Musical Instruments in Sanskrit Literature

by S. Karthick Raj KMoundinya | 2008 | 66,229 words

The essay studies the Musical Instruments in Sanskrit Literature and its relationship with the South Indian musical tradition. The study emphasizes the universal appeal of music and documents how it pervades various aspects of life, art, literature, painting, and sculpture. The thesis further examines the evolution of musical instruments from ancie...

Appendix 1 - List of plates: Stringed Instruments

[Full title: Musical Instruments in Sculptures, Pictures, Paintings and Photographs (1) Stringed Instruments]

[Text: APPENDIX Musical Instruments in Sculptures, Pictures, Paintings and Photographs Muthuswami Diksitar's References to Musical Instruments in his Kritis Other Technical facts. Musical Instruments in Sculptures, Pictures, Paintings and Photographs 'Stringed Instruments Wind Instruments Percussion Instruments Musical Instruments as Ensembles. STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - 2 3 4 5 6 7 oo oi 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Kinnari Scraper Daksinamurti Vina Siva playing the Vina Bow Instrument Kinnari Vinadhara Siva Scraper Two-stringed Nakuli Vil Yazh Scraper Makara Yazh Kinnari Kirikattika (also seen Edakka) Siva playing Vina (also seen pot-drum) Vina played by Siva (also seen Ankhya drum and Kar-tal) Vicitra Vina (painting) Buta gana playing Matsya Vina (also seen dancing ganas) 19. Alapini Lute with frets 20. 21. Scraper 22. Alapini (Ekatantri) Nanadruni 23. 24. Tuntuna 25. Gopi yantra 26. Kacchapi 27. 28. 29. 30. Rabab Saptatantri Vina with Kona (Plectrum) Svaramandala Santur (Satatantri Vina) 31. 32. 33. Gettu Vadyam Kullutam (Tribal instrument) Kinnari 34. Saitar with movable frets 35. Vicitra Vina 36. Sarod 37. Sitar 38. Tumburi 39. Tambura 40. Rudra Vina 41. Sarasvati Vina 42. Ek-Tar (Eka Tantri) 43. 44. Esraj Sarangi 45. 46. 47. 48. Vina Kunji Jamukku Vil Yal Do-Tara (Dvi-Tantri Vina) 49. Sarinda 50. Pena 51. Ravana Hasta 52. Violin 53. Pullavan Kutam 54. Villati Vatyam 55. Lute played in Siva's dance. 56. Villu Kottu 57. Villu Pattu group 58. 59. Vina Kunju Bow-shaped Harps 60. Various Stringed Instruments 1. Vina 2. Gottu Vadyam 3. Svarabat 4. Sitar 5. Sitar 61. 62. 63. 64. Various Sringed Instruments 1. Tambura 2. Tuntana 3. 2345 Tambura 4. Ektar 5. 6. Balasarasvati Sarangi Few other Stringed Instruments 1. 2. 3. Svaramandala Tanti-panai Nanduni Dilruba, Arched Harp, Rabab, Esraj, Gopichand and Ektara Vil Yazh, Vichitra vina, Tuntuna and Yazh 65. Sarod, Sitar, Svarmandal, Tumbi, Tambura and Tar-Shehnai.]

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M C Vina-dhara Siva 17. Siva playing Vina 3 swsy (10) 5 73. The gintang. Assam. 296 i 8

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297 =

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21 22 24 23 WWW 25 302

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26 28 27 na | D } ya .D.J DR 9.1 Di 29 30 303

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304 [YO 31 to 32 i ཎ། 36 34 35 33 M

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40 41 39 4.2 305

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(43 44 (45) 46 47 48 306

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49 50 51 52 307

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58 53 54 56 tonsu 0 F 59 En 308 57 W. Bow-shaped harps. Based on Indus valley inscriptions.

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1 2 3 4 5 257-5-5 A 60 1.Vina 2.Gottu Vadyam 3.Svarabat 4.Sitar 5.Sitar 309 1

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1 2 3 4 5 6 6 (6) 310 1.Tambura 2. Tuntina 3.Tambura 4.Ektar 5.Bala Sarasvati 6.Sarangi

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(62 1.Svara Mandala 2.Tanti-Panai 3.Nanduni 311

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Dilruba 63 Esraj AFGR °36' =7" * ?1/2 high Gopichand Arched Harp Rabab 312 Ektara

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4 1 2 3 LO 5 Vil Yazh 64 313 VCTV 177 X 56" Vichitra Vina Tuntuna Yazh

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Sarod Sitar 165 314 Svarmandal Tar Shehnai Tumbi Tambura

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