here also dyulasthana- suits the context. Paiasaddamahannavo in the Addenda renders temta- with bhisana quoting KarpuramanJari But there too the passage appears to have been misunderstood and the meaning of temta- there also is djutasthana- Cf timta occurring in the same sense in PC II See {imta- ] In Karpuramanjari two expressions, namely, bhamaratemta and temtakarala-occur at 1 18. A variety of interpretations are offered by commentators and editors and the original meaning of the word temta- seems to have been lost If we accept the interpretations offered by a commentator' for the word bhamara-temta- here, namely, bhamara-vita-, then we can interpret bhamara-temta- to mean 'a gambling place of the voluptuaries' which would aptly describe See Karpuramanjari, Lanman, CR, Combridge, 1901, Glossonal Index, p. 151

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a prostitute. In that case here too, temta- would mean a gambling house'. temtakarala is 'terrible in the gambling places' or 'a terror of the gambling den'. 1001. Damara-59 19 6, 73 11 2, 88 3 16 (v 1. damara) damaraya-54 14 2 'fear', 'causing panic', 'fright'. [= bhaya-, bhayanaka-, bhayotpadaka- (gl.). Really speaking damarashould be a noun, but here it is used as an adjective PSM does not note the word in this sense Cf damara, damarakara-= bhayankara 'causing panic' (PC,I), damarakara-= 'causing panic' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu II) and damara-, damara= bhaya- (PC III)] 1002. Dar- 'to fear, to be afraid' of,' 'to dread' daramta (pres. p) 43 5 4 (v 1 radamia) 66 36 dariya- (p p.) 88 20 3, [daramta- at 43 5 4 is glossed garjan, which suits the context Hence the variant reading redanta is preferable here At 88 20 3 the gloss loosely equates daramta- with bhita-, cf Ndar- tras-, 'to be afraid' (H. 4 198) and (Tr 31 119). Cf. No dar-= 'to fear' (Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 2 28 6). For N. I A derivatives and cognates see ND darnu 'to fear, be afraid'. Turner suggests connections with dar-, dar-, and dal to split'. See dara- below.] 1003. Dara- 25 8 9, 36 10 7 'fright,' 'fear'. [The relevant passage at 36 10 7 is - "nasai gahabhuyapisayadaru"- 'destroys the fright of evil spirits and goblins'; cf dara-= bhay-, bhiti (H 1 217); cf. dara- occurring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta Karakamdacariu Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II & III, Bh; cf dara== 'Year, terror, dread' (Apte's Student's Sanskrit-English Dictionary), cf. Hindi dar- 'fear'. See Ndar- above] 1004. Davida 58 2 7 (v 1 nuida) 'intensely voluptuous' [The text appears to be uncertain here The meaning given by the gloss is drdhavita-. No other source appears to throw any light The relevant passage Is- "bahu-kavada-davida-nivaramjiyai"- 'which entertains through many a deception voluptuaries in the form of kings'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word] 1005 Dala- 1 18 2, 12 13 12, 20 4 3, 20 5 6, 49 3 2, 75 11 12, 84 14 4, 'a branch,' 'a bough'. [Compare dali sakha-, 'a branch' (D 4 9, Tr 3 4 72, 201), of also dala (Pai. 333), cf dala-= sakha- (H 4 445 illustration 3) Cf. dala occurring in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Bh, PC I, II, III, Vajjalagga (124), cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary dala-= 'a branch' (Silanka on Acarani rnaya, 11) Cf. Old M. dhala,, 'a small leafy branch' and dhali= 'a

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dhamkijjai, (Fut 3 s) 26 7 4, dhamkahu (Imp. 2 pl ) 6 2 11; dhamkivi (absolutive) 24 114, 100 5 7, dhamkevt (abs) 101 2 13; dhamkeppinu (absolutive) 35 22 3, dhamki(y)a- (pp) 13 11 1, 16 24 4, 19 13 3, 24 3 14, 28 30 6, 32 8 5, 33 4 15, 42 9 9, 44 3 14, 55 9 4, 68 11 1, 73 12 8, 74 14 5, 80 7 9, 89 2 10, 92 6 12, [=pracchadayati, acchadayati, jhampitva, pracchadita- (gl.), Ndhakk-= chaday (H. 4 21), cf ✓dhamk- occurring in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II. cf /dhamk-= 'to conceal. to cover' (Supplement to J.O.I vol. x No. 4, p. 140). For the N.I A. derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary dhaknu 'to cover, hide, veil, sbut'. See Jdhakk- and dhamkana-] 1015 Dhamkana- 73 15 12 'a lid, a cover'. [acchadanam (gl) The relevant passage 15- "suvanna-bhimgarayahu khapparu dinnau dhamkanu"- 'a broken earthen plate is placed as a cover to close the mouth of a golden pitcher'. cf. Paiasaddamahannavo dhamkant pidhanika-, 'a lid, cover' (D. 4 14), Paiasaddamahannavo notes dhamkana- in the same sense quoting in support from Anuogadarasutta. See Turner's Nepali Dictionary dhakana, dhakant= 'lid, cover'. See Nodhank- and √dhakk-.] 1016 Dhamkha- 19 13 5 (v 1 dhamka) '(a tree) without leaves, flowers and fruits' [dhamkha-taru= patrapuspaphala-rahito vrksah (gl), ef PSM dhamkhara- (D)= 'a branch without fruits and leaves' Cf. dhamkha- occurring in JC (1 13 3), KC, dhamkhara- occurring in Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana, GS, Vajjalagga (251) in the same sense Tagare renders dhamkha-= with suska-, 'dry. Cf M. dhamk-= 'an old and decaying tree'.] 1917. Dhamdhara- 31 26 6, 60 11 3 (v.1. dhamdhura-), 74 16 10 'a demon'. [=raksasa- (gl); of dhamdhara pisaca, 'a demon, fiend' (D. 4 16), cf dhamdhara-occurring in JC (1 16 7) and glossed as "raksasapretapisacadayah." Cf. dhamdhara- occurring in the same sense in NC, PC II & III.] 1018. ✓ Dhal-'to wane, bend, incline, slide, drop down' dhalai (pres 3 s) 72 7 10, 97 3 5, dhali (y)a- (pp) 4 15 6,5 15 13, 89 12, 31 19 12, 39 4 7, 53 6 11, 57 19 8, 62 20 9, 71 16 8, 77 2 8,90 4 6. - [=patita-, cyuta-(gl); cf. PSM PSM ✓dhal (D)= 'to drop, to bend or incline'; of. N dhal- occurring in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta; cf M. dhalne to slide or move out of place, to incline'. For New Indo-Aryan derivatives see ND dhalnu= 'to topple over, fall'. Tagare equates ✓dhal with ksar.]

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. A/Dhal- 'to drop, 'to throw down,' 'to fell', dhala (pres 3 s) 14 10 7, dhaliya (pp) 54 6 11. 249 ✓dhal- occurring cf. dhal- 'to pour out, to cast [ patita- (gl) cf. PSM dhal- 'to drop down'; cf. in the same sense in NC, KC off' (Supplement to JO I. vol X derivatives see N.D dhalnu 'to fell, 1020 Dhilla 32 3 5 'loose' no. 4, p 140) For the N.I.A. hew down'] [The relevant passage is "dhillihujau nivibandhanu",- 'the knot of the wearing garment loosened', of PSM dhilla- (D)=-sithila- Cf dhilla-= sithila (Pa. D) D) cf H₁ dhilna= 'to loosen' and dhila-= 'loose' See ND dhilo 'slow, slack' for N. I A. erivatives ] 1021. Dhul- 'to slip down, to loosen' dhuliya- (past participle) 88 7 10 (v 1 khaliya, v 1 caliya- v 1. valiya) [The relevant passage is - 'pahurina-bamdhanai nam dhuliyat" as though the ties of the debt in the form of the Lord were loosned'. It is not noted by PSM cf M dulne= 'to be lost or gone (money, a pledge),, G dholvu= to spill, to make flow' and Hindi dhulnaz 'to be poured out, roll, be spilt.'] 1022, Nakkhachodi-49 4 10 'crackling of fingers' [=nakhacchotika angulivikarah (gl.) It is not noted by PSM of nakkhacchodi occcurring in this very sense in PC II, cf. MW nakhacchotanika (L) 'making noise with the with the nails (as a token of applause or approval) 'See nahachodaa.-] 1023 Naggora-12 107 'camphor'. [=karpura (gl); the relevant passage 15- "naggora-renu-dhavalijjamanu" being whitered by the dust of camphor' It is not noted by PSM ] - 1024. Nad 'to be distressed, tormented, harassed, confounded', Nadi (y)a- (pp) 2 21 6, 23 18 11, 29 3 8, 32 4 10, 33 12 12, 50 5 7, 54 18 12, 56 2 11, 66 8 7, 69 3 11,78 2 14, 81 10 10, 83 13 4, 84 2 15, 89 17 16, 90 2 10, 91 4 7, 98 7 7, 98 6 3, nadijjai (passpres 3 s) 98 15 21 [At 54 18 12 nadiya is loosely rendered by the gloss with prerita-; the relevant passage bere 1 s- "kale nadyau", which can be rendered as- 'harassed by time', hence prerita-. At 69 3 11 the gloss renders nadia- with vancita- and at 78 2 14 with kadarthita-, cf nadia= vancita-, 'deceived', khedita-, 'distressed' (D. 4 18) Trivikrama notes 32

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F 250 DESVA WORDS FROM THE MAHAPURANA nadia- in the sense of vancita- only (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 248); cf. rnadiya, in the sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 29 12, 2 5 2 & 2 33 4), NC, KC, PC II & CMC (p. 268, line 10), cf M. nad-ne= 'to cheat excessively' see ✓ vinad-.] - 1025 Nameru- 96 2 11 'a kind of tree, Elacocarpus Ganitras.' [=kalpavrksam (gl.), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo nameru vrksa-visesa-; cf. nameru occurring in Yasastilaka, where it is glossed parijata, cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary nameru (L)= 'Elacocarpus Ganitrus] 1026. Nahachodaa- 24 8 1 'crackling of fingers'. [=nakhacchotika (gl.), cf MW chotika= 'snapping the thumb and forefinger' cf. Hindi, G cutki= 'a snap with the thumb and finger' See nakkhachodi-] 1027. Nahala-13 11 6, 15 1 9, 15 5 5, 15 20 4, 47 25, 73 13 7, 82 10 6, 83 99, 85 4 13, 90 17 11, 92 6 14, 92 18 6 'a barbarous tribe, an aboriginal tribe, a wild mountain race". [-sabara-, bhilla-, (gl.); cf. nahala~ occurring in the in Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra I and nahala- v 1. nahala= 'a tribe of mlecchas' (H. 1 256), cf. same sense in JC, and nahala- occurring nahara in Br K, cf. MW nahala (L) 'name of a non-Aryan people (=mleccha)'] 1028 ☑Niy- 'to see, to behold' niyahi (pres. 2. s) 52 82, niyar (pres 3 s) 4 1 10, 5 15 9, 1936, 28 19 4, 45 6 10, 48 6 3, 62 16 1, 101 16 7, niyamli (pres. 3. plural) 9 21 15, 36 16 12, 83 1 11, niyamta (pres. p) 2 20 10, 5 3 13, 61 13 2, nevi (abs) 55 3 5, 74 8 1, 86-5 1, niyavi, (abs) 60 20 14 (v 1. nievi), 85 7 13 [=pasyti, pasyan, avalokajan, drstva (gl.) cf Nnia- drs-, 'to see' (H.4 181) and (Tr 24 153) Cf ✓ ma- occurring in the same sense in JC, NC KC, PC I Kams-, Bh & Vajja (198). Tagare connects √nia- with Sanskrit Non- and compares netra-,nayana ] 1029 Nikkhutta- 11 9 7, 38 4 4, 98 15 11 'definitely, certainly'. [=niscilam (gl) PSM notes nikkhutta- in the same sense and quotes in support from Paumacariu of Vimalasuri. Perhaps connected with Prakrit Ahutta 'stuck, fixed' and hence 'certain'.] 1030. Nikkhubbhu- 20 17 (v 1. nikkhuttu v.l. nikkhuttu) 'constant', 'perpetual ' [=nirantaram (gl.) Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. ]

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. Niccapphala- 49 7 1, 84 17 8 'truth' 251 [ Though the gloss renders it with miscapalam, it can very well be taken to mean 'truth' (mis+capphala-). The relevant passage at 84 17 8 1 s- "tena vi niccapphalu tahu sitthu"- 'he also told her the truth'. See capphola-, capphalatta-] 1032 ✓ Nicchutt- 'to slip, to falter' nicchuttav (abs) 4 15 11 (v 1. nicchuddhivi. v. 1. nicchuttii). [zskhalitva (g 1), the relevant passage is- "lacchihi bharamtihi kanayavannu nicchuttav kalasu va jali nimannu" 'as though the golden-hued Pitcher of Laksmi while filling slipped and was immersed in the water', of PSM nicchutta-= nirmukta-.] 1033. Niddariya- 35 1 4 (v 1 niriya-) 'expanded due to strong emotional impacts like fear, wonderment, martial spirit etc.' (The relevant passage is rae hayavaru ditthau"- "The without flesh etc. was "niddarya nayanu nimmɑmsa-muhu horse having expanded eyes, dry face seen by the king' Vaidya paraphrases niddariya- as niskasita-, 'popping out or bulging out (eyes)' Paiasaddamahannavo does not record it. Cf. viddara-= vistara- (Tr 13 105, 82.] In Paumacariu of Svayambhu II and Paumacariu of Svayambhu III niddariya- occurs several times and is rendered bhayotpadaka- by the editor. This meaning appears to refer to the eyes which niddariya- qualifies. nayana- and the exprewith 'eyes expanded, In KC nidduriya- occurs at 5 14 9 and 10 20 3 Here the reading niddurya- appears to be a scribal error for the correct reading niddariya (as in manuscripts du and double da are mistaken for each other) The editor has rendered it with mr-dulitawhich seems to be a surmise. Here also the Mahapurana of Puspadanta meaning fits in well. In all the occurrences niddariya- qualifies ssion niddariya-nayana- can be rendered popping out of moving to and fro due to strong emotional impacts or various sentiments like fear, wonderment, martial spirit (yuddhotsoha) etc' niddariya- refers to the condition of the eyes under the influence of these emotions It may connote more than mere expansion We are not in a position to pinpoint the exact connotation 1034. Nittala- 58 22 7 (v 1. nittava-) 'spotless, bright, resplendent' - [-nirdosa-, bhasura- (gl.), the relevant passage is "so reha tena sunimmalena nava-mehu va ravina nittalena" - '(Hari) shines with the I See Karakamdacariu, Jain, Hiralal, Karanja, 1934, Glossary

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spotless discus (in his hand) as a fresh cloud with a spotless sun.' nittala in the sense of anwrta-, 'unreturning' noted by Paiasaddamahannavo does not suit here ] 1035. Nittiosa- 29 14 8 'unkind, cruel. nistrim'sa-, [-nirdaya (gl.); cf. Paiasaddamahannavo nittimsa-= nistrimsa-, nirdaya- (Supasana hacariya)] 1036. Nimm- 'to dissolve, to disappear', nimmat (pres. 3 s) 6 4 10 [ksayopasamam yati (gl) The relevant passage 1 s- "nahahu ajju vr caryavaranu dhuvu nimmat genhai tavacaranu"- 'In the case of the Lord the cartravaraniya karma which still persists can be certainly dissolved if he resorts to asceticism' Probably nummar is formed on the analogy of summar- 'is beard' (passive), as su- gives a passive present 3. s Similarly ni- can give us passive present 3 s. nimmar-= 'takes away, disappears' Cf D. 4 34 mmmaya-= gata- 'gone'.] 1037. Nirariu-2 18 8, 9 26 3, 13 7 13, 14 5 5, 14 9 10, 29 46, 38 48, 397 13 39 10 6, nirariu 83 86 'constantly,' 'incessantly,' 'excessively,' 'definitely'. [-aniaritam, atisayena (gl) It is not noted by Paiasaddamahannavo Cf nurariu occurring in the same sense in NC, KC, PC I, III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ] 1038. Nirikka-22 6 9, 29 17 3 (v 1 nirakka-), 43 3 13,57 10 11, 'a thief'. [= cora (gl.) cf. nirakka- cora-, 'a thief' (D 4 49) One of the manuscripts of Desinamamala notes nurikka- also, Trivikrama notes nirikka- in this very sense. (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 143), cf. nirikka- occurring in the same sense in JC (3 18 9), NC and PC I Tagare connects nirikka- with nir-iks-. See nirukka-] 1039. Nira- 13 11 11, 20 1 11, 81 4 2 'surely', 'indeed,' 'exceedingly'. [=miscayena (gl), ef niru= nitaram, 'certainly' (H 4 344 illustration 1); cf. niru occurring in the same sense in JC, KC, & Paumacariu of Svayambhu I.] 1040. Nirukka- 100 4 8 (v 1 nirikkha-) 'a thief'. [cora- (gl), nirukka- is nowhere else attested and as the spelling nirikkha- is isolated, we can suggest here nirikka- as an emendment. See mirikka- ] 1041. Nillur- 'to cut, rend, destroy' ; nillurami (pres. 1-s) 14 8 15, nillura (pres, 3 s) 9 22 12, nulluriya, (pp) 13 11 4, 53 10 3, 75 5 6, 80 12 5, nillurivi (abs) 46 8 9, 59 14 7.

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√ nillur = [= mirlurita, sphetita, vidhvasya, chedayitoa (gl.), cf. lur-, chid-, 'cut' (H 4 124, Trivikrama 3 1 67), cf. ✓✓nillur- occurring in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta & PC I. See nillurana and ✓lur-] 1042 Nillurana- 7 16 2, 55 6 2, 71 4 7, 88 5 10 'eradication,' 'uprooting', 'cutting asunder,' 'splitting' [=nirmulana, sphetaka-(gl). See ✓nillur-.] 1043. Niva 44 6 7, 46 8 3, 47 7 3 'a water-jar', 'a pitcher', 'a pot' [-ghata-, kalasa-, kumbha- (gl). Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it] 1044 Nisudh- 'to kill', misudhiya-(pp) 76 1 10 [The relevant passage is- "sosiya sari sara nisudhiya jalayara"- "The pond was dried up and the aquatic animals were killed', of Paiasaddamahannavo ✓ nisudh-=ni+sumbh-, 'to kill' (H 4 158) and nisudhia-= nipatita. Cf nisudhiya, occurring at PC I 13 8 4 where it is glossed as bhagnaand "nisudhiya-gattai" 'having their limbs shattered or broken (Bh 136 11)] 18 1, 16 3 9, 20 14 6, 12. 31 6 12. 32. 14 31 6 12, 32 14 6, 12, 10 4, 40 9 4, 41 4 7, 1045 Nihelana- 31 10, 35 20,6 54, 12 16 11, 15 19 10 3. 23 14. 28 11 8 31 2 22 2 10, 22 10 3, 23 1 4, 28 11 8, 31 2 33 9 1, 36 19 5, 37 1 10, 38 3 2, 38 20 2, 39 43 10 3, 46 3 19, 48 6 1, 51 6 7, 58 5 11, 14 4, 65 17 9,69 9 3, 69 19 10, 72 4 8, 78 10 114, 83 3 1, 83 16 4, 85 4 3, 85 9 1, 85 25 3, 87 12 10, 99 3 1 'an abode, a house, a mansion'. 59 4 5, 61 17 9, 65 [=mandira-, alaya-, grha-, nida- (gl), cf. nihelana-= grha-, 'a house' (D 4 51, H.2 174: Pa₁. 77) and nihelana-= nilaya (Trivikrama 13 105, 49) Cf. nihelana- occurring in this very sense in JC, NC & PC I Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen derives it from nibhelana and √ bhil bhedana (Dhatupatha 32, 66) See Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen § 206] 1046. Nehira-25 9 12 'saffron' [=kunkuma (gl) The relevant passage is- " paya-juya-nehiraruniyamcha"- 'the pair of feet reddened by saffron in the form of clouds'. PSM does not note it] 1047. Takkari- 12 13 9 'a charioteer'. [=saratlu (gl) The relevant passage 1 s- "takkari-camma-latthihachi rahu kaddhuu maruyajavahaehi The chariot was pulled by horses which had the speed of wind and which were beaten by the charioteer with a whip'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it.]

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. Tanaa-132, 61 9 2, 81 2 5, taniya 84 12 2 'pertaining to, belonging to'. [=sa nbandhi (gl.) Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo tanaya (D)= sambandhi (H. 4 361). Cf. tanaa-, taniya- occurring in this sense in JC (2 13 19, 2 26 9 etc.) NC, KC, Bh K. Cf. G tano, tani, tanu= 'appertaining to, belonging to' tanaa- is a Genetive Post-position used with the sixth case in the sense of tasya idam' ] 1049 Tanusiya- 'a blade of grass'. [= trnasita (gl.), the relevant passage is- "khudami rama-lakkhanasira-kamalai tanusiyai damtahum malu phittai "- 'as we use a tiny blade of grass to remove the dirt in the teeth, I would make use of slender Sita to break the heads of Rama and Laksmana'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it tanu in the compound "tanusiya cannot be equated with trna " Either it means 'a tiny blade of Durva grass' Either it means 'a or the word should be tanasiya or siyatanu-, cf MW sita-(L)='a kind of Durva grass' and trasita- (L)= 'name of a fragrant grass'] 1050 Tatti- 36 19 5, 37 11 2, 48 14 5, 67 12 4, 81 11 8, 101 1 8 'anxious thought, entire devotion to a thing' [= cinta (gl), cf. tatti= tatparata= 'entire devotion or addiction to a thing' (D 5 20, Tr 21 30, 70), of tatti- occurring in the same sense in NC, PCI See tattra- and tattilla- ] 1051. Tattia- 84 7 13 (v 1 tamtia-) 'anxious', 'devoted to', 'concerned'. [=cintayukta- (gl); the relevant passage is- "ranalattiu nicchau khattu ehu na paru bhaujjai"- 'As he is devoted to war, he is definitely a ksatriya, he should not be mistaken for anyone e'se' See tatti and tattilla-] 1052 Tattilla- 1 5 13, 77 13 16 'devoted to, engrossed in'. [cintaka, cintayukta (gl), cf tattilla- tatpara-, 'closely intent on, eagerly engaged in' (D 5 3, Tr 21 30, 91) See tatli- and tattia-.] 1053. Talappa- 4 11 6, 51 4 1, 51 16 5, 76 7 14, 95 10 16 'a stroke, a slap with the palm' 1054 [=karaprahara-, prahara- (gl), Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it At 1 18 5 in NC the word talappa-has this very meaning, it cannot be equated with talpa as is done in the Index Cf talappa-= 'stroke, slap' (PC II)] Talima-24 6 7, 36 5 12, 43 4 11, 58 4 9 'a couch' [=pallanka- (gl), of talima, sayya-, 'a couch' (D 5 20%; Tr 34 72, 764), of Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary talima- (L)- 'a couch',]

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Talla- 14 7 9, 25 2 8, 29 26 12, 73 2 11 'a tank, a pond'. 255 [=ksudrasara_,todaga-(gl), cf talla palvala-, 'a small pond' (D. 5 19) cf talla- kasara (1 r.3 4 72); cf. talla- occurring in the same sense in Chandonusasana of Hemacandra & Yt; cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary talla- (L)= 'a tank', of M tale, Hi taland talaiyya- 'a pond, tank.' See tallara-] 1056 Tallara-- 78 14 8 'a small pond or lake'. - [-alpatadaga (gl.), the relevant passage is- "tallarajali kailasu vi jala. yaru" 'In the waters of a small pond a crab is said to be an acquatic animal', see talla.] 1057. Talura-30 11 3, 32 10 11 (v 1. malura-) 11 (v 1. malura-) 'a wood-apple Feronia Elephantum' [=kapittha- (gl. at 30 11 3) The gloss on 32 10 11 giving 'bilva-phala'- as the meaning, obviously pertains to the variant reading maluraof the MSS MB, cf. talura-= kapittha-taru, 'the wood-apple tree' (D 5 21) Cf talura- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II] 1058. Tiyansa-37 22 9 'ash.' [=bhasma- (gl); the relevant passage is-"tiyausu vamdiyau imde "- 'the ashes were saluted by Indra' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it] 1059. Tigimchi- 9 21 14 (v.1 timgicchi v. 1. tiggɩmchi v. 1. tigimcha) 'the pollen of a flower'. [The relevant passage 1 s- "vauggaya-tigimchihi" with (lotuses) whose pollen was raised on account of breeze'. Vaidya renders it with makaranda-, paraga-, D.5 12 notes imgia- and timgicch-in the sense imgia- of kamala-raja-, the pollen of a lotus' and H. 2 174 notes timgicchi- in the sense of pauspam rajas,- 'the pollen of a flower'. Trivikrama also notes timgicch- and timgaa- in the sense of pusparajah (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 61 & 62); cf also Pai 342-timgicchi- In the light of the spelling in the Desinamamala and other occurrences the reading timgicchu is to be preferred to tigimchi- See timgiccha- and timgicchi-] 1060 Timgiccha-5 1 10 (vliggamcha, v 1 tiggimchi ) 'the pollen of flowers'. [makaranda (gl.); makaranda here should be taken as 'pollen' and not 'honey of flowers', of D. 6 123 mayaramda-= kusumaraja, "pollen of a flower' cf timgiccha occurring in the same sense 10 JC (4 17 13) See tigimchi timgicchi] 1061. Timgicchi-17 12 4 (v 1 timgtccha v 1 tigimchi v 1. tiggimcha-) 'pollen of flowers.'

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[The relevant passage is "maruddhuya- timgicchu-dhuli-vilittam"- 'besmeared with the pollen-dust raised on account of the breeze'; cf timgicchi- in the same sense occuring in Lilavai The word timgimchaoccurring at MP 11 5 6 and 11 61 is a proper name of a lake and does not stand for 'makaranda-' See tigimchi- and tɩmgiccha- ] 1062 Tidikka-- 37 21 10 Tidikka- 25 5 8 'a spark' the same [sphulinga (gl), PSM does not note it of tidikka- occurring in sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, PC III; cf M tidki= 'a spark' (used in poetry) and tidka= 'sending forth sparks' and G. tankho, 'spark' and tadko 'sushine-] 1063 Tumgi-44 3 13 'the night.' [ratri (gl-) the relevant passage is- 'tumgyahi viramar"- 'at the close of the night', of tumgi=ratri-, 'the night' (D. 5 14, Trivikrama 34 72, 138), cf MW tungi (L)= 'night] 1064 Tunava-77 86 'a sort of durm also known as "jhunkha' [karala vadya-visesa (gl.) the relevant passage is-"panava- tunavajhallari-mahasaram"- 'great din of panava tunava and jhallan-" cf. tunaa-= jhunkhakliyasturya-visesa-, 'a kind of musical instrument known as jhunkha' (D 5 16) At D 3 58 Jhunkha- is rendered with tunayakhyo vadyavisesah, tunava- occurring in PC II is glossed bhert, tunava-also occurs in the above sense in PC III The word tunavanoted by Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary in the sense of 'a flute' does not seem to be connected with this. For the word karata- given in the gloss see karada-] 1065. Tumdahi--7 12 7, 10 11 11 'a kind of worm, an earthworm' [=gandupada (gl), the relevent passage at 7 12 7 iscira-tumdahijala-samruddhau"- '(the body) is full of multitudes of earthworms in the form of veins' PSM does not note it-] 16 1066. Tuppa--20 5 3, 26 1 5, 28 23 9, 52 21 3, 77 10 8, 78 2 10, 'ghee, a greasy or oily substance'. [At 26 1 5, 28 23 9 and 52 21 3 tupp- means 'clarified butter or ghee' At 20 5 3 tuppa- can be taken in the sense of snigdha, 'oily or greasy' and the passage here namely "mayatuppabimdu" can be rendered as 'greasy drops of ichor (mada)'. The expression at 78 2 10 1 s- "vasatuppalittam" Here vasa means 'fat' or 'marrow' and lipta- means 'besmeared'. Desinamamala records mraksita-= 'anointed, besmeared' and snigdha-= 'oily, greasy' among the several meanings of tuppa- But neither the meaning 'ghee' nor meaning marksita- and snigdha- suit our context here The only alternative is to take tuppa- in the sense of 'an oily substance' in the

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general and accordingly render the expression as- "besmeared with the oily substance in the form of marrow or fat'. Similarly the expression at 78 2 10, "vasatuppa" can be rendered- "oily substance in the form of marrow" A parallel development is found in the G word coppada- which means 'a fatty substance' and 'ghee or oil'; cf. tuppa- snigdha-, 'oily, greasy' and mraksita-, 'besmeared or anointed' (D. 5 22) Ramanujaswami has wrongly rendered snigdha- here with attached, affectionate" (See Desinamaniala, edited by Ramanujaswami, Glossary. p 48). Cf. also Pat. 752- tuppa-, 752- tuppa-, cf. Paiasaddamahannavo tuppa- ghrta-, 'ghee'. tuppala-, tuppalia- tuppavia-(D) 'anointed or besmeared with 'ghee', PSM also notes tuppa- in the sense of vestita- quoting in support from Anuogadarasutta, cf. tuppa- occu. rring in the sense of 'ghee, fatty substance' in JC (3 9 1), Paumacariu of Svayambhu I & II; cf. M. tup, Kannada tuppa- 'clarified butter, ghee'.] 1067 Teppo-6 6 9 (v.l. tippu) 'a kind of stringed instrument', [=tripa (gl); the relevant passage is "nikkalu teppu vi tamtiraniu "_ 'there are two types of stringed musical instruments: niskala and tripa'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word] 1068 Teramga- 48 3 3 (v. 1 neramga v 1. neramga) 'curds' [=dadhu (gl), the relevant passage is- "gulu sappi duddhu teramgu tellu" 'molasses, ghee, milk, curds and oil'. PSM does not note it.] 1069. Tomtadiya-49 5 10, 57 10 6, 71 10 1 'mixed,' 'intermingled". [=misra-, misrita-(gl) The relevant passages are- 1) "varamani-kiranahi tomtadiya uggaya raviyara nau disamti (49 5 10)- 'the intermingling of the rays of precious gems appeared as though the sun arose.' and 2) "annai rayanai tahi tomtadiyai- (57 10 6)- 'other gems were mixed with them'. Cf tomtadi= karamba-, 'flour mixed with curds' (D. 5 4). Cf also tottadi- Pai 440 See tomtadilla- ] As karamba- originally meant curds rice and later on came to mean meant 'curds 'a mixture', similarly, tomtadi- which originally rice', came to mean 'a mixture'. Hence tomladiya- secondarily mean 'mixed' 1070 Tomtadilla-28 1 5 'mixed, intermingled.' [=misrita-(gl) the relevant passage is- "camdana-tomtadilla- . varavarihi"- 'with holy waters mixed with sandalwood paste'. Made up of tomtadiya' + possessive suffix-illa-, See tontadiya ] 33

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. Thada-12 3 19, 13 1 19, 8,75 6 5, 76 1 9, 77 12 13 6 5, 29 14 9, 38 8 10, 52 9 18, 58 20 24, 88 8 2, 99 5 2'a row', 'a battalion," 'a full and dense array', 'a troop, a group'. [=samuha- (gl). Vaidya renders thada- at 13 6 5 with stabaka-; but samuha- suits the context; cf. PSM, thada- samuha-, cf. thada- occurring in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. See thatta-] 1072. Thimbha-- 88 9 5 'a drop'. [=bindu (gl.); the relevant expression is "lohiyambha-thumbhehi "- "With drops of red liquid or blood'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. See thembha-.] 1073. Thembha- 3 14 20, 67 27 (v.1. thimbha). 73 13 10, 83 8 10 'a drop'. [=bindu (gl.), Alsdorf notes scota- as the 83 8 10 Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. Cf. theva-'drop' in Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra , cf M., Konkani themb-= 'a -drop'. See thumbha-.] 1074. Thotta-77 3 6 'strong, powerful, competent", [=samartha~(gl.), the relevant passage 15- "daramalai thotta-dugghottathatta-" - 'destroys the troop of strong elephants'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word. The word occurs in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta at 775 and the editor has conjectured the meaning as chinna-hasta- on the basis of M. thota, H. thuta, 'deprived of arms or legs'. But here also as in Mahapurana of Puspadanta, it occurs with dugghotta-, and the meaning samartha- appears to suit the context. The word thotta- also occurs in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta at 3 4 6 Here too, the editor has renderd it with chinnahasta- on the basis of M. thota-. But in the notes at the end of Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta on 346, the editor says, "thotta- is either sthula- or samartha- according to marginal notes. >> 1 In Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta thotta- occurs along with samaratta and kevatta and the relevant expression is - "samaratta-thotta-kevattahi"- 'with arrogant and powerful fishermen'. Hence in all the three occurrences thotta- can be rendered with sthula or samartha-] - 1075. Damdi-Khamda- 22 16 22 'a tattered and dilapidated rag stitched or mended'. - [=salajarjaram jirnam sivitam vastram (gl). Hemacandra notes damdiat D 5 33 and gives the meaning according to others as "damdival - sucisamghatita-vastra-yugalama pityanye"- "a couple of cloths stitched together'; cf. also damdi, damda, dimdi= sucya sanghatitani vastra-khandani, 1. See Jasaharacariu, Vaidya, P.L, Karanja, 1931, Glossary, p 132 & P 182. 132 & notes,

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'pieces of cloth stitched together' (D.4 7), Paiasaddamahannavo notes damdi in the sense of 'mended rags' and quotes from Nayadhammakaha, damdikhamda occurs in Caupannamahapurisacariya on page 321 line 7 in this very sense; cf G. damdiyu 'the sound pieces of a used dhoti or saree sewn together, after removing the damaged piece' and M. damd= 'the line or stripe (of a garment) where two pieces are sewn together'. ] 1076. Daramal- 'to destoy, to pulverize, to crush' • daramala (pres. 3 s.) 77 3 6; daramalamla (present participle) 73 16 6, daramali- (y)a- (pp) 1259 (v.1 dalamaliya-), 14 2 1, 28 36 28, 71 12 3 (v.1. daradariya-). [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo Ndaramal-marday-, curnay-, cf. ✓ daramal- occurringin this very sense in Karakamdacariu, PC.I, II, III, ✓ daramal- occurring in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. (13 13 10) is equated, with Nkamp- by the editor on the basis of M. dalamalne= 'to tremble' But here also the meaning crush, destroy' suits the context Possibly connected with dar- ('to tear'), +mal- ('to crush') Tagare connects Ndaramal- with durmad-. Cf: √ dalavatt- ] 1077. ✓Dalavatt- 'to crush, to pound, to destroy': dalavattami (pres 1 s) 75 1 8; dalavatta (pres 3 s) 60 11 12; dalavattivi (absolutive) 16 23 6, 35 7 6, 85 8 13, dalavatti(y)a- (p.p) 15 3 5, 25 12 3, 33 6 12, 37 5 5, 55 8 1, 60 27 7, 76 7 12, 77 12 24, 84 5 2, 86 7 7. [=khandita-, curnam, curnita- (gl) Paiasaddamahannavo N✓ dalavatt-. Cf ✓ dalacatioccurring in this very sense in NC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I. II, III, Bh Cf G dalovato= 'total ruin' and M dalvatne= 'to trample or tread injuriously' and talpat- 'ruin, annihilation'. Possibly connected with √ dal-='to split open' and ✓ vatt-= 'to pound with ✓ vatt= 'to pound with a grinding stone'. Cf. ✔ daramal-. See dalavattana-.] 1078 Dalavattana-- 22 3 1, 52 15 9, 80 16 5, 84 14 4, 85-20 5, 88 2 12 'complete destruction,' 'ruin,' 'annihilation'. [=curnakarana (gl); cf dalavattana- occurring at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 272 glossed as curnaka-. See Nodalavatt-.} 1079. Daya- 56 2 8 'a throw or cast of dice, cowries etc.' [PSM coes not note the word in this sense, In Paumacariu of Svayambhu III tlaula, 15 glossed as daya- See Turner's Nepali Dictionary dau= 'a throw in dice'. Turner compajes with this Pers dav-= 'stroke or move in a game' Gf. Hindi, M dav-, Kan daya- Konkani day= 'a throw or cast of dice (in a gambling game)]

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Dalimbaa-37 2 8 'a mushroom', 'fungus'. - [=gomayachhatra-, silindhraka - (g) ); the relevant passage is, "vijasavizadalimbao-patto vasarallao" 'the rainy season during which the mushrooms bloom, arrived'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this word. For the word gomayacchatra-given in the gloss see Appendix,] 1081. Dillamdiliya- 85 4 5 'a girl. [Compare dillimdilia--bala-, 'a boy' (D 5 40). One of the manuscr 1 pts of the Desinamamata notes the reading dillamdilia-; cf Pai. 96 dillimdilia-= bala-, 'a girl', PSM notes dillimdilia in the sense of bala- and quotes in support from Gatha Saptasati, dillimdilya- occurs in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta at 3 5 5 where it is glossed "latika, celika va". See dillimdilia-.] 1082. Dillimdilia- 61 12 6 'a girl'. [=bala- (gl.). See dillamdiliya.] 1083 Divada- 28 9 15 'a kind of serpent, a low class snake'. [=sarpajali-visesa- (gl), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo divada-(D)= jalajantu visesa-; cf. M. divada-= 'a serpent of a large but harmless species' and Konkani divaduz 'a small variety of snakes without venom'.] 1084. Duali- 54 10 17, 85 13 3: Duyali- 88 4 7, Duvali- (v.1. duyali-) 20 24 10, 85 10 9, 85 24 14, 91 16 4 (v.1. dual) 'foolish obstinacy', 'uncontrolled behaviour or mischief', 'disobedient deeds'. [=duragraha-, apanyaya-, anyaya, utsakatva (?), Aligarapana (?), Gulai (?) (gl). Alsdorf notes Rolabaji- and Guali- as the gloss on the word dual- occurring at 88 47 and Roula-Roula-Baji on the word duvaliat 85 10 9, role, gualiye at 85 13 2 and role at 91 16 4. D 5 49 notes doala- in the sense of ursabha-, 'a bull', PSM does not note this word, cf. duvali= 'mischief' (PC III), Jnauesvari bas one occurrence of duali in the sense of klesa, pida-, cf.M duad-= 'mischievous'; cf. Urdu duvalbaj= 'chali, vancaka-, thag, dagabaj.'] 1085. Dugghotta- 51 4 1, 77 3 6 (v 1 dugghatta), 96 1 11 'an elephant'. [=dustagaja-, durdhara-, balavattara gaja-(gl).] From the reading in the gloss, it is clear that the commentator associates the element du- in dugghotta- with Prakrit dur-, dus- meaning 'bad' But his etymology is unsound and the rendering durdhara- or 'unruly' is not justified. dugghotta- is just a Prakrit synonym of gaja-. It is a Pk reflex of Sk doipa- dvabhyam pibati iti. Corresponding to du- in Sk, we have du- Pk ghotta- means piba- (H.4 10) So dugghotta-=dvi pa-, 'one who drinks by two means'. There is no connection with durdharata or dusla-. See Kemsavabo, ed. by Upa-

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dhye, notes, p. 187 where the editor observes as follows "The elephant has two frontal globes, so it may be called donghatah". Cf. also Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra 2 1 30, 5- "dugghotto dogghotto dvi pah pibaterghottah dva. bhyam pibatiti". Cf dugghutta- hasti, 'an elephant' (D 5 44) and Pai 9, doghatta-= 'elephant' dugghotta- occurs in NC at .7 7 6, the editor has given durghata- with a query in the Index Here also dugghotta- means 'an elephant'. Cf. dugghotta- occurring in the same sense in PC, II, III, Bh, dugghutta- in Candralekha and dogghotta- in Usa, Kams) 1086 Dugghotta- 48 21 10 (v.1 dugghutta-) 'a sweet intoxicating drink' [= madhu-(gl) This is a free-rendering dugghotta- here means that which is bad or forbidden to dr.nk (Sk duspiba-) madhu-is a forbidden drink for the Jainas,] - - 1087. Demtulla 4 11 11 (v.1 dimdulla-) 'a stalk or stem of a plant'. [=rnta-(gl); the relevant passage is "alagga-dora-demtullajai" 'attached to the stems in the form of the strings', this word is not recorded in PSM ; cf. M denth-, Kon dentu, H₁ danthal= 'a stalk or stem of some particular plants (of the lotus etc )', cf. Kannada, Telugu, Tulu dantu= 'a stalk'.] 1088. Dora-2 16 2, 4 11 11, 5 11 11 'a rope, a string, a cord', dora- 3 14 17 (v.1. dora-), 4 19 10, 5 19 12, 8 13 1, 11 8 8 (v 1. dora- ), 14 7 7, 26 3 5, 34 6 3, 42 7 4(v.1. dora-), 43 9 4 'a thin string like necklace'. [Desinamamala records dora- in the sense of katisutra-, 'a waist band (D. 5 38) and davara- in the sense of tantu-, 'a thread' (D. 5 35). Paiasaddamahannavo notes dori(D) in the sense of 'a small rope', of dorasense of 'a string like necklace' in JC, NC & PC.I Cf MW davara-= 'a string' (Jain) For NIA derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary doro thread' See dora- ] occurring in the J Bloch regards dora- as a dest word. (See La Formation de Langue Marathe, p 254) RG Harshe connects M dor, 'rope', dora, 'thread' with Sumerian root dur-, 'to bind, to tie11, and compares this with Sindhi duri= 'a kind of double necklace of gold beads'. 1089. Dhana- 23 14 9, 25 18 10, 62 15 8, 73 7 10, dhana- 20 7 3, dhaniya- 81 14 3, 101 1 18 'wife'. bharya-, vadhu, stri-(gl.); cf dhania-= prya-, 'beloved, wife' (D) 5 58, Tr 13 105, 20) and dhani bhara-, 'wife' (D 5 62), cf dhana-= prya (H. 4 330, illustration 1), cf dhana-, dhant occurring in PC I 1. Some Sumero-Marathi Correspondences, Harshe R. G, Poona, 1952, p 24,

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dhana in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II and dhania- in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. in this very sense, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary dhanika(L)= 'a virtuous or excellent woman, any young woman or wife', cf. G. dhania= 'wife' and H₁. dhan= 'a young woman, a lately married lady'.] 1090 Dhara 89 5 14 'a banner' (?) - [=pataka_(gl.).] In the gloss on this line, we have dhara-= pataka, But the text of the line appears to be defective The metre is here Simba-vikranta Dndaka which consists of 5 shorts + any number of jaganas (or in which the gurus are occasionally replaced by laghus )1 In the line under question the structure is violated at the very place where the word dhara- occurs. To rectify the metre we we would require one guru extra Under the circumstances we are not quite sure about the occurrence of the word dhara- in the original text. From no other source dhara-is known in the sense of pataka-, Alsdorf drops the word dhara-in the corresponding passage in his edition. 1091 ✓ Dhad- 'to send, expel, drive out'. dhadai (Pres 3 s.) 288 2, dhadivi (absolutive) 30 11 5, dhadi (y)a-(p.p) 60 25 5, 69 8 10, 69 24 8, 84 3 11, 90 14 15. [nirghatita-(g 1 ); cf. No dhad-= nɩh+sr,- 'to issue' (H. 4 79) and dhadi= nirastam 'thrown away' (D 5 59), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo dhadia-='repudiated, expelled'; of ✓ dhad-occurring in the above sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II and Bh; cf. M. dhadne, Kon dhadce 'to send'] - 1092 Pamgutta- 1 14 4, 37 10 14, 57 15 5, 86 10 6 'covered or concealed with a mantle, sheet or cloak'. [=pangurana-, panguranava- lipta, parihitam (gl). Paiasaddamahannavo does not notepamgutta-, cf ✓ pamgur- prator- 'to cover', pamgurana-= pravarana- 'a mantle' (H. 1 175), cf. pamgutta- occurring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 24 9), PC I, PC, II The word pangurana- given in the gloss 1 s a Prakrit word for Sk pravarana- See ✓ pamgur- and pangurana-.] 1093 Pamgur-'to cover oneself with, to cast loosely around the body a shawl, cloak etc' pamgurivi (abs) 4 15 14, pamgurevi (abs,) 4 16 6. - [Vaidya renders it with "patena acchadayitva" of pamgur- occurr ing in the above sense in JC, NC (17 4), Karakamdacariu, Bh, PC III, cf M pangharne, Kon pangurce= 'to throw on a shawl, cloak etc, to cover oneself with a shawl or sheet'. See pangutta- and pangurana-.] See Hemacandra's Chando'nusasana, adhyaya II, Sutra, 392

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. Pamgurana- 7 13 4, 7 23 9, 15 18 6, 32 24 12, 59 19 8, 71 9 5 'a mantle,' 'a cloak,' 'a covering,' 'an upper garment'. [=pravarana-(g]). At D 629 Hemacandra notes the word pamguranain the sense of pratarana, and considers it to be Tadbhava word, cf. pamgurana-= pravarana-(Trivikrama 13 105, 38). Cf. pamguruna- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 19 4). pamgurana- in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. and panguianain Br K; cf. M. panghiun= 'cloth in general to throw over or to wear loosely around the body as a shawl, mantle, cloak, sheet'. See pamgulla- and No pamgur-] 1095. Pacappana-17 15 10 (v.1. pacampana-) 'pressing, crushing' [patcapp-. See No capp- and No camp- ] 1096. ✓ Paccar- 'to censure, to upbraid, to reproach, to chide, to jeer or taunt' paccarai (pres 3. s) 52 20 14, 60 10 11, 88 89, paccari(y)a-(pp) 7 5 5, 11 16 8, 28 28 8, 30 19 2, 35 6 8, 52 17 2, 37 8 8, 57 12 6, 69 31 8, 84 10 13 [ The gloss loosely renders paccaria- at 75 5 with pracarila- It means 'rebuked or censured' here, cf No paccar-= upa+labh, 'censure' (H. 4 156) cf. No paccar- occurring in this very sense in NC, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Paumacariu of Svayambhu II; cf. Kan pacara-= 'upbraid, reproach' and pacarisu= 'to upbraid, reproach, chide, jeer' and Malayalam pacct= 'disgracing, deriding, Jeering' ] 1097. Padahaccha- 78 18 'full to the brim'. [-bhrta-, trpta-(gl), the relevant passage is- "ahavarola-harisa-pada. haccha" - 'one who is full of Joy on account of the din of war', cf. padihattha-= purna-, 'full' (D 6 28, Pa₁ 142), Tr 3 1 132, 183 padihattha-apurnam Paiasaddamahannavo notes padihaccha- in the sense of purnaand quotes in support from Sanatkumaracarita, cf. padahatthaoccurring in the sense of bhria- and padihatthiya= paripurna in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. Cf. padahaccha- and padahattha- in this very sense in CMC ] 1098 Padahacche - 85 14 2 'speedily, quickly' [=sighram (gl), the relevant passage 15- "padahacche vasuevena joto"- 'he was quickly seen by Vasudeva' The corresponding reading in Alsdorf's edition is padahattha- which he notes with a query. Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this word D 6 71 notes parihaccham in the sense of patu-, 'clever, skilful See parihacch- at S. No. 1104, Parihacchaand parihattha-.]

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Padibhull- 'to forget, to miss'. padibhulla- (p.p) 47 69 [Compare ✓ bhull-= bhrams- 'to fall from' (H 4 177), cf. H 1 bhulna='to miss, to blunder, to forget' See ✓thull- padi+bhull- ] 1100. Pama(y)a- 73 17 7, 73 25 6, 76 8 1, 77 3 12 (v.1 pavaya), 82 78 'a monkey'. 1101 [=markata, pramrga-, vanara (gl), Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word; cf pavaza-=vanara-, 'monkey' (H 4 220), cf. pamaya--markata (PC.III) and pamayaddhaya-=kapidhwaja (PC II) The word pramrga- given by the gloss is a Sanskratisation of pamaya- and does not occur in Sanskrit dictionaries] ✓ Paratt- 'to burn to ashes, to reduce to ashes'; paration (abs) 65 24 1. [=bhasmikrtya (gl.), the relevant passage isthe relevant passage is- "khattiya sayalu vi charu parattivi" 'having reduced all the ksatriyas to ashes'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it parattau occurs in PCI at 17 14 9, it is given with a query in the Index Verborum Here also it can be taken in the above sense. The relevant passage in PC I is- "maswannu parattau"-half-burnt or charred' Cf paratliya- occurring in PC III at 77 9 9 in the same sense The relevant passage here is- "takkhane charaho pumju parattu"- 'immediately reduced to or burnt to a heap of ashes'; cf. M. paratne, Kon, partunce= 'to cook somewhat hastily, and imperfectly'. For details see Mahapurana of Puspadanta vol II, ed by Vaidya, notes, P.LXVII ] 1102 Pariyamd- 'to rock in a cradle', pariyamda (pres 3 s) 4 4 13 (v 1 parumdai), pariyamdia- (p.p) 91 11 2, pariyamdyjar (pass 3 s) 85 7 5 (v 1.. pariamdijai) [=andolayati, andolita- (gl), PSM does not record the word in this sense, No pariyamd- noted by PSM in the sense of 'praise' 1$ obviously connected with par+vamd- and hence is not related to our sense of paryamd-, cf. √pariamd- and √ ✔ pariyamd- occurring in this very sense in PC,II and PC III. See pariyamdana-] 1103 Pariyamdana- 73 13 10 'rocking in a cradle'. [=andolana- (gl) See ✓ partyamd-] 1104. Paribacch-'to hasten' parthacchiya- (p.p) 69 26 4.

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[The relevant passage is "tena kajju parihacchyau" 'he hastened with the work or hurriedly completed the work'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. See padahacche, parhoccha- and parthattha-] 1105. Parihaccha- 14 1 20, 17 14 2, 84 11 1 (v 1. parthattha) 100 5 11 'speed'. 1106 [=vega-, vegavat, sighram (gl.); PSM does not note it in this sense; D. 6 75 records panhaccha- in the sense of patu, 'clever, skilful'. So also Pa. SI 1 notes parihattha= daksa Cf parhacchi- occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I and parihaccha- in PC II and Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka in this very sense See No parihacch-, parihattha and padahacche.] Parihattha- 33 8 10 'speedily, quickly'. {sighram (gl), the relevant passage 15- "uccari parihatthu jinagehi varu samnihiyau kannai"- 'having lifted the bridegroom quickly be was kept in the Jina temple by the girl', Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it; parihaltha- occurs in the sense of daksa- in PC II and Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. See No parhacch-, to basten', parihaccha- and padahacche] 1107. Parina-43 2 3 'tired, wearied, exhausted'. [pra-trina-. See rina-.] 1108. Parohada- 29 14 9 (v.1. parovada-) 'the back-door,' 'the backyard of the house'. - [=grha-pascadvara- (gl); the relevant passage 15- "vahuvaru vi panatthu parohadena" 'the bride and bridegroom escaped through the backdoor of the house"; cf. Paiasaddamahannavo parohada-(D)= 'the courtyard behind the house', cf. parohada in the above sense noted in Pa₁ 934; cf padohara~= grha-pascimanganam, 'the backyard of the house or the court-yard behind the house' (D 6 22); Ramanujaswami in the glossary to his edition of the Deginamamala has given the meaning of padohara- as 'the western courtyard of a house'. He appears to have taken pascima- in the sense of 'west'. But pascima- can be taken to mean 'behind' also and our rendering appears more appropriate in the light of occurrences in MP and elsewhere Cf. PSM padohara-= 'the backyard of a house', of purohada-, pacchokada- (Satavahana)= avrtamahwastuvacaka-, 'an enclosed site or house' (D 6 15), Paiasaddamahannavo notes purohada= agradoara-, 'the front door' and quotes from Oghaniryukti in support. Paiasaddamahannavo also notes palohara- and paloghara in the sense of 'backyard', of paccahara- occurring in PC II and pacchahara occurring in PC III.] 34

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Pana- 31 7 11, 31 17 5, 31 22 6 'an outcast', 'a man of low caste'. [candala (gl), cf. pana-svapaca-, 'a man of low caste' (D.6 38); Tr 3 4 72, 565; Pa1.209), cf. pana- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 17 3; 3 15 2), Brihatkatha-kosa & Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra ] 1110 Pala- 77 1 14 'a sword'. [For the discussion of the word see savala-.] 1111. Pahuna-24 10 8, 69 18 5, 85 25 2 'a visitor,' 'a guest'. [=praghurnaka- (g)); cf. Paiasaddamahannavo pahuna-, pahunaya, pahuniya- atithi-, 'a guest', cf. pahuna- occurring in the same sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra , PCI and praghurnaka- in Br K The word praghurnaka- in the gloss Sanskratisation of Prakrit pahuna-, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary praghuna-= "(Prakrit for pra+ghurna)- A visitor, a guest (Kathasaritsagara)"; cf.M pahuna- G prahuno- and parono-, H 1. pahuna= 'a guest, a visitor'. See pahunatia-] 1112. Pahunatta- 99 6 5 'hospitality'. [See pahuna] 1113 Pimdav- 'to send'. pimdavahi (imperative2.s) 31 13 7 (v 1. patthavahi) [=presaya (gl), the relevant passage is "e paradesahu ma pimdavahi"- 'don't send him to distant countries'; cf. No pemdav-= pra+stha-, 'to start' (H.4 37)] 1114 Pimdi-46 11 10, 99 1 3 'Jonesia Asoka' 1 [=asoka-vrksa- (g)); Paiasaddamahannavo notes pimdi- in the sense of kharjura, visesa, cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary pindipuspa- (L)= 'Jonesia Asoka' and pinditaru (L)- 'a thorny Gardenia' ] 1115 Punnali-15 6 6, 18 1 7, 33 8 3, 782 16 'an unchaste woman,' 'a harlot'. (-pumscalt (gl), cf. punnalt= asatt-, 'an unchaste woman' (D. 6 53; Trivikrama 21 30, 20); cf. punnal- occurring in the above (2 916), PC I, II & III.] 1016 Pamdari(y)a-25 6 6, 62 3 3, 66 9 10 'a tiger'. sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta [-vyaghra- (gl); cf. Pal. 10 and Paiasaddamahannavo pumdaria-= vyaghra,, cf. pamdariya- occurring in Sam K and pundartka- in Br K. in this very sense; of MW pundarika-(L)- 'a tiger'.] 1117 Putta-Hamda-71 7 3, 76 10 7 'sons and other similar relatives'. [=pulrabhanda-, putra eva bhanda (g)); cf bhamda dauhitra-, 'a daughter's son' (D. 6 109; Trivikrama 3 4 72, 525); cf putrabhanda- occurr-

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ing in Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra II where it is rendered with 'affectionate term for a son'; Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records putrabhanda- in the sense of 'a substitute for a son, one who is to be regarded as son'%; Cf G. bhaibhandu= 'brothers and sisters of same parents,' and M., Kon bhavanda= 'a collateral relation by the same parents,- 'a brother or a sister.'] 1118. Pos-'to efface, to wipe off'. pusai (pres. 3. s.) 4 19 4, 24 8 8, 31 21 11, 74 13 10, pusira (agent.) 6 6 1, pusamla (present participle) 91 12 4: pusev (absolutive) 73 5 6 ; pusiya- (past participle) 693 (v 1. phusiya-) 40 1 5, 65 22 3, 73 17 6 [=marsti, pronchaka-, pronchita,- nirakrta-, marjita-, paramrsta- (gl) : cf. √ pus-= mrj-, 'to wipe' (H. 4. 105) For the N. I. A. derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary puchnu or pochu= 'to wipe, clean'; ✓ pus- in the sense of 'touching' occurs at 2 19 10, 14 4 7, 93 10 6 etc; this should be distinguished from pus-= mrj-' 'to wipe off' Paiasaddamahannavo does not record ✓ pus- in the sense of 'touch', but records ✓ phus-- sprs-= 'to touch.'] 1119. Puna- 44 4 1, 67 4 12, 67 7 6 'an elephant'. [=gaja-(gl.); cf puna-= hasti, 'an elephant' (D. 5. 56).] 1120. Pusa- 2 20 1,9 19 10, 57 1 9, 71 15 5, 87 11 7 'a parrot'. - [suka (gl.); cf. pusa-= suka-, 'a parrot' (D 6 80) and pusaa- in the same sense (Pai 291); cf. pusa- in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 106) pusaya- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III & Gatha Saptasati, pusa in Jnanesvari and pusaka- in Br K. occurring in this very sense.] 1121. Petta-82 12 4, 84 18 8, 96 1 11 'the belly, the stomach3 [=jathara-, udara- (gl); ef. peffa= udaram, 'stomach' Trivikrama 3 4 72, 453); PSM notes pella- in this sense and quotes in support Pravacanasaroddhara and Prakrtapingala~; cf. petta- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 12 13), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta (3 4 14) & pella- (v. 1. piffa) in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II. For the N. I. A derivatives see ND pel= 'belly', 'stomach'; cf. Sanskrit pitaka-, petaka-, 'a basket' See. poffa-] 1122 Pehuna-62 2 7, 78 8 4 'a feather of a tail'. [=pincha (gl) cf. pehuna = piccham, 'a feather of a tail' (D 6 58 and Pai 294) and pihuna-- piccha, (Trivikrama 3 4. 72, 358) Paiasaddamahannavo records pihuna- in this sense, cf. pehunaya- occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 33 5) and pehuna in PC III, CMC, NC (7 14 2), Vajjalaggam (212) in this very sense. See pehunilla-] 1123. Pehunilla-65 14 5 'a bird (literally, one having feathers).' [=pakst (gl.) See pehuna-.]

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Pottala-7 12 8, 20 10 12, 69 31 5, 71 4 10 a bundle'. [Vaidya renders it with granthi-, of Paiasaddamahannavo polta-, pottala,- pottaliga-, pattaliya- (D)= gathari-. Hemacandra at D. 2 34 renders kumft- with pottala-, a bundle', of pottalikam= suvarnadikam antarnidhaya bahirbaddham karpatakhandam (Tr 34 72, 432 a); cf. pottala- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 11 1) Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, PC I, II, & III. The word puttalaka- occurs in Up K. at Up K. at page 409, line 3. Here the editor Peter Petrson has given the word with a query, the relevant passage in Up.K. 1 s-"naisa vahniat puttalake kathancit varayitum sakyah"-'this, like fire, cannot in any way be obstructed by putting in a bundle'; cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary pottala-(L), pofala-(Caraka) poffali(L), poffalika (L), pofalaka (Katyayani Sutra) 'a bundle or packet' and poffali kr- 'to put together into a bundle or packet' (Caraka).] 1125. Potti-9 4 13, 88 19 4 'a bath-towel': 'a bathing garment'. - [Vaidya renders "potti-" with snanasati, the relevant passages are-1 "potti tellu asanu vi padhoru' (9 4 13)-'gave a bath-towel, oil and a stool. 2) "tena uppari potti ghitta vihasamle" (88 19 4)-'laughing, he threw a bathing garment on (ber).' The word "ollanya-" occurring at 88 19 7 is glossed potika- which appears to be a Sanskratisation of Prakrit potti-=polika is equated here by the gloss with snanasati-; cf. PSM potti= dhoti, cloth for wearing, a piece of cloth (vastra-khanda) Cf. potti occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III Cf potta-= 'a garment' (Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra); cf. MW pota-(L) potika(L)= 'a cloth, a garment'; Cf. also G potiyu and poli= 'a lon-cloth'; cf. Kannada potti= 'a cloth' and Tam ='a garment of fibres'] 1126. Pomaa-'to praise, to eulogise'. poma(abs) 38 15 4, 65 14 5, 'pomai(y)a- (past participle) 27 14 16, 40 10 4, 51 8 5, 58 4 11, 74 16 15, 76 10 13, 83 15 4, 86 10 10, 987 17, 100 1 14, 101 11 4. [=prasamsya, prasamsila-, slaghita-(gl), PSM does not note it, cf ✓ pomay- occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III] The word pomaia- occurs in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta at 2 31 10 Here the editor has rendered it with avalokita-, but prasamsita suits 'the context quite well. The relevant passage 15- "hatthe paramatthe jonai punu do vi dena tomaiya" holding (them) in the hand they were seen or observed, and (then both were ipraised by bim' 1127. Pombhala- 53 5 4, 71 9 9 'full of,' 'abounding in'. [pracura (gl. at 71 9'9), at 53 54 the gloss renders pombhala- with misra-, but here also the meanig pracura- fits in well, the relevant

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i PURE DESI WORDS 269 passage at 53 54 1 s- "pariyaya-poma-pombhalam" - 'abounding in panijata flowers and lotuses', Paiasaddamahannavo does not note 1 t.] 1128. ✓ Phitt- 'to perish, disappear, to be lost', phittai (pres 3.s.) 84 36. [The relevant passage is 'na phittai jivahu jammasahase"-"(the siv) does not disappear or is not consumed even by thousands of births of the jiva'; cf √ phitt- bhram's-, 'to fall from' (H 4 177), cf. ✓ phitt- occurring in the above sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta KC PC I, II, III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary notes ✓ phutt- 'to injure, kill, hurt' only from Dhatu patha. For N. I. A derivatives see ND phitte See ✓phed-] 1129. Phed-'to split, to clear off'; phediya- (pp) 1 17 10. [The relevant passage is "pavano wa phediya-mamdamehu" -'like the wind which splits or clears off the small clouds'; cf. ✓ phed 'to break' (H. 4 358 illustration 1), PSM notes ✓phed- 'to destroy, to drive away'; cf. ✓ phed- occurring in the above seuse in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, NC, Karakamdacariu, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Bh ; cf. G phed-vu- 'to break down, to clear off' and M. phedne to pay off, to loosen'. See ✓ phutt-] - 1130. Pherava- 60 21 11 (v.1 phekka) 'a jackal'. - [= srgala(gl..), the relevant passage is "Jara-pherava-rava-bhimai samgamai" - 'in the battle which was terrible due to the howling of old jackals'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word. With the variant reading phekka- cf. Paiasaddamahannavo phekkara= 'the howling of a Jackal', cf. pheranda-= 'Jackal' (Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra I & Prabandha Kosa); cf. MW phera-(L)= 'a jackal', cf. H₁. pherand- in this very sense.] 1131 Bappa-25 14 12, 25 17 12, 28 23 9, 29 13 1, 30 8 8, 31 4 4, 31 16 13, 31 18 1, 32 15 13, 37 24 1, 39 15 5, 47 14 6, 50 6 7, 57 2 11, 57 23 5, 57 27 2, 60 25 5, 62 12 2, 706 8, 73 24 7, 84 10 13, 89 17 6, 905 4, 90 9 7, 99 14 7 a), 99 17 22 'father'. [Compare bappa-= pita-, 'father' (D 6 88); cf. bappa- occurring in this sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 9 4), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, vappa- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III, vaptr- in Yasastilaka-campu and bap in Parbandha Cintamani. For the N. I A. derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary bap= 'father'. See bappa- below.] 1132. Bappa-19 12, 4 8 7, 19 11 1, 20 20 1, 21 11 2, 22 1 12, 22 7 7, 237 14, 26 6 3, 28 33 3, 293 15, 31 28 11, 34 3 8, 35 3 10, 38 3 5, 39 6 19, 39 7 4, 48 20 11, 51 10 7, 52 1 17, 52 8 10, 52 19 5, 52 21 4, 52 26 14, 54 3 7, 54 15 8, 566 8, 59 15 6, 60 58, 61 17 8, 65 12 5, 66 4 4, 69 8 2,69 16 6, 73 20 2, 79 6 5, 83 23 9, 86 7 8,

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, 93 13 5, 94 10 1, 98 1 10, 98 4 3, 985 6, 98 87,99 411, 99 10 14,99 14 7 b), 100 4 4, 100 6 14, 101 3 6 'a term of address'. [D. 6 88 records bappa- in the sense of subhata-, a warrior', and pila-= 'father'. Here bappa- is used as 'a term of address' equivalent to Sk "tala-" Vaidya in the Glossory to Mahapurana of Puspadanta vol. I gives bappa= "putra iti sambodhane". Cf bappa- in this sense occurring in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (221), cf. bap= 'term of address' (Jnanesvari). See bappa- above] 1133. Bappiba(y)a- 2 13 13 (v 1 vavvihaya-), 12 7 2 (v 1. vavvihaa-), 80 94 'a kind of bird which is supposed to drink only rain-drops'. [=cataka-(gl.), cf. bappiha-= calaka-, 'a bird supposed to live only on rain-drops, Cuculus melanoleucus' (D 690, H. 4 383 illustrations 1 & 2, Pat 293) Trivikrama notes vappaa- and vappiha- in the sense of cataka (Tr 3 4 72, 689 & 690). Cf vappiha- occurring in this sense in PC II, III, Vt., vavothiya- in SR and vappihaya in Vajjalaggam, bappa at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 2 2 1. Cf. G. bappayyo and H 1. papiha= cataka, 'the sparrow hawk' ] 1134. Baulliya- 72 7 8 'a doll' - - [=puttalika-(gl.), the relevant passage is "nam baulliya kamcanaghadiya" 'as though a doll made out of gold', cf baullt= pancalika, 'a doll' (D. 6 92, Pai 258) and and baulli-= baulli-= putrika-, kumari kridocita salabhanjika (Tr 34 72, 113), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo baullaya-, baullia-(D)= 'a doll'; PSM also records baa-(D) in the sense of bala-, sisu from Sadbhasacandrika Cf baulla- occurring in this very sense in Karpuraman. Jari, (4 19) and bhitt-vaullaya- occurring in Vajjalaggam (68) in the sense of 'a painting or a doll on a wall'. Cf. M bahula-, G. baulu-, Kon baʊli≤ 'a doll, a puppet'.] The word baulli- is a feminine of baullaya-, which appears to be perhaps made up of a base bava-+-ullaya- which is very well attested in Mahapurana of Puspadanta and noted by Hemacandra in his Prakrit Grammar (H 4429) and by Alsdrof31. A Pratibara king of Mandor, Bauka is known from his inscription dated vs 8943. 1135. Bukk- 'to speak, to say, to tell'. bukkia- (p p.) 41 5 4, bukkaa-(p p.) 65 14 2 (v 1. bukkia-) I - [=kathitam. uktam(gl), The relevant passage at 41 5.4 is "tahi avasan sakke bukku" - 'at that occasion Indra said'; cf. ✓ bukk-= 1. See Harivamsapurana Alsdorf, L, Hamburg, 1936, Introduction, p. 160 2. See Glory that was Gurjaradesa, vol. III, Munshi, K M,. 1944, pp 55, 59, 65 & 66, tے

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'to roar' (H 4 98; Tr 3150) cf. also Paiasaddamahannavo and Trivikrama 3 1 150 ✓ bukk-= 'to bark'. Perhaps connected with "bokka-" = 'an empty boast and hence ✓ bukk-= 'to boast'.] 1136. Badd- 'to sink, drown, dive, be immersed in, plunge': buddai (pres 3. s.) 92 12 7, 93 4 5, 95 6 6; buddamta (pres. p ) 2111, 80 14 4, buddyjai (pres. pass. 3. s.) 33 11 11. [Compare ✓ budd-= mas]-, 'to sink, to drown' (H. 4 101), cf ✓ buddoccurring in the above sense in PC I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III, Bh & Kamsavaho of Ramapanivada For N I.A. derivatives see ND burnu= 'to sink, be immersed, drown' ] 1137. Bukka- 83 22 1 'empty boast'. [=chaga-(=bhatabru-) (gl).] - = The commentator has rendered bokka- with chaga-, 'sheep' But there appears no connection with chaga here. "bhatabruvebhyah" 'warriors only in name' given by the commentator is nearer the actual meaning. The relevant passage is - "bhadabokkaham vara viru na kampain 'the brave warrior does not tremble at the empty boasting of warriors'. Cf. bukkasara-= bhiru, 'a coward' (D 6 95), cf. vokka- occurring in the sense of 'boast' and bhada-vokka- in the sense of 'boast of bravery' in PC III. The relevant passage at 80 4 2 in PC III is - "bhada-vokkehi suhadu na jau lahai"-'a brave warrior does not attain victory with empty boasting' Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo bukka-= garjana and bukkia-= garnta-, cf. bokkara- occurring in the sense of 'challenge or boasting' in CMC ) - 1138 Bola-17 3 4, 22 99 'an uproar, a confused noise', [Compare bola- kalakala-, tamala- 'a confused noise' (D. 6 90). Tr 34 72, 326 notes bolla- in the same sense Cf. vola- occurring in this very sense in Bh and bola- in Karakamdacariu, vola- occurs in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II in the sense of samuha-. Cf halabola- ] 1139 ✓ Bhamd- 'to fight, quarrel, reprove, abuse' bhamdahi (pres 2 s.) 35 8 7; bhamdai (pres 3 s) 52 2 10. [Compare bhamdana-- kalaha-, 'a quarrel' (D. 6 101); of Paiasaddamahannavo √bhand-= 'to qurrel, to deride'; cf. / bhamd- occurring in this very sense in MC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, PC III; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary No bhand-= 'to reprove, to deride' (Dhatupatha) For NI.A. derivatives see ND bhar= 'quarrelling(?)' and bhankanu= 'to stagger with anger, to abuse, to reproach' See bhamdana-] 11

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bherumda- is the same as the bird bharumda- known to have iwo Heads. At D. 6108 he records "bherumdo-" in the sense of di- (dvipin) which is rendered by the word citraka- in the commentary. Again at the same place Hemacaudra gives the word "bhorudaa-" in the sense of bharumdaya and in the commentary he says, "bhorudo bharumda paksi". This means that Hemacaudra accepts "bherumda" and "bharumda-" as Sanskrit words in the sense of designation of a particular type of bird. Besides this, bherumda as a desya word is recorded by him to be current in the sense of citraka- In the manuscripts there is a vari ation betweem bherumd- and bheramda-, also between bharumdaand bharamda-. In NC the word bherumda- occurs at 4 10 13 and at 7 7 5. The editor has rendered it with citraka-. But in the context 'bharumdapaksi' fits. So it appears that the author must have used the word bherumda in Mahapurana of Puspadanta as well as in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta in the same senseMW. records bherunda- as occurring in Mahabharata in the sense of 'a species of bird. 1149. Bhela- 29 25 12, 87 1 5 'very old, aged'. [zatwrddha-, vrddha, jarati (gl); at 29 25 12 the word occurs as bhelavaitha- 'old age' and at 87 1 5 as bhela-mahila-, aged women'; D. 6 110 notes bheli- in the sense of ceti-, dast-, female servant'; Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records bhela- in the sense of 'timid, foolish, ignorant' as found in Lexicons only.] 1150 Bholaa- 2 20 7 'gullible', 'artless,' 'credulous,' 'simple-hearted'. " [Vaidya renders it with mudha-; the relevant passage is-"tahi ji padivau jahi siyanavasanu thaviu na pecchat abholau janu"- 'the simplehearted people don't see the white garment which has fallen (on the white marble-ground on account of the similarity in colour)"; cf. Paiasaddamahannavo bhola- (D)= 'artless, simple'; cf. bhulla- rendered "ajnata-" by the commentator, at 4 23 8 in Chandonusasana of Hemacandra Tagare notes bahulaka-≈ 'a simpleton'; cf M. bhola, Kon, G. bholo= 'artless, credulous, simplehearted'. For further NI A. cognates see Turner's Nepali Dictionary bholo. See Bhayani's article an "Apabhramsa and old Gujarati Studies" in Bharatiya Vidya vol XVIII nos. 3 & 4. 1958 for a further discussion on the word.] --- 1151. Maunda- 22 8 8 ''n kettle-dram'. [=mydanga- (gl): cf. PSM maumda- mukunda-, vadya-tisesa-; cf.

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maumda- and maumda- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary mukunda (L)= 'a kind of drum or kettle-drum'.] 1152. Mam Chudu 24 10 6 'lest'. [Paiasaddamahannavo connects mam-chudu with manksu- and renders with sighra-; cf. mamchudu occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III and Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. (6 2 6) & Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 14 6). See note on chudu in the Index to Paumacariu of Svayambhu III.] 1153 Madappbara- 15 15 11 'false pride,' 'vanity'. [=mithyagarva-(gl), cf. madapphara-, madahara-= garva-, 'pride' (D. 6 120), PSM- notes madappara- and madappa- also in this sense. madappara- noted by Trivikrama at Trivikrama 21 130, 134 and rendered with "madhuparah" by him may not be connected with this Cf. madapphara- occurring in the above sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ] 1154 Madamba 5 21 4, 20 5 8 'a village,' 'a settlement', [Compare PSM madamba- (D)= 'a kind of village completely isolated for one yojana', cf. madamba- occurring in this very NC, Sam, K., Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka & Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra I.] sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, 1155. Madaba-12 12 13; Madaha-(Fem.) 16 26 2 'small, little'. [=laghvi (gl.), Vaidya loosely renders "madaha-" at 12 12 3 with sundara-; but laghu- fits in well here The relevant passage at 12 12 3 15-"sumadaha-thula-virala-dasana"-'very small, thick and few teeth'; of madaha laghu-, 'small, short (D 6 117, Pai 472), cf. madahaoccurring in this very sense in Sam K., Vajjalaggam (230) and madahullain Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta (3 4 12) ; cf. also madahiya, occurring on page 284 in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka See ladahamadaha' ] 1156. Madda-13 2 3, 76 7 21 'coconut grove', coconut tree'. [Vaidya renders it with 'nalikeravana' at 13 2 3, Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it; of M. mad, Konkani maddo= 'a coconut free.' See maddi ] 1157. Maddi-70 14 11 'a kind of tree'. [vrksa-visesa (gl.) The gloss further time is before spring season Paiasaddamahannavo maddi= 'a kind of tree resembling the explains that its blooming does not note it does not note it , cf. Konkani coconut tree.' See madda-] 1158 Madh 'to encase or cover over with hide, leather or metal leaf' madhiya- (pp) 78 17 4, 78 25 14. - [The relevant passages are-1) "lohadadhamadhiya-damtchi" (78 17 4)- 'with teeth firmly encased with metal' and 2) "katthe ghadiyau camme madhiyan" (78 25 14) - '(the drum) is made of wood and covered over with hide'. Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo madhia- (D)= khacita-, 'wrapped, inlaid'; cf.

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Bhamdana- 14 8 7, 54 15 3, 60 19 9, 65 17 15 1, 22 18 7, 29 15 4, 49 2 6, 52 20 10, 10 2, 71 1 1, 76 6 6, 81 1 2, 86 9 2, 88 14 3, 2,71 2,86 'a combat', 'a quarrel', 'a battle'. [= sangrama-(gl.), cf bhamdana- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 32 1), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. and bhandana- in Brihatkatha-kosa and Vt; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary bhandana-(K)='war' and' bhandana-='a quarrel' (Divyavadbana). See bhamd-.] 1141. Bhaluha- 99 7 17 (v.1. kavila-) 'a dog' - [= svana(gl.); the relevant passage is "pana dahavi bhaluhahu gayai"- 'the life of the dog was extinct' Paiasaddamahannavo does not record it. bhallaoccurring in JC at 2 321 is glossed sunaka- by the commentator; cf, MW bhaluha-(L) and bhalluka-(L)= 'a dog'. For the variant reading see kavila-.] 1142. Bhasala-15 2, 3 13 7, 7 9 11, 9 28 2, 15 1 13, 16 29, 1797, 79 34 3 14, 38 24 1,40 10 10, 41 8 9, 42 4. 5. 48 210, 50 1 8, 52 10 15, 52 22 9, 52 27 4, 54 15 1, 57 113, 66 27, 69 2 1, 70 5 5, 70 14 10, 73 5 11, 73 16 2, 74 4 5, 74 7 10, 79 12 8, 84 17 12, 86 27, 86 4 1, 86 5 4, 87 12 2, 87 14 9, 88 1 13, 89 20 8, 91 97, 91 22 6 'a bee'. [=bhramara - (gl); cf. bhasala~= bhramara-, 'a bee' (H. 1244), cf. bhasala. occurring in this sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, NC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, PC II, Bh, Candralekha, Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary bhasala- (L)= 'a large black bee'.] 1143 Bhumbhulabholi- 71 6 11 (v 1. bhumbhurabholt-) 'inexperienced,' 'inn. ocent,' 'simple-minded,' 'extremely artless,' 'untutored'. [=avyut panna (gl.), the relevant passage is- "tavasi ujjuya bhumbhulabholt"- 'the ascetic girl is straightforward and extremely artless'. Cf. bhambhala- murkha-, 'a fool' (D 6 110) and bhamhala-- murkha- (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 320), cf. bhumbhala-bholt occurring in PC I, where it is glossed as "abhinava-, akutila". In Paumacariu of Svayambhu III also bhumbhala-bholaoccurs, but is used as a Proper Name, cf. G. bhammara-bhola-= innocent, outspoken, simple-minded, knave'. See ND bholo= 'simple, unsophisticated,,] The word bhambhara-bholiya- is found in Phagu Sangraha (old Guj) edited by Sandesara and Parekh in 1955, Baroda Therein the II Naminatha-phagu of Jayasekharasiri dated in the beginning of 15 th century is given on page 243-3-1 onwards and therein the stanza 46, line 1 contains this word. Another reference is to an old Gujarati poem called Srngarasataka composed possibly in 14 th century and published in Hindi-Gujarati Bharatiya Vidya volume III, pp 214-223, Therein the 56 th stanza, 3 rd line, the word bhammara - -

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bholiya occurs. Next, the unpublished poem Ritthanemicariu of Svayambhudeva (Manuscript Bb ari) has "bhumbhala-bhola-" at 11 th Sandhi, 2 nd Kadavaka and 5 th line. See Bhayani's article on "Apabhramsa and old Gujarati Studies-II" in Bharatiya Vidya volume XVIII nos. 3 & 4-1958 for further discussion on the word. 1144. Bhurakumdiya- 46 8 14 'besmeared, sprinkled with dust'. "dhuli-lipta" - [The meaning given by the gloss, namely, "bhrurakutila" seems to be wrong. The rendering "dhuh-hipta" = 'besmeared with a lot of ashes' suits the context well. The relevant passage 15- "nau bhuribhui bhurakumdiyau nau masireha bhusanu"- 'he is neither besmeared with a lot of ashes, nor adorned with moustaches and beard.' Cf. bhurukumdia- v-1. bhuruhumda uddhulitam, 'sprinkled with dust' (D 6 106). See bhurukumdia-.] 1145, Bhurukumdia- 93 11 14 'besmeared, sprinkled with dust'. - [=uddhulita-, carata- (gl.), the relevant passage is- "so guruna bhuirayabhurukumdiu" 'the disciple was besmeared with ashes by the preceptor'. Paiasaddamahannavo notes bhurakumdia-, bhurukumdia and bhurumdia- in the sense of dhullipta- and quotes the following passage from Kumarapalapratibodha- "bhuibhura(" ru)kumdiyamgo"- 'besmeared with ashes'. See bhurakumdiya-.] 1146. Bhull- 'to err from the path, go astray, miss'. bhullaa- (p P.) 60 7 10. [The relevant passage is- "sa jampai pai buddhihi bhullau"- 'She said your intellect has erred from the path or distracted', cf. √bhull-= bhrams = 'fall from' (H 4 177); cf. No bhull- occurring in this very sense in JC, Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta For NIA cognates see ND bhulnu='to make a mistake, go astray, forget'. See Bhayani's article on "Apabhramsa and old Gujarati Studies-II" in Bharatiya Vidya vol XVIII, nos. 3 & 4-1958, See vibbhula-] 1147. Bheramda- 94 17 4 (v-1 bherumda) 'a fabulous bird with two heads' [See bheramda-.] 1148 Bherumda- 7 6 3, 14 6 3, 28 26 8, 32 14 10, 77 10 5, 88 5 11 'a fabulous bird with two heads' [See bheramda-.] Hemacandra records the word bheramda- in two senses. First at D. 6 50 he paraphrases the word "pimjaruda" with Sk, word bherumda and explains bherumda-as follows-"vadanadvayopeto bharundakhyah pakst," 35

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+ 276 DESYA WORDS FROM THE MAHAPURANA Pa: 684 - madha- in this sense; Hemacandru at D. 2 75 renders khunna- with madha- which is paraphrased as parucsfitam, 'surrounded in the commentary by him; cf. G. madh-1 u= 'to cover over, to encase with a metal leaf or leather' and M. madhne 'to overlay or line, to cover over with gold or silver-wash, cloth, paper, leather etc-'] 1159. Mamta-98 11, 94 3 4 (v.1 manitha-) 'an idler', [=nirudyama-, mrudyami (gl.), cf. maliha-= alasa-, 'lazy' (D. 6 112) and madda-= alasa- '(Trivikrama 3 4 72, 301); Paiasaddamahannavo records munta- (D) in the sense of 'an invalid'; of the compound "fumta-mumta' noted by Paiasaddamahannavo with our MP compound "kumta-mamfa-" at 9 8 11. mamthain the sense of satha-, 'a rogue' noted at D. 6 111 by Hemacandra does not suit our context Cf. mamta-occurring in the above sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 17 1) & Paumacariu of Svayambhu II; mamla- occurring to Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 4 42 is glossed muka-; cf. M. maffa-= 'slow, sluggish'. See Turner's Nepali Dictionary mathe- 'slow.'] 1160. Mamdala-5 15 12, 7 6 4, 49 2 8, 51 17 2, 93 5 6 'a dog'. [kukkura, sva, grama-sardula- (g 1); cf. mamdala- sod-, 'a dog' (D 6 114; Pa₁. 62), cf. mamdala- occurring in this very sense in Vt, & Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra III: cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary mandala-(L)= 'a dog'.] 1161. Maddala-3 20 5 (v.1 mamdala-), 4 11 7, 17 3 3, 28 27 12, 42 2 9, 51 14 2 (v-1. mamdala-), 78 26 7, 89 6 12, 96 7 13 (vlmamdala...) 100 6 6 'a kind of drum, tambourine' a kettledrum'. [Compare maddala-= • 1-= muraja -, 'a drum' (D 6 119) cf maddala- occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta and maddali in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 20 3); cf- Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary mardala(L)= 'a kind of durm'; cf M. mandal= 'a tabor of large kind'; cf Hi mamdal, Kon madale-, 'a Kettle-drum'] 1162 Mamdira-12 11 3, 85 6 4, 'metal rings on churning sticks, ferrule'. [=ravikanirodhaka_lohavalaya, lohamayah ankusah (Iohana akdu) (gl.). Alsdorf has loosely has loosely rendered mamdira at 85 6 4 with manthanadanda Cf. mamdira-= srnkhalam, 'a chain' and manthana, 'a churing stick' (D 6 141), Hemacandra has given srnkhalam as one of the meanings of "mamdira-". He probably means the same thing as 'metal ring to strengthen the churning stick etc' and not mere 'chain'. Because generally there are metal rings round the churning stick Therefore, either somebody must have confused it with 'churning stick' or by association it might have developed this meaning. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records manjira- in the sense of "a post round

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which the string of the churnig stick passes' as found in Lexicons only. For the word rauka given in the gloss see Appendix ] 1163 Maratta-16 16 8, 25 10 4, 27 3 5, 36 9 9, 37 11 4, 47 21 10, 56 8 12, 57 13 1,62 20 11, 77 3 6, 81 18 7, 84 9 9 'false pride,' 'vanity,' 'arrogance'. [darpa-, ahankara, garva, (gl.) ; cf. maratta-= garva-, 'pride (D.6 120, Pai 89, H 4 422, illustration 6, Trivikrama 34 72, 251), cf. marattaoccurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (345), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , CMC (page 150 line 17)-] 1164. Marala-78 3 7 b) (v.l. vyala) 'a cloud,' - [=maro malah krsnatvam tasya alayo meghah (g-1), the relevant passage is - "surapahaharu na maralau" - '(Rama appeared) as if a cloud destroying the lustre of the sun'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not record the word in the sense. cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary marala-(L)= 'a cloud'. Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary also notes maralain the sense of 'a cloud'. The variant reading "nyala" is also a dest word meaning 'twilight' ; or 'evening', cf. D. 7 90.] 1165. ✓Mal-'to crush to pieces': malamta-(present participle) 13 6 12. [Compare ✓ mal-= mrd-. 'to press' (H. 4 126, Trivikrama 2 4 152) ; cf No maloccurring in this very sense in NC, Karakamdacariu, PC I, PC III, Bh, Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 6 17). For N. I. A cognates See Turner's Nepali Dictionary malnu= 'to rub, anoint'] 1166. Mallaya-11 7 2, 80 12 9 a 'shallow dish, plate'. [sarava, (gl) ; cf- mallaya--sarava-, 'a shallow dish, platter' (D. 6 145); Paiasaddamahannavo notes the mallaya-, mallaga- in the sense of panapatra, a drinking vessel' also cf. mallaya- occurring in this sense at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 4 11 13 and NC 158, In Mahapurana of Puspadanta, Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, and Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta mallaya is used in the context of the description bhuvanas One of the bluranas is described as having a shape like a mallaya; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary mallaka-(L)= 'a vessel made out of coconut shell'. Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary records mallike='an earthernware vessel of peculiar form, a sort of drinking vessel'] 1167. Mah 'to wish, to desire, to long for' mahahi (pres. 2 s) 72 87; mahai (pres 3 s.) 13 1 12, 15 6 10, 19 6 2,58 1 3,61 2 13, mahamti (pres. 3 pl) 77 2 12, maheppinu(abs) 16 8 3; mahia (p.p) 9 21 1. [=vanchati, icchati, slaghajanti, vancluta abhilasya (g)); of √mah-= kanhs-, 'desire' (H. 4 192; Trivikrama 31 107); of ✓ mah this sense in NC) occurring in

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. Mahamah-'to give out or waft fragrance, to have a diffusive fragrance, to smell sweetly and strongly'; mahamahamti (pres, 3 plural) 121 13; mahamahamta (pres p.) 46 2 2,70 14 1, 70 14 12, 99 9 14; mahamahamta (present participle) 46 2 2, 70 14 1, 70 14 2, 99 19 14; mahamali (y)a (past participle) 16 12 13, 21 12 7, 40 15 10, 69 4 3, 75 12 5, 81 3 4. [ Compare ✓mahamah-= pratsr (gandha-visaye) (H. 4 78, H. 1 146; Tr 3 1 11); cf. ✓ mahamah- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 23 11), Bh, Vajja, CMC and mahamahamah-in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (4 7 7); cf. G. maghmaghvu M maghmaghne, H₁ mahakna, Konkani ghamgham-= 'to spread or waft perfume'. See ✓ mahimah-.] 1169. ✓ Mahimah- 'to waft fragrance, to smell sweetly and strongly'; mahimahiya-(p p) 60 12 11 (v. 1 mahamahiya-), [In the light of the spelling in Hemacandra, Trivikrama and other occurrences, the reading mahamahiya is to be preferred. See mahamah-.] 1170 Ma-4 15 12, 9 22 11, 13 28 'Goddess of wealth, Laksmi'. [=laksmi (gl). Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo ma-= laksmi. Cf ma occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II in this sense,] 1171. Mama- 29 4 11, 29 27 11, 34 2 3, 60 6 11, 60 17 2, 65 14 14, 66 1 8, 69 23 2, 70 12 5, 82 17 7, 83 12 10, 90 9 6, 98 15 7 'maternal uncle, father-in-law' [ Compare Paiasaddamahannavo mama-(D)= 'mother's brother' (Supasanahacariya), cf. mama-in the above sense occurring in NC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. & Yasastilaka-campu; Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records mamaka- in the seuse of 'maternal uncle' as found in Lexicons only and mama- as found in Galanos' Dictionary; cf. M. mama= 'uncle', cf. Kannada mama-, mava-, Telugu mame, Tamil Mal, Tulu mama='maternal uncle, wife's or husband's father'. With the word mama, which is currently used as a kinship term in New IndoAryan languages, compare the proper name Mammata- (with mammaas base and suffix - (a-), of other kinship terms also, used as proper names in Midieval India and currently used in Modern Indian languages as kinship term, eg, dadda(dada), nanna (nana), bappa (bapa), see mami-] 1172. Mami- 69 23 2 'maternal uncle's wife', 'mother-in-law' [Compare mama, and mami= matulant, 'maternal uncle's wife' (D.6 112), Trivikrama also records mama and mam in the sense of matula-

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bharya (Trivikrama 3 4 190 & 191) cf. M. mami= 'maternal uncle's wife'; cf. Tamil Tu mami= 'maternal uncle's wife, wife's or husband's mother' See mama-.] 1173. Mami 25 4 8 'a term of address to a female friend'. [=he sakli (gl), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo mami= sakhya amantrane-, 'an indeclinable used in addressing a female friend' (H. 2 195). cf. mam used in this sense in Vajja (225), cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary mama= "dear friend, uncle (only in Vocative singular as a term of affection among animals in fables)" (Pancatantra).] 1174. Malura- 84 22, 9 10 9, 9 14 2, 21 152 'the wood-apple tree (commonly called Bel), Aegle Marmelos'. in [=bilva-(gl.) Hemacandra notes malura- at D. 6 130 in the sense of kapi. ttha, and bilva-. He considers malura- in the later sense to be tatsama "malaro kapitthah; bilva-vaci tu samskrtasamah" (D. 6 130). Cf. maluraoccurring in PC I. Though 11 Paumacariu of Svayambhu II the gloss bimba-phala for malura-, from the context it is more likely that it is bilva-, Cf. malura occurring in this very sense in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. and Yasastilaka-campu, of Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary malura- (L)='Aegle Marmelos or Feronia Elephantum'. Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary also notes malura, in the sense given by Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary] 1175. Mahumdala- 16 9 12 'a kind of serpent*. [±sar pa¬visesa-(gl.); Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it] 1176. Mahura- 22 15 10 'a vegetable'. - [The relevant passage is-"mai uccoli bariya mahurayahu"-'I filled up the fold of my garment with vegetables'; cf. mahura-- saka-, 'a vegetable (D 6 130), Vaidya renders "mahura" with 'a vegetable similar to spinach' (See Mahapurana of Puspadanta Vol. I, notes, p 646). In the context the meaning 'a vegetable in general' also fits in] 1717 Mumdiya- 15 2 5 'side wooden poles of the stable'. [ Occurs in a compound sa-mumdiya- and glossed as - mandurobhayaparsvanikhata-kasthadvayena sahitah The relevant passage is - ""harivaramamdurau samumdiyau- 'the wooden poles planted on both the sides of the stable of horses' Paiasaddamahannavo does not record mumdiya-in this sense] The word mumdiya- refers to that particular pole found as a part of the structure of the stable (tying post) The word appears to be unknown to Pk or Sanskrit lexicons At the most we can compare MW_munda (W)= 'the trunk of a lopped tree, and mundaka (L) - 'the lopped trunk or stem of a tree, pollard'. -

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Musamdhi-77 9 1 (v. 1. musumdhi-) 'an iron club, an iron bludgeon'. [=danda-visesah parighayudham ca (gl.), Paiasaddamahannavo notes musamdhi- v. 1. musumdhi- in the sense of sastra-visesa and quotes in support from Aupapatika Sutra. Cf. musumdhi- occurring in this sense in JC, and musamdi- Paumacariu of Svayambhu I and musamdhi in PC I and Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary musuntht (v. 1 for bhusundi) (L)= 'a kind of weapon'. See musumdhi and musumdi- ] 1179. Musumdi- 76 8 3 'an iron club, and bludgeon'. [Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary notes musundi- in the sense of 'a kind of weapon. See musamdhi- and musumdhi-] 1180 Musumdhi-11 17 1 (v 1 musamdhi-) 'an iron club, a kind of weapon [Compare musumdhi in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. See musamdhi- and musumdi-.] 1181. ✓Musumur- 'to break to pieces; to pound, to destroy'. musumurai (pres. 3 s) 49 4 3, 77 3 9, 78 16 11, musumuranita (pres p) 79 14 1, musumurivi(abs) 78 13 5; musumuri(y)a-(p.p) 13 11 5, 29 10 3, 59 14 4, 603 6, 65 21 9, 69 34 10, 76 7 14, 77 12 24, 87 2 4, 95 11 10. [=marita, curnam sanjatah(gl.), cf ✓ musumur-, No mur-- bhanj-, 'break' (H. 4 106, Trivikrama 31 49), cf. ✓ musumur- occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I II, & III. See musumurana-.] 1182. Masumurana- 7 6 12, 9 29 8, 89 20 1; Musumuraniya- 3 3 3 pounding or reducing to powder'. [= pindikarana-, curnaka, dravika-(gl.). See ✓musumur-.] 1183 Mettha- 28 24 3 (v.1 memtha-) 'an elephant driver'. [Compare mettha- occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Karakamdacariu See memtha-.] 1184. Memtha- 12 5 11 (v.1 mettha-), 17 7 12 (v 1. mettha-) 'an elephant driver'. [Compare memtha-= hastipaka-, 'an elephant-keeper or driver' (D. 6 138); cf. mentha- occurring in this sense in Tl. III; cf. MW mentha-= 'an elephant-keeper' (Hemacandra's Parisistaparvan). See mettha-.] 1185. Memdhaa- 16 9 10 (v.1. mindhaa- v.1. medhaa_) 'a ram'. [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo memdha- mesa-,' a ram' and mimdhia= 'ewe' (Pai. 669); cf. mimdhaya- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 30 7), mimdhi at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 3 30 3 and mendhaka- in Tri.III; of Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary mendha(L) and medhra(L)= 'a ram'; cf. G mendho and M.mendhra-= 'a ram'.]

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Mottiyara- 17 14 7 'adolescent'. 281 [The relevant passage is-"mahilana gohaho mottiyara" - "an adolescent hero among women'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word Cf. Rajasthani mottyar= 'a grown-up son'] 1187. Ramkkol- 'to dangle about, to swing to and fro' ramkholira(agentive) 32 1, ramkholamana(pres p) 28 24 5 [=vilasanast¦a(gl.); the relevant passage at 321 is as follows: "mehala -ramkholira-ramaniyau" - 'beautiful on account of the dangling girdle'; cf. >/ramkhol-= dul-, 'to swing' (H. 4 48, Tr 24 97, Pa1. 532); cf. ramkhol- occurring in this very sense in NC PC I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II & Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka] 1188. Rali-54 10 17 (v.1 radi) 'a quarrel' [= kalaha(gl); the relevant line is - "ma karahi rali" - 'don't quarrel' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note the word. With the variant reading of radi= sangrama-, 'a fight' (D 74; Tr 34 72, 513) Cf aradi- occurring in this sense in Brihatkatha-kosa, cf. MW_rali(L)= 'war, battle' cf. old G. rad= 'complaint due to misbehaviour'; cf. Kon ral= 'topics full of complications and confusions'] 1189. Raha-/Raha- 4 9 1, 5 8 2, 16 10 2, 48 1 16,67 2 12, 85 10 11, 85 25 12, 99 666 'beauty', 'splenduor'. [= sobha sobhayukta-(gl), Cf raha- sobluta-, 'adorned' (D. 7 13, Trivikrama 34 72, 776), cf raha- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 17 10) & Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta See rahia- rahilla- and saraha-.] 1190. Rahia- 32 20 7 'having or possessing beauty' [In the compound "akkhayarahuu" occurring at 32 20 7, raha- stands for 'beauty or glory' and rahia= sobhayukta The compound can be rendered as 'having inexhaustible beauty or glory' But the commentator has looked upon it as derived from aksata-trai-+adhi pohand renderd it as 'aksara-dravyasyadhipah' See raha- and ralulla- ] 1191. Rahilla- 73 12 7 'beautiful'. [= sobhamana-(gl) the relevant line is ruho" - "pavalamkurukkera-rahilla- 'the bank looking beautiful on account of the heaps of coralsprouts', cf. rahilla- occurring in this very sense in CMC Made up of raha-+illa suffix See raha- and rahia-.] 1192. Rimcha- 1 14 4, 7 6 7 (v 1 riccha-), 88 25, 9 198, 14 10 1, 16 13 2, 78 8 1, 86 10 11 'a parrot'. 36

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[=suka-(gl.). Alsdorf renders rimcha- at 86 10 11 with paksi, 'a bird'. But here also we can take rimcha- to mean 'a parrot'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word. Cf. rimcha- occurring in this sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta See rimchiya-.] 1193. Rimchiya- 30 4 12 (v 1. riccluya-) 'a female bird'. [=paksini-(gl.), the relevant passage is M "rimchiyae visadamsahu muhi gluttau" 'the female bird threw herself in the mouth of the cat'. Here rimcha is used in the sense of 'a bird' in general'. See rinicha-] 1194 Rina-1 3 6, 2 14 5, 47 18, 12 9 17, 16 25 11, 22 9 3, 29 15 3, 32 20 15, 34 2 11, 36 19 8,57 7 6, 57 25 6, 58 12 5, 61 20 9, 62 14 8, 70 10 9, 73 2 13, 80 12 3, 83 8 9, 85 15 5, 87 4 3, 88 8 15, 89 5 14, 93 7 4 'fatigued,' 'tired', 'afflicted,' 'wearied' [=sranta-, klanta-(gl); cf. Paiasaddamahannavo rina-= pidita-; cf. rina= occurring in this very sense is Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 17 2, 3 7 7 & 3 19 5) See rinattana-.] 1195. Rinattana-9 15 6, 2014 9 'fatigue, exhaustion'. [See rina-] 1196. Rumda-35 19, 37 10, 4 16 11, 7 5 9, 7 23 5, 8 14 17, 9 20 16, 9 29 1, 11 7 2, 11 20 9, 13 11 8, 15 20 2, 15 23 1, 20 5 5, 2016 4, 23 1 7, 32 14 11, 42 10 10, 43 5 13, 45 2 20, 48 4 11, 53 8 3, 61 15 1, 64 5 11, 72 9 5, 76 52, 77 4 8, 81 7 1, 84 6 12,88 18 2, 90 14 9, 90 14 12, 92 7 1, 94 11 4, 94 17 13, 94 22 12, 99 14 2 'large', extensive', 'wide', 'great' abundant'. [=garistha-, mahan, vistirna-, bahula- (gl); cf rumda-vipula-, 'wide, extensive' (D 7 14, Pai. 126); Paiasaddamahannavo notes rumda- in the sense of vistirna and sthula- also Cf. rumda- occurring in this sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 16 3), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II & III; cf MW rundra-(L)= 'rich in'; cf. M. runda, Konkani runda-= 'broad, wide'. See rumdattana- and rumdima.] 1197. Rumdattana- 11 3 11, 37 20 I 'extensiveness', 'expanse' (See rumda- and rumdima-] 1198 Rumdima- 11 45 'expansion'. 1199 [ Abstract noun with-ima suffix. See rumda- and rumdattana-] ✓ Rull- 'to dangle, to swing to and fro' rullamta (pres p) 24 12 10 (v 1 jhullamta-) [The relevant line is - "rullamia-mottiyahi" - 'with pearls dangling about, cf PSM √rul- luth-, 'wallow' and Nojhull- andol. 'to wave. swing'.]

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✓ Reh- 'to shine, to appear beautiful': 283 rehai (pres 3.s) 1 16 6, 22 12, 2 16 8, 9 14 5, 10 3 6, 13 3 10, 20 7 5, 29 12 8, 46 4 11, 51 5 12, 58 22 7, 60 14 11, 63 3 12, 80 13 1, 85 21 9, 86 2 12, rehae (pres 3. s) 73 24 2, rehamti (pres. 3. plural) 69 13 1; rehamta (pres p) 69 5 9, 87 15 6, 73 12 12. [=sobhate, sobhamana (gl), cf reh-= raj-, 'to shine' (H. 4 100, Pai. 152, Tr 3 1 57), cf No√reh- occurring in this sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, KC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I & Paumacariu of Svayambhu II. See reha-] 1201 Reba-/Reba-62 20 9, 70 3 8, 70 9 5 'beauty', 'splendour,' 'excellence' [=sobha (gl) See ✓reh- and sareha-.] 1202 Royara (v.1 khayara-) 17 12 7, 41 4 24 'a ruddy goose, cakravaka'. [ cakravaka- (gl 41 4 24). Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word.] Though the gloss at 17 12 7 renders royara- with ruciram, 'bright, radiant' the meaning does not quite suit here while if we take royara- to mean 'cakravaka'- the line becomes clear. The context here is the description of the lake and the meaing 'cakravaka' 1 S appropriate The relevant expression is - "royar-araddha-kilam" - - (the lake) with cakravakas which had begum to sport or play.' The gloss on the word royara- at 17 12 7 of T manuscript gives 'cakravala' which seems to be a mistake for 'cakravaka". 1203 Rola- 87 8, 14 2 4, 14 5 9, 14 7 5, 16 6 1, 17 3 3, 27 14 14, 28 26 7, 29 8 4, 29 24 12, 38 12 13, 47 84 (v 1. rala-) 48 3 2, 51 2 13, 52 4 8, 52 6 15, 59 13 10, 78 1 8, 80 7 17, 86 5 10, 91 15 1, 99 8 2 'an uproar'; 'a loud and confused noise,' 'clamour'. [=kolahala-, svana- (gl); cf. rola-= kalaha-, 'a quarrel', rava-, 'a noise' (D. 7 15, Pa1 47), PSM notes it in the sense of kolahala-; cf- rolaoccurring in the sense of 'noise, cry' in KC, Up. K, Tri II, Paumasiricariu, Kumarapalacariu & Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka, cf H 1. rol- and rola= 'clamour outery, noise.'] 1024. Lamjiya-31 21 1, 36 5 4, 58 2 7, 60 30 10, 74 12 10, 99 7 10 'a slave girl' [=dast (gl). Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it; cf. lamjiya- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 34 7) & Paumacariu of Svayambhu II and `lanjika in Yt where the commentator gives the meaning as dast, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary lanjika- (L)= 'a harlot, prostitute'] 1205 Ladahamadaha-62 2 3 'beautiful,' 'graceful - [manoharam (gl); the relevant passage is - "khujjuya naccamti ladahamadaha" - 'the dwarfs are dancing gracefully'. In this word both ladaha- -

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and madaha- are significant. Cf. ladaha-= ramya, 'pleasing, beautiul, lovely' (D 6117) and madaha-=laghu, 'small' (D. 6 117) Paiasaddamahannavo and Trivikrama 21 30, 73 note ladaha- in the sense of vilasavali stri, 'an amorous woman'. ladaha- occurs in the sense of 'beautiful' in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta KC, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Sam K & Lilavai, of MW ladaha-= 'pleasing, beautiful '(Balalramayana)' and latabha-- 'handsome, pretty, lovely' (Virkamankacarita). See madaha-] 1206. Lampekkha-100 5 13 'a thief'. [caura- (gl), cf a lampikkha- cora-, 'thief' (D 7 19); Trivikrama notes lammikkain the sense of 'a thief' at Trivikrama 34 72, 143; cf. lampikka- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, and lampiksa- or lampiksuh in Br. K, cf. Kon slang lampis-, 'to pilfer, to steal small articles' ] 1207 Lalla-9 8 11, 29 18 4 'one who stammer, one who babbles or speaks indistinct words' [asphutavacin (gl), of PSM lalla-= 'one who speaks indistinct words'. Iu support PSM quotes Prasnavyakarana Sutra D 7 26 notes lallain the sense of sasprham, 'eagerly' and nyunam, 'less, in a less degree.' The former, if not both, may be quite different from the present word. Cf. lalla- occurring in the above sense in JC, (2 17 1) & lallura- v.1 lallara-in Chand; cf. MW lallara(L) "Onomato" poetic) 'stammering'" and lalalla ''indistinct or Hisping utterance. (Kathasaritsagara).] 1208 Lallakka-14 7 5 (v 1 lalakka-), 28 26 2, 54 13 13 'terrible,' fierce'. [raudra (g 1), cf. lallakka-= bhimam, 'terrible' (D. 7 18, Pai. 109) At H. 2 174 lallakka- is given as bhasa-sabda,- cf lallakka- occurring 10 this very sense in JC (1 15 20 & 3 37 14) Lilavai & Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, CMC, Chand In PC II and PC III lallaka- is used in the yuddhahvana nada-, 'a cry of challenge', with this cf. G., H. lalakar-, M lalatkar a cry of challenge, a challenge" 1209 Lani-4 5 4, 93 7 3 'a limit, a boundary.' sense of [maryada(gl-), the relevant passage at 4 5 4 1 s- "disalanhe sammuhu suru jema" - 'like the sun before the boundary of the day.' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it Cf lani maryada (Jnanesvari)] 1210. Lala-71 13 5 'one who longs for,' 'one who desires.' [lalaka(=vanchaka) (gl); the relevant line 15 - "gurukama-lala" - 'longLord', Paiasaddamahannavo ing for the feet of the Lord', Paiasaddamahannavo sas prham, 'eagerly' (D. 7 26, Trivikrama 3 4 does not note it; cf. lalla-= 72, 617) and lalli- occurring

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in the sense of 'eagerly' in KC ; cf. MW, lal-, 'to desire' (Dhatupatha) ] 1211. Lalapimdi-52 20 16 'a pole placed in front of the elephant's trunk' 'kan-kara- [=gajamukhagrakastha- (gl) The relevant passage is camdihi-lalapimdihi •• ya so jujjhu' - 'he fought by means of the poles tied to the front of the elephant, which were as fierce as their trunks'. PSM does not note it. The word lalavimda-occurs in NC at 3 16 6 and is rendered with lala+pinda- by the editor The commentator here gives "mukhakastham lalapimdr" The relevant passage in NC 1 s - "gaya gayadamla-musala-dalavattiya lalavimdi vihattiya lottiya" - 'the elephants were destroyed with tusks (used as weapons), being clubbed with their own front tying-poles, they rolled over'. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary notes lalika in the sense of 'a rope round the nostrils of a horse as found in Lexicons only] 1212 Luh-'to wipe off, to remove 'to wash off'. C luha (pres 3 s) 58 18 1, luhiu(abs) 40 15 1, 55 11 12, luhi (imp 2 s) 52 13 1, luhau (imp 3 s) 54 9 11, luhiya- (pp) 12 17 4, 62 5 2. [=sphetayati, sphetayitva, vinasya, pramarjaya, marjayatu, pronchita, mrsfa, sphetita (gl); cf. √luh~= No/mrj-, 'to wipe' (H 4 105 Tr 31 48). Cf luh-occurring in this sense in PC I. II, III, & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , cf T G. loh-vu= 'to wipe off, cleanse by rubbing', For N I. A derivatives See. Turner's Nepali Dictionary bhulnu- to make a mistake, go astray, forget' Cf Sk lus-, 'to rob, steal' (Dhatupatha)] 1213. Lur-'to cut'; ✓ luriya- (pp) 7 5 9, 67 15 12. [idarita-(gl) cf. ✓lur- Nchid-, 'cut' (H 4 124, Trivikrama 3 1 67), cf. ✓ lur- occurring in this very sense in NC & KC For New Indo-Aryan derivatives see ND luchnu= 'to pull out by force, snatch, claw' and lachnu= 'to tear down'. See ✓ullur & lurana-] - 1214. Lurana 28 27 3, 66 29 'cutting asunder' [See lur- and ✓ullur-.] 1215. ^/Lhikk- 'to hide, conceal, disappear' llukka (pres 3 s) 503 5; lhikkii (abs) 69 21 2, 88 99, lhikkeppinu (abs) 88 3 5, 98 10 14, lhikkava (caus pres 3 s) 24 14 4; llukkavi(y)a- (caus pp.) 1 13 9, 36 10 11, 71 16 8, 100 6 12 [ztirobhutva, gopitam (gl) cf. Vlhikk = ni+li, 'hide' (H 4 55, Tr 318) and nas= 'perish' (H 4 258), cf lhikka-= gata (Tr 31 132, 178) and Paiasaddamahannavo Ihikka-(D)= nasta, cf- N lhikk- occurring in this sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta,

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Karakamdacariu, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II Paumacariu of Svayambhu III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , cf. M. likne= 'to hide'.] 1216 Vajjar- 'to say, tell, speak'; 1217 vajjarami (pres 1.s) 11 2 11, 23 14 3, 33 6 9, 68 1 15, 69 28 2; vajjaralu (pres 2 s) 19 9 4, 3213, 90 10 14; vajjarai (pres. 3.s) 5 3 12, 10 1 17, 10 12 5, 11 22 17, 11 35 1, 29 12 3, 37 15 1, 62 16 6, 69 26 6, 84 7 6, 92 8 1; vajjaramli (pres 3 plural) 33 7 10, 52 4 6, 68 8 4, vajjaramta (pres p) 59 13 7, vajjarivi (absolutive) 31 27 2, 85 25 2, vajjarevi (absolutive) 101 14 6, vajjari(y)a- (past participle) 10 10 11, 21 15 9, 29 2 4, 31 6 11, 36 2 1, 37 17 7, 61 5 2, 82 10 4, 83 8 14 [kathayati, katluta (gl), cf vajjar- kath-,' to tell' (H.4 2, Tr 3 1 69), Hemacandra gives ✓vajjar-= kath- at H.4 2, but notes No bajjarin the same sense in the commentary on D. 6 92; cf. No vajjar- occurring in the same sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 4 15), NC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ] Vattuttividi-32 20 5 'a pile of spherical stones' [vatta-+ uttividi- Gloss gives utramdi (which is marked by the editor with a query) as the meaning of vaffuttividi; but valla- here stands for 'a spherical stone' and hence the meaning given by the gloss applies only to the second member of the compound, namely uttividi-, the relevant passage is "vaffuttividi vi rayya chaille"-'a series of spherical stones were arranged one above the other by the shrewd man', of Paiasaddamahannavo uttivada (D)= 'a pile of vessels'. For this cf meaning PSM quotes the following passage from the Upadesapada "phodel biralo lolayae sarevi uffivadam" 'the cat breaks with a push the pile of pots on account of its greediness', account of its greediness', ef G. utrevad-= 'a series of pots arranged one above another'. See uttiidi- and utturadiand vatta-] - 1218 Vadda 1 12 6 'great' - - [Vaidya renders it with mahat. The relevant passage is "sahu sasaharena vaddau virohu"- 'the great enmity with Sasadhara', cf. vadda-= mahan, 'big, great'. (D 7 29, H 4 366 illustration 1), cf. vaddaoccurring in this sense 10 Karakamdacariu, PC III & Bh Cf. M vad, G. Cf. M vad, G. vadu, Hindi bada= 'large, great, huge', cf Kan vadra= 'large, great' and odda-= 'a pile, heap'] 1219 Vadha- 83 21 17, 85 20 4 'a block-head,' 'a fool,' 'a term of address in mild rebuke'. [sthulabuddhi-, murkha- (gl), cf PSM vadha- (D)= muka, 'dumb' quoted from Sanksiptasara of Kramadisvara, cf. vadha-= mudha-, 'a fool' (H 4 422 illustration 4), Trivikrama notes vadha- at Tr 13 90 and renders it with vata-. It may be the same word as the word under

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discussion of vadha- occurring in this sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II and Paumacariu of Svayambhu III vathara in Up.K & Pahuda Doha vadha- occurs in ParamatmaPrakasa (at 2 19, 154 etc) also used as 'a term of address used by Guru for his ignorant disciple'.] 1220 Vamtaya- 45 8 13 (v 1- vattaya) 'portion,' 'share'. [=bhaga-(gl.); the relevant passage 15- "mahu-vamtaya-nikkamtaya-vaihi"- 'to the lord of a portion of the earth free from enemies', of vamɩha-= khanda, a portion' (D 7 83) and Paiasaddamahannavo vamtaga-=vibhaga-, cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary vanta- (L) and vantaka (L)= 'a portion, a share', cf. M. vala, Kon vanto= 'a share, portion' and H₁. batna= 'to apportion' 1221. Vamtha- 29 18 5 (v 1 tattha-) 'crippled, maimed or a dwarf'. [Compare vamtha-= vamana, 'a dwarf' (H. 4 447); D. 7 83 notes vantha- in the sense of "akrtavwaha"- 'unmarried' and "bhrtya-" 'a servant' (but here the reading appears to be wrong, it should be "Damdha-". Cf. G. vaidho "unmarried') The word vamtha- occurs in JC at 3 24 3 and the editor has rendered it here with "suska-vrksa¬', 'a dried up tree' on the strength of M vathalela= 'dried, withered'. But 'maimed or crippled' suits the context in JC also; cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary vantha (L)= 'crippled, maimed, a dwarf'.] 1222. Vaddala- 7 16 8 'a hurricane, a violent storm'. [Vaidya renders it with Jhanjhavata-, 'high wind in the rainy season'. The relevant passage 15- "vaya-vaddalukkam piya-kayahi"- vaddala =durdina, 'a cloudy day' (D. 7 35, H 4 401), Tr 34 521 renders vaddala with "megha-timiiram" vaddala- occurs at Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 9 25 5 in the above sense. Cf vaddala--megha- (SR) and vaddaliya-= megha- (PCI), cf MW vardala-(L)= 'a rainy day, bad weather', of M vadal-= 'a hurricane, a violent gale or storm' For NIA cognates see Turner's Nepali Dictionary badal 'cloud, fog, mist'.] - 1223. Vamala 1 11 7, 22 8,7 23 6, 12 18 2, 17 3 4, 27 4 1, 48 5 7, 52 24, 52 18 17, 73 14 11, 78 99, 96 6 6, 98 6 14 'a loud and confused noise,' 'an uproar,' 'a tumult'. [=kolahala, kalakalayukta (gl); cf bamala- v.l. vamala-= kalakala_ 'a confused noise' (D 690, Pai 47) vamala- occurs at NC 7 7 11 where the commentator has rendered it with melapaka- or kolahala-. The rendering kolahala- quite suits the context, cf vamala occurring in this very sense in JC, NC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III, CMC, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. & KC] 1224. Vamph- 'to taste, smack, try the flavour of', vamphami (pres.l.s) 101 15 15 (v.l. phamphaviya-).

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[=isad asvadayami (gl), the relevant passage is- "vamphami ajju ta gayai loi'- 'when the people left, I may have a bite at it'; cf. vamp Inam= bhuktam, 'eaten' (D 7 35; Pat. 134)] 1225 Valimuha- 76 8 7 'a monkey' - [=vanara (gl.) the relevant passage is- "lagga valimuha girisilakhamdalu- 'the monkeys engaged themselves with the slabs of stones from mountains', cf. Paiasaddamahannavo balimuha- 'monkey' (Pai. 65); cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary valimukha (L) a monkey'] 1226. Vavalla- 75 11, 12 18 7, 28 30 2, 52 15 5, 78 18 5, 94 23 14 'a sort of steel weapon, a kind of iron crow'. [-sarvalohamaya- (gl at 7 5 11), sella- (gl at 28 30 2). Though the gloss renders vavalla- with sella- it may not be exactly like sellaBecause at 7 5 11 vavalla-. is used along with sella- which shows it is a weapon different from sella-, though may be similar Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo vavalla-= sastra-visesa, cf vavalla- occurring in this sense in PC I, PC III, & CMC, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary vavalla-(L)- 'a kind of arrow'. For the word sella- given in the gloss see sella-.] 1227 Vigov- 'to disdain, to put to shame'; vigoval (pres. 3,s) 92 83 [-kopayati, krodham karayati (gl)] The reading in the text is "or govai"; but it should be taken as "goal" in which in which case it will suit the context The gloss gives "kopayati, krodham karayati" This seems to be wrong interpretation on the part of the commentator as he has taken the reading as "gova" and not "vigoval". The relevant passage in the text 15- "ja sohagge kamu vigovai"- 'who disdains (ie. surpasses) the god of love in point of beauty'. Compare PSM √gov-= 'to disdain'; 'cf. vigupyate and vigopita, occurring in Up. K in the same sense, 1 e. 'to dishonbur, to put to shame'. Cf, G. vagov-vu= 'to defame, slander, censure'. Alsdorf takes govat gopayati, 'conceals' and renders the expression "kamu vi govar" as "Kama in den Schatten stellte". ✓ 1228. Viggutta- 90 2 4 (v 1 vigutta-), vigutti (fem) 85 2 16 (v.1. vggutti) 'agitated, distracted". [The relevant passages are- 1) "manusu samanadhamma vgguttau marat" (90 2 4) 'A person dies being perturbed by the Jain doctrine'; 2) "pekkhu mahumahanu mayane nam sari VI ogutti (v. 1. og gutti)'. (85 2 16)- 'Seeing Madhumathana, the river was agitated as if by love'. The variant reading "viggult" is preferrable at 852 16, L

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as it suits the context. Cf. viggova vyakulabhava-, 'agitation, distraction' (D. 764) and Paiasaddamahannavo uiggutta (D)= 'distracted or agitated'; cf. vggovaya- occurring in the sense of 'agitation' in Vajja (153) and viggutta-, 'agitated' in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ] 1229. Vicchaddiya- 25 10 6 'a collection, multitude'. [=samuha- (gl). Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo vicchaddia-= punjikrta, 'collected together' quoting from Setubandha. Cf. vicchadda-= nɩvaha-, 'a heap, a collection' (D 7 32) and vijjhadda= samula (Tr 34 72, 81); cf. vicchadda- occurting in this very sense in PC.II. PC III & GS The word occurs with the spelling vicchidda- in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta at 3 13 12 and 4 17 13. The relevant expressions are- 1) "hadda-vicchadda"- 'a heap of bones' and 2) "timgiccha- vicchaddia"- 'a collection of pollen' respectively. See vicchamda-.] 1230 Vicchamda- 88 9 4 (v.1. vicchadda-) 'a collection,' 'a multitude'. [The relevant line 15-'rumda-mumda-vicchamda-bhayamkani" - '(in the battle) which was fierce on account of multitudes of beadless bodies. and heads'. See vicchaddiya-.] 1231. Vicchudha- 3 15 5 'thrown, inserted and hence fastened to' [vicchudha- means viksipta-, 'thrown' and hence 'inserted'. The commentator has freely rendered it with "pandhapita",- 'made to wear'. The relevant passage 1 s- "olmdheppinu savanajuyalu jinaho vicchudhai manimaya-kumdalai" - 'having pierced the two ears of the Jina, the Jewel-studded ear-rings were hurriedly put on (or he was made to wear them)'. Cf. vicchudha= viksipta (Pai 14 7) and PSM Nchuh-= 'to put'; PSM records auother vicchudha- (D) in the sense of viyukta, rahita- quoting from Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra in support. See ✓ chuh-] 1232. Vittala- 7 12 8, 20 10 12, 69 31 5, 903 16 'impure,' 'polluted,' 'defiling', 'unholy'. [=apavitra- (gl). Though the gloss on the word visadha- at MP 7 12 8 1 s "bibhatsam-apamtram", it is likely that "bibhatsam" is the rendering of visadha- and "apavitra-" that of vitala- which occurs immediately after the word visadhathe said line Elsewhere, visadha is found rendered with only bibhatsa- Cf. viffala-= asprsya-samsarga-, 'contact with the untouchable or touching that which is prohibited' (H. 4 422, illustration 3), of PSM ✓ viffala = 'to make unclean' cf vttala- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 11 1 & 3 18 4), NC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II & III, viffala= in Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra & vittala-, 'polluted' and villalita, 'polluted' in Br K., of the expression paraputtavittalini= 37

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'defiling others' sons' occurring in Karpuramanjari at 1 18, cf. M. vital= 'impurity or uncleanness as subsisting in certain persons etc. and communicable by them through contact'. See suvittala-.] IS Everywhere, where the meaning is apavitra-, 'defiling', the form is vittala-, nowhere it is vittala-. In MP, Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, etc. the context is the same and the word apavitra- is found used with reference to the human body. Though the gloss gives apavitra- there a doubt, as to its connotation. It is quite likely, that it may be connected with simtala-, 'a bundle' and might have come to mean apantrabecause of the confusion with the meaning of uttala-. It is likely that the Jain monks might have referred to human body as 'a dirty roll or bundle' Cf. Paiasaddamahannavo vimtaliya (D), vimtiya and offi=gathari, 'a bundle', cf. vimtana= 'a wrapper, a roll' (Br. K), cf. G. vintlo and vinti= 'a roll'. See Turner's Nepali Dictionary bitulo-'impure, and defiled' bito= 'bundle, sheaf. $ 1233. Vidappa-12 6 3, 20 8 4, 59 2 5, 68 10 12, 73 6 1, 74 16 17, 79 10 2 'Rahu, a demon supposed to swallow the moon'. [=rahu (g 1), cf. vidappa-= rahu (D. 7 65, Pai. 38; Trivikrama 3 4 72, 431); cf. vidappa- occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, PC II & PC III.] - 1234. Viddama (?) 18 13 1 'fear', 'panic'. - [=bhaya- (gl); the relevant passage 15 -"payaniya-janana-marana-viddamarai". If we follow the gloss its rendering would be "you, who have created attachment or liking for the panic for births and deaths'. As such the word "ral-" would be quite meaningless in such a context So the expression as it stands appears to be unsatisfactory. It is likely that the syllables 'ma-' and 'ra-' in the original might have been transposed through seribal error. This suspicion is supported by the fact that viddama- is not found occurring anywhere else. In that case the passage would be- *payaniyajanana-marana-viddara-mar"-which has created the idea of the terrible nature of the rounds or circle of births and deaths' (viddara-= 'terrible') See viddara- below.] 1235. Viddara- 74 2 11 (v.1 davara-) 'terrible,' 'dreadful', 'fierce' 'causing panic'. [-bhayanaka- (gl), the relevant passage is - "naccavami viddara dainiya 'I make the fierce female goblins dance'. Cf. viddira-= raudra-. 'terrible' (D 790), Paiasaddamahannavo notes viddara- in the sense of raudra- from Upadesapada tika; cf. viddirilla- occurring in this very sense in Kamsa, Usa (243) & CMC Manuscript T in Mahapurana of Puspadanta has got the variant reading at 74 2 11 "davara-" on which it gives the following gloss-

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"bhayanakam sangramo va, viddara ti pathe api ayamevarthah". With the variant reading davara-, cf. Paiasaddamahannavo damara-bhayankara-, 'causing panic' from Supasanahacaria and damara- occurring in the same sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I. See No dar- and damara-] 1236. Vinad- 'to be deceived, harassed, distressed'; vinadi(y)a- (pp.) 12 19 6, 15 6 6, 232 18, 37 10 2, 43 11 13, 52 8 6, 52 16 26 vinadijjai (pass.p.3. s.) 81 18 10 [Compare vinadiya- occurring in the sense of vancita in JC (1 21 14, 4 2 23). See Nnad] 1237. Viddana-39 13 12 'sad, dejected', [=mlanavadana-(gl); the relevant passage is - "savisae binni vi tae dittha sutlhu viddana" - "The father full of sorrow found them very much dejected'; cf. PSM viddana-= mlana-, nisteja, sokatura- with reference to Surasundari Caria, Sanatkumara Caria and others; cf. viddanaoccurring in this very sense in PC.II, Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra . & vddanaya-in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III ] In the Sanskratised form "vidrana-" occurs several times in Up. K of Siddharsi. Here the editor Peterson gives, 'embarrassed, perplexed' as the meaning in various contexts. In all the occurrences the word is used compounded with vadana- and can be rendered with 'dejected face', or 'sorrowful face.' It is equivalent to Sanskrit expression "mlana-vadana". Sanskrit vidrana- 'roused from sleep, awakened' is different from this vidrana-. 1238 Vibbhulla-90 2 16, 101 12 11 'perplexed,' 'confused" [bhranta- (gl) See bhull- and bholaa] 1239 Vireh-'to shine' 'to appear beautiful' · [reha (pre 3. s.) 9 21 3, 43 7 6, 86 6 10, 88 17 11; virehamta (pres p) 89 5 10 [Compare vireh- occurring in this sense in NC vi-treh-. See [reh.] 1240. Virolliya-31 23 7 (v 1. viroliya- v 1. virolaa-), 89 11 16 'tormented,' 'agitated'. [=kadarthita-(gl), Alsdorf notes calitam as the gloss on virolliya, at 89 11 16; the relevant passages are - 1) "asahamtem vraha-virolliyau lenappou kakkari ghalliyau" (31 23 7) - 'He, tormented by separation, finding the situation unbearable threw himself from a precipice.' 2) "tena manoharamm tahi tiha bolliyam jha hiyaullayam ti virolliyam" (89 11 16) - 'He spoke in such a sweet manner, that her heart was tormented or agitated (by love or longing)'. PSM does not note it in this sense. Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary virolita(L)= 'disturbed, disordered'.]

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. Virolliya-36 13 7 (viroliya-) 'tremulous, spread or widened (eyes due to emotional feelings like love, joy or jealousy etc.). [virolliya- may be a mis-reading for virellya-. The relevant passage is- "suloyanahi rayavasa-virolliyaloyanahi-punu bhanuu" - "he said to Sulocana whose eyes were widened or spread on account of love'. Cf. PSM vrell-, virill-= vitstr-, 'to spread, to widen.' and Pai 521 viralliaya-= 'spread'; cf. viralliya- and virolliya- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I and virilliya- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III The relevant expressions and passages are as follows:- 1) virolliya-(v.1. virillaya v l. vralliya) nayane' (PC I 11 5 4) - 'with the eyes spread'; 2) "viralliyakkha' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu I 16 14 7) -'with the eyes spread'; and 3) "loyanai" virillevi avaloiu ravanu maccharena" (Paumacariu of Svayambhu III - 74 9 10) 'widening the eyes (Laksmana) saw Ravana with jealousy'. In all the occurrences the word qualifies 'eyes'.] 1242. Vila(y)a-5 4 13, 6 7 10, 10 5 1, 11 26 14, 14 4 6, 31 9 3, 62 4 3, 88 17 3 'a lady'. in the sense of vanita-, word cf. Pa. 12; cf [=vanita, stri (gl). At D. At D. 7 65, Hemacandra notes the word vilaya- 'a woman' and considers it to be a tadbhava vlaa-, vilaya- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta; Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta and Up K, and vilaya- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, PC III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. & Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra ] 1243. Vilumpiya-98 12 8 'desired' - [Though the commentator renders alumpiya- with upadruta-, the meaning seems to be abhilasita-, 'desired' The relevant passage is - "tasu bala kalena samappiya, tena vi kamalena vilumpiya" vilumpiya" - "The bhilla by name Kala gave the girl to Simba; and she was desired by him who was full of kama'. Cf lumpia- abhilasitam, 'desired' (D. 7 66). and ✓vilump-kanks-, 'desire' (H. 4 192); cf. vilumpia- occurring in Kumarapalacarita in this very sense; the relevant line is - "a-vilumpia-bhava sukkho" (7 th Sarga 33 stz)-one who did not desire the worldly pleasures'. Paiasaddamahannavo also notes another lumpia- (D) in the sense of asita-, kavalita-, 'devoured, swallowed in one morsel' on the strength of Pai. 134] 1244 Visatta 16 16 8 'elation'. [=cittabheda- (gl) Here visalfa- appears to have been used in the sense of 'a similar state of the mind like mana- and maratta-, hence the gloss renders it with attabheda-'. The context is of Bharata's messenger giving advice to Bahubali to give up pride, arrogance and elation. The relevant passage is - "mana maratta visatlu mueppinu jtrahu ckkamekha anuneppinu" - 'Leaving aside (your) pride, arrogance

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and elation, both of you live together amicably.' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this sense of the word. At 7 7 6 in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta visaffa- occurs compounded with kulabala-, hava and maratta-. The context here is the description of battle scene Hence it is quite scene Hence it is quite word is used in the same sense as Mahapurana of Puspadanta 16 16 8 rendered it with dalana-] likely that the The editor has 1245. Visatta-84 18 3, 85 24 8 (v. 1. visadda-), 91 20 7, 94 19 4, 99 1 14, 99 10 3, 99 13 1 'a multitude,' 'a collection,' 'full of' "kuladhana- visattu" [=samuha (gl). The relevant expressions are - (84 18 2) - 'a collection of family wealth' 2) "vasaha-vimda-dhekkaravisattahi" (85 24 8) - 'full of the bellowing of a herd of bullocks'. Excepting in 84 18 3, we can take visalla,- in the sense of purna-, 'full of3. PSM does not note the word in this sense.] 1246. Visambhara-31 17 12 'a spider'. kolikah(gl), the relevant passage is - "macchyahi visambharu dhayau" 'the spider darted towards the fly'. Paiasaddamahannavo does note record visambharain this sense. Desinamamala records visambhara at D. 7 77 in the sense of grhagodha, 'a small house lizard' Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary also notes visambhara in the sense of 'the domestic lizard' as found in the Lexicons only. For the word kolika- given in the gloss see Appendix.] 1247. Visari--53 5 6, 96 87 'a fish'. are - 1) "kilamanaya maha. sporting in the huge lake' 'a couple visarina damdam" (96 8 7) - - [=matsya-(gl), the relevant passages saramtare visarino" (52 5 6) - 'the fish and 2) "saramte saramtam saramtam visarina of fish moving in the lake'. Desinamamala records visari- at 7 62 in the sense of kamalasana-, 'the God Brahma'. Cf MW visara (L)= 'flsh'.] 1248. ✓ Visur-'be afflicted, be distressed, be tormented'; 'visurahi(pres. 2.s.) 23 7 15, 99 6 3 ; visurai(pres. 3.s) 2 20 10,14 5 10, 30 21 10, 70 19 8. [=khidyate (gl) cf. ✓✓osur- khid-, 'be afflicted' (H. 4 132; Trivikrama 3 1 73), cf. ☑visur- occurring in this very sense in PC I, III, Bh & Vajja (183). MW notes visurana- in the sense of 'sorrow, distress' giving reference from the Prakrit passages of Vikramorvasi, Act IV stanza 19. See visurana -] 1249 Visurana- 78 2 2, 81 1 11, 87 27 'distress,' 'torment,' 'affliction' [=kheda-, jhurana-(gl.). For the word jhurana- given in the gloss at 81 1 11 see Appendix, See √ visur-.]

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Vibalamghala- 28 19 8, 83 4 8 'perturbed', 'agitated', 'distracted'. [=vihvala-(gl. at 83 4 8), at 28 19 8 the gloss loosely renders vihalamghala with oilalanga-. Paiasaddamahannavo also renders vihalamghala- with vivalanga- and further paraphrases it with 'vyakul sariravala', 'one having a bewildered body' This seems to be a guess as 'gha-' in the word vihalamghala- cannot change to 'ga-' phonetically; and the word seems to be of obscure origin. Cf. vihalamghala- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III, Sandesarasaka of Abdala Rahamana, Karakamdacariu, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Karakamdacariu, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Chandonusasana of Hemacandra (4 64 1). vihalamgala- occurs at JC 2 33 7 where it is glossed as acetana-, but here also the meaning hvala- fits in the context.] 1251. Vihalliya- 87 3 11 'trembled, quivered, shaken'. [kampita-(gl.). See ✓ hall-.] 1252. Vibavia- 25 10 12 'cheated, deceived'. [=vikhandikrto vancitah(gl), the relevant passage is - - "ghadadasiyai mahiyai ko na vɩhaviu" 'who is not cheated by procuress in the form of earth?' See vehavia-.] 1253. Visadha- 7 12 8, 30 19 10 (v 1. visara-), 54 15 4, 83 5 3, 88 5 8 'repulsive', 'loathsome,' 'stinking'. [=bibhatsa~(gl.), Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it, cf. visada-= visra-, 'stinking with' (PC III). In all the occurrences Visadha- is found used along with vasa, 'marrow' and connotes the idea of 'loathsome or stinking'.] 1254 Vunna-17 15 12 'frightened,' 'afraid'. - [The gloss loosely renders vunna- with sankupita-; but bhila-, trastawould suit the context well The relevant passage is - "vimukka ravena disakari vunna" 'the elephants of the quarters were frightened with the noise that was released'; cf. vunna-= bhita-, 'frightened, afraid', udvigna-, 'afflicted' (D. 7 94). vunna- occurs in the sense of visanna-, depressed in the illustration 1) of H 4 421; Pai 132 also notes vunna- in the sense of udvigna- 'distressed, frightened'; cf. vunnaoccurring in the sense of bhita- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II. and PC III.] 1255. Veyad- 'to set, to inlay'. ' veyadi(y)a-(pp) 13 98, 38 6 9, 88 14 11 (v.l. viyadiya- ). [khacita, jadita, jatila(gl) Cf./vead-= khac-, 'to inlay, to set' (H. 4 89, Trivikrama3 1 39 ). Ramanujaswami has rendered khac and conse. quently vead- with 'appear' This does not seem to be correct. Cf. PSM /read- 'to set' and veadia-= pratyuptam, 'inlaid, studded' (D. 7 77, Pa. 140), Paiasaddamahannavo has rendered "veadia-" with (phur se boya

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hua)='sown again' and has thus misunderstood "pratyupta" - given by Desinamamala as the meaning of "veadia-". Paiasaddamahannavo also records veadia- in the sense of khacita-, 'studded' and 'a jeweller'. Cf veyadiyaoccurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. K and veyadiyaoccurring in the very sense of 'a Jeweller' in Vajja Cf. also vekatain the sense of 'a Jeweller' in Vasast. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records vekata-= 'a Jeweller' as found in lexicons only For the words jadula and jatita (which are Sauskratised forms) given by the gloss see Appendix.] 1256, Veyariya- 14 10 8, 98 7 4 'deceived', 'cheated,' 'lured' - [=vancita-(gl.); the relevant passage at 98 7 4 1 s - "tuhu veyariu sottiyasatthe" 'you have been deceived by the Brahmanical doctrines'. Cf. vearia-= pratarita, 'cheated, deceived' (D. 7 95) Cf. PSM ✓ year- (D)='to deceive' quoting in support GS, cf. veyaria- occurring in this sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, PV (14 46) and Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. (572) ] 1257. Vecchilla- 25 5 9 (v 1. vicchilla-) 'a kind of yellow flower, yellow 1258 amaranth'. [=korantaka-(gl.). The relevant passage is "vecchilla-kusuma-samavannaena - having (yellow) colour like the Korantaka (=yellow amaranth) flower'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it.] Vellahala-3 1 11, 33 1, 69 15 8, 73 27 5, 99 5 17 'tender', delicate'. [komala-(gl), D 7 96 and Trivikrama 21 30, 9 note vellahala- in the sense of komala-, 'delicate' and vilast 'sportive'. The word vellahala- occurs twice in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta Though the editor has rendered it with "komala-, vilasin va", the meaning komala-, 'delicate' fits the context well Similarly in Karakamdacariu also vellahala- is used in the sense of komala-, cf. vellahala-occurring in the above sense in PC I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , Vaja. (96) & Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka] 1259 Velli-15 4 12 'a row' 'a line', [avali-(gl), the relevant passage is "vellihi valiyai" lines' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note velit in this sense.] arranged in 1260. Vehaviya- 88 22 8 (v 1 vehavya-), 91 20 6, Vehavia-18 22, 28 33 3, 30 12 10, 84 17 1, 89 17 6 'deceived', 'sneaked', 'cheated'. [=vancita-(gl.), cf. ✓ vehav-= vanc-, 'sneak' (H. 4 93, Trivikrama 3147); cf. vehava- occurring at NC 21 10 in this very sense; here in NC the gloss equates vehavia- with vilaksikrta-, but vancita- also suits the context. See vihava-.] 1261. Vehavia- 37 7 12, 70 12 6 'grown fond of (because of easy success), taking something lightly (being habituated)',

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[=vijaya-grddhim nitah, anuranjito grddhum va nitah(gl.). At 37 6 12, the king is dissuaded from becoming a monk. He is warned that the visayas are difficult to be conquered and that he should not think it to be a child's game on the strength of his habitual success in vanquishing the enemies. So vehava- bere means 'taking something lightly being habituated'. The relevant passage is: "ma jahi tavovanu cami pamuha, vehaviu riu rayahi pai jehau viru mahabhadu vi, jippai visaya-kasayahi". At 70 12 6 vehavia- means 'appetite sharpened by easy victory'. The relevant passage is - "pahu vehaviu pasuvahehi". Cf. vehavia-= anadara-, 'disrespect, contempt' (D. 7 96). ] "pahu Here in both the occurrences noted above the word ought to be hevara-; cf. hevala- occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, III where it is glossed hevaka- "ardent "garvam nitah grddhim prapitah". Cf Apte's Student's Sanskrit-English Dictionary as - - or intense desire, eagerness (this word like the word latabha 1 s used only by later writers like Kalhana, Bilhana and is probably derived from Persian or Arabic)", of MW hevaka- "(said to be from Marathi heva, ardent desire) a whim, captice". Cf. MW, G. heva= 'greed, ardent desire'. Cf. G. hevayo= 'habituated'. 1262. Vehavia- 34 3 8, 51 17 8, 78 10 4 'angered,' 'made angry'. - [=garjitah (gl), cf vehavia-= rosavista-, 'filled with anger' (D 796); vehavia- occurs at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 1 12 13 where it is rendered with vrhvala by the editor. Here the gloss on the word vehavra- gives "rosito anuranjito va". The relevant passage is "jakkhi tanu-parimala-vehavio hattht parianmca: naggoham" - 'enraged on account of the fragrance emanating from the body of yaksi, the elephant goes round the nyagrodha tree'. So here, the meaning rosita- given by the gloss suits the context Cf. vehaviddha- occurring in PC.I where it is glossed as kopatura-, kopavista- and vehaviddha- occuring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II in this very sense. See hevara- and hevaiddha-.] 1263. Vodda-98 10 10 (v.1 voddha-) 'a bull'. [=ballvarda (gl), the relevant passage is kaya-tesau" the wise man assuming the "pamdiu vodda-vaniyaform of a bull trader'; cf. Paiasaddamahannavo vodda~(D)= murkha-, 'a foolish person'; cf. MW, vodhrt= 'a bull' ] "vodda-" according to the editor, is a South Indian word1 The commentator gives balivarda- as the meaning of vodda- vodda- vaniya 1. See MP, vol. III, Vaidya, P.L, Bombay 1941, notes, p 312,

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means 'a merchant dealing in bulls'. The variant reading is voddhavanya-. But in Upamitibhavaprapnca Katha of Siddharsi vodhra-and vadra are used in the sense of 'a fool, a stupid person'. Paiasaddamahannavo records vodda-in that sense from Uvaesamala. It is likely that all these are variants of one and the same word with the original meaning 'bull' like the Sanskrit word "go-". The word might have developed a secondary meaning of 'a fool, stupid person' 1264. Vodrahi-33 1 10 (v 1. voddah) 'a damsel' 'a young lady'. milihimti [=tarunt(gl.): the relevant passage is - "tahi vodrahiu pivarathaniu, milihimti ajju tuha panainu" - 'Now you will meet the buxom damsels who love you there (on the Siddhakuta mountain)' Cf vodraha-= taruna-, 'a young man' (D 7 80) and vodrahi-taruni, 'a young lady' (H 2 80); cf. also voddahi= taruni (Tr 34 72, 695); cf. voddaha, in the sense of taruna-, 'a youth' in PC III.] PSM first quotes D. 7 80 for vodraha- and then in support of this gives a quotation from Hemarandra's Prakrit grammar H 280 vodraha-drahammi padia", and for vodraft- he gives a quotation from Hemacandra's Pk, grammar H. 2 80- "sikkhamtu vodrahto". Now these two quotations are traceable to their original sources, The quotation- "sikkhamtu vodrahto" is from Hala's Gathasaptesati- 3, 92 In the Kavyamala edition the reading is vodahi- and Paiasaddamahannavo has noted this word under a separate entry in the sense of 1) taruni,, yuvati-; 2) kumari-. In suport of the meaning kumari, Paiasaddamahannavo has quoted "sikkhamtu vodahio" (Gathasaptasati 2. 92) and given a cross reference to vodraha-. But really speaking the original reading should be "vodrahto ". The other quotation, namely, "vodraha drahammi padia" is found in full as quoted in three places. First of all the commentator of Hemacandra's Chando'nusasana bas quoted it at 76 (page 4)1. The full quotation is given by the commentator in paryaya commentary on that very passage. But it is printed in this edition in a garbled form. The commentator paraphrases vodraha- as "gramina-tarunasamuha-" Now, this stanza under question occurs as a citation in the Para matma-prakasa of Yogindudeva also. The stanza is as follows: "'uktam caChando'nusasana of Hemacandrasuri, Velankar H D., Bombay, 1960- Singhi Jam Series no 49 38

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te ciya dhanna te ciya sappurisa te niyamtu nyaloe | voddaha-dahammi padiya taramti je eva lilae ||117|| "Those persons are blessed, and those are good men, who easily swim across the great lake in the form of youth". It should be noted that the word here occurs with the spelling "poddaha-" and is rendered with "yauvana-". The citation can be traced even earlier. It has been cited by Svayambhu in his Svayambhucchandas to illustrate the non-position making character of r in Prakrit in conjuncts with ""-and there the full quotation is given under the name of a poet Vammautta. The actual form in Svayambhu is "vodraha-". See Svayambhuchandas edited by Velankar, H.D, 12 33. Hemacandra's citation of vodraha- etc appears to have been borrowed from Svayambhucchandas Paiasaddamahannavo also records boddaha- (D) and bodraha- (D) in the sense of a young man', cf podraha- v.1 vodaha- occurring in Bharata's Natyasasatra at chapter 17, stanza 9 1265. ✓ Vol-'to go, to elapse, to pass', (pass 14 (v 1 volia- (p.p) 28 30 9, volaa- (p.p) 9 19 14, volina, (past participle) 2 4 6,291, 11 28 4. 39 3 7, 40 11 6, 41 6 8,42 7 1, 47 11 1, 57 30 12, 59 88 8, 59 15 5, 63 5 1, 63 10 5, 67 7 6, 73 23 7, 80 8 10, 81 13 8, 89 3 5, 90 18 11, 91 5 7, volijjamana pres p) 29 8 2; volaviya, (causative p.p) 15 6 4, 18 22, 59 4 vollaviya). [=vyatita, vyatikranta-, cyuta-, atikranta-, tyakta- niskasita-, yapila-,(g) ), cf. √vol-= gam, 'to go' (H 4 162,), volina-= atikranta-, 'passed beyond' (H, 4 258, Pai 141), cf ✓ voll- gam- (Tr 3 1 97); cf. ✓ vol- occuiring in this very sense in JC (2 25 10), PCI, II, III, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. & Vajjalaggam (145), cf. Old M. volne='to go'.] Pai 1266 Samgahana-35 10 1 'a prostitute and her lover'. [=pumscalayugalam (gl), Vaidya renders it with 'jara-jarini-yugalam'; Paiasaddamahannavo does not note this word The word occurs at 77 66 in PC where it is glossed "pumscala-siri-purusa-yugala". Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary notes sangrahana in the sense of 'adultery'.] 1267. Sacchaha-34 10 16, 88 14 9 (v.l sacchiha) 'similar to'. 'like'. [The relevant passages are I 1) "helasa-sacchaho" (34 10 16,) - 'resembling Kailasa', 2) "camdasura-rassirasi-cicci-cacci-sacchaham" (88 14 9) See Paramatmaprakasa, Upadhye, AN, 1960, Introduction, p 88. 2, Chapters I-III in JBBRAS, N.S, 11, vol nos 1-2, 1935, pp 18-58 - 'the mass of

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flerce rays of the sun resembling the flame of fire". Cf. sacchaha= sadrsa, 'similar' (D.8 9; Pal. 127) and sacchiha-= sadrsa= (Trivikrama 3 4 72, 319); cf. sacchaha- occurring in this very sense in Lilavai, Sam K., Kamsavaho of Ramapanivada & Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka] 1268. Samca-89 12, 17 5 2, 89 1 6, 99 15 4 'structure,' 'plan', 'arrangement', 'inter-relationship', 'frame'. [=sarirabandha, sambandha- (gl. at 89 12 and 89 1 6) sobha- given in the gloss at 99 15 4 is a guess; at 17 5 2 samca- is loosely rendered with sancaya-. Vaidya has loosely rendered samca- at 17 5 2 with 'samuha-'. The relevant passages are. 1) "asana tharaharane dhalu samcu" (8 9 12) - 'on account of the shaking of the throne the bodily frame was dislodged'. 2) "joyamtahu niya-bhuya-thama-samcu" (17 52) the strength and the muscular build of the arm'. - 'while looking at 3) "nane pariyaniu kajju samcu" (89 1 6) - through knowledge I became aware of the act and the whole plan of it' 4) "accherayai jayai pamca, ko pavai punna-pavamca-samca-" (99 15 4) - 'five miracles occurred, who can gather the full scheme or structure of the functions of merit ? Paiasaddamahannavo does not note the word in this sense. Cf. susamca-= 'compact, well knit' (PC.I) Cf. Kannada samcu= 'a contrivance', cf G. saco= 'machine'. In all the occurrences, "samca-"is found rhyming or compounded with "pavamca-".] See ND Sanco= 'a mould, matrix'. Turner says that late Sk sancakais a Sanskratisation of Prakrit samhcna-. 1269 Samca - 56 28 'returning to ones own fold while not allowing the opponent's pawn to enter it (1 e. one's fold)" [=parasari-pravisana-pratisedhena svagrha vartanam (?) (gl.). Here also samca-is used as rhyming with pavamca-. Paiasaddamahannavo does not record this word] 1270 Samodd- 'to offer, to make ready, prepare' samoddion (abs) 39 5 13, 77 3 14 (v.1. samodii), samoddiya- (pp) 7 12 5 (v.1. samodiya-) [uddhrtya (gl. at 39 5 13), bhagna- in bhagna- in the gloss at 7 12 5 is loose rendering. The relevant passages are 1) "mahi himdivi samaru samoddiyi " (39 5 13) - 'having gone round the earth and offering battle'

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) "lamkesaru lamkahi gampi thiu khamdhu samoddivi gururana-bharahu" (77 3 14) - 'Ravana having gone to Lanka put his shoulder to the great burden or brunt of the battle.' 3) "jamgha-juyalu samoddiya-thunau" (7 12 5) - 'the two thighs in the form of erected pillars.' " PSM does not note this Cf ✓ samodd- occurring in this very sense 11 PC II & Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. Seen/udd-.] 1271. Saraha-88 23 1 'beautiful,' 'charming'. [=sobhayukta- (gl). See raha- and rahua-.] 1272 Sareha 11 23 4 (v.1 sureha-) 'beautiful' [-sasobha- (gl.), cf. M. surekh-= 'pretty, handsome' See ✓reh- and reha-] 1273. Sala 23 8 6, 37 21 8, 60 15 11 'a funeral pile,' 'a pyre'. - [=savasayanam, cita, kasthabhaksanartham cita (gl) The relevant passages are "1)"salu raiu huyasanu aniyau" (23 8'6) - 'the funeral pile was arranged and fire was brought'. 3) "sala viraya khamdivi viviha rukkha" (37 21 8) - 'the funeral pile was arranged having cut various trees'. - 3) "naravai salahi valaggau" (60 15 11) 'the king mounted the pyre'. PSM does not note it. The word sala occurs at Paumacariu of Svayambhu II 43 89 where it is rendered with salaka. From the context it appears to be ata-, 'pyre', cf. sala- occurring in this very'sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III.] 1274. Savadammuha- 22 12 'facing', 'turned towards', 'in front'. , [=sammukha- (gl.) the relevant passage is - "paramesaru savadammukhu ditthau" - 'the Lord was seen in front'. Cf. savadammuha-= abhimukha- 'facing, turned towards' (D. 8 21). Cf. savadammuha- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 2 5 13, 3 31 11, NC, PC.I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ; muha- in the word savadammuha goes to Sanskrit mukha-, savada- is an obscure element] 1275 Savala-77 1 14(v 1. sabana-) 'with a sword'. [=karavalena khadgena saha (gl), the relevant passage is- "hala-musalasavala-tisula-dhar?" -'carrying a ploughshare, mace, sword and trident'. "vala"= in the compound 'savala" appears to be "pala=" which might mean 'a sword'; of Paiasaddamahannavo palia (D)= khadga-musti, 'a sword-hilt' and Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary palika (L)= 'a cheese or butter knife'. Cf. kara-pala= 'a sword, scimetar' (Br K.); of G. pali = 'a small knife' See pala=.] -

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1276 Savvala- 11 76 7 25, 78 7 crow-bar'PURE DESI WORDS 301 16 9, 12 3 1, 12 18 7, 16 20 12, 33 10 9, 52 9 7, 12, 84 10 2. 'a sort of lance', 'an iron weapon' "a [=sarvalohamayi ghani (?), tilapiidanayudham ghani, lohamayi ghani (g).). The commentator appears to have confused one ghani (from ghatanighatanika), meaning 'a weapon' with the other meaning 'an oil press'. Cf. savvala-kust, 'a long iron rod used to dig the ground' (D. 8 6); Ramanujaswami erroneously renders kust with 'a sort of ladle' Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary kusi (L)= 'a plough-share' PSM records savvala (D) 10 the sense of 'an iron weapon' and savvala (D) in the sense of kunta-, 'a lance'. PSM also notes sabbala- (D)= sastra-visesa-, cf savvalaoccurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III cf. sarvala occurring in Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra II and rendered with 'an irom club', cf. MW sarvala (L)= 'an iron club or crow'. Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary notes sarvala in the sense of 'wrought iron' Cf also Turner's Nepali Dictionary sabal= 'crow-bar' For the word ghant given in the gloss see Appendix] 1277. Sah-'to shine, to appear beautiful sahai (pres 3 s) 215, 3 12 16, 5 16 7, 13 3 9, 22 16 13, 30 9 10 5,3 39, 22 16 13,30 329 14, 36 12 9, 51 19, 52 24 12, 69 2 5, 70 11 3, 73 16 7, 78. 2 4,82 13 15, 85 22 15, 87 16 4, 93 8 3, 99 4 18, sahamta (pres p) 45 10 2, sobhate, sobhamana (gl); cf. ✔sah raj 'to shine' (H 4 100; Trivikrama 31 57), cf ☑sah- occurring in this very NC, Karakamdacariu & Paumacariu of Svayambhu I] sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, 1278. Sa- 1 2 7, 2 18 8, 7 25 10, 14 3 2, 15 8 1, 16 22 2, 40 1 20, 40 - 5 21, 40 12 36, 47 10 3, 53 1 16, 58 1 3 b), 58 21 8, 59 1 14, 64 5 6, 94 14 7 'Goddess of Wealth'. [=laksmi (gl.); Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it cf sa- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta & PC II. Cf MW sa- (L)= 'Name of Visnu or Siva' and sa- (only L)= 'Name of Laksmi- or Gauri-'] 1279. Saia- 5 15 9, 81 6 1 'an embrace'. [=alingana (gl) The relevant passages are: 1) "taggayanayana niyai avacitit, ka vi jamayahu saiu demt?" (5 15 9) - 'a lady who was absent-minded on account of her attention (on Bahubali), embraced her son-in-law' 2) "piu-paya-dinna-dadha-saiena, vamdiu bhatti avaraiena" (81 6 1) - 'Aparajita saluted bis fathar with devotion and clasped his feet firmly'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note the word in this sense. Cf saya- in

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the sense of alingana- occurring in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II & III; cf. G sat= 'an embrace on meeting after a long separation'] 1280. Salana- 73 29 7, 83 38, Salanaya- 88 24 4 'a kind of dish, a fried vegetable'. [=vyanjana-,saka- (gl.), cf. Paiasaddamahannavo salanaya-= 'a sort of curry'; cf. salanaya- occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. (6 23 3),salana-, salanaya- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II & III, salana- in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka & salanaka- in Yt; in NC salanaya is rendered with vyanjana- by the commentator: cf. HI. salan,, G salnu= 'seasoned vegetable' Shsh connects G. salnu with Sanskrit salavanu- and further sakas which says lavanasakas are were cut into pieces and salted He explains "Probably they were cooked or fried and were seasoned with salt alone" 1. Phone. tically salana- cannot be derived from Sanskrit salavana-] - ་ 1281. Saha- 15 1 5, 93 2 5 'the skin on the milk, the cream of milk'. [=ksiragram tarika (gl.). The relevant passages are: - - 1) "kananau mahisi-duddhu va saha-ghanau" (15 1 5) - 'the forest (appeared) thick with many branches like the buffalo's milk thick with cream'. (2) "Jahi duddhai ghanasahalayar" (93 2 5)- 'where milk is full of thick cream'. Cf. saha- dadhisarah, dadhna upari saram, 'cream of curds' occurring in the above sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu 'cream, any cream-like skimmings (D. 8 51). cf. saha- and saha III. Cf M,Kon say- or sal= or layer.] Though Hemacandra gives the restricted sense of cream of curds' (dadhisara) to saha-, in Mahapurana of Puspadanta as well as in PC the word occurs with the sense 'the cream of milk'. Either it was known as a general term for both 'cream of milk' and 'cream of curds' or later on developmented the restricted sense of 'the cream of curds' 1282. Sittha-34 10 1, (v 1. simtha-) 'a bow-string'. [=pratyancagrabhagah (gl) cf. sittha-= jiva-, 'a bow-string' (D. 8 53) and sittha- (Pai 277); Paiasaddamahannavo notes sittha- (D) in this sense quoting from Kumarapala-pratibodha. See simtha-.] Desinamamala gives a general sense of siltha-, viz., pratyanca, 'a bowstring'. But the commentator of MP appears to restrict it to "pratyafcdgrabhaga", 'the front-part of the bow-string'. 1. See Introduction to Girvanapadamanjari & Girvanamafijari, Shah, U.P, JO.I, Baroda, vol IX, no 1, p 57.

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. Simtha-41 15 10, 88 21 3 (v 1 sittha-), 100 5 3 (v. 1. sittha-) 'a bow-string-.] [=pratyanca (gl); cf. simtha- occuring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. See sittha-] 1284. Sinisava-31 17 13 'a spider'. [=visambhaksa kolikah (gl); Vaidya has rendered it with tantuvaja,. - - "kalu sinisavu kahi makkhiya"-. 'How and the fly'. Paiasaddamahannavo The relevant passage is great a difference there is between the spider does not record it For the word kolikah given in the gloss see Appendix. The word visambhaksa given in the gloss appears to be same as visambhara-] 1285 Sippi-73 12 5, 86 3 9 'mother of pearl, 'a pearl-oyster'. [suktika (gl.), cf. sippi= sukti (H 2 138), cf. sippi occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 1 7), NC, Bh, & Kams, cf. H₁. sip-=, 'an oyster' and M. sip-= 'a half of an oyster-shell', of Kannada sippu, Te cippe, Tamil cippi= 'an oyster shell, a small shell' See Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen § 286] 1286 Silamba-85 6 10 (v. 1. silimba-) 'a child,' 'an infant', 'a young one'. [Paiasaddamahannavo notes silamba- in the sense of a 'child, infant' on the srength of Pa1 95. See silimba- and silimdhaya ] 1287. Silimdhaya-33 6 6 (v 1 silimbaya-) 'a young one'. [bala- (gl) This appears to be a misreading for silamba- or it might be a portmentau word formed from silimbaya- and stanandhayaThe variant reading silimbaya- 1 s preferable See silimba- and silamba-] 1288. Silimba-2 13 9, 15 20 2, 43 5 2, 72 5 5 (v 1. silamba-), 73 13 7 'a child', 'an infant' 'a child" 'an infant, 'a young one'. [=sisu, savaka, mrga, balaka (gl.) At 72 5 5 the gloss gives mrga-, deer as the meaning of silimba-, here perhaps 'the young one of the deer' is meant. cf. silimba-= sisu, 'a child' (D 8 30) and silimpa-= bala (Trivikrama 4 72, 130); cf. silimba- occurring in this very Sense in Lilavai. See silamba- and silimdhaya-] 1289. Siva-44 6 7, 46 83 'water', [=jala-(gl) The relevant passages are : 1) "simciu suragirisiri surarayahi, muha-viyaliva-siva-niva-samghayahi" (44 6 7) - 'was sprinkled with a (4467) multitude of open Jars full of water by Indra on the top of mount Meru'. 2) "dhara-sivehi ahisimciu ajjuna-nivehi" (46 8 3) - '(The Lord) was sprinkled with streams of water contained in white jars'. PSM, does not note it. cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary Siva-(L)= 'water.]

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. Sinattana-41 15 6 (v. 1. rinattana-) 'weariness, exhaustion,' [ srantatvam (gl.), the relevant passage is : "chattar duriyayava-vinarai | camarai bhava-sinattana-tarai". 'the umbrellas that warded off the sunshine in the form of sins, and the chowries that removed the exhaustion in the form of the worldly existence'. Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it.] 1291. Sudhi(y)a-3 17 2, 57 10 13 'swollen,' 'exhausted" [duhkhita-, suna- (gl.) The relevant passages are: 1) "kakkara-kamdara-nivadani sudhiu" (13 17 2) ount of having fallen over precipices and cavities'; 2) "kasa-pahara-parampara-sudhiyatanu" on - - "swollen on acc- 'having his body swollen account of continuous whipping' Cf. sudhia-= sranta-, 'tired, exhausted' (D. 8 36, Trivikrama 3 1 132, 18), Pai 131 notes suthia- in the same sense, Paiasaddamahannavo notes sudhia- in the sense of 'one having contracted or wrinkled limbs' The word sudhia- occurs at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 3 15 1 where it is rendered with duhkhita-, but here also the meaning 'swollen' fits well Cf sudhia- occurring in the sense of 'exhausted' in PC III. CMC & Lilavai ] 1292 Suraha--27 6 11, 73 16 10 'beautiful', 'splendid'. [=susobha-, susobhamana (gl.) See raha- and suraha-] 1293. Suraha-89 5 9 'splendour,' 'excessive beauty' [=susobha (gl.) See raha- and suraha-] 1294. Suriniya-(fem) 90 19 1 'exhausted, wearied (lady)'. [=sranta (gl). See rina-] 1295. Suvittala-71 4 10 'unholy, polluted'. [Here the word is used in connection with "parayaru" (=parakalalram) 'another man's wife' who is prohibited to be touched. Here Marica 18 advising Ravana by telling him the evil effects of the contact with parakalatram See vitfala-] 1296. Sud-'to destory, to chop off3, visatta-padibhada-maratta" - 'des. sudai (pres 3. s) 77 36 (v 1 sudai). [The relevant passage is - "sudai troys the arrogance of dispersed enemies'; cf. No√sud-= bhanj-, 'break (H 4. 106; Tr 31 49), cf sud-occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, PC III & SR, of G. sud-vu= 'beat with a club'. (ref, to cotton-heap, branches, etc.]'

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. Sedha-7 6 7, 30 4 6 ''a kind of porcupine'] 305 [Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it, Cf.-MW srdaku(L)='a kind of lizared', cf. G. sed hal= 'a pocupine'.] 1298. Sehira--25 3 5, 47 7 5, 51 1 12, 72 1 12 (v. 1. sihira) 87 12 10 (v. 1 seriha-),- 95 14 10, 96 8 9 'a lion' [=simha-(gl.), PSM does not note this word, cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary hira(L)= 'a lion'] 1299. Hadabada--22 15 5 'scattered, dishevelled and unkempt (w. r. to hair). [The relevant passage 1 S "hadahada-phutta-pharusa-sirakesar 'having extremely scattered and dishevelled, brittle and rough hair on the head'. Paiasaddamahannavo hadahada= atyanta and D. 8 74 hadahada= anuraga, "attachment, love' tapa- 'heat' and onomatopoetic sense are obviously different from our word. With our usage of hadahadaoccurring at 24 15 8 in PC II where it is glossed as "ativa-muktakeso, bhojana vastradi rahito va",] Paiasaddamahannavo notes phutta- in the sense of vinasta- and in support of this sense quotes from Nayakumaracariu 1 16 the following expression- "phutta-hadahada-sisam". Perhaps phutta- here means scattered split and h.dahada-, 'dishevelled and unkempt (hair)' OI 1300 Hadi- 7 13 8 'a wooden stake in which a person is imprisoned.' 'wooden fetters'. - - [=hhotaka (gl.), the relevant passage 1 S "ausu hadi va nirumbhwor thakkm' 'the ayuskarma remains obstructing like wooden fetters'. Vaidya loosely renders the word with 'srnkhala' PSM notes hadi= kasthasya bandhana-visesa quoting Nayadhammakaha- The word hadioccurs in JC at 261 and is rendered by the editor with abhyasta- (See JC ed by Vaidya, Glossary, p. 173) This appears to be an unsupported guess. There also the word is used in the sense of 'shackles, or wooden fetters'. The relevant passage in JC 1 S - "Jo katthu piyamana-dharana-hadi" 'the log of wood was like fetters to hold the lover's mind' Cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary hadi= 'wooden fetters' (Divyavadana); cf. Ghed-= 'stocks'. For the word khotaka- given by the gloss see Appendix } - 1301 Hadda-35 9 3, 46 10 16, 48 21 7, 60 11 2, 83 16 12 'a bone' [=asthi (gl), cf. hadda-zasthi, 'a bone' (D 8 59), cf hadda- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (3 37 3), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, KC, PC II & Yt At 39

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hadu- appears to be a misprint for hadda; cf MW hadda (L)= 'a bone' For NI.A cognates see ND har='bone'] 1302, Halabola-2 13 14, 83 10 4 'a loud and confused noise, tumult'. [=kolahala- (gl), of halabola- kalakala-, 'confused noise' (D). 8 64, Trivikrama also notes hallabola- in this halabola- occurring in this very sense line 28) halavola- in PC 11 and halabbola Pa. 47, Tr 34 72, 327): sense (Tr 3 4 72, 332) cf in Sam K, CMC (p 126 in Kamsavaho of Ramapanivada, cf. bola-} 1303 Hall-'to tremble, shake, quiver' halla (pres 3 s) 14 5 12, 16 15 7, 52 4 5, 54 13 11, 58 4 4, 87 4 2, 87 17 7, hallamta (pres p) 42 9 4, 48 15 12; halli(y)a- (pp), 1 12 5, 15 15 5, 30 8 2, 31 1 8, 45 3 13, 77 12 19, hallaviya- (causative pp) 17 3 8 [=kampita (gl) 15 15 5, hallyyaloosely rendered with valita-, here kampita would suit the context, cf. hallia= calitam, 'shaken, moved' (D 8 62) cf No hall-occurring in this very sense in JC, NC KC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, II, & III For the N I A. cognates see ND hallinu= 'to move, shake, rock' R G Harshe connects M halne with Sumerian hal- 'to run'. (See "Some Sumero-Marathi Correspondences" p 25 ] 1304 Hallara Hallaru- 85 7 6 'the text of a lullaby or the nursery syll able chanted to quiet a baby while rocking it in the cradle'. [PSM, does not note it, cf G halru, halardu= 'a lullaby' and halo= 'a word used to quiet a baby while rocking it in the cradle' See hohallaru- and ammahiraa-] 1305 Hallohalaa- 88 20 8 'agitation, disturbance' 1306 [The relevant passage is- "hallohalau nayari samjayau"- 'there was agitation in the city'; cf. hallohala-=vyakulatva-, 'agitation' (H 4 396 illustration 2) and hallapphala-= akulata, 'agitation' (H 2 174), cf halapphalaya-- praksobha (PC III), hallohalaa- occurs in Chand nt 4 87 7 and the commentator renders it with anandam But the meating joyous, agitation' suits the context. See hallohalia-.] Hallohalia-85 23 7; hallokalihua- 76 10 7 ' agitated. disturbed, perturbed ' [The relevant passsages are 1) "hallohaliu nayaru taekke" (85 23 7) - 'the city was agitated by him alone'.

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) "Janu hallohalihuu' (76 107) - 'the people were perturbed'. Cf. hallapphalia--akulatvam, 'agitation' (D. 8 59), PSM also notes hallupphalia- in the same sense, cf. hallohalia- occurring in this very sense 111 Bh (7 11 8), halahalia- in Chandonusasana of Hemacandra, hallohalihuya- in Karakamdacariu (7 10 13), Paumacariu of Svayambhu III & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , the relevant passage at KC 7 10 13 is -'hallohali- huyau sayalu jalu"- 'the entire water was ruffled'. See hallohalaa-] 1307. Hira-20 5 9 'name of Siva," "hira-narastharanalasam- [=sankara (gl.); the relevant passage 1 S bhea¨- 'Siva, Narasimha (1 e Visnu) and the lotus-born Brahma" Hemacandra observes on D 8 70- "hiro hara-vacakastu harasabda: bhavah" Cf. MW hira(L)= 'Name of Siva' Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary also notes kira siva.\ 1308 Hira 84 12 9 'a dart, spear, lance' - [=salya(gl), cf D. 8 70 hira-= sucimukhabham darvadivastu, 'a piece of wood etc. that is sharp-pointed', cf hira- occurring in this very sense in PC III, cf. MW hira-(L)= 'a thunder-bolt'.] 1309. Humda- 11 1 11, Humdaya-11 25 5 'maimed, crippled, deprived of a limb'. [=vikalavayava-(g 1); humdaya- is an extension of humda- ; cf Paiasaddamahannavo humda-= 'a person having deformed limbs', cf humda- occurring in PC II where it is glossed as mukha-hina-, cf MW hunda(L)= 'a blockhead' ] 1310. Hora-11 11 4 'grief, sorrow'. 1311 [duhkha-(gl); the relevant passage is- "mahilau chatthahi vi hurakkami. yahi" "women (indulging in destroying living beings) go to the Sixth Hell that is pervaded with grief Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it.] ✓ Hul-'to strike with a weapon hulamti (pres 3 pl) 84 6 4. - [Alsdorf notes the gloss "sangramam kurvants" The relevant passage 1 S- "avaropparu kila komtahi hulamti" 'they strike each other with spears' hulia- occurs in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta at 7 7 10 and the relevant passage is * sula-sella-kumtaggihi hulia"- *struk with spikes, lances and spears'. PSM notes ✓hul- in the sense of ksip-= 'to throw' (H 4 143) only. ef hulahula-] 1312. Hulahula-52 16 17 'a kind of weapon' [=hastasula (g]), PSM does not note this, cf. hul praharana-visesa (Paumacariu of Svayambhu I & III) Cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary hula(L)= 'a double-edged knife with two sharp edges' ]

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✓ Hul-'to fix on a stake,' 'to pierce,' 'to thrust': hula (pres 3. s) 88 8 12 (v.1 luhar). hulira (Verbal Derivative) 76 8 6; hulin=(pp) 7 5 10, 95 14 5. [=proyi (?), kulaprotam karoti (?), prota, sule prota- (gl); Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. In the index to NC hulamt is equated with Sk, praharanti, relevant passage in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta is- "sulehu hulamti'. Here too the meaning 'pierce, thrust' suits quite well So it is not necessary to interpret it otherwise Cf ✓ hul occurring 11 this very sense in JC at 3 24 6 & 2 17 8 (glossed suladyaropane), cf. H₁. hulna= 'to pierce, to thrust'] 1314 Hevaia-29 14 11 'enraged, became angry' [=kupita-(gl) The relevant passage is-"kudhi laggau pisunu abhaggau isavasu hevatu" - 'the unfortunate rogue angered due to Jealousy followed in pursuit' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it Cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary hevoka-= 'a whim, caprice'. See hevaiddha- and veliavia-.] 1315 Hevaiddha-32 20 4 (v 1 vehaiddha-'indignant, enraged. angered'. [Vaidya renders it with kupita-. Two manuscripts record vehaiddhaas the reading and in both the cases, meaning is the same. The relevant passage is "hevaiddhe sattu thambhui"-'indignantly paralysing its motion through his power'. Cf vehavia- rosavista-, 'filled with anger' (D 7 96) See hevara-, vehavia-] 1316. Hohallaru jo jo-4 4 14 (v. 1 hullaru v 1 jo ho v 1 ho ho) 'the text or the wordings of a lullaby'. [='ho ho jaya jaya tvam' iti sabdah (gl), PSM does not note it] The relevant passage which is the first line of the lullaby is as follows "hohallaru jo jo suhu suahi pai panavamtau bhuyaganu". 'while you happily sleep listening to the lullaby, the mankind bow down to you' The gloss takes "hohallaru" to mean 'some fondling meaningless rhythmic syllables' which we find generally used in the nursery rhymes and lullabies, and lullabies, but "ammahiraa" is ulready used in the sense of 'a lullaby' Otherwise it is tempting to take "hohallaru" as made up of "ho", the interjection and "hallaru"= 'a lullaby Cf. Kasmiri- ho ho 'lullaby' (See Naravane's Bharatiya Vyavahar Kos); cf. G halardu= 'a lullaby' See hallaru and ammahiraa

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