Mahapurana of Puspadanta (critical study)
by Ratna Nagesha Shriyan | 1962 | 113,825 words
This essay in English studies the Mahapurana by Puspadanta highlighting the Desya and rare words from this and other Apabhramsa works. Understanding Desi or Deshya words is essential for comprehending Prakrit and Apabhramsa literature. This study focuses on a systematic examination of Desya or Deshi vocabulary, particularly through the works—Mahapu...
Part 2.3 - Items partly derivable from Sanskrit; (A) Through Prakrit suffixation
463. A-rahilla-65 9 2 'manifest or omniscient.' - [=prakatah (gl); the relevant passage is -"aru arahillu jagi succai". Though the gloss renders a-rahilla- with prakata-, sarvajna- also suits the context, as nothing is considered secret from the Lord, he is omniscient; and the passage can be rendered as follows 'It is beard in the world that Ara Tirthankara is omniscient', cf Paiasaddamahannavo araha= pra. kata-, sarvajna-, Pk a-raha is derived from Sk a-rahas+ suffix -illa-, arahilla-, 'one who knows everything, omniscient,.' ] 464. Alahi-26 7 2 'an indeclinable indicating prohibition or prevention'. [=pratisedhe avyayam (gl), cf, alahi nivarane (H 2 189). The word is made up of the base of Sanskrit alam and Prakrit ablative ending -ahui ] 465, NoAvad-'to know,' 'to appear to be', 'to be familiar with (a thing)': avadai (pres. 3 s) 73 6 12, 74 3 8, 76 6 16, avadia-(past participle) 61 16 10. [=abhasate, bhasate, jnatam (gl), the relevant passage at 76 6 16 1 s-"vanu mahu avada nam lacchi kerau jovvanu" - 'the garden appears to me as though it is the youth of the goddess of wealth.' Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. cf. Vavad- occurring in the above sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu III, cf. G avad-vu- 'to know how to do a thing.'] " In the present-day languages of Northern India and also in Dravidian languages, words signifying 'to know, to have a skill of doing a thing' are expressed by the roots meaning 'to come' Compare Hindi ana, M yene, Kon, yeonce, Kannada bar- These are identical with the roots signifying 'to come.' In Hindi "ana" is used with a change of connotation as, "mujhe ata nahi "- 'I don't know' Similarly with the root yene in Marathi, yevnce in Konkani, and bar- in Kannada. Compare the semantic development of the Kannada root bar- as noted by Kittel's Kannada English Dictionary; Kannada bar-= 'to accrue (to any one etc.), to be gotten: (anything) to come into and be in the possession (of any one so as to understand and use it), to become an acquisition', The root signifying, 'to have a skill of doing a thing' in Gujarati is avad-; cf. G. avad-vu= 'to be familiar with a thing, to know (how to do a thing)' And it is the same as attested in Apabhramsa. Now, Nouvad- can be related to Sanskrit apat-. But in view of the parallels attested from other languages, it is worth considering whether this avad in its origin is nothing but an extension with -ad- of the Apabhramsa Nav-, 'to come.'
. Oilla- 11 5 4 (v 1 uvarilla-) 'an upper garment. 133 [=upantana (gl). this meaning fits in more with the variant uvarilla-, while oilla means, 'which is already referred to earlier' It occurs in old G. and is current in modern Gujarati- olyuz 'that one' (used iu Saurastra). This is derived from apara-+-ill-= avarilla-, of varillaoccurring in Kams in the sense of 'a garment.' Here the editor traces it to upara- on the analogy of uttariya-. Alternatively he connects it to the root or-, 'to cover' with the suffix-illa-1 Tessitori in his 'notes on Grammar of the Old Western Rajasthani' observes as follows: " is occasionally elided, when falling between two vowels of which the second is i. Example - olu (Mu)<*orlau<*orilau Apabhramsa <*orillau, *avanillau aparilakah"2. 467. Ollaniya-88 19 7 (v.) ullaniya-) 'a dhoti, a bath-towel' [=potika= (snana-sal) (gl) the context is of bathing; ollaniya- is that which is drenched with water; hence it may be 'a piece of cloth worn while bathing'; cf, Paiasaddamahannavo ollana-= 'moistening, making wet' and ullaniya-= ardrayanika, 'a bath-towel', cf. M. olane= 'the cloth which the people of a house-bold wear during ablution'. For the word potika given in the gloss, see Appeddix ollaniya- is ollana-+ika, suffix. See ulla- and olla-. ] 468. Kamsala-4 11 10 'a cymbal' [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo kamsala= vadya-visesa (H. 2 92), cf. kamsala= 'a bellmetal musical instrument' (Brihatkatha-kosa) and kamsyatala= 'a cymble or a huge bell' (Supplement to J.O.I. Baroda, vol. X, no.2, p. 120). cf also kamsattala= 'cymbal' (Candralekha) Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary records kamsya in the sense of 'a kind of musical instrument (a sort of gong or plate of bell-metal struck with a stick or rod)'. kamsala- 1 s connected with Sanskrit kamsja (from No kams-, 'to shine, glitter')= 'bell-metal' +-ala-suffix.] 469. Kadilla-44 5, 70 15 9,86 10 6, 88 19 5, 88 19 14 'a lower garment, a dhoti'. [=paridhana-vastra, katastra (gl.); cf kadilla- kativastra, 'a lower garment' (D. 2 52, Pa. 117, Trivikrama 21 30, 48); cf kadilla- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 17 9), PC II, Bb, Lilavar and CMC (p. 208, line 13) The word can be derived from Sanskrit kati, Prakrit kadi illa- suffix or -lla- suffix. ] 470 Kanailla-3 4 5 (v. 1. kanayalla-), 13 7 7, 16 12 16, 72 8 5 'a parrot'. [=suka- (gl.), at 345 the commentator renders it with krida-suka-; cf. kanailla suka, 'a parrot' (D. 2 21, Pai 291, Trivikrama 2 1 80, 2); TriviI See Kamravaho, Upadhye A. N, Bombay, 1940, notes, p, 180, 2. See Indian Antiquary, vol. XLII, 1914, p. 85, 30,
krama connects it with kanat-- lata, 'creeper'. Ramanujaswami also supports this view. But it can be better associated with kana-= 'grain of rice' rather than with creepers; see Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen § 590 for kanaillawhich he splits as kana-+-illa-; cf. MW hanapriya (L)= 'fond of grains, a sparrow'.] 471. Karima-47 15, 20 23 11, 59 2 6, 84 3 4 'artificial'. [=krtrima (gl.), cf. karima-= kriruna-, 'artificial' (D. 2 27; Trivikrama 2 1 30, 108); cf. harima- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (4 18 1), Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra The word is an ima- derivation from the causal base of Sanskrit √kr-.] 472. Kokk- to call, to summon'. kokkai (press. 3 c.) 78 5 2; kokki(y)a- (pp) 5 17 15, 14 14 9, 26 16 11, 28 23 9, 293 6, 29 19 1, 39 5 1, 83 11 6, 89 15 14, 90 16 6, 91 17 1, 101 14 11, kokkaa-(pp.) 58 19 1, hokhyjai (pass. pres. 3 s) 39 8 9; hokkaviya- (causative pp) 20 22 7, 29 27 9, 50 4 7. [=nama dattam (gl.), cf. /kokk-= oi+athy-, 'to call' (H 4 76; Trivikrama 3 1 30, 34), cf. No kokk- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, KC Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , cf. M. koh-ne= 'to yell or howl' N kokk- is a new forma tion from the Sanskritic base ku-1; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary ku= 'to sound, cry out'.] 473 Gabilla-32 17 9, 38 35 'insane, possessed by unreasonably strong predilection.' [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo gahilla-(D)=avesayukta- and gahila-= graihla (Trivikrama 1 3 25), cf. gahilla- occurring in this sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta and Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , cf. also grathila= "simple, crazy' and grahilata= 'craze' (Supplement to J.OI, Baroda, vol. X, no 3. pp 129 & 130), cf. MW grahila= 'possessed by a demon' (Hemacandra's Parisista), cf. Old G. gahilu= Modern G. ghelu= '11 dugent, mad, unreasonably given to' gahilla- is connected with Sanskrit graha-+-illa-suffix ] 474. Gobila-36 6 2, 59 6 7, 69 26 1, 82 8 9 'denseness, depth.' - [=gahvara-, nibida-, saghana-(gl.), the relevant expressions are -"giriguhila" and "vana-guhila", cf. Paiasaddamahannavo guvila-gahana, and guhira- (D)= gambhira-, 'deep', of guhila- occurring at PC I 6 5 3 and Paumacariu of Svayambhu II 27 14 9 guhila- may be connected with Sk guha-+-la-suffix (guhay ukta-) ] 475. Cakkala- 61 9 9, 72 12 10 'rounded.' 1. [The word occurs twice, at one place, the commentator renders it with "mbida-" and at the other with "vistirna", the sense 'rounded' See 'Cognates of Puja', Bailey, H W, Adyar Library Bulletin, vol XXV, parts 1-4 1961 , p 4
fits well in both the occurrences, cf, cakkala-= vartula- 'round', 'visala-, 'exter sive' (D 3 20, Tr 21 30, 112), cf cakkala- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. , CMC (P 186, line 4) and paricakkaliya- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I. cakkala- 1 s Sanskrit cakra- extended with -la- suffix.] 476. Caccikk-'to anoint, besmear' caccihkiya-(past participle) 12 12 4 (v.1. cicakkiya-). [The relevant expression is -"pamka-caccikkiya"- 'besmeared with mud. cf. caccikka mandita-, 'adorned' (D 3 4), caccikka-= vile pana-(H. 2 174) and cacca= sthasaka-, 'perfuming the body with fragrant unguents' (D.3 19)' cf. also caccikka-= sthasaka- (Tr 14 121, 88); caccikkiyaoccurs in this very sense at Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 195 and the relevant expression is, "kaddama-caccikkiya"-"besmeared with mud', cf. caccikkiya- and caccikkaoccurring in PC II, PV, caccikka- in Lilaval, caccamkiya- in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I and SR and carc-, 'to anoint' in Tri II. √caccikk- is derived from Sanskrit ✓ carc-+-ikk- suffix Compare Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary carcita= 'smeared with, covered with' (MBh.), carcana(L)= 'laying on (unguent)' and carcikya (L)= 'smearing the body with unguents' The last one is but a Sanskritisation.] 477. Cukk-'to flee from, to escape unharmed, to miss, to stray or wander' cukkar, (pres 3. s) 4 85,52 cukkahi (pres 2 s) 69 13 23, 889 11, 9, 10 13 13, 11 3 14, 14 86, 16 18 10, 18 2 1, 38 19 14, 46 11 2, 47 11 2, 49 10 12, 51 1 12, 54 11 9, 54 17 12, 60 8 3, 60 8 10, 70 7 2, 71 9 7, 71 14 4, 72 12 8, 74 16 13, 75 7 11, 76 3 12, 81 14 13, 92 18 3,92 21 12, 102 102 5 7, cukkahu(imp 2. pl ) 7 9 12,, cukkamta (pres p) 74 14 10; cukkaa- (p p.enl) 98 20 3. [Compare ✓ cukk-bhrams-, 'be lost, fall' (H.4 177), cf. cukk- occurring in this sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (2 14 7), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, KC, PC I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III. For the NI.A derivatives see Turner's Nepali Dictionary cuknu= 'to overlook doing something, be in fault, miss'. No cukk- is connected with Sk u-, 'to fall, drop down, slip'+kka, suffix,] 478. Celi(y)a-34 7 (v.1.celaa-), 35 185 'a particular kind of cloth, a garment'. phali (?)(gl) [=vastrasati, phal (?) (gl) The relevant passage at 35 18 5 1 s-"pujivi celiya-rayanaharana-visesah? "- 'honouring with garments and Jewelled ornaments' cf. PSM celiya-vastra-; cf celia- occurring in this sense in JC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary celika= 'a corset, bodice' (Padma Purana). For the word phali- given 111 the gloss see Appendix. celiya- 1 s connected with Sanskrit cela-, 'a garment'+-ika- suffix. Chatter observes
or as follows on the word ccla- "the form cela- seems to be a Prakritic modification of Sanskrit ctra, 'a strip, long narrow piece of bark cloth, rag, tatter clothes' found for the first time in the Taittiriya Aranyaka". 479. Chailia-32 20 5, 57 9 11 'shrewd, skilled, clever, wise'. [=dhurta-, catura-(gl.), cf. chailla-vidagdha, 'clever' (D.3 24; Trivikrama 3 4 72, 383, Pa. 193); cf. chea-vidagdha(Tr 3 4 72, 385), cf. chailla occurring in this sense in Usaniruddha of Ramapanivada (158) and Vajjalaggam (14): cf. chekata= 'skill, cleverness' (Tri III) Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen connects chailla-with Sk chad-(see Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen §595), cf MW cheka-= 'clever, shrewd'. (Jain, Hemacandra's Parisistaparvan) and chekala(L), chekila(L)= 'clever', chailla-1 s connected with Sanskrit chau-, 'beauty'+illa suffix=chailla- 'beautiful, charming' and then either under the influence of cheka-+illa-=cheilla, meaning, 'skilful, clever' or independently it might have developed the meaning "vidagdha-, catura-".] 480. Challi-37 20 10, 71 17 6 'skin, scum (of water).' 481 [Compare challi= toak-, 'the skin' (D 3 24, Pal. 340), cf. challi-occurring in this very sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta, cf Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary challi(L)= 'bark'; cf. G., Hindi chal-, M. sal-= 'skin', challi-1 s derived from Sanskrit chad-, to cover't suffix-n-; --] Cheilla-20 3 12 (v.1. cheyalla-), 40 15 7, 49 11 10, 58 13 10, 102 6 10 'last, final. [=antima_(gl.), cheilla- at 49 11 10 is rendered with amavasya, 'the newmoon day' as this is the last day of the dark half of the lunar month. Compare G. chellu 'last' chella- 1 s connected with Sanskrit cheda-, 'limit't-illa-suffix. See chea-] 482. Janera-10 5 9, 69 35 13 'father'. [=janaka, pita(gl.), cf. PSM janera= 'father', cf. Janera- occurring 11 this sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II & Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ; cf. janeri= 'mother' (Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta 58 15). connected with Sanskrit Jana-(from Njan-, 'to be born')+ Jonera- 1 s 1 S agentive suffix -yara- (from Sanskrit -kara-).] 483. Jhalakka-17 13 6, 74 1 22, 74 8 6, 83 13 1 (v.1. jhulukka) 'a splash'. [=dhara(gl), at 83 13 1 the word is used metaphorically like dhara-, and refers to 'the edge of the sword'. It means, 'the splash of the "water" of the sword'. Alsdorf gives the word, with a query. At 17 18 6 the relevant expression is -"jala-jhalakha"- 'splash of water'. This is loosely rendered by Vaidya with purnanjal on the strength 1. See "Some Etymological Notes", Chattern, S K, New Indian Antiquary vol 2,p 422.
receive or contain of M. culuk 'the palm hollowed (so as to especially a liquid)'. jhatakka- occurs at JC 35 11, where it 1 S rendered with kvath-, here jhalakka- appears to be a misprint for jhalakka-. As to the meaning, it is the same as in the MP passages cited above. The meaning 'splash' suits the context and the relevant passage 1 s- "tyaduya_toya-jhalakki sittau"- '(he) was sprinkled with the water of the three spices'. jhalakka- occurs at PC I 4 10 4 and 4 10 7 in this very sense; cf. G. jhalka-vu- 'splash out from a container'. Turner connects jhalak (s v. Turner's Nepali Dictionary jhalak) with *jhalakka-, extension of *ghala-, 'sudden motion'. See jhalakka- below and jhalu. kkia- and jhulakka-.] 484. Jhalakka-34 2 11,98 15 12 'heat, flame'. [=ausnya, jvala(gl), cf. jhalakkia= dagdha, 'burnt' (H 4 395, Trivikrama 34 64) and jhalumkia= dagdha, 'burnt' (D 3 56), there seems to be some confusion between the spellings of the word; of also PSM jhulukka (D)= akasmat prakasa, 'sudden flare-up' So, jhalakka-primarily means 'burning'. Hence the verbal noun would give the meaning 'sudden sensation of burning', it can loosely be rendered with juala, 'flame', cf. No jhalak-= jual-(SR); cf. G. jhalka-vu- 'to shine brightly'. Hindi jhalak-= 'a glimpse, flash, glitter', M, Kon jhalak-, G Jhalak= scorched' cf. MW 'lustre, sparkling'; cf. also M, jhal lagne= to be 1 halakka(L)= 'a large flame'. See ND Jhalak= 'brightness' and jhal. kanu 'to flash, glisten', jhalakka- is an extension of *ghala, 'sudden motion'. See jhalakka- above and jhalukkia- and jhulakka.] 485. Jbalokkia-29 23 11 (v 1 jhulukkiya-) 'flared up'. [=santapita-(gl); cf. jhulukkiya= joalita (Paumacariu of Svayambhu II). See jhalakka, and jhulakka-.] 486 Jhulakka-61 7 10 'a flame'. [Joala-(gl.), the relevant expression 15-"virahaggi-jhulakka" - 'the flame of the fire in the form of separation', cf. /jhulukk-= 'burn' (Paumacariu of Svayambhu III). See jhalakka- and jhalukkia-.] two-fold All the three words jhalakka-, jhalukkia- and jhulakka- appear to go back to Sk base joal-. The initial cluster has received a treatment. In one case assimilation gives us - and subsequently jh- and in another case Samprasarana has given us ju- and the jhu- 487. Namka-39 9 7 (v.1. nakka-) 'nose'. [=nasika(gl.) cf nakka= ghrana, 'the nose' (D 4 46), cf. nakka-occutring in this very sense in JC (3 103) and NC; cf. H₁, M, G. nak, Kon, nak= 'nose'. Connected with Sanskrit nas-+-ka-suffix] 18
. Namanaa- 11 31 6(v.1.nummanaa-) 'having the name,' named,' 'called'. [The gloss has before it the reading nimmanau and hence the rendering mirmanam, 'creation', namanaa- is most probably made of nama-+ possessive suffix -anaya- and is equivalent to Sanskrit namavat, 'named". The relevant passage is "tanuamgoamgu vi namanau" 'Also (the karman) having the name tanvamgovamga'.] 489 Tarua- 25 9 3 'a helmsman, a pilot'. - [=karnadhara(gl.); Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it. Connected with Sk √r-, 'to carry across or beyond' +-uka- suffix ] 490. Tiyamai - 39 95 'a lady'. [=stri (gl.); cf. tiyamar occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, PCI, PC III. tiyamai, is an extension of Sanskrit stri- ] 491. Tuha-17 12 8, 29 89 'the bank or shore of a river'. [= tata-, rodha-(gl); cf, tuha-= saridavatara-, 'a landing place in a river' (D. 5 16; H. 1 104), cf. tuha- occurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I & PC III. Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen postulates a word *turtha- to explain the etymology of tuha(See Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen § 58). tuha- is derived from Sanskrit N-, 'to swim', extended with -tha- suffix ] 492. Pakokk- 'to call, summon' pakokkia (pp) 43 3 6, 44 6 8, 66 9 9. [Compare No pakokk- occurring in JC (3 34 8); pra-+kokk-, see √kokk-.] 493. Pakkala- 14 7 5, 54 13 13, 78 4 8, 93 7 12 'competent, able, capable'. [=samartha, pragalbha(gl) In all the occurrences of Mahapurana of Puspadanta and of Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta and NC, pakkala- qualifies parkka-, 'foot-soldiers', cf. Paiasaddamahannavo pakkala- (D)= samartha-, sakta-(H 2 174) and pakka-= samartha-, 'competent' (D 6 64) and also paccala= samartha, 'competent' (D. 6 69); cf pakkalaoccurring in this very sense at JC 1 15 20 and NC 4 14 5, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, Gathasaptasati & Vajjalaggam (160). Derived from Sk pakya+la- suffix. 494. Pattala- 17 10 1, 468 13, 49 11 11, 70 10 8, 71 6 9, 73 25 3, 74 14 11, 90 14 7, 94 16 16 'thin, slender, lean, sharp'. [Vaidya renders pattala- at 17 10 1 with sundara-, 'beautiful'. For the connection between the meaning krsa- and sundara-, compare the two meanings of the Sanskrit word "tanu-" and the English word "fine"] 1 See "The Late Middle Indo-Aryan Suffix -ana-", Bhayani, HC Adyar Library Bulletin Vol xxv, Parts 1-4, 1961, pp. 311-320.
(semantically the same development occurs). Compare pattala-= tiksna- 'sharp, krsa-, 'lean, emaciated' (D. 6 14), cf. pattala- occurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta (1 17 14 & 4 8 7), Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta & Paumacariu of Svayambhu III; cf.M., Kon patal, H 1. patla= 'slim, lean, slender,' See ND patalo= 'thin, slender, fine, small' Turner connects it with Sanskrit patralah= 'leafy, leaf-like'. pattala is derived from Sanskrit patra-+-la-suffix See pattaliya- below aud supattala-.] 495 Pattaliya- 40 4 6 'a slim lady'. [ Compare pattalya- occurring in this sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta 21 12. See pattala-.] 496 Parihana-19 2 1, 23 3 13, 24 9 14 (v.1 parhana-), 71 16 8, Parihana 46 10 5, 79 11 1 (v.1. parihana-) 'a garment, dress'. [vastra-(g]); cf. parihana-= paridhana-, 'a garment, a dress' (D 6 21; Pai. 117); cf parhana- occurring in this sense in Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ; cf. Monier Williams's Sanskrit-English Dictionary paridhana= 'a garment (especially) an under garment' (Atharva Veda); cf_M. pehran= 'a sort of shirt or frock especially for children'. parhana is derived from Prakrit No panh- with a suffix -ana- ] 497. Pasuliya- 7 124 (v 1. pamsiliya- v.1. pamsuliya-), 39 17 8, 54 14 6, 82 11 11 'a collection of ribs'. [=parstasthi-sanghata,,parsvasthi, (gl.), cf PSM pamsulia(D)= 'ribs' D. 6 41 records pasallam in the sense of "tryak-", 'slanting, oblique'; cf. pamsuliya-= 'ribs'. (JC, 4 16 4), cf.G. pasli= 'ribs' pasuliya- is derived from Sanskrit parsu-+-la+_ika-.] 498. Pisalla-20 35, 31 23 8, 38 3 5, 38 5 8, 78 2 12, 81 28 'a demon, a fiend". [= pisaca-(gl); cf. PSM pisalla-= pisaca-(H 1 193), cf pisalla-=pisaca- (Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta) Connected with Sk pisaca-, Prakrit pisaa-+-lla-suffix See pisalliand pisalliya-. ] 499 Pisalliya 34 1 2, 34 1 7 'possessed by demon'. [=pisaca-grahita-(gl.). See pisalla- and pisalli- ] 500. Pisalli-71 6 12 'a female goblin'. [See pisalla and pisalliya-. ] 501. Pedhala 71 6 8 'extensive', 'broad' [=vistirna-(gl); cf pedhala-= pula, 'wide, extensive' (D 67, Pa1 148), Hemacandra says, that according to Drona, pedhala- means cartula-, 'round'; cf pedhala occurring in this very sense in CMC (p. 186, line 4, p. 208 line 14 etc.) Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen connects it with Sanskrit pinda-, (See
Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen § 122). More properly we may connect it with Sanskrit pitha-, Prakrit pedha possessive suffix -ala-, being equivalent to Sanskrit pilharat-, 'having a broad base'.] 502. Bohittha- 17 4 4, 59 8 1, 68 1 2, 73 12 4, 98 16 12, 98 17 1, 101 8 4 'a boat,' 'a ship'. ☐ 1 [=nauh, pravahana-, nauka(gl.), cf. bohittha-= pravahana-, 'a ship' (D. 6 96), Ramanujaswami, the editor of Desinamamala takes the word pravahana-, and consequently the word bohittha-, to mean 'a litter or carriage' But it is equivalent to nauka-, as bohuttha is known only in that sense It is used by Puspadanta also in the sense of nauka-. Moreover, pavahana- is known to mean 'a boat' in Prakrit; cf. bohitthaoccurring in this sense in Karakamdacariu, Brihatkatha-kosa, Prabandha Kosa, bohitthain Up K., vohittha-in PC III Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. (3 25 2); cf. bodhistha- also occurring in this very sense in Brihatkatha-kosa; this is a Sanskratisation of Pk bohittha- bohitthaconnected with Sk √vah-, 'to carry, convey'+suffix- tra-, Apabhramsa -ttha-] - 503 Bhauha 2 16 10, 6 2 5 (v.1. bhauha-), 22 8 2, 54 9 3, 65 22 7 'eyebrow'. [=bhru~, bhrukuti- (gl); cf Paiasaddamahannavo bhauha-, bhamuha- bhru-, cf. bhauhaoccurring in this very sense in Jasaharacariu of Puspadanta, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. and bhauha- in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta In giving the etymology of bhumaa, Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen postulates a stage like *bhruvaka (See Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen §124, 206 & 261.)] 504. Madaulla-23 7 7, 65 21 6, 83 6 1 'a corpse', 's dead body'. [=mrtaka-(gl.), derived from Sanskrit mrta-+ Pleonastic suffix -ulla-. See madaya-.] 505. Mahalla-17 15 2, 28 2 5, 45 11 7, 60 19 6, 86 5 9 'old, aged'. [=mahattara-, vrddha-(gl.), cf. mahalla- vrddha-, 'old, aged' (D. 6 143); cf mahalla- occurring in this very sense in JC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu I, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, Bhavisayattakaha of Dhanapala. ; cf. MW mahalla(L)= 'a eunach in a king's palace or 111 a harem'. Apte's Student's Sanskrit-English Dictionary considers mahalla- of Arabic origin. mahalla- is derived from Sanskrit mahat, Prakrit maha-+-lla- suffix See mahilla-] 506. Mahilla-32 20 5 (v.1. mahalla-) 'old, aged'. [See mahalla-] 507 Muhiya-16 4 9 'in vain' 'for nothing'. [=mudha, vrtha (gl), cf. muhiam= evamevakaranam, 'doing just so' (D. 6 134) and mulia=mrsakaranam(Tr 34 72, 445); cf. muhiyae occurring 1 See Desinamamala, Ramanujaswami, Paumacariu of Vimalasuri, Poona 1938, Glossary, p. 65
in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I and Paumacariu of Svayambhu II glossed as "evameva"; cf. muhyar in this very sense occurring in Bh and JC (3 29 7) Derived from Sk mudha+ ika- suffix.] 297) 508 Mokkala-7 24 11, 23 18 8, 87 1 7, 91 3 5 'free' 'loose', 'not bound', 'released'. [At 7 24 11 and 87 17 mokkala- qualifies kesa-, komtala-, 'hair' and means 'unbound or loosened (hair)'; cf. Paiasaddamahannavo mukkala-(D)= bandhanamukta and mukkalam=svairam, 'as one likes' (D 6 147); cf. mokkalaoccurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I & CMC (p. 60, line 9), in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I also mokkala- qualifies kesa-, cf mutkala- 'free' (Prabandha Kosa 89, 3 & 91, 26), cf. M. mokla 'loose, not clotted or crowded together, free, relieved'. Derived from Sanskrit mukta-+-la-suffix. See ✔ mokkall- and mokkalu.] 509. Mokkala-59 18 6 'spontaneously', 'accidentally'. [-yadrcchaya(gl) the relevant passage is - "Jenehau bhastu mokkalau "- 'when he said this accidentally'. See mokkala- and 510. Mokkall-'to send, set free, release'. mokkall-.) mokkallahi (pres 2. s) 84 14 12; mokkallia-(pp) 19 18, 13 5 10 (v.1. mokalliya-), 31 298, 74 16 12, 78 14 1 - [Compare Paiasaddamahannavo ✓ mokkal and √mokall-= 'to send', of √ mokkalloccurring in this very sense in NC, PC III & Bh, cf. mutkalayati= 'lets free, takes one's leave' (Prabandha Kosa- 33, 18, 38, 9, 128, 6 etc) and mutkalapana= 'leave-taking' Prabandha Kosa- 89, 14), cf. G. mokal-vu= 'to send, despatch' and M. mokal-ne= 'to set free'. Derived from Sk mukta+ll-suffix See mokkala- and mokkalu, ] 511 Rahalli-4 15 12, 25 11 11, 45 6 8, 71 17 12 'a wave,' 'a billow.' [=lahari, kallola-, kallolamala (gl), Paiasaddamahannavo does not note it, cf rahallioccurring in this very sense in Paumacariu of Svayambhu I; cf G. laher, H 1. lahar= 'a wave.' Connected with Sk rabhas-, Prakrit rahas-, 'speed' +lli- suffix.] 512. Vivarera-11 30 1, 32 11 12, 44 99, 51 7 7, 54 98, 57 4 10, 57 15 2, 60 14 12, 87 6 3,92 20 2, 94 3 9, 98 9 21 'adverse," unfavourable', 'inverted,' 'disagreeable'. [=viparita-, pratikula- (gl.); at 32 11 12, varera is loosely rendered with vihoala-; here vama, 'cross' fits the context, of Paiasaddamahannavo acarera s vi paruta,, partikula-, 'inverted, reverse' (H 4. 424, illustration 1), cf. Divarera- occurring in this very sense in JC (3 29 11), Bh, PC I PC III etc. Tagare connects vivarera- with Sanskrit viparita+ira- suffix.
Because -Ira- is taken by verbal base we can assume *vvarl- as the verbal base +ira-, for the change of -- to -e- see H. 1 85] 513 Visamthula-7 24 11, 60 14 8, 71 5 11, 76 1 11, 78 28 3, 85 12 3, 100 6 10 'agitated', 'unsteady', 'distressed', 'unnerved', 'enfeebled', 'perplexed'. [=sithila-, sithila-gatra-(gl), cf Paiasaddamahannavo visamthula-= vihvala-, vyakula, (H 2 32, 'Pa 931), cf. visamthula- occurring in this very sense in SR, Paumacariu of Svayambhu II, PC III, Vajja (194), cf. also visamsthula= 'disordered, dishevelled' (Tri III), cf. MW visamsthula-, visamsthula= 'unsteady, infirm, tottering, confused, frightened' (Hemacandra's Yogasastra); Monier Williams connects it with Prakrit visamthula- visamthula- is con nected with Sk vitsamstha+ula- suffix. See visamthuliya- below.] 514 Visamthuliya-65 22 12, 72 7 7 'unsteady, infirm, agitated'. [Compare samthuliya- occurring in this sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta (2 13 1). See visamthula- above] 515 Samkadilla-14 7 7 'fully packed', 'dense'. [The relevant passage 1 s-"komta-karavala-cava-samghaya-samkadillam"- 'thickly packed with the multitude of lances, swords and bows'. samkadilla- occurs in JC at 132 and 3 13 14 and is glossed as vyapta-, the relevant expressions are -1) "maya-samkadilla" - 'pervaded with mada-' and 2) simgavali-samkadilla" - "dense with rows of horus' vyapta- 1 s rather the purport than the literal meaning of samkadilla- and this is equivalent to Sk akirna, cf smkadilla- occurring in this very sense in Caupanna Mahapurisacariu of Silanka (p 232, line 32) and samkadillayain PC II D. 85 equates samkadilla- with nischidra-, which in the light of these occurrences should be taken to mean, 'packed so as not to leave any gap or loop-hole' Hence, Ramanujaswami's translation of nischidra- and consequently of samkadilla- is incorrect 1 samkadilla- is derived from Sk sankata+illa- suffix, of MW sankata= 'crowded together, dense, impassable'] 516. Sisakka-54 14 5, 77 39, 77 13 13, 78 17 1, 88 5 7 'a helmet'. [=strastrana- (gl); cf sisakka cf sisakka = siraskam, sirastranam, 'a helmet' (D 8 34) and sisakka sirah patram(Tr 13 105, 78), cf sisakka- occurring in this sense in NC, Paumacariu of Svayambhu III etc, cf MW MW sirsaka(L)= 'a cap or helmet. Tagare connects it with sirsaska- Derived from Sanskrit strsa= +ka-] 517. Supattala-85 21 7 'very slim, very slender' [su-paltala- See pattala ] 1. See Desinamamala, Ramanujaswami, PV, Poona, 1938, Glossary, p. 81
. Suhilla-86 10 6 'happiness'. [See suhill- and suhelli-] 519 Sohilli-25 16 13 'happiness'. [=sukha-parampara-(gl) Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen derives suhilli-from Sk sukha-+suffix -illa-. (See Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen §107). See suhilla- and suhelli-.] 520 Suhelli-44 9 6, 54 18 6, 70 15 7, 76 6 2, 80 8 6, 99 12 13, 100 7 2 'happiness, Joy'. [=sukha-parampara, sukha(gl), cf. suhelli- sukham, happiness' (D. 8 36; Pa1 427), suhelli- occurring in this sense in Nayakumaracariu of Puspadanta Jain and Tagare connect suhell with Sanskrit sukha-+keli-, Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen derives suhalli from sukha-+ suffix - alla- (See Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen § 107) suhell is derived from Sanskrit sukhailla- suffix See suhilla- and suhilli-.] -