Self-Knowledge in Krishnamurti’s Philosophy

by Merry Halam | 2017 | 60,265 words

This essay studies the concept of Self-Knowledge in Krishnamurti’s Philosophy and highlights its importance in the context of the present world. Jiddu Krishnamurti was born in 1895 to a Telugu Brahmin family in Madanapalli. His father was as an employee of the Theosophical Society, whose members played a major role in shaping the life of Krishnamur...


In pursuance of this Ph.D. course, I really owed to convey my thanks to many of my teachers, friends, family members and well-wishers.

My deepest gratitude goes to respected supervisor Dr. Shakuntala Bora, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Gauhati University, Guwahati. Her enthusiasm to supervise me from the outset is a great inspiration, which ultimately helps in the completion of my research works. Without doubt, I regard myself as one of the lucky few who could have the opportunity to work under her supervision. In short, she is not only a supervisor but is also a mentor for me. I, therefore, would like to take this opportunity to convey a word of thanks to her–Thank You Madam.

I would also like to express my thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching staffs of the Department of Philosophy, Gauhati University, Guwahati, for their encouragement and all the possible help at various levels of my research work. It is through their advice and support that inspired me, in my endeavor to complete the research work.

I am also indepted to convey my highest honour to University Grants Commission (UGC), North-Eastern Regional Office (NERO), for providing Fellowship under Faculty Development Programme. This Fellowship in fact, is of great help for smooth pursuance of my research work. In addition I am also thankful to Krishnamurti Foundation of India, Chennai, for their kind cooperation in providing necessary materials and information for my research work.

I feel honour-bound to thank my beloved parent Mr. Torkhamril Halam and Mrs. Ditluahoi Halam, and my brothers and sister, who relentlessly extend their mental and psychological support in every facet of my research works.

My special adoration goes to my beloved husband Mr. Antiarbum Ranglong, Assistant Professor, M.M.D. College, Sabroom, South Tripura, for his unwavering support, and who always stands in my weaknesses and shortcomings.

Research Scholar

Date: 15-12-2017
Place: Gauhati University

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