Bhagavati-sutra (Viyaha-pannatti)
by K. C. Lalwani | 1973 | 185,989 words
The English translation of the Bhagavati-sutra which is the fifth Jaina Agama (canonical literature). It is a large encyclopedic work in the form of a dialogue where Mahavira replies to various question. The present form of the Sutra dates to the fifth century A.D. Abhayadeva Suri wrote a vritti (commentary) on the Bhagavati in A.D. 1071. In his J...
Part 5 - Monk’s power to fly over a mountain
Q. 104. Bhante! Is a monk with an advanced soul capable, without the aid of external matter, to fly over the Vaibhāra hill and to fly back?
Q. 105. Bhante! Is a monk with an advanced soul capable, with the aid of external matter, to fly over the Vaibhāra hill and to fly back?
A. 105. Yes, he is.
Q. 106. Bhante! Is a monk with an advanced soul capable, without the aid of external matter, to transform himself into as many forms as there exist in the city of Rājagṛha, and then enter into the Vaibhāra hill, transform it from smooth into rough, or from rough into smooth?
A. 106. Gautama! This is not correct... the second observation to be repeated...speciality being, (he is capable) when equipped with (external matter).
Notes (based on commentary of Abhayadeva Sūri):
(There is no commentary available for this section).