Studies in Ethnobotany of ‘Nath’ of Bundelkhand region
by Praveen Kumar Khare | 2002 | 36,717 words
The essay studies the Ethnobotany of the ‘Nath’ tribe of Bundelkhand region within the Indian subcontinent. This region represents a convergence of diverse meteorological, climatic, and floral conditions, which provides unique opportunities for ethnobotanical research. The study of human relationships with plants, ethnobotany, reveals the varied an...
Chapter 5 - Enumeration of Plant Species (Ethnobotanical Records of 'Nath' tribe)
This part of dissertation deals with all the ethnobotanical records which are the outcome of the present investigation. During the ethnobotanical survey of 'Nath' tribe, spanning through a period of 4 years (1998 to 2001) a total of 272 species of plants belonging to 74 families were recorded as important plants, used by the tribal people of the area selected for study. The ethnobotanical informations were collected from the tribal people (Nath's) and also from the other people including herbalists, vaidyas, cowherds, sheepherds & goatherds etc. who often have been found using plants for various purposes. The ethnobotanical uses of the plant species were enumerated alongwith its botanical name, local name, habit and ethnobotanical distribution. The plant species marked with the asterisk (*) represent those which have been adjudged to be the new ethnobotanical record from Bundelkhand region where as those with a not equal (#) are the uses of plant species which is endemic to this region. The plant species have been placed alphabetically on the basis of their botanical names under their respective families arranged according to Hooker's system (1872-97) of classification.
RANUNCULACEAE 28 1. Ranunculus sceleratus, Linn. (Jal dhaniya), Herb Loc. The decoction of the leaf is used for the treatment of dendruff and baldness. Crushed fresh leaves are mixed with the oil of Brassica campestris, Linn. to make a paste. The paste is locally applied on eczema and other skin diseases. Banda (U.P.) 992. Ethn.dist. Banda (Saxena and Vyas, 1981), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et al., 1994), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). DILLENIACEAE 2. Dillenia indica, Linn. (Chalta), Tree Loc. The stem bark is pounded in to paste. It is used for the treatment of wounds. Naraini, Banda (U.P.) 528. Ethn.dist. North Eastern India (Arora, 1981; Jain et al., 1997), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993). ANNONACEAE 3. Annona squamosa, Linn. (Shareefa), Shrub The leaves are pounded and used as external application on the wounds of cattle. The expressed juice of leaves is used as oral administration during general dibility. The seeds are grinded and applied on temple for the treat ment of headache.
29 Loc. The root juice is used as oral administration for the treatment of sudden obstraction for urination. Mahoba (U.P.) 251. Ethn.dist. Eastern India (Pal, 1981), Central India (Jain, 1981), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Uttar Pradesh (Negi et. al. 1993 Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996; Singh et al., 1999), Nepal, Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). MENISPERMACEAE 4. Cissampelos pareira, Linn. (Jal Jamini), Creeper Loc. Powdered root mixed with black peeper is used for the treatment of malarial fever. Plants are useful for the treatment of dysentery. The decoction of the root is takin orally for the treatment of cold and cough. Roots are said to be useful for treatment of scorpion sting and insect bite. +Plant used for totam. Jaitpur, Mahoba (U.P.) 385. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena, et. al., 1981), West Bengal (Das et al.. 1983), Sikkim (Krishna & Das, 1983), Himachal Pradesh (Kapoor, 1986). Bihar (Tarafder & Chaudhary, 1981; Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993), Madhya Pradesh (Jain 1965; Shukla et. al. 1991; Jain and Sahu, 1993; Sikarwar, 1993; Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996). Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). - + Totems based on plants (Table 3)
5. Cocculus hirsutus, (Linn.), Diels (Chhirenta), Shrub 30 The leaves are useful for the treatment of gonorrhoea. Loc. Juice of the crushed leaves is given orally to the child suffering from diarrhoea. The powdered stem is prescribed for oral administration in stomachache. Plant is useful for the treatment of fever. Girwan, Banda (U.P.) 1235. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena, et al., 1981), Maharastra (Shah et al., 1983; Mudaliar et al., 1987), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Rajasthan (Singh and Pandey, 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 6. Tinospora cordifolia, (Willd), Miers. (Gurich), Climber. Loc. The decoction of the stem is used for the treatment of fever. The decoction of the stem is used for the treatment of snakebite, cough and general debility. The powdered stem is recommonded as oral administration for the treatment of diabities. Mawai, Banda (U.P.) 1068 Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakrawarty, 1975), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986) Rajasthan (Singh and Pandey, 1996) Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983; Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Roy and Chaturvedi, 1987: Jain 1965; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999) Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti. 2000). NYMPHAEACEAE 7. Nelumbo nucifera, Garden (Kamal), Herb.
Loc. 31 Powdered root is used for the treatment of intestinal disorder. The powdered fruit is used with milk for the treatment of spermatorrhoea. The shoots are cooked as vegetable and also as pickle. Leaves and flower-buds are also cooked as vegetable. Charkhari, Mahoba (U.P.) 1206. Ethn.dist. Assam (Tiwari et al., 1980), North Eastern India (Arora, 1981), Meghalaya (Niyogi et al., 1989), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al. 1989; Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), *8. Nymphaea stellata, Willd. (Gadhhool), Aquatic herb. Loc. The seed are dried and powdered and given orally to cure itch and other skin diseases, Extract of the crushed leaves is used for the treatment of fever. Flowers offered to god. The underground part, locally known as 'Surka' is eaten. Mudhari, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1300. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. PAPAVERACEAE 9. Argemone maxicana, Linn. (Shial-kanta), Herb. * The whole plant is pounded into paste and used to make poultice with brassica oil for the treatment of wounds. The seeds are grinded with brassica oil and made into paste. it is used as local application for the treatment of paralysis. The plant species adjudged with new ethnobotanical records (or uses)
32 Loc. The ripe fruits are smoked and said to be useful for veneral diseases. The seeds are powdered and used as antidote to the snake bite. + Roots used for totem. Ghatera, Mahoba (U.P.) 247. Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Tamil Nadu (Banerjee & Banerjee, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani & Sharma, 1987), Asam & Arunachal Pradesh ( Baruah & Sharma, 1987) Meghalaya (Neogi et al., 1989), Nikobar Island ( Dagar, 1989), Orissa (Aminuddin et al., 1993), Assam ( Borthakur, 1993), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et al., 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996; Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Jain 1965; Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996; Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1996; Anand Kumar, 1996; Vivek Kumar & Jain, 1998), Nepal (Siwakoti & Shiwakoti, 2000). FUMARIACEAE 10. Fumaria parviflora, Lamk. (Papra), Herb. Loc. Powdered plant is recommonded for oral administration in itch and other skin diseases. Ghatera, Mahoba (U.P.) 1305. Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986). CRUCIFERAE 11. Brassica campestris, Linn. (Pili Sarson), Herb. The leaves are used as vegetables.
33 Loc. The oil is used for edible purposses. Oil caces are given to cattle for feeding. The oil is orally administered to the cattle for intestinal worms. The oil mixed with kapoor is externally applied to gout. Mudhari, Hamirpur (U.P.) 289. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Orissa (Amineeddin et al., 1993), Uttar Pradesh ( Singh and Maheshwari, 1985; Saini, 1996). 12. Brassica juncea, H.K. (Rai), Herb. Loc. The oil is used for cooking and to preserve the pickles. The leaves are used as vegetables and also provided to the cattle for feeding. The seeds are used in ring worms. Rampura, Jalaun (U.P.) 286. Ethn.dist. Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987) 13. Brassica nigra, Koch. (Kali Rai), Shrub. Loc. The seeds are used as spices. The powdered seeds with whey is given to the cattle for intestinal worms. Oil acts as an emetic. Kotra, Jalaun (U.P.) 1307. Ethn.dist. North eastern India (Islam. 1986) 14. Raphanus sativus, Linn. (Muli), Herb. The whole plant is used as vegetable. The seeds are grinded with mustard oil and applied in laprosy.. The roots are commonly used as salad.
34 Loc. Kudaura, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1309. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987) Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996). CAPPARIDACEAE 15. Capparis decidua (Forsk) Edgen.(Karil), Shrub. Loc. #The young stem is pounded in to paste and applied externally for the treatment of thrumbophlobites. #The decoction of the root is said to be useful for the treatment of material fever. Chitrakut, Karwi (U.P.) 307. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (sikarwar, 1994), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 16. Cleome viscosa, Linn. (Hurhur), Herb. Loc. The seeds are powdered and recommended for the oral administration to shake bite. The seeds are eaten. Extract of leaves is topically applied for treatment of itch. The juice of the leaves is used for earache. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 386. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder and Chaudhuri, 1981), Maharashtra (Shah et. al., 1983), Meghalaya (Neogi et. al., 1989). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987 ). Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996). Madhya Pradesh ( Samwatsar & Diwanji. 1996). Rajasthan (Sharma, 1990; Das, 1997). 17. Gynandropsis gynandra, Linn. (Hur Hur), Herb. #The leaves are pounded in to paste and applied externally for the treatment of wound. # The information or ethnobotanical use endemic to the area of study.
35 Loc. #The expressed juice of leaves is used for the treatment of earache. The expressed juice of leaves alongwith sugar is taken orally for the treatment of malarial fever. The roots and seeds are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of scorpion sting and snakebite. +The leaves is rolled and tied around the ear for the treatment of ghost effect. Kahra, Hamirpur (U.P.) 763. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Khare & Khare, 1999). *18. Gynandropsis pentaphylla, DC. (Hur Hur), Herb. Expressed juice of the leaves is useful in toothache. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1325. Loc. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. BIXINEAE 19. Flacourtia indica, Merr. (Katai), Shrub. Loc. The roots are used as an antidote to snake bite. The fruits are eaten. Decoction of the bark is used to treat the scabies and other skin diseases. Balabhent, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1332. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987). Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al. 1989; Saini, 1996). Rajasthan ( Das. 1997 ), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963; Shukla et. al., 1991; Singh et. al; 1999; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999).
POLYGALACEAE 20. Polygala chinensis, Linn. (Meladu), Herb. Loc. The powdered root is used for the treatment of fever. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1210. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. PORTULACACEAE 36 21. Portulaca oleracea, Linn. (Kulpha), Herb. Loc. The plant is used as vegetables. #The poultice of the leaves is used for the treatment of boils. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 980. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1994), Uttar Pradesh (Bajpai & Dixit, 1996; Saini, 1996). DIPTEROCARPEAE 22. Shorea robusta, Gaerth. f. (Shal), Tree. Loc. The wood is used for house building materials. The twigs are used as tooth sticks. Amanganj (M.P.) 1336. Ethn.dist. Eastern India (Pal, 1981). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963, 1981; Shukla et. al; 1991), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Orissa ( Aminuddin et al: 1993). Bihar (Girach and Aminuddin, 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1985; Singh et al: 1996).
MALVACEAE 37 23. Abutilon hirtum, G. Don. (Barkhangi), Shrub. Loc. #The powdered seed with honey are used for the treatment of fever. Nimnipar, Banda (U.P.) 01. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996). 24. Abutilon indicum, Linn. (Kanghi), Shrub. Loc. The powdered seeds are used for the treatment of piles. The leaves are dried and powdered, The powder is used for diuratic purpose. The powdered seeds are used for the treatment of fever. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 05. Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Vyasi Valley ( Dhyani & Sharma, 1987), Katchal Island (Dagar and Dagar, 1991), Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Madhya Pradesh ( Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996), Uttar Pradesh ( Khanna et al; 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan ( Singh and Pandey, 1996 Das. 1997). 25. Gossypium herbaceum, Linn. (Kapas), Shrub. The powdered seed are used externally alongwith Brassica oil for the treatment of scrofula. The leaves are pounded, its smell is inhaled for the treatment of cold. The expressed juice of the leaf is said to be useful for the treatment of scorpion sting. Oil-cakes are given to the cattle to feed and it is used as manure.
38 Loc. Rivai. Hamirpur (U.P.) 650. Ethn.dist. Assam (Borthakur, 1981), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al; 1989) 26. Salmalia malabaricum, Schott, Meletem. (Semal), Tree Loc. The plants are used as tonic. The stem bark is pounded into paste and applied on pimples. The cotton obtained from the fruits is used for stuffing beds and pillows. Girwan, Banda (U.P.) 1340. Ethn.dist. Assam (Bhattacharjee et. al., 1980), Himachal Pradesh, (Kapur, 1986) 27. Sida acuta, Burn. (Bariara), Herb Loc. #The powdered plant is said to be useful for general debility and the retension of urine. #Roots are pounded in to paste and used as poultice for the treatment of boils. Jhalokhar, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1036. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder and Chaudhari, 1981), Tamilnadu ( Banarjee and Banerjee, 1986) Maharastra (Mudaliar et. al., 1987) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Awasthi, 1988) Bihar (Sahoa & Mudgal; 1993), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain, 1995), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) 28. Sida cordata, Burn. (Sahdai), Herb #The plant is pounded into paste, about one tea spoonful of paste alongwith butter is taken orally for the treatment of dysentery.
39 Loc. The leaf paste is applied on face to cure the pimples. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1030. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Shukla et. al., 1991), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al; 1994; Khanna et al.; 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1996). 29. Sida cordifolia, Linn. (Bariari), Herb Loc. #The plant is dried and powdered, it is used with equal amount of sugar alongwith milk for the treatment of impotance. #Juice of the root is applied to the cuts and injuries for quick healing of the wound. Kulpahar, Mahoba (U.P.) 1035. Ethn.dist. Assam (Tiwari et. al., 1980), Bihar (Tarfdar and Chaudhari, 1981), West Bengal (Das et. al. 1983), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Himachal Pradesh ( Kapur, 1986). Madhya Pradesh (Shukla et. al., 1991), Assam (Borthakur, 1993) Uttar Pradesh ( Khanna et. al., 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) 30. Sida spinosa, Linn. (Gursakari), Shrub Loc. The roots are powdered and given with milk in gonorrhoea. Lama, Banda (U.P.) 1744. Ethn.dist. Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996) 31. Urena lobata, Linn. (Bachata), Under Shrub Stem of the plant is used to obtain fibers for ropes. Loc. Bihuni, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1356. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Sikkim (Krishna and Das, 1983), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Awasthi, 1988).
40 India ( Khanna and Mudgal, 1992 ), Madhya Pradesh (Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999) STERCULACEAE 32. Helicteres isora, Linn. (Marorphali), Herb. Loc. #The decoction of the fruit is said to be vermicidal. The powdered fruits and rock salt in equal amount is used for the treatment of gastric trouble. The powdered fruits is taken orally for the treatment of diarrhoea. #The expressed juice of the root is said to be useful for the shake bite. Kalinger, Banda (U.P.) 769. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1981), Orissa ( Saxena et. al., 1981) Maharasthra (Shah et. al. 1983 Sharma and Lakshmi Narasimhan, 1986), India ( Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993; Girach & Aminuddin, 1995) Uttar Pradesh ( Singh & Srivastava, 1996: Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain, 1965; Shukla et. al. 1995; Saxena & Patnaik, 2000). TILIACEAE 33. Corchorus antichorus, Reecusch. (ghati-Chench), Herb Loc. The leaf juice is used for the treatment of Leucorrhoea. The leaves are cooked as Vegetables. Mudhari, Mahoba (U.P.) 1357. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand.
41 *34. Corchorus fascicularis Lamk. (Badi-Chench), Herb Loc. Seeds of the plant are used for the treatment of skin diseases. Ghatera, Mahoba (U.P.) 1358. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 35. Corchorus trilocularis, Linn. (Nasi-sak), Herb Loc. #Expressed juice of the leaves is given in diarrhoea. Barua Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 1376. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1994) 36. Grewia hirsuta, Vahl Symb. (Murva), Shrub Loc. #The root is pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of wounds. Tindwari, Banda (U.P.) 618. Ethn.dist. India (khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoa & Mudgal, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994) 37. Triumfetta rotundifolia, Lam. (Bala), Herb Loc. Pounded leaves are used on cuts and wounds. Sirsi, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1379. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. LINACEAE 38. Linum usitatissimum, Linn. (Alsi), Herb Loc. The seeds are pounded into paste and used as poultice for the treatment of boils. The decoction of the leaves with sugar is used during cough and cold. Rivai, Hamirpur,849.
42 Ethn.dist. North Eastern India (Islam, 1986). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992). ZYGOPHYLLACEAE 39. Tribulus terrestris, L. (Chotagokhru), Herb Loc. The powdered fruits are used for the treatment of backache. The powdered fruits are taken orally for the treatment of kidney stone and general debility. Mudhari, Mahoba (U.P.) 1083. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Gujrat (Gopal and Shah, 1985), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). GERANIACEAE 40. Biophytum sensitivum (L) D.C. (Lajalu), Herb Loc. #The bark is used in eczema and other skin diseases. #The decoction of the roots is used in the treatment of urinary obstruction. Sirsa, Jalaun (U.P.) 1374. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998) 41. Impatiens balsamina, Linn. (Gulmehandi), Herb Loc. The plant is pounded and the paste is applied on hips of cattle to cure 'Khurpaka' The seeds of the plants are eaten. Lalitpur (U.P.) 1386.
43 Ethn.dist. Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Madhya Pradesh ( Shukla et. al., 1991), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 42. Oxalis corniculata, Linn. (Khattimithi), Herb Loc. The plant is used as antidote to snake bite. The leaves are used in dysentery. The plant is used to cure scurvy. Expressed juice of leaves is applied in cuts to stop bleeding and for healing. The seeds are eaten. Leaves are used as vegetables. Kharela, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1394. Ethn.dist. Assam (Hajra and Baishya, 1981), Dhassan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), West Bengal (Das et. al., 1983), Himachal Prakash (Kapur, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Meghalaya (Rath, 1981; Neogi et. al. 1989) Madhya Pradesh (Jain & Sahu, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Badoni. 1990: Khanna et. al., 1994; Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996: Saini, 1996). Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 43. Oxalis latifolia, H.B. & K. (Khatti buti), Herb Loc. Expressed juice of the underground bulbous part of the plant is used as a tonic. The leaves are cooked and eaten as vegetable. Oorchha, Jhansi (U.P.) 1396. Ethn.dist. Assam and Arunachal Pradesh (Baruah and Sharma, 1987).
RUTACEAE 44 44. Aegle marmelos Correa. (Bel), Tree. Loc. The leaves are pounded, mixed with sugar and water, it is taken orally for the treatment of night blindness. The fruit pulp is used as drink for the treatment of diarrhoea. The expressed juice of leaves is used for the treatment of diabeities. The leaves and fruits are used for the worship of Lord Shiva. The leaf juice is taken orally for the treatment of intestinal worms. Barua-Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 91. Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty, 1975), Orissa (Saxena et. al., 1981) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Bhargava, 1981) Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dyani and Sharma, 1987), Orissa (Amineeddin et. al., 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain, 1995), Andhra Pradesh (Raju, 1995), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995). Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996: Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain, 1965 a; Shukla et. al. 1991; Sikarwar, 1994; Jain 1995; Painuli & Maheshwari. 1996; Singh et al., 1999), Nepal ( Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 45. Citrus aurantifolia, (Christm.) Swingle. (Kaghzi Nibu), Under tree. Loc. The fruits are used for juice and squashes. Juice of the fruit alongwith rock salt is used for indigestion. Sirci, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1401. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963; 1965). Meghalya (Joseph and Kharkongor, 1981), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987).
45 46. Citrus medica, Linn. (Neebu), Under tree. Loc. Lemon juice and salt is applied locally for the treatment of scorpion sting. Lemon juice mixed with sulphur is externally applied on itch. Lemon juice and the seeds of Butea monosperma are pounded and made into paste, It is applied externally for the treatment of ring worm. Lemon juice mixed with leaf juice of mint is applied on pimples. Lemon juice is also useful for dendruf. Matondh, Banda (U.P.) 379. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshiminarasimhan, 1986), Nagaland (Jamir, 1990), Katchal Island (Dagar and Dagar, 1997), Andaman Island (Awasthi, 1991). 47. Feronia elephantum, Correa. (Kaitha), Tree. Loc. Decoction of the stem bark in a closed earthen-pot is applied locally to cure itch. The fruits are used as condiment. Fruits offerd to God during worship. Chandpurwa, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1405. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983). SIMARUPACEAE 48. Balanites aegyptiaca, (Linn) Delile. (Ingua), Shrub. #The plant is said to be useful for the treatment of snake bite. The fruit is useful in severe stomacache of cattle. #Pulp of the fruit mixed with goat-milk is rubbed on the chest during pneumonia.
46 Loc. Naghara. Mahoba (U.P.) 1408. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996). Rajasthan (Das, 1997). BURSERACEAE 49. Boswellia serrata, Roxb. ex Colebr. (Salai), Tree. Loc. Gum of the plant is externally applied on itch and eczema. Decoction of the stem bark is used during cough and cold. Lalitpur, (U.P.) 1409. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Gupta, 1981), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983), Bihar, (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993; Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Singh et al., 1999; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). MELIACEAE 50. Azadirachta indica, A. Juss. (Neem), Tree. The Leaves are pounded into paste alongwith rock salt (In equal proportion) and used for the treatment of insect bite. 10 to 15 fresh leaves are eaten in the morning regularly develops resistance against the snake bite. The latex of the fruit is applied on the eyelids at bed time is useful for night-blindness. The expressed juice of the leaves mixed with Brassica Oil is used for external application on the body of the patient suffering from marasmus. The leaf juice alongwith honey is useful for intestinal worms. The decoction of all five parts of the plant (Root, Stem, Leaves,
47 Loc. Flowers and fruit) is made, its oral application is useful for the treatment of feaver. The fruits are boiled in Brassica oil and burnt. This oil is applied externally on Urticaria. Decoction of the leaves are mixed with the leaves of Zizyphus jujuba used for the treatment of dendruff. One gram gum of the stem is collected one gram of it taken orally is said to be useful for the treatment of kidney stone. Sirsi, Hamirpur (U.P.) 256. Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty, 1975), Maharashtra ( Shah et. al., 1983), Uttar Pradesh ( Singh and Maheshwari, 1985), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Andaman Islands (Awasthi, 1991), Nepal Border ( Vishva Vihari, 1995), Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996), Uttar Pradesdh, (Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Shukla et. al. 1991: Jain and Sahu, 1993: Jain 1995; Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1996; Vivek Kumar & S. K. Jain, 1998; Singh et. al., 1999; Saxena & Patnaik, 2000), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 51. Melia azedarach, Linn. (Bakain Neem), Tree. The seed oil is used as local application for the treatment of ring worm. The fresh juice of young leaves is useful for the treatment of manstrual disorder. The ash of leaves alongwith rock salt and honey is said to be useful for gastric disorder.
48 Loc. Bharwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 865. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra (Shah et. al. 1983) Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000) CELASTRAINEAE 52. Celastrus paniculata, Willd. (Malkangni), Climber. The seeds are used in rheumatic pains, paralysis and laprosy. Oil extracted from the seeds relives earache. The fruits are used for the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. Flowers and young fruits are used as vegetables. Loc. Chitrakut, Karwi (U.P.) 1411. Ethn.dist. Bihar ( Gupta, 1981), Orissa ( Saxena et. al. 1981), Tamilnadu (Banerjee & Banerjee, 1986), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur. 1986), India ( Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Bihar ( Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993; Girach & Aminuddin, 1995 ), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain 1963. 1965; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999), Nepal ( Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000) RHAMNACEAE 53. Zizyphus jujuba, Lamp. (Bar), Tree. The ripe fruits are eaten for the treatment of debility. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally on the abdomen for the treatment of retantion of urine. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally on boils.
J 49 Loc. Ripe fruits are eaten. The wood is used for making agricultural implements and also as timber. Sirci, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1124. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 54. Zizyphus nummularia, W & A. (Jharbar), Herb. Loc. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of cuts and wounds. The powdered fruits are used for the treatment of cough. Ripe fruits are eaten. Fruits offered to God Shiva. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1126. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra (Shah et. al. 1983), India (Khanna and Mudgal 1992), Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1994), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). * SANDACE 55. Sapindus trifoliatus, Linn. (Ritha), Tree. Loc. Fruits are powdered and used as poultice on boils. The fruits are used to wash ornaments made of gold and silver. The fruits are used to wash hair in place of soap. Naghara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1016. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. ANACARDIACEAE 56. Buchanania lanzan, Spreng. (Chiraungi), Tree. The seeds are grinded with milk and used externally for the
50 Loc. treatment of rashes and other skin diseases. The fruits are eaten. Stem bark is used in dysentery and diarrhoea. Ajaigarh. Panna (M.P.) 262. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994), Bihar ( Girach & Aminuddin. 1995), Madhya Pradesh (Jain & Sahu, 1993; Sikarwar, 1994; Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996; Singh et. al. 1999). 57. Mangifera Indica, L. (Aam), Tree. Loc. The powdered seed is said to be useful for the treatment of piles. The pulp of unriped fruit is boiled and taken orally alongwith some amount of sugar and water is useful for the treatment of sunstrock. The leaves are used as an antidote to scorpion sting. The fruits are eaten and also prickled. The wood is used as timber, furniture and agricultural implements. Worshiped as sacred plant. +The inflorescence used for totem. Rivai, Hamirpur (U.P.) 863. Ethn.dist. Andaman and Nicobar Islands ( Bhargava, 1981) Maharashtra and Goa (Vartak, 1981). India ( Mitre. 1981; Chaudhuri & Pal, 1981), Uttar Pradesh (Singh & Maheshwari. 1983), Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986). Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Vyasi Valley ( Dhyani and Sharma, 1987 ). Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989). Karnataka (Hasagoudar & Henry, 1993). Rajasthan ( Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Jain. 1981;
51 Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998; Singh et. al., 1999, Saxena & Patnaik. 2000) Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 58. Semecarpus anacardium, Linn. (Bhilava), Tree. Loc. Oil obtained from seeds is used to cure diseases of the feet and foot sores of the cattle. Talbehat, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1414. Ethn.dist. Eastern India ( Pal, 1981 ). Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993), Andra Pradesh (Raju, 1995). Uttar Pradesh( Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain 1981: Sikarwar 1994; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000. MORINGACEAE 59. Moringa oleifera, Lamp. (Sahajan), Tree. Loc. The leaves are grinded and used as external application for the treatment of boils. The young roots are used as pickles. Oil extracted from the seeds is used in gout and acute rheumatism. Cooked green fruits are used as vegetables. Bharuwasumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 876. Ethn.dist. Nilgiris (Abraham. 1981), Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Bhargava, 1981), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani & Sharma, 1987). Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993). Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996). Rajasthan (Das. 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Jain 1981; Sikarwar, 1994; Samvatsar & Diwanji. 1999). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000).
LEGUMINOSAE 52 60. Abrus precatorius, Linn. (Gomehi), Climber. Loc. The powdered seed is used as brain tonic. The powdered root bark is used for the treatment of fever. The powdered root is used for the treatment rheumatism. #Powdered root is useful for skin allergy. The leaves are used in leucoderma. The seeds are used by goldsmiths for weighing the ornaments made of gold and silver. Bharwara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 8. Ethn.dist. Andaman & Nicokar Islands (Bhargava, 1981), Dhasan Valley ( Saxena & Vyas, 1983), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Tamilnadu (Banerjee & Banerjee, 1986), West Bengal (Pal, 1989), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal. 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994), Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain 1995; Painuli and Maheshwari, 1996: Khare & Khare, 1999: Samvatsar & Diwanji. 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000. 61. Acacia arabica, Willd. (Babul), Tree. The flower are grinded and applied externally for the treatment of conjuctivities. The powdered fruits are taken orally during impotance. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally on tample for the treatment of headache.
53 Loc. The expressed juice of leaves is mixed with the powdered fruits of Tribulus terestis for the treatment of gonorrohea. The wood is used as timber and fuel. The wood is used for making agricultural implements. Plant used for 'mamulian' festival. +Plant used for totam. Ghatara, Mahoba (U.P.) 55. Ethn.dist. Mahya Pradesh ( Jain, 1963 ), Calutta ( Chakravarty, 1975), India ( Mitre, 1981 ), Assam & Arunachal Pradesh (Baruah and Sarma, 1987). 62. Acacia catechu, Willd. (Khair), Tree. Loc. The wood is used as fuel. The wood is used for making agricultural implements, also used as timber. The sap is used for dying ropes and fishing nets. The leaves are used in skin diseases. Bhilauni, Hamirpur (U.P.) 66. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafdar & Chaudhuri, 1981), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992 ), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993). Uttar Pradesh ( Saini, 1996 ), Rajasthan ( Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Singh et. al., 1999; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 63. Albizzia lebbek, Benth. (Sirsa), Tree. Loc. #The leaves are used for the treatment of night blindness. #The leaves are used as an antidote to snake bite and scorpion sting. Mawai. Banda (U.P.) 1417.
54 Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty, 1975), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1995). Rajasthan (Das. 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1999). 64. Albizzia procera, Benth. (Safed siris), Tree. Loc. #The leaves are pounded in to paste and it is applied externally for the treatment of insect bite. *The poultice of the leaves is applied for the treatment of boils. The bark is used for tanning of leather. Kharela, Hamirpur (U.P.) 135. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Singh et al., 1999). 65. Bauhinia purpurea, Linn. (Khairwal), Tree. Loc. The decoction of the root is used for the treatment of indigestion. The bark is powdered and applied externally with brassica oil for the treatment of piles. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 259. Ethn.dist. India ( Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Bihar ( Sahoo & Mudgal. 1993). Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995). Uttar Pradesh ( Saini, 1996). Madhya Pradesh ( Sikarwar, 1994; Singh et. al. 1999). 66. Bauhinia racemosa, Lam. (Safed Kachnar), Tree. Loc. The bark is pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of candidiasis. Atarra, Banda (U.P.) 268. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992). Madhya Pradesh (Jain. 1995). Andhra Pradesh (Raju, 1995). Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al. 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1999)
55 67. Bauhinia tomentosa, Linn. (Maoli), Tree. Loc. The buds are used in dysentery. #Expressed juice of the young leaves is taken orally for the treatment of leucorrhoca. #The bark is used as an antidote to snake bite and scorpion sting. Jaitpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1419. Ethn.dist. Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 68. Bauhinia variegata, Linn. (Kachnar), Tree. Loc. The powdered flowers are taken orally alongwith water for the treatment of constipation. The bark is powdered and applied externally with brassica oil for the treatment of piles. Flowers and leaves are used as vegetables. Barua Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 260. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh ( Siddiqui et. al., 1989), Nepal (Manandhar. 1995), Uttar Pradesh ( Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini 1996). Madhya Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1999). 69. Butea monosperma, Lam. (Chhewla), Tree. #The gum of the plant is fried with butter, it is used for the treatment of general debility after delivery. The bark and the gum mixed togather in equal amounts and provided orally for the treatment of gonorrhoea. The buds are dried and powdered, the powder is given orally in small amount for the treatment of worms in children. The seeds are used as an antidote to snake bite. The roots are tied on wrist on 'Guru purnima' festival. The wood is used in 'Hawan'.
56 Loc. The roots are used as brush for washing the clothes. Fibres are obtained for tying purpose. The leaves are used to make plates locally known as 'Dauna and Pattal'. Ingohta, Hamirpur (U.P.) 261. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh ( Singh & Maheshwari, 1983), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al. 1989), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal. 1993), Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996: Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Shukla et. al.; Jain 1995; Saxena and Patnaik, 2000 ) Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000) 70. Caesalpinia crista, Linn. (Gatan), Shrub. Loc. The powdered seeds are used in fever and colic. Rivai, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1421. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra (Shah et. al., 1983), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996). *71. Caesalpinia pulcherima, Swartz. (Gulturra), Tree. Loc. The leaves are pounded and applied on septic wounds. Muddera, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1436. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 72. Cajanus Cajan, (Linn) Mill Sp. (Arhar), Shrub. Loc. The fresh roots are grinded with water and filtered the liquid thus obtained is used as eye drop for the treatment of catract The leaf juice is also used as eye drop for the treatment of conjuctivities. Lama, Banda (U.P.) 363. Ethn.dist. Assam (Borthakur, 1993). Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994:
57 Saini 1996, Singh et. al., 1998). *73. Cajanus indicus, Spreng. (Arahar), Shrub. Loc. The seeds are grinded and mixed with lemon juice is provided orally to reduce narcotic effect of opium. The fresh leaves are pounded and applied on cuts and wounds. The stem are used to makes huts. The leaves are pounded into paste and used as poultice for the treatment of thrombophlobitis. Green twigs are used for making baskets. Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 361. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 74. Cassia fistula, Linn. (Kirwaa, Amaltas), Tree. Loc. The fruit pulp is used for the treatment of cattels suffering from colic and other digestive disorders. The fruit pulp is also said to be used as antidote to snake bite. The seeds are grinded and made into paste, the paste is applied on the gums for the treatment of pyorrhoea and other infections. The fruit pulp with gur is provided orally for the treatment of pneumonia. The decoction of the fruit pulp with gur is provided orally for the treatment of fever. The wood is used to make furniture. Chandpurwa, Hamirpur (U.P.) 327. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand (Saxena and Vyas, 1981). Meghalya (Rao and Shanpru, 1981), Eastern India (Pal, 1981), Orissa (Saxena, 1981), Uttar Pradesh ( Singh and Maheshwari. 1983). Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and
58 Banerjee, 1986), Vyasi Valley ( Dhyani & Sharma, 1987). Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Saini. 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh ( Shukla et. al., 1991; Vivek Kumar & S. K. Jain, 1998; Singh et. al.. 1999; Khare & Khare, 1999; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 75. Cassia obtusifolia, L. (Chakunda), Herb. Loc. #The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally on the boils. #The powdered seeds and leaves mixed togather and applied externally on itch. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1994), Rajasthan (Das 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999) 76. Cassia occidentalis, Linn. (Kasondi), Herb. Loc. The seeds of kasondi and the fruits of black peeper are taken in equal amount and powdered. The powder is used orally along with water to reduce fever and fat. The root is grinded with water and the paste is recommended for oral administration for the treatment of snake bite. The leaves are pounded into paste and used externally for the treatment of itch and ringworm. Chitrakut. Karwi (U.P.) 331. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena et. al. 1981), Himachal Pradesh ( Kapur. 1986), India (Khanna & Mudgal. 1992). Bihar (Sahoo and Mudal, 1993), Andra Pradesh (Raju, 1995). Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996). Rajasthan (Das. 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1996, 1999).
59 77. Cassia tora, Linn. (Chakunda). Herb. Loc. The root is grinded and filtered, the liquid is provided orally for the treatment of snake bite. The seeds are grinded with stem of Cuscuta sp. and made into paste the paste is applied externally for the treatment of eczema. The fresh leaves are rubbed on the scorpion sting. The seeds are grinded with lemon juice and applied externally for the treatment of ring worm. Kaithi, Hamirpur (U.P.) 340 Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder and Chaudhuri, 1981), Meghalaya (Rao and Shanpru 1981), Uttar Pradesh ( Singh and Maheshwari, 1983), Maharashta (Sharma & Lakshmi Narasimhan, 1986), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1981; Shukla et. al., 1991; Sikarwar, 1994, Maheshwari. 1996). Rajasthan (Das. 1997), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 78. Cicer arietinum, Linn. (Chana), Herb Loc. #The dried leaves are diped in water for some time and grinded into paste. The paste is rubbed over the body of the patient suffering from sunstrock. (The dried leaves. of gram and locally known as saksa) Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 380. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh. (Khanna et al., 1996). 79. Clitoria ternatea, Linn. (Aprajita), Herb. Whole plant is used as antidote to snakebite. + The root is tied round the arm of the child on Sunday or Wednesday to cure rickets.
60 Loc. The roots are powdered and used as poultice for goitre. Naghara. Hamirpur (U.P.) 387. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena an Vyas. 1983). India ( Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Madhya Pradesh ( Sikarwar. 1993), Assam (Borthakur, 1993), Uttar Pradesh ( Khanna et. al., 1994). Rajasthan ( Singh and Pandey, 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) 80. Crotalaria juncea, Linn. (San), Herb. Loc. The fibers are used to prepare ropes. The fibers are used to prepare bag to keep the snakes closed in bamboo box. Plants is said to be useful for the treatment of fever of cattles. The fruits are used as vegetables. The stems are used to make huts. Kaithi, Hamirpur (U.P.) 449. Ethn.dist. India ( Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Madhya Pradesh (Jain. 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996). Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 81. Dalbergia latifolia, Roxb. (Shishapa), Tree. Loc. Plants are used for the treatment of laprosy. Plant are used as an antihelmintic to the intestinal worms. The stem bark is used for the tanning of leather Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 507. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965) 82. Dalbergia sissoo, Roxb. (Sisum), Tree. The decoction of the leaves is used for the treatment of gonorrhoea.
61 Loc. The stem bark is grinded with water and filtered it is taken orally for the treatment of vomitting. The wood is used as timber and fuel. 5 to 6 leaves are pounded in to paste and used orally for the treatment of dysentry. The wood is used for making furniture. musical and agricultural implements. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 506. Ethn.dist. West Bengal (Das et. al., 1983), Uttar Pradesh (Singh & Maheshwari. 1985; Khanna et. al., 1996). 83. Desmodium gangeticum. DC. (Salpan), Shrub Loc. The decoction of the plant is used for the treatment of malaria and urinary infection. The seeds are used to produce smoke. The smoke is used as an insect replent in the cattle house. The roots are powdered and recommonded for oral adminis tration in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhoea. The roots are used as an antidote to snakebite and scorpion sting. Rora, Jhansi (U.P.) 525. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley ( Saxena and Vyas, 1983 ). Mahashtra (Sharma and Lakshmi Narasimhan, 1986 ). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Madhya Pradesh (Shukla, 1991). India ( Khanna & Mudgal, 1992). Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993; Saini, 1996). Rajasthan ( Das. 1997 ). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000) *84. Dolichos biflorus, Linn. (Kulthi), Herb. The decoction of seeds is provided orally bi a day for about
Loc. 20 days for the treatment of kidney stone. Nandehra, Hamirpur (U.P.) 537. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 85. Dolichos lab lab, Linn. (Sem), Twining Herb. Loc. #The juice of leaves mixed with lime water is applied externally on goitre. The fruits are cooked and used as vegetable. Kahara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 534. Ethn.dist. Uttar Padesh (Khanna et. al., 1996) 86. Lathyrus sativus, Linn. (Khasheri), Herb. #Plants are provided to the cattle for feeding. 62 Loc. Whole plant except roots cooked and used as vegetable. Muskara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 821. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996). 87. Medicago sativa, Linn. (Lukh), Herb. Used as fooder plant for horses. Loc. Naraini, Banda (U.P.) 1445. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 88. Mimosa pudica, Linn. (Chhui-mui), Under shrub. The roots are pounded with water and filtered. The filtrate is provided to the infants during dysentery. The roots are used as an antidote to snakebite and scorpion sting. The leaves are used to cure maggot infection in cattle. The leaves are used for the treatment of hydrocele. +The leaves are also used for totam.
Loc. Badausa, Banda (U.P.) 867. 63 Ethn.dist. Meghalaya ( Kharkongor and Joseph, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Tamilnadu (Banerjee & Banerjee, 1986), Meghalaya ( Neogi et. al., 1989 ), Andhra Pradesh (Raju, 1995). Uttar Pradesh ( Singh et. al. 1996), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti. 2000). 89. Mucuna prurita, Hook. (Kiwanch), Climber. Loc. The leaves are pounded in to paste and applied externally for the treatment of boils. The decoction of root is useful for the treatment of fever. The powdered seed are used for the treatment of urinary diseases. Banda (U.P.) 1205. Ethn.dist. Dhassan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) 90. Neptunia triquetra, Benth. (Lajalu), Herb. Loc. The root is rubbed with water on a stone and the diluted paste is provided orally to the child suffering from dysentry. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.)1446. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand (Saxena and Vyas, 1981). 91. "Phaseolus trilobus, Ait. (Ban-mung), Trailing herb. Loc. The seeds are dipped in cow's urine over night and grinded to make a paste, it is applied on itch. Jalaun, Jalaun (U.P.) 1448. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand.
64 92. Pithecellobium dulce, Roxb. (Benth) (Jangal Jalabi), Tree. Loc. The mature fruit pulp is taken orally during general debility. The leaf juice is used externally on the effected part of the paralytic patient. Chitrakut, Karwi (U.P.) 973. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh Khanna et. al., 1996; Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996), Rajasthan ( Das. 1997). 93. Pongamia pinnata, Linn. (Karanja), Tree. Loc. The leaf juice is used externally for the treatment of skin diseases. Banda (U.P.) 982. Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty, 1975), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Bhargava, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas 1983). Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989), Andaman Islands (Awasthi, 1991), Orissa (Ghoshal, 1991), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Girach and Aminuddin, 1995), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1996; Khare & Khare, 1999). 94. Psoralea corylifolia, L. (Bakuchi), Herb Loc. The seeds of P. corylifolia and Cassia tora are grinded and applied externally alongwith brassica oil for the treatment of scabies and other skin diseases. Barua-Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 989. Ethn.dist. Calcutta ( Chakravarty, 1975). Dhasan Valley (Saxena & Vyas, 1983), Rajasthan (Sharma, 1990), Madhya Pradesh (Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1996).
95. Saraca indica, Linn. (Ashok), Tree. Loc. Stem bark is powdered and taken orally for the treatment of leucorrhoea and uterus diseases. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.), 1021. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 65 96. Tamarindus indicus, Linn. (Imli), Tree. Loc. The leaves are used for the treatment of dysentery and diarrhoea. The decoction of leaves in provided for oral administration to expell out intestinal worms. Expressed juice of the leaves is applied on eye lids during the inflamation in eyes. The fruits are used as condiments. Bharua Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1451. Ethn.dist. Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Car Nicobar Island (Dagar, 1989), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al. 1989), Andaman Islands Awasthi, 1991), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar &S.K.Jain, 1998; Singh et. al., 1999). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 97. Tephrosia purpurea, Linn. (Sarponka), Herb. Loc. The powdered root alongwith whey is used for the treatment of piles. The root is smoked for the treatment of asthama. The roots are used as an antidote to snake bite. Powdered leaves are applied to the worts of cattle. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 1062.
66 Ethn.dist. Orissa ( Saxena et. al. 1981) Uttar Pradesh (Singh & Maheshwari. 1983) Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987). Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994), Andhra Pradesh (Raju. 1995), Bihar (Girach and Aminuddin, 1995) Rajasthan (Das. 1997), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain, 1965; Sikarwar, 1993: Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 98. Trigonella emodi, Benth. (Ban methi), Herb. Loc. The leaves are used as vegetable. Sarila, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1452. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 99. Trigonella foenumgraecum, Linn. (Methi), Herb. Loc. The seeds are fried, powdered and used for the treatment of diohorrea. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of inflamation. The seeds are used as spices. The leaves are cooked as vegetables. Kadaura, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1220. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 100. Uraria picta, Desv. (Prishn Parni, Pithawan), Shrub. Loc. The dried and powdered plant is used as antidote to the snake bite. Khiria-Kalan, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1225. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992). ROSACEAE 101. Potentilla supina, Linn. (Ratanjot), Herb. #Powdered roots are used for impotence.
67 Loc. Hamirpur (U.P.) 1453. Ethn.dist. Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 102. "Rosa alba, Linn. (Gulab), Shrub. Loc. Essential oil of Rose applied on tample is useful for the treatment of headache. Rose water is useful for the treatment of inflamation of eyes. Hamirpur (U.P.) 1005. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. CRASSULACEAE 103. Bryophyllum calycinum, Saliat. (Dhanmantari), Herb. Loc. Expressed juice of the leaves is used to the septic wounds and cuts. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1458. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. COMBRETACEAE 104. Anogeissus latifolia, Wall. (Dhaura Bakli), Tree. Loc. The roots are used as an antidote to snake bite and scorpion sting. The wood is used for making wheels of the cart and other agricultural implements. Decoction of the stem bark is used in jaundice. Naghara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1471. Ethn.dist. Gujarat (Gopal and Shah, 1985), Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986). Vyasi Valley ( Dhyani and
68 Sharma. 1987), Uttar Pradesh ( Khanna et. al., 1996 ). Madhya Pradesh (Jain and Sahu, 1993; Jain, 1995; Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996; Anand Kumar, 1996: Singh et. al.. 1999; Saxena and Patnaik, 2000). 105. Anogeissus pendula, Edgw. (Kardhai), Tree. Loc. #Decoction of the powdered seeds is provided for oral administration in dysentary. The wood is used as fuel. Naghara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1473. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena & Vyas, 1983), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992). 106. Terminalia arjuna, W. & A. (Arjun), Tree. Loc. The expressed juice of leaf is used for the treatment of ear ache. The powdered bark of the stem along with butter is taken orally for the treatment of dysentry. Decoction of the stem bark is used as a heart tonic. Bark is used for tanning. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 1061. Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty, 1975), Dhasan Valley ( Saxena & Vyas. 1983), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1994; Singh et. al., 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1995; Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain. 1998). 107. Terminalia belerica, Rosb. (Bahera), Tree. The fruit wall is fried and powdered it is used for the treatment
69 Loc. of cough and constipation. The decoction of the stem bark is said to be useful for the treatment of jaundice. Pulp of the fruit is applied on leprotic wounds. Mahoba (U.P.) 1059. Ethn.dist. Eastern India ( Pal, 1981), Assam (Borthakur, 1981). Maharashtra ( Shah et al; 1983), Tamilnadu (Banerjee & Banerjee, 1986), Himachal Pradesh ( Kapur, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani & Sharma. 1987), West Bengal (Pal & Jain. 1989), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Rajasthan ( Das 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Shukla, et. al., 1991; Sikarwar. 1994; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). MYRTACEAE 108. Eucalyptus globulus, Labill. (Safeda), Tree. qi Loc. The root and leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of scorpian sting. Rivai, Hamirpur (U.P.) 609. Ethn.dist. Tamilnadu ( Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar and S.K.Jain, 1998). 109. Eugenia jambolana, Lam. (Jamun), Tree. Two and a half leaf is pounded and mixed with water, and is used orally for the treatment of snake bite. The fruits are eaten. Fruits are eaten regularly for the treatment of stones in kidney.
70 Loc. The juice of young leaves with sugar is taken orally for the treatment of piles. The young leaves are pounded and boild in water and cooled. It is filtered and the filtrate is used to gargle for the treatment of stomatitis. The young leaves are pounded into paste and mixed with boiled water, it is used to the treatment of stomachache. Fruits are offered to God for worship. Rivai, Hamirpur (U.P.) 607. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 110. Psidium quajava, Linn. (Behi), Tree. Loc. The decoction of the leaves is used for the treatment of toothache. Young leaves are pounded and keep inside the mouth for some time, it is said to be useful for the treatment of stomatitis. Unripe fruit is grinded and applied externally for the treatment of headache. The fruits are eaten. Atarra, Banda (U.P.) 988. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee 1986), Assam (Borthakur, 1993). Bihar (Girach &Aminuddin, 1995). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). LYTHRACEAE 111. Ammania baccifera, Linn. (Jungli Mehndi, Agia), Herb. The leaves are pounded in to paste and applied externally for the treatment of skin diseases.
71 Loc. The decoction of the plant is used externally for the treatment of joint pain. Nimnipar, Banda, (U.P.) 217. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Rajasthan (Das. 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Khare & Khare, 1999; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 112. Lawsonia inermis, Roxb. (Mahndi), Shrub. Loc. Expressed juice of the leaves is used as blood purifire for the treatment of skin diseases. It is also said to be useful for general debility and heart diseases. The fresh leaves are made in to paste and applied on palm and feet, to get cooling effect. Infusion of the leaves is useful in stomatitis. Juice of leaves is said to be useful to kill lice of cattle. Alamkhor, Banda (U.P.) 838. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Gupta, 1981), Eastern India (Pal, 1981), Uttar Pradesh ( Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Khare & Khare, 1999). 113. Woodfordia fruticosa, Kurz. (Dhai), Herb. Loc. The decoction of the stem bark is used during general debility. The powdered plant is said to be useful for the treatment of uterus diseases. The roots are crushed and used in the treatment of rheumatism in cattle. Baruasagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 1120. Ethn.dist. Eastern India (Pal, 1981). Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986).
72 Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain 1965; Shukla et. al. 1991), Bihar, (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993), Assam (Borthakur, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (singh et. al., 1994; Saini, 1996), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). ONAGRACEAE 114. Trapa natans., Linn. (Singhara), Rooted floating herb. #Fresh fruits are eaten, it is said to be useful for the treatment of acidity. Loc. #The fruits are dried and powdered, it is used during general debility The powdered fruits mixed with butter and sugar. It is provided orally for the treatment of leucorrhoea. Flour of the dried seeds is cooked and used during fast on festivals. Kulpahar, Mahoba (U.P.) 1128. Ethn.dist. Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) PASSIFLOREAE 115. Carica papaya, Linn. (Papeeta), Under tree. A small part of root is finly pounded and taken orally alongwith water bi a day for about 20 days. It is useful for the treatment of stone in kidney. The fruits are edible. Milky juice is used for skin diseases. Juice of the unripe fruit is used for abortion.
73 Loc. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 378. Ethn.dist. Calcutta ( Chakravarty, 1975), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983). Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Andaman and Nicobar Island (Bhargava, 1981; Awasthi, 1991), Assam ( Borthakur, 1993), Madhya Pradesh (Jain & Sahu, 1993). Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al.. 1989; Saini, 1996), Nepal ( Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). CUCURBITACEAE ☑ 116. Banincasa hispida, Cogh. (Bhura Kumra), Creeper. Loc. The powdered roots are taken orally with some amount of salt along with milk for the treatment of liver complains. The expressed juice of leaf is provided orally to stop bleeding from the wounds. Chandpurwa, Hamirpur (U.P.) 275. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 117. Citrullus vulgaris, Schrad. (Kaleenda), Prostrate Herb. Loc. Fruits are eaten for its cooling effects. The ash of fruitwall mixed with butter is said to be useful for the treatment of dry eczema. Merapur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 383. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 118. Cucumis melo, Linn. (Kakri), Herb. Loc. The fruits are edible and it is also used as salad. Hamirpur (U.P.) 1476. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra and Goa (Vartak, 1981). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987). Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996).
74 119. Cucumis sativus, Linn. (Khira), Herb. Loc. # Fruit juice given during indigestion. The fruit is edible and used as salad. The fruit is used on the festival of 'Krishna Janmashtami'. Kundaura, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1478. Ethn.dist. Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995). 120. Cucurbita maxima, Duchesn. (Kaddu), Herb. Loc. The fruit is used as vegetables. Hamirpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1479. Ethn.dist. Arunachal Pradesh (Dam and Hajra, 1981), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987). 121. Cucurbita pepo, Linn. (Kumra), Herb. Loc. The fruits are used as vegetable. Ghatera, Mahoba (U.P.) 1481. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987). 122. Lagenaria vulagaris, Ser (Lauki) Climbing herb. Loc. Crushed leavesmixed with sugar is used in jaundice. A decoction of the fruit mixed with mustard oil is applied on goitre. Kulpahar, Mahoba (U.P.) 1490. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 123. Luffa echinata, Roxb. (Ban Chadhel) Climbing herb. Loc. The roots are rubed and the paste is applied to the boils. Morena, Morena (M.P.) 1491. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996). i
75 124. Momordica dioica, Roxb. (Parora)Climbing Herb. Loc. Fruit and leaf juice is said to be useful for the treatment of piles and jaundice. The root extract alongwith fruit juice is recommended for oral administration during snake bite and scorpion sting. The fresh roots are used for boils. The fruit is used as vegetables. Mauranipur, Jhansi (U.P.) 869. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand (Saxena and Vyas, 1981). Assam ( Borthakur, 1993), Uttar Pradesh ( Khanna et. al. 1996), Madhya Pradesh ( Sikarwar, 1994; Painuli & Maheshwari, 1996; Maheshwari 1996). CACTACEAE 125. Opuntia dillenii, Haw.; DC. (Nagphani), Shrub. Loc. Poultice of the fleshy stem is used for the treatment of boils of the cattle. Nimnipar. Banda (U.P.) 1493. Ethn.dist. Assam (Borthakur, 1993). Uttar Pradesh (Singh et al., 1994; Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996). UMBELLIFERAE 126. Centella asiatica, (Linn) Urban. (Brahmi), Herb. Infusion of the plant is supposed to be a brain tonic. The plant is used for the treatment of skin diseases and dysentery. Extract of the leaves is provided for oral administration to cure liver ailments and gastric troubles.
The plant is used as vegetable. Loc. Phuta Kuwan, Banda (U.P.) 1496. 76 Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena et. al., 1981), Bihar (Gupta, 1981), Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), Assam (Hajra and Baishya, 1981), West Bengal (Das et. al.; 1983), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986). Tamilnadu ( Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Tehri, Uttar Pradesh( Badoni, 1990), India ( Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 127. Hydrocotyle rotundifolia, Roxb. (Mandook-Parni), Herb. The plant is powdered and used in eczema and other skin diseases. Loc. Chitrakut, Karwi (U.P.) 1498. Ethn.dist. Assam (Hajra and Baishya, 1981). FORMAT/WEB 128. Trachyspermum ammi, Linn. Sprague. (Ajwain), Herb. Loc. The decoction of the seed is used for the treatment of piles. The powdered seeds are used to relieve constipation. The seeds along with 'gur' are taken in equal amount and used for oral administration for the treatment of urticaria. The powdered seeds are used for the treatment of worms. The powdered seeds with hot milk are given in backache and headache caused by menstrual disorders. Bharuwasumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1027. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena et. al., 1981 ), Assam (Borthakur, 1981). Eastern India (Pal. 1981). Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas. 1983), Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996).
RUBIACEAE 129. Adina cordifolia, Hook F. (Haldu), Tree. Loc. The wood is used for making furniture, musical and agricultural implements. Baruasagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 1501. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder and Chaudhuri, 1981), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1985), VyasiValley (Dhyani & Sharma, 1987). India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al.. 1994). Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963; Singh et. al., 1999). 130. Gardenia gummifera, Linn. f. (Dikamali), Shrub. The gum is applied to the wounds of cattle. Ripe fruits and seeds are eaten. Loc. Barua Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.), 1503. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh(Jain 1963, 1965) 131. Mitragyna parvifolia, (Roxb.) Korth. (Kaima), Tree. Loc. The wood is used for making musical and agricultural impliments, it is also used as timber. Fibres obtained from the plant are used to make ropes. Wood is used for worship in place of sandal wood. Chitrakut, Karwi (U.P.) 1504. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh ( Singh and Maheshwari, 1985), Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarsimhan, 1986). Madhya Pradesh (Shukla et. al., 1991), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1995; Singh et al., 1999).
132. Morinda tinctoria, Roxb. (Achhi), Tree. Loc. The leaf juice is used for the treatment of skin diseases. The root is grinded and applied externally for the treatment of scorpion sting. Biwar, Hamirpur (U.P.) 875. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 133. Oldenlandia corymbosa, Linn. (Pittapapra), Herb. Loc. A decoction of the roots is provided orally during jaundice and other disorders of liver. Juice of the plant is applied externally during measles. Rora, Jhansi (U.P.) 1505. Ethn.dist. Gujrat (Gopal & Shah, 1985), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) COMPOSITAE 134. Ageratum conyzoides, Linn. (Sahadei), Herb. Loc. The leaves are pounded in to paste and applied externally for the treatment of cuts and wounds. The leaves are used as an antidote to snake bite. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 117. Ethn.dist. Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981). Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983). West Bengal (Das et. al. 1983). Meghalaya (Neogi et. al., 1989), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui, 1989), Car Nicobar Island (Dagar, 1989), India (Khanna and Mudgal. 1992), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain and Sahu, 1993; Bhalla et. al., 1996; Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1996, Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998).
79 135. Artemisia vulgaris, Linn. (Nagadaura), Herb. Loc. The plant is said to be antidote to scorpionsting and snake bite. The young leaves are taken orally for the treatment of general debility. A decoction of leaves is used as antihelmintic for intestinal worms. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1507. Ethn.dist. West Bengal ( Das et. al., 1983), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989). 136. Bidens biternata, (Laur) Merr. (Lukharta), Herb. Loc. #The leaves are used as an antidote to snake bite. Naghara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1508. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Bhalla et. al., 1996) 137. Blumea lacera, DC. (Kukroundha), Herb. Loc. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally on eyes during conjuctivitis. Extract of the plant is provided orally in fever and bronchitis. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1509. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra (Shah et. al., 1983). Rajasthan (Sharma, 1990). Madhya Pradesh (Bhalla et. al., 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996). Rajasthan ( Das, 1997). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 138. Echinops echinatus, Roxb. (Unt. Katara), Herb. The powdered root is used for the treatment of wounds in cattle.
Loc. The decoction of the leaves is used for the treatment of malerial fever. The plant is pounded in to paste and provided orally to the cattles for the treatment of cold and cough. The decoction of the root is used for the treatment of skin diseases of cattles. +The root is used for totem. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 575. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand (Saxena & Vyas, 1981), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Rajastan (Singh and Pandey, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1995; Bhalla et. al., 1996). 139. Eclipta alba, Hassk. (Bhangra), Herb. Loc. The expressed juice of the plant is used as hair tonic. The expressed juice of the leaves is used for the treatment of cuts and wounds. The plant is powdered alongwith cloves. The powder is provided orally with butter for the treatment of snakebite. The expressed juice of the plant is used for the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentry. The paste of whole plant is useful for the treatment of sores of cattle. Alamkhor, Banda (U.P.) 580. Ethn.dist. Eastern India (Pal, 1981), Maharashtra (Shah et. al., 1983). Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1994). Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Madhya Pradesh (Bhalla et. al., 1996), Rajasthan (Das. 1997). 140. Elephantopus scaber, Linn. (Jangli gobhi), Herb. A paste prepared with the roots is applied to the wounds of C
the cattle. 81 Loc. The roots are pounded into paste and applied on pimples. A decoction of the roots is used for the treatment of urinary calculus and dysentery. Matatila, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1511. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Gupta. 1981), Meghalaya ( Kharkongor and Joseph. 1981), Orissa (Saxena et. al., 1981), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Andhra Pradesh ( Raju, 1995), Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963, 1965 a; Shukla et. al., 1991; Bhalla et. al., 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983; Saini, 1996), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000) 141. Helianthus annus; Linn. (Surajmukhi), Herb. Loc. The leaf juice is applied externally for the treatment of eczema. Banda (U.P.) 1201. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 142. Launaea nudicaulis, Hook. (Kuttachara), Herb. Loc. The root is grinded and given orally once for 7 days alongwith mother milk to the child suffering from merasmus. The pounded leaves are provided to increase lactation. Kulpahar, Mahoba (U.P.) 827. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Bhalla et. al., 1996). 143. Sonchus arvensis, Linn. (Badi Sahadei), Herb. Loc. The decoction of the roots is prescribed for the treatment of jaundice. Sirsa, Jalaun (U.P.) 1571.
82 Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh (Kapur. 1986), Madhya Pradesh (Bhalla et. al.. 1996). 144. Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. (Mundi), Herb. Loc. The decoction of the plant is said to be useful for the treatment of stones in kidney. Dried and powdered inflorescence mixed with sugar is used as brain and eye tonic. The roots are powdered and used for piles. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1055. Ethn.dist. Bihar ( Tarafder and Chaudhuri, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Maharashtra ( Shah et. al., 1983), Meghalaya (Neogi et. al., 1989), India (Khanna and Mudgal. 1992), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965, 1995; Bhalla et. al., 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Singh and Pandey, 1996; Das, 1997), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 145. Tagetes erecta, Linn. (Genda), Herb. Loc. # Expressed juice of the flower is said to be useful for the treatment of bone fracture and skin diseases. leaf decoction is applied over forehead to relieve headache. Lama, Banda (U.P.) 1058. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996). 146. Tricholepis glaberrima, DC. (Brahmadandi), Herb. Loc. Powdered plant is provided for the treatment of leprosy. Talbehat, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1518. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983).
147. Tridax procumbens, L. (Baguna), Herb. Loc. The leaves are pounded in to paste and used for the treatment of cuts and wounds. # The leaf and stem juice is taken orally for the treatment of intestinal worms in the children. Banda (U.P.) 1082. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra ( Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986 ), Himachal Pradesh ( Kapur, 1986), Maharashtra (Mudaliar et. al., 1987), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992). Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994; Khanna et. al., 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Bhalla et. al., 1996; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1996); Maheshwari, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 148. Vernonia anthelminticum, Willd. (Kala Zira), Herb. Loc. #The powdered seed are applied externally alongwith brassica oil for the treatment of paralysis. #The powdered root are said to be useful for the treatment of snake bite. Datiya (M.P.) 1230. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Maheshwari, 1996). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 149. Vernonia cinerea, Less. (Sahadevi), Herb. Loc. #Plant is pounded into paste alongwith black peeper and provided orally to the cattle suffering from diarrhoea. #The expressed juice of the leaves is said to be useful for the treatment of piles. Sirsi, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1089. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley ( Saxena and Vyas. 1983). Maharashtra (Shah et. al., 1983). Bihar ( Sahoo & Mudgal. 1993), Uttar
84 Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996), Rajasthan ( Das. 1997 ). Madhya Pradesh (Bhalla et. al. 1996: Samvatsar & Diwanji. 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 150. Xanthium strumarium, Linn. (Chhota Gokhru), Herb. Loc. The root is pounded into paste and used as poultice for the treatment of boils. The decoction of the plant is said to be useful for the treatment of malaria. The powder of the whole plant is said to be useful for the treatment of cancer. Kuiya, Jalaun (U.P.) 1121. Ethn.dist. Assam (Hazra and Baishya, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena & Vyas, 1983), Meghalaya (Neogi et. al., 1989), West Bengal (Pal & Jain, 1989), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994). Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963; Bhalla et. al., 1996). PLUMBAGINACEAE 151. Plumbago zeylanica, Linn. (Chitrak), Herb. Loc. The decoction of the root is useful for the treatment of fever. The root is pounded in to paste and applied externally for the treatment of thrumbophlobitis. +The root is used as totem. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 12.15. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena et. al., 1981), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986). Meghalaya (Neogi et. al. 1989), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal. 1993). Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989; Singh et. al., 1994). Rajasthan ( Das. 1997), Madhya Pradesh ( Jain, 1965;
85 Maheshwari. 1996; Khare & Khare, 1999; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000) SAPATACEAE 152. Madhuca indica, J.F.Gmel. (Mahua), Tree. Loc. The seed oil is applied externally as massage oil for the treatment of fever. The flowers are dried and powdered, it is locally known as murka. It is eaten by the poor people. Some times the powder is boiled with milk and is used to eat during general weekness. The flowers are dried and distilled for the preperation of Mahua wine, locally it is known as 'Tharra'. The oil cakes are used as manure. The wood is used as timber and also used for making agricultural implements. Alamkhor. Banda (U.P.) 917. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Uttar Pradesh ( Siddiqui et. al., 1989), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963; Jain and Sahu, 1993; Khare & Khare, 1999). EBENACEAE 153. Diospyros melanoxylon, Brand. (Tendu), Tree. The gum is used for the treatment of jauindice. The decoction of the gum is used for the treatment of typhoid. Half riped fruits are eaten for the treatment of diarrhoea and
§ 86 Loc. dysentry. The decoction of stem bark is used for the treatment of stomachache. Manikpur. Karwi (U.P.) 527. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar ( Sahoo and Mudgal. 1993). Andra Pradesh (Raju, 1995), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963; Shukla 1991; Maheshwari. 1996; Singh et. al., 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). OLEACEAE 154. Nyctanthes arbortristis, Linn. (Harsingar), Tree. Loc. # The decoction of leaf is made, cooled and filtered it is said to be useful for the treatment of joint pain and siatica. # Extract of the leaves is used for malerial fever. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 895. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Gupta, 1981), Maharashtra ( Sharma and Lakshmi Narasimhan, 1986). Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995). Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin. 1995). Uttar Pradesh ( Singh and Maheshwari, 1983, 1985: Khanna et. al., 1996, Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965, 1981, 1995; Singh et al., 1999: Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). APOCYNACEAE 155. Holarrhena antidysenterica, Wall Cat. (Dudhi), Tree. The powdered bark, seeds and leaves are used for the treatment of dysentery and diarrhoea. Decoction of the stem bark with black pepper is used in
87 Loc. malaria. Jalaun, Jalaun (U.P.) 1519. Ethn.dist. Assam (Hajra and Baishya, 1981), Orissa (Saxena et. al., 1981), Uttar Pradesh ( Singh and Maheshwary, 1983 ), Maharashtra ( Sharma and Lakshminarsimhan. 1986), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Bihar (Girach and Aminuddin, 1995), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Saxena & Patnaik, 2000). 156. Nerium indicum, Mill. (Lal Kaner), Shrub. Loc. The leaves are dried and powdered, it is used regularly to get rid off with the ediction of opium. The root bark is boild with brassica oil and filtered, it is used for the treatment of skin diseases. Flowers offered to God. +Roots used as totem. Jaitpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 886. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Tamil nadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Uttar Pradesh ( Siddiqui et. al., 1989), Rajasthan (Sharma, 1990), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al. 1996; Saini, 1996). Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983) 157. Nerium odorum, Soland. (Safed Kaner), Shrub. Loc. The root is pounded and made in to paste, it is applied for the treatment of backache. The dried root is powdered and applied on the tample during headache. Sirsi, Hamirpur (U.P.) 887.
88 Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh ( Kapur, 1986), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983). Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et al., 1989) 158. "Vinca rosea, Linn. (Sada Bahar), Herb. Loc. The juice of the leaf is rubbed on the joints during joint pain. Atarra, Banda (U.P.) 1119. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 159. Wrightia tinctoria, Br. (Kalidudhi) Tree. Loc. A decoction of root bark for the treatment of dysentery and fever. The latex is applied on wounds for healing. A blue dye is obtained from the leaves. Barua-Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 1521. Ethn.dist. India (Mitre, 1981), Maharashtra (Shah et. al. 1983; Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992) Rajasthan (Das, 1997) ASCLEPADACEAE 160. Calotropis gigantea, R.Br. (, Akaua), Shrub. The root is grinded and made into paste it is applied externally on scorpion sting and snakebite. The powdered leaves are used externally for the treatment of skin diseases. The milky juice is applied externally for the treatment of eczema and ringworm. The twig is used as tooth brush for the treatment of pyor rhoea.
89 Loc. + Plant used for totem. Flowers offered to God for worship. Kalingar, Banda (U.P.) 303. Ethn.dist. Eastern India (Pal, 1981), Sikkim (Krishna and Das, 1983), Tamilnadu ( Banerjee ( Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986 ), Orissa (Amineeddin, et. al., 1993), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983; Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Shukla et. al., 1991; Jain and Sahu, 1993; Samvatsar and Diwanji, 1999; Saxena and Patnaik, 2000), Nepal (Siwakoti and Siwakoti, 2000). 161. Calotropis procera, R.B. (Madar Akua), Shrub. Loc. One youg flower bud is taken orally along with gur regularly for 3 days in morning hour. It is said to be useful for the treatment of malarial fever. The flower buds are dried and powdered, it is mixed with equal amount of powdered black peper one gram of this powder is used orally for the treatment of bronchial asthma. The juice of the root is used for oral administration for the treatment of snakebite. Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 293. Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986). Bihar (Tarafer, 1983), Assam ( Hajra and Baishya, 1981), Calcutta (Chakraverty. 1975), Rajasthan (Singh, 1983; Sharma, 1990), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983; Singh, 1986; Siddiqui et. al.. 1989; Singh et. al., 1994, 1996; Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain and Sahu, 1993; Khare & Khare, 1999; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 162. Gymnema sylvestre, R.Br. (Medhasingi), Climbing shrub Roots of the plant are used as an antidote to snakebite.
90 Loc. Leaves are used for the treatment of diabities. Badi Madhaiyan, Banda (U.P.) 1523. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965), Dhasan, Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar and Jain, 1998). 163. Hemidesmus indicus R.Br. (Anantmool), Prostrate shrub. Loc. The root is pounded into paste and applied externally on the boils. The decoction of root is used for the treatment of fever. The root is pounded into paste it is applied on snakebite. The bangle is made from its stem and placed on the wrist. It is believed that it induces lactation in mother. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 804. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena et. al., 1981), Bihar (Gupta, 1981), Dhasan, Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Bihar ( Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Rajasthan (Singh and Pandey, 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983; Singh et. al. 1994; Khanna et. al., 1996; Singh et. al., 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Jain and Sahu, 1993; Sikarwar, 1993; Khare & Khare, 1999; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 164. Trichodesma zeylanicum, Br. (Ondhipulai), Herb. Loc. Expressed juice of the leaves is provided to the children for the treatment of dysentery. Atarra, Banda (U.P.) 1527. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley ( Saxena and Vyas, 1983 ), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992)
165. Tylophora indica, (Burm.f.) Merr. (Shivlingi), Climber Loc. Juice of the fresh leaves is taken orally during empty stomach. It gives immediate relief to the person suffering from bronchial asthma. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1525. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1995) BORAGINACEAE 166. Cordia macleodii, Hook f. & Thoms. (Dahipalas), Tree. #Fruit juice is taken orally for the treatment of jaundice. Loc. # The decoction of root is useful for the treatment of debility and weekness of liver. Chitrakut, Karwi (U.P.) 416. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Saxena and Patnaik, 2000). 167. Cordia myxa, Linn. (Labhera), Tree Loc. The fruits are useful for the treatment of jaundice. The decoction of the fruit is said to be useful for the malfunctioning of lever. Nadigaon, Jalaun (U.P.) 1597. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. CONVOLVULACEAE 168. Convolvulus arvensis, Linn. (Hariyari), Herb The decoction of the plant is made with the milk and filtered. this milk is provided orally for the treatment of impotance.
92 Loc. #The fresh plants are used as fooder to improve lactacon in cattle. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 405. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Painuli and Maheshwari, 1996) 169. Convolvulus pluricaulis, chois. (Sikhauli), Herb Loc. The expressed juice of plant is used as brain tonic. The leaves are pounded and taken orally for the treatment of diabetes. The plant is pounded with black peeper and provided orally to the cattle suffering from paralytic attack. Guraha, Banda (U.P.) 397. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 170. Cuscuta reflexa, Roxb. (Amar bal), Creeper Loc. The decoction of the plant is made. It is used regularly as local application for the treatment of dandruff, whitening and thining of hairs. The stem is pounded into paste and used orally as laxative. The stem of this plant alongwith the fruits of Cassia tora are pounded in to paste and applied externally for the treatment of eczema. The expressed juice of the plant is said to be used as infertility drug. Kudaura, Hamirpur (U.P.) 501. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder and Chaudhuri, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983). Assam and Arunachal Pradesh (Baruah and Sharma, 1987), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992). Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Uttar Pradesh ( Siddiqui et. al..
93 1989; Khanna et. al. 1996: Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1993; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 171. Ipomoea aquatica, Forsk. (Nalichibaji), Herb Loc. The root is pounded in to paste and applied externally on the scorpian sting. The dried leaves are used for smoking. Chitrakut, Karwi (U.P.) 805. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996; Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) 172. Ipomoea fistulosa, Mart. (Besharam), Herb Loc. # The fresh leaves is warmed with butter and applied externally on boils. Buds are made into paste and used to cure scorpionsting. Chandpurwa, Hamirpur (U.P.) 809. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Jain & Sahu, 1993), Uttar Pradesh ( Singh et. al., 1994; 1996) Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998) 173. Ipomoea nil, (L) Rath. (Kaladana), Herb Loc. The seeds are powdered and used for the treatment of cough and cold. It is also said to be useful for the treatment of liver disease. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 796. Ethn.dist. Tamilnadu (Banerjee & Banerjee, 1986) Rajasthan (Das, 1997) 174. Ipomoea pestigridis, L. (Gangle bel), Herb The plant is pounded into paste and applied externally on the affected part of the dog bite.
94 Loc. Leaves are grinded and applied externally on the boils. Kusumilia, Jalaun (U.P.) 795. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 175. Ipomoea turpathum, R.Br. (Nisoth), Herb The fresh root is grinded and applied externally on the scor pion sting and snake bite. Loc. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 797. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. SOLANACEAE 176. Capsicum annum, L.Watt. (Lal mirch), Herb Loc. The fruits are pounded with water and applied on dog-bite. The fruits are used as spices and pickles. Kadaura, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1529. Ethn.dist. Assam (Hajra and Baishya, 1981), Arunachal Pradesh (Das and Hajra, 1981), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996). 177. Datura fastuosa, Linn. (Kala Dhatura), Shrub Loc. The fruits are used in hydrophobia. The leaves are used for the treatment of boils. # Dried leaves are smoked in asthma. Orchha, Jhansi (U.P.) 1530. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993). Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 178. Datura innoxia, Mill. (Dhatura), Shrub #The root is tied on the wrist for the treatment of malaria.
95 Loc. #The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of itch. The leaf is warmed and put on the boil for its treatment. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 515. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh ( Singh et. al., 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1996). 179. Datura metal, Linn. (Datura), Shrub Loc. The leaves of Anona squamosa, Linn and the leaves of Datura metal are mixed togather and made into paste, it is said to be useful for the treatment of snake bite. The fruits are dried and powdered, it is applied locally on eczema. Flowers and fruits are used for the worship of Lord Shiva. The seeds are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of boils. The poultice of the unripe fruit is used for the treatment of boils of cattles. The decoction of root is useful for the treatment of malaria. The poultice of the unripe fruits is used for the treatment of eruption in cattles. Lama, Banda (U.P.) 511. Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), India ( Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Assam (Borthakur. 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989: Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996). Madhya Pradesh (Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti. 2000). 180. Nicotiana tabacum, Linn. (Tambaku), Herb The leaves are pounded and given orally with goat milk to the
96 Loc. patient suffering from snake bite. The dried and powdered leaves of this plant along with the leaves of cannabis sativa are smoked for the treatment of paralysis. Dried and powdered leaves are used in pyorrhoea. The gently warmed leaves are tied on the testicles for the treatment of hydrocele. Sirsi, Hamirpur (U.P.) 891. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Awasthi, 1987), Orissa (Aminuddin et. al., 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963, 1965; Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998). 181. Physalis minima, Linn. (Jharpota), Herb Loc. Aquous leaf extract is used during constipation. The fruits are eaten. Talbehat, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1532. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Car Nicobar Island (Dagar, 1989), Tehri, Uttar Pradesh (Badoni, 1990), Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1994), Uttar Pradesh (Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996). 182. Solanum indicum, L. (Bhatkotari), Herb The leaf paste is applied on the wound appeared due to snake bite. The root is boiled with the milk and filtered, it is taken orally for the treatment of general debility. The powdered seeds are boiled with water and the vapours are inhealed for the treatment of uncounciousness.
97 Loc. + Plant used in totem. A small piece of the twig is tied to the arm to get relief from conjuctivitis. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 1037. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra and Goa (Vartak, 1981), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Maharashta (Sharma and Lakshmi-narasimhan, 1986), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Madhya Pradesh (Jain and Sahu, 1993), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 183. Solanum melongena, Linn. (Bhata), Herb Loc. About 100 g. of boiled fruit mixed with about 20 g. of honey is said to be useful for the treatment of insomnea. Kundaura, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1043. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992). 184. Solanum nigrum, Linn. (Makai), Herb Loc. #The juice of the plant is used for the treatment of jaundice. The leaf juice is warm and used for the treatment of earache. The plant is used as vegetable. The fruits are eaten. The leaves are pounded with water and applied as poultice on leucoderma. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.), 1040. Ethn.dist. Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), Maharashtra and Goa (Vartak, 1981), West Bengal ( Das et. al., 1983), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Himachal Pradesh ( Kapur, 1986). Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Awasthi, 1987). Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992). Andra Pradesh (Raju, 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al..
98 1996; Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996. Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das. 1997) 185. Solanum suratense, Linn.(Chhoti Kateli), Herb Loc. The expressed juice of the flower is applied on tample for the treatment of headache. Fresh root extract mixed with equal quantity of lemon juice, It is applied for one month as a preventive measures against cataract. #The decoction of plant is said to be useful for the treatment of gonorrhoea. Root bark is chewed as an antidote to scorpion sting. + Plant are used as totam. Lama, Banda (U.P.) 1041. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994; 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 186. Solanum xanthocarpum, Schraud and Wendl. (Bhatkatiya), Herb Loc. The fruits are dried and burned for smoke. The smoke is used for the treatment of toothache. The juice of flowers is used for the treatment of scorpion sting. The plant is used for worship in 'Bhaiya Dooj' festival. The fresh leaves are used in conjuctivitis. Powdered plants are used as an external application for the treatment of piles and dysentery. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1042. Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986). Madhya Pradesh (Khare & Khare. 1999).
SCROPHULARINEAE 99 187. Alectra parasitica, A.Rich.Var. chitrakutensis, Rau.(Nirgundi), Herb Loc. The plants are useful for the treatment of leprosy and leucoderma. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1535. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983) 188. Limnophilia indica, (Linn) Druce. (Kuttra), Herb Loc. #The plant is pounded and made into paste. It is applied on the affected parts of the body caused by the elephantiasis. Talbehat, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1537. Ethn.dist. Rajasthan (Das, 1997) PEDALIACEAE 189. Martynia annua, Linn. (Kaua), Shrub Loc. The seeds are powdered and used during meanstrual pain caused by obstruction in menstrual flow. # The roots are used in scorpionsting. Baparetha, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1539. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan. 1986) Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), West Bengal (Pal and Jain, 1989), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Andhra Pradesh (Jain, 1995). 190. Pedalium murex, Linn Druce. (Bara Gokhru), Herb The powdered fruits are mixed with trifla in equal quantity it is used for the treatment of leucorrhoea.
100 Loc. The fruits are used as a tonic to the patient suffering from glycosuria, impottency and gonorrhoea. Rivai, Hamirpur (U.P.) 925. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Maharashtra (Shah, et. al., 1983), Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996, Das, 1997). 191. Sesamum indicum, Linn. (Till), Herb Loc. The seeds and gur are taken orally early in the morning for the treatment of intestinal worms. #The seeds are grinded and mixed with sugar are used during winter for general debility. #Decoction of leaves is provided orally every day for one year to control the diabeties. Charkhari, Mahoba (U.P.) 1026. Ethn.dist. Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). ACANTHAO 192. Adhatoda vasica, Nees. (Adusa), Shrub Loc. The expressed juice of the leaves along with equal amount of honey is provided orally for the treatment of vomiting of blood. The powdered leaves are used for the treatment of cough. The ash of leaves and flower is taken orally for the treatment of tuberculosis. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of the joint pain. The paste of whole plant is also said to be useful for the treatment of insect bite. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 86. Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty. 1975), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Vyasi
101 Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Khare & Khare, 1999). 193. Andrographis paniculata, Nees. (Bada-Kalmegh), Herb Loc. The leaves are used as antidote to snake-bite. Decoction of the roots is used for rheumatism. Naghara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1541. Ethn.dist. Calcutta ( Chakravarty, 1975), Meghalaya (Neogi et. al., 1989), Orissa (Ghoshal, 1991), Bihar (Gupta, 1981; Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Saini 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963, 1965; Jain and Sahu, 1993; Anand Kumar, 1996; Maheshwari 1996, Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998). 194. Asteracantha longifolia, Nees. (Talmakhana), Herb Loc. Seeds are given with milk and sugar in spermatorrhoea. Leaves and seeds are useful for the urinary disorder. Decoction of the seeds is used to cure diabetes. Decoction of the plant is taken orally for the treatment of malaria. Mudhari, Mahoba (U.P.) 248. Ethn.dist. Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Madhya Pradesh (Khare & Khare, 1999). 195. Barleria cristata, L. (Jhinti), Herb #The decoction of the root is used for the treatment of joint pain. The seed oil is also said to be useful for the treatment of earache. #The decoction of the root is used for the treatment of pneumonia.
102 Loc. The leaves are boiled with oil. It is applied externally for the treatment of small boils. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 03. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993). 196. Barleria prionitis, Linn. (Pia bansa), Shrub Loc. The infusion of leaves is used for the treatment of stomachache. The expressed juice of leaves is used for the treatment of cough and asthma. The leaves are powdered and taken orally with water for the treatment of fever. Sirsi, Hamirpur (U.P.) 273. Ethn.dist. Assam and Arunachal Pradesh (Baruah and Sarma, 1987), Uttar Pradesh (Khann et. al., 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 197. Elytararia acaulis, (L.F.) Lindau. (Sahastra musali), Herb Loc. The plant is powdered and used with honey for the treatment of cough. The root is pounded into paste and used externally for the treatment of boils. The roots are used as poultice to the sores of cattle. The leaves are pounded and the paste is applied on wounds and nail diseases. Kharella, Hamirpur (U.P.) 591. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand (Saxena & Vyas, 1981), Madhya Pradesh (Panuli & Maheshwari, 1996). 198. Lepidagathis trinervis, Nees. (Brahma dandi), Herb The juice of the fresh plant is used for the treatment of cuts and
wounds. It stops bleeding. 103 Loc. Extract of the root is provided for oral administration in bleeding piles. Decoction of the plant is said to be useful for the treatment of intermittent fever. Barua-Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 847. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra (Sharma & Lakshminarasimhan, 1986). 199. Peristrophe bicalyculata, Nees. (Kakjhangha), Herb Loc. The plant is pounded and the paste is kept in rice water for some time and filtered, the filtrate is said to be useful for the treatment of snake bite. The plant is used as fooder to improve the lactation in the cattles. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 919. Ethn.dist. India (Mitre, 1981), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996). VERBENACEAE 200. Lantana camara, Linn. (Ghaneri), Shrub Loc. The leaves are pounded and made into paste. It is applied on ringworms and itch. Juice of leaves is used in cuts and wounds. Decoction of the leaves is used for the itching during measles. Kurara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 248. Ethn.dist. Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), West Bengal (Pal and Jain, 1989). Meghalaya (Neogi et. al., 1989). Uttar Pradesh ( Siddiqui et. al., 1989). Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993), Bihar (Girach &
104 Aminuddin, 1995) Madhya Pradesh (Khare & Khare, 1999: Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 201. Lippia nodiflora, Rich. (Jal-pipal), Herb Loc. Extract of the leaves is used during dysentery and diarrhoea. Dakor, Jalaun (U.P.) 1546. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 202. Tectona grandis, Lin. (Sagaun), Tree Loc. The oil extracted from the fruits is used in eczema and other skin diseases. The wood is used for making furniture and also as timber. Ajaigarh, Panna (M.P.) 1547. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986). Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989), Madhya Pradesh (Jain 1963, 1965; Jain & Sahu, 1993; Jain, 1995). 203. Vitex negundo, Linn. (Negud), Shrub Loc. The leaves are boiled in water. This water is used to take bath for the treatment of rheumatic fever. The dried leaves are insectisidal, and are used to put with the wheat grains to keep the grains insect free. #Decoction of the leaves is used on the swellings due to external injuries. Twings are used for making Baskets. Chitrakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 1112. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder and Chaudhuri, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena & Vyas, 1983), Maharashtra ( Shah et. al., 1983), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari. 1985), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani
105 and Sharma, 1987), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Rajasthan (Singh and Pandey. 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1994; Jain, 1995: Painuli and Maheshwari, 1996; Maheshwari, 1996; Singh et. al., 1999 Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999; Saxena and Patnaik, 2000), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). LABIATAE 204. Hyptis suaveolens, Poit. (Vilayati tulsi), Herb Loc. # Extract of the leaves is used in colic. Blue dye is obtained from roots. Jhinna, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1549. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 205. Leucas aspera, Spreng. (Guma), Herb Loc. The root is grinded and applied externally for the treatment of scorpionsting. The leaf juice is used externally for the treatment of skin diseases. The decoction of crushed leaves is given through nostrils to cure snake-bite. Lama, Banda (U.P.) 842. Ethn.dist. Orissa ( Saxena et. al., 1981), Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Orissa (Ghoshal, 1991), Uttar Pradesh ( Singh et. al., 1994; Saini, 1996 ), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963, 1965; Jain and Sahu, 1993; Khare & Khare, 1999)..
106 206. Leucas cephalotes, Spreng. (Gumbhi-myala), Herb Loc. The leaf juice is dropped in eye and nose for the treatment of snakebite. Extract of the plant is used to cure malerial fever. Ash of the leaves mixed with urine of horse is applied on head of boils. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 846. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Gupta, 1981), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 207. Mentha arvensis, Linn. (Podina), Herb Loc. The expressed juice of leaves mixed with honey is used for the treatment of hiccough. The leaves are boiled in water and the vapours are used for the treatment of cold. The fresh leaves are pounded with lemon juice and made into paste, it is applied on the face for the treatment of pimples. The expressed juice of leaves is said to be useful for the treatment of asthama. Bharwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 910. Ethn.dist. Tamilnadu ( Banerjee and Banerjee. 1986). Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani & Sharma. 1987), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993). 208. Ocimum americanum, Linn. (Ban Tulsi), Herb The leaves are used as poultice on boils.
209. Ocimum basilicum, Linn. (Babui tulsi), Herb 107 Loc. The expressed juice of leaf is taken through the nose for the treatment of toothache. The seeds are pounded and applied externally for the treatment of boils. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of scorpionsting. Banda (U.P.) 899. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), India (Khanna & Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993), Madhya Pradesh (Jain & Sahu, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 210. Ocimum gratissimum, L. (Rama tulsi), Herb Loc. The decoction of the leaves is used during general debility. The root is tied on the wrist, it is said to be useful for the treatment of jaundice. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 903. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Uttar Pradesh ( Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 211. Ocimum sanctum, Linn. (Tulsi), Herb The expressed juice of leaves with equal amount of honey is used for the treatment of fever. 5 leaves and 5 black peeper are pounded and given orally, to reduce the narcotic effect of cannabis sativa. The roots are grinded and applied externally on the affected part due to insectbite.
108 Loc. Leaves are offered to god. Bharwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 896. Ethn.dist. Assam (Hajra and Baishya, 1981), Bihar (Tarafder. 1983). Tamilnadu ( Banerjee and Banerjee. 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Meghalaya (Neogi et. al.. 1989). Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989), Andaman Islands (Awasthi, 1991), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994; Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Saxena & Patnaik, 2000), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 212. Orthosiphon pallidus, Royle. (Kali Nagadi), Herb # The seeds are used in leucoderma. Loc. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 907. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996). NYCTAGINACEAE 213. Boerhaavia chinensis, Linn. (Biskhapra), Herb Loc. The root is grinded and applied externally for the treatment of skin diseases. Kundaura, Hamirpur (U.P.) 278. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 214.Boerhaavia diffusa, L. (Patherchata), Herb The decoction of the plant is said to be useful for the treatment of snakebite. The leaves are used as vegetable for the patient suffring from liver diseases. The leaves are pounded into paste and the paste is applied externally on the affected part of the snakebite.
109 Loc. The powdered root alongwith water is provided orally for the treatment of cholera. The root is pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of tumor. Gaurahari, Hamirpur (U.P.) 280. Ethn.dist. Calcutta ( Chakravarty, 1975), West Bengal (Das et al., 1983), Gujrat (Opal & Shah, 1985), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986 ), Maharashtra ( Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996; Khanna et. al., 1996; Singh et. al., 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) AMARANTHACEAE 215. Achyranthes aspera, Linn. (Latjeera), Herb. Whole plant is made into paste and applied locally after setting right the fractured bone and tied with a cotton bandage. Fresh paste is prepared applied externally everyday. The juice of leaves is used for treatment of earache. The juice of leaves taken orally is useful for the treatment of piles. The expressed juice of leaves is droped in the ear for the treatment of toothache. The leaves are pounded and made into paste the paste is provided orally for the treatment of hydraphobia. Fresh paste of leaves are applied on abscess. Dried leaves are burnt to produce smoke. It is inhaled by the patient suffering from bronchial asthma.
Loc. The seeds are half fried mixed with equal amount of sugar, it is taken orally for the treatment of asthama. The root is kept in hand to relive pain due to scorpionsting. The ash of root is used orally for the treatment of asthama. The root is grinded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of scorpion sting. The roots are powdered and taken orally for the treatment of intermitent fever. The fresh root is pounded and applied externally on scorpion sting. The roots are used as an antidote to snake bite. The fresh root is tied around the thumb of right leg for easy delivery. The stem is used as tooth brush for the treatment of pyorrhoea. The ash of Inflorescence and seeds are used for the treatment of snake bite. +The root and leaves are tied on the wrist of the patient on sunday or wednesday for the treatment of jaundice and intermitant fever. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 69. Ethn.dist. India (Mitre, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983). Orissa (Singh, 1986), Tamilnadu (Banerjee & Banerjee, 1986). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani & Sharma, 1987), West Bengal (Pal and Jain, 1989) Meghalaya (Neogi et. al., 1989). Orissa ( Ghosal, 1991 ), Assam ( Borthakur. 1993), Karnataka Hosagoudar & Henry, 1993), Andhra Pradesh (Raju, 1995), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Bihar (Tarafder. 1983; Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993; Girach & Aminuddin, 1995). Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Singh
and Maheshwari, 1983; Singh et. al., 1994: Khanna et. al. 1994; Khanna et. al., 1996; Singh et. al., 1996: Saini, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963, 1965; Sikarwar. 1993, 1994; Samvatsar & Diwanji. 1996), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 216. Amaranthus gracilis, Desf. (Chaulai), Herb Loc. Boiled juice of the leaves taken orally is said to be useful for the treatment of anemia. The leaves are taken orally for the treatment of skin diseases. Charkhari, Mahoba (U.P.) 1599. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 217. Amaranthus spinosus, Linn. (Jangli Chori), Herb Loc. The root is pounded and its juice is mixed with butter applied locally on Dogbite. The fresh leaves are pounded and used as poultice on boils. The root ash mixed with brassica oil applied externally for the treatment of eczema. The plant is cut into small pieces and provided orally to the cattle suffering from paralysis. The leaves are cooked as vegetables. The plants are used as fodder. Chandpurwa, Hamirpur (U.P.) 204. Ethn.dist. Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), West Bengal (Das et. al., 1983 ), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987). West Bengal (Pal and Jain, 1989), Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1998). Uttar Pradesh (Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996; Saini, 1996), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakot, 2000).
112 218. Amaranthus viridis, Linn. (Chorai), Herb Loc. The roots are pounded and made into paste. It is applied on eczema. The juice of the leaves is used in ringworm disease. Nandehra, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1553. Ethn.dist. West Bengal (Das et. al., 1983), Madhya Pradesh (Shukla et. al., 1991; Sikarwar, 1994), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989; Khanna et. al., 1996, Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). CHENOPODIACEAE 219. Beta vulgaris, Linn. (Chukandar), Herb Loc. The expressed juice of the leaves alongwith the equal amount of lemon juice is applied on the ringworm. The fresh juice of the root is said to be useful for the treatment of blood pressure. Banda (U.P.) 185. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 220.Chenopodium album, Linn. (Bathua), Herb Loc. The expressed juice of leaf is used orally for the treatment of cold. The plant is used as vegetable. Leafy twigs of the plant are cooked as vegetable and also used as fooder for cattle. Kundaura, Hamipur (U.P.) 375. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh ( Singh & Maheshwari, 1983), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Meghalaya (Neogi et. al., 1989). Tehri (Badoni, 1990), Uttar Pradesh (Bajpayee and Dixit. 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997).
221. Spinacia oleracea, Linn. (Palak), Herb Loc. The seeds are powdered and its applied locally on eczema. Banda (U.P.) 185. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. POLYGONACEAE 222. Polygonum glabrum, willd. (Nari), Herb Loc. The root is pounded into paste and used externally for the treatment of headache. An infusion of the leaves is provided orally during colic. The paste of roots is applied externally on bleeding piles. Karwi, Karwi (U.P.) 976. Ethn.dist. Assam and Arunachal Pradesh (Baruah and Sharma, 1987), Uttar Pradesh (Siddiqui et. al., 1989). ARISTOLOCHIACEAE 223. Aristolochia bracteata, Retz. (Kira-mar), Shrub Loc. The leaves are pounded and made into paste, it is applied as poultice on the worts of cattle. Decoction of the roots is used for the treatment of roundWorms. Talbehat, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1558. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Rajasthan (Sharma, 1990). Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996). PIPERACEAE 224. Piper betle, Linn. (Pan), Herb Expressed juice of the leaf is used in cough.
+ Loc. Leaves are offered to God. Mahoba (U.P.) 1559. Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty, 1975), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983). Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Awasthi, 1987), Car Nicobar Islands (Dagar, 1989), Rajasthan ( Sharma, 1990), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995). EUPHORBIACEAE 225. Acalypha indica, (Kuppa), Shrub Loc. # The powdered leaves are used for the treatment of skin diseases. # The decoction of root is used as laxative. Decoction of the leaves used orally for relieving the pain of snakebite. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1591. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Jain and Sahu, 1993). 226. Emblica officinalis, Gaertn. (Amla), Tree The fruits are used as pickles. The fruits are dried and powdered. The infusion of the powdered fruit is used for the treatment of dendruf. The powdered fruits are taken with the powdered leaves of the Lawsonia innermis in equal amounts, it is dipped in water for some time and applied externally for blackening of hairs. The fruit juice mixed with honey is used for the treatment of inflamation during urination. The dry fruits are powdered along with the seeds of Eugenia jambolana, The powder is used for the treatment of diabities. The plant is worshiped on the day of "Ichchha Navami" (a festival).
115 Loc. Kahra, Hamirpur (U.P.) 592. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra and Goa (Vartak, 1981), Andaman and Nicobar Island (Bhargava, 1981), Eastern India (Pal, 1981), Assam ( Borthakur, 1981), Maharashtra ( Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Uttar Pradesh ( Khanna et. al. 1994,1996), Rajasthan (Singh, 1983; Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Shukla et. al., 1991; Jain and Sahu, 1994; Singh et. al., 1999; Saxena and Patnaik, 2000), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 227. Euphorbia antiquorum, Linn. (Thuhar), Shrub Loc. Decoction of the plant is used in asthma. The stem are pounded and made into a paste, it is applied as poultice on the inflammation of the nail. Naghara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1561. Ethn.dist. Andaman & Nicobar Island (Bhargava, 1981), West Bengal (Das et. al., 1983). 228. Euphorbia hirta, Linn. (Badi Dudhi), Herb Loc. The expressed juice of the plant is useful for the treatment of dysentry and intestinal worms. The decoction of the plant is used for the treatment of asthma. Juice of the plant is used to promote lactation in women. Expressed juice of the leaves is provided for oral administration to check vomiting. Expressed juice of the plant is used for the treatment of dysentery in children. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 599.
116 Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), West Bengal (Das et. al. 1983). Maharashtra (Shah et. al., 1983). Himachal Pradesh (Kapur. 1986), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee. 1986). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani & Sharma, 1987), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Shukla et. al. 1991;Jain & Sahu, 1993), Andra Pradesh (Raju, 1995 ). Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin 1995), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 229. Euphorbia hypercifolia, Linn. (Chooti Dudhi), Herb Loc. The leaves of the plant are grinded with black peeper and used for the treatment of snake bite. Whole plant is dried and powdered, the powder is used with milk during general debility. The expressed juice of the plant is used orally for the treatment of diarrhoea in the children. + Plants are used as totam. Atarra, Banda (U.P.) 601. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996). 230. Euphorbia thymifolia, Linn. (Chhoti Dudhi), Herb The plant is grinded with black peeper, it is used for the treatment of snake bite. The plant is boiled with brassica oil and filtered, it is applied externally for the treatment of joint pain. The powdered plant is used for the treatment of stomach dissorder. The plant is dried under shade and powdered, it is used for the treatment of general debility.
117 Loc. The plant extract is used for the treatment of piles. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 600. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Aminuddin et. al., 1993), Madhya Pradesh (Jain & Sahu, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). 231. Jatropha gossypifolia, Linn. (Dudhi), Herb Loc. The fresh leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally on the wounds. The leaves are used for the treatment of boils. The leaves are used in eczema and itch. The root is put around the neck of the cattle for healing of wounds. + The root is used for totem. Devgaon, Hamirpur (U.P.) 815. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1963; 1965), Eastern India (Pal, 1981), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996). 232. Mallotus philippinensis, Muell. Arg. (Kamala), Shrub Loc. The leaves are pounded into paste and used for treatment of skin diseases. The decoction of the leaves is use for the treatment of constipation. An orange-red dye is obtained from the ripe fruits. Kalinjar, Banda (U.P.) 1202. Ethn.dist. Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986), Nepal Border ( Vishva Vihari, 1995), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al.. 1998), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1981: Vivek Kumar and Jain, 1998; Singh et. al., 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000).
118 233. Phyllanthus niruri, Linn. (Bhui Amla), Herb. Loc. The plant is pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of piles. The decoction of the leaves is used for the treatment of fever and snakebite. Expressed juice of the plant is used for the treatment of jaundice. Bansi, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1218. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986). 234. Phyllanthus simplex, Retz. (Jangali Imli), Herb Loc. The plant is pounded in to paste and applied externally for the treatment of sciatica. The fruits are made in to a paste with the hot water, the paste is applied on bleeding piles. Umari, Jalaun (U.P.) 946. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 235. Ricinus communis, Linn. (Andi), Shrub The seeds are pounded and made into past. The warm past is used to relieve pain due to thrumbophlobitis. The oil is applied on the leaf, the leaf is warmed and used externally for the treatment of boil. The young leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of snakebite. The root is grinded and applied externally on tample for the treatment of headache. The decoction of the root is used for the treatment of rheumatism.
Loc. The leaf juice is used for oral administration for the treatment of snakebite. The decoction of the root is taken orally for the treatment of sciatica. Stems are used for thaching purpose. Kundaura, Hamirpur (U.P.) 995. Ethn.dist. Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1988), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Awasthi, 1987), West Bengal (Pal & Jain, 1989), Assam (Borthakur, 1993), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995). Rajasthan (Sharma, 1990; Das, 1997), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1985; Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996: Singh et. al., 1998), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965, 1981: Sikarwar, 1993; Khare & Khare, 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). HORACE 236. Ficus benghalensis, Linn. (Bargad), Tree Loc. The latex of the plant is dropped into the ear for treatment of earache. Young leaves are pounded and made into paste, mixed with butter and applied on burnt body part. The latex is also useful for the treatment of boils. The latex is used with sugar for the treatment of dysentery. This is a sacred plant worshiped on the festival 'Akshaya Tritiya' by women. Bamhauri-Khurd, Hamirpur (U.P.) 612. Ethn.dist. Tamilnadu (Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Eastern India ( Pal, 1981), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993).
120 Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1999; Samvatsar & Diwan ji, 1999; Saxena & Patnaik, 2000), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 237. Ficus racemosa, Wau. Cat. (Gular), Tree. Loc. The few drops of latex with sugar is provided orally for 8 to 10 days for the treatment of diarrhoea. The fruit juice with honey is useful for the treatment of urticaria. The fruit juice is used as drinks. The leaf buds are pounded into paste and applied externally on the scorpion sting. The fruits are eaten. Rivai, Hamirpur (U.P.) 642. Ethn.dist. Andaman & Nicobar Island (Bhargava, 1981), Maharashtra and Goa (Vartak, 1981), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Karnataka (Hosagaudar & Henry, 1993), Bihar (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Negi et. al., 1993; Singh et. al., 1994), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996; Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996), Rajasthan ( Singh and Pandey, 1996; Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Jain and Sahu, 1993; Painuli and Maheshwari, 1996; Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 238. Ficus religiosa, Linn. (Peepal), Tree The stem bark is burnt and put in water. It is filtered and taken orally for the treatment of vomting. The aerial roots are pounded and recommonded for oral administration with cows milk for the treatment of leucorrhea.
121 Loc. The young leaves are pounded and applied on piles. The powdered fruits with milk are said to be useful for heart complaints. Young fruits are dried and powdered, about one gram power is taken orally for the treatment of headache. + The petiole of the leaves is gradually put in the ear is used as totem and also for the treatment of snake bite. Plant is worshipped to Lord Shiva. Dureddi, Banda (U.P.) 629. Ethn.dist. India (Mitre, 1981), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983 ), Tamilnadu (Banerjee & Banerjee, 1986), Vyassi Valley (Dhyani & Sharma, 1987), Uttar Pradesh ( Siddiqui et. al., 1989), Madhya Pradesh (Jain & Sahu, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1994; Khanna et. al., 1996; Singh et. al., 1996) Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1999; Saxena and Patnaik, 2000). 239. Ficus rumphii, Blume. (Pakar), Tree. Loc. The aerial roots of the plant are taken orally for the treatment of leucorrhoea. Bharuwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 623. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992). 240. Holoptelia integrifolia, Planch. (Chilla), Tree. Loc. The wood is used for making furniture and Agricultural implements. The paste of bark is used in the treatment of rheumatism. + The bark is used for totem. Banda (U.P.) 1563. Ethn.dist. Orissa ( Saxena et. al., 1981). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani &
122 Sharma, 1987), West Bengal (Paland Jain, 1989), Andhra Pradesh (Raju. 1995), Bihar ( Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari. 1983; Siddiqui et. al., 1989; Khanna et. al., 1996, Singh et. al., 1996, Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). ZINGIBERACEAE 241. Curcuma domestica, Salisb. (Haldi), Herb. Loc. Dried rhizome is powdered along with equal amount of Brassica seeds and rock salt, it is also mixed with equal amount of 'Gur', small tablets of gram size are made. Two to three tablets are taken orally bi a day with warm water for the treatment of asthama. The powdered rhizomes are used on various ceremonial occasions and worship. Powdered rhizome is also used for colouring purpose. Barua Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 451. Ethn.dist. India (Chaudhuri and Pal, 1981). Vyasi Valley, ( Dhyani & Sharma, 1987), Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 242. Zingiber officinale, Rose. (Adrak), Herb. The dried rhizome is called as 'Sunth'. It is powdered, the powder is used with warm water for the treatment of sciatica. The powdered sunth is boiled with milk and cooled. It is taken orally for five days for the treatment of backache. The expressed juice of rhizome with honey is useful for the treatment ofcold and cough.
123 Loc. Fresh rhizome of the plant is taken orally for the treatment of hicca it also help in digestion. Bharuwa Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) 1127. Ethn.dist. Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Car Nicobar Island (Awasthi, 1987; Dagar. 1989), Orissa (Ghoshal, 1991), Assam (Borthakur, 1993). Uttar Pradesh (Singh et al., 1994) AVARYL DACEAE 243. Crinum defixum, Ker-Gawl. (Sudarshan), Herb Loc. The expressed juice of the leaf is used for the treatment of earache. The rhizome is pounded into paste and mixed with turmeric powder and applied exterally for the treatment of wounds. Chandpurwa, Hamirpur (U.P.), 430. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 244. Curculigo orchioides, Gaertn. (Kali Singhia), Herb Loc. The fresh root is cut and put on the spot of scorpion sting to get relief. The powdered root is used for the treatment of dysentery and diarrhoea. Leaf juice is useful for the treatment of eye disease in animal. Talbehat, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1565. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena Goa (Vartak, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Maharashtra (Mudaliar et. al., 1987), Bihar ( Tarafder and Chaudhary, 1981; Tarafder, 1983; Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Andhra Pradesh (Raju, 1995), Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965, Roy and Chaturvedi, 1987; Shukla et. al., 1991; Painuli &
Maheshwari. 1996), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). LILIACEAE 245. Allium cepa, Linn. (Piyaz), Herb Loc. The bulb is kept in pocket, for the prevention of the sum strock. The juice of the bulb is mixed with equal amount of honey for the treatment of impotance. The juice of bulb is useful for vomiting. The poultice of the bulb is used as external application for the treatment of piles. The juice is useful for the treatment of ear complaints. The bulbs are used as vegetables. Chandpurwa, Hamirpur (U.P.) 192. Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty, 1975), Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Rajasthan (Singh and Pandey, 1996), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983; Siddiqui et. al., 1989; Khanna et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996). 246. Allium sativum, Linn. (Lahsun), Herb Loc. The cloves are grinded and made into paste. It is applied externally for the treatment rheumatic pain. Two to eight cloves are pounded and boiled with one glass of milk. When it is reduce to half it is cooled and filtered, it is taken orally for the treatment of scitica. The warm juice is used for the treatment of earache. Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 195. Ethn.dist. Calcutta (Chakravarty, 1975), Nilgiris (Abraham, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Singh
125 and Pandey, 1996; Das, 1997). 247. Aloe barbadensis, Mill. (Ghikwar), Herb Loc. The leaf pulp mixed with turmeric powder, it is used for the treatment of wounds. Supa, Mahoba (U.P.) 180. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986), Bihar (Girach & Aminuddin, 1995), Madhya Pradesh (Khare & Khare, 1999), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000) 248. Asparagus racemosus, Willd. (Shatavar), Climber Loc. The powdered roots taken with milk, it is used during general debility. The decoction of the tuber is used to expell out the intestinal worms in children. Boiled tuberous roots are eaten to increase lactation in women. Kuipahar, Mahoba (U.P.) 42. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra and Goa (Vartak, 1981), Assam (Hajra and Baishya, 1981; Borthakur, 1993), Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar. 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al, 1994) Nepal Border (Vishva Vihari, 1995), Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993; Girach and Aminuddin, 1995), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1983; Siddiqui et. al., 1989; Negi et. al., 1993; Singh, et. al.. 1994; Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1965; Roy and Chaturvedi, 1987: Shukla et. al., 1991: Sikarwar, 1993; Samvatsar & Diwan Ji. 1999; Saxena & Patnaiok, 2000) Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti. 2000).
126 249. Chlorophytum tuberosum, Baber. (Safed Musali), Herb Loc. The leaves are used as vegetables. Powdered tubers are taken orally during leucorrhoea and fever. Syondhi, Hamirpur (U.P.) Ethn.dist. Maharashtra and Goa (Vartak, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena & Vyas, 1983), Maharashta (Mudaliar et. al., 1987), Madhya Pradesh (Roy and Chaturvedi, 1987). 250. Gloriosa superba, Linn. (Kalihari), Herb Loc. The root is pounded with water and enhaled, it is said to be useful for the treatment of snake bite. Plants are useful for tongue disease and joint pain of animals. + The root is tied on the wrist and the leg of the women for easy delivery. Chitakoot, Karwi (U.P.) 752. Ethn.dist. Orissa (Saxena et. al., 1981), Bihar (Tarafder, 1983), Uttar Pradesh (Singh & Maheshwari, 1985), Himachal Pradesh (Kapur, 1986), Tamilnadu ( Banerjee and Banerjee, 1986), Assam & Arunachal Pradesh (Baruah and Sharma, 1987), Andhra Pradesh (Raju, 1995), Rajasthan ( Singh & Pandey, 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain and Sahu, 1993; Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1996; Samvatsar & Diwanji, 1999). 251. Urginea indica, Kunth. (Jungli piyaz), Herb Loc. About half bulb alongwith 11 black peeper and some amount of cow's butter is provided orally for the treatment of snake bite. Kurara, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1084. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1996). Rajasthan (Das, 1997)
COMMELINACEAE N 252. Commelina benghalensis, L. (Kanchara), Herb The leaves are used as vegetable. Loc. The leaves are pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of skin diseases. The decoction of the plant is used for the treatment of fever. Banda (U.P.) 395. Ethn.dist. Maharashtra and Goas (Vartak, 1981), Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987), Madhya Pradesh (Sikarwar, 1994), Uttar Pradesh (Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996; Saini, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997) PALMAE 253. Borassus flabellifer, Linn. (Tarr), Tree Loc. The inflorescence is grinded into paste and applied on scorpion sting. The leaves are used for making fans, Mat's and toys. Fruits are eaten. Charkhari, Mahoba (U.P.) 1575. Ethn.dist. Dhasan Valley (Saxena and Vyas, 1983), Uttar Pradesh (Saini, 1996), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000) 254. Phoenix sylvestris, Roxb. (Khajur), Tree #The root is powdered and used for the treatment of toothache. #The central part of the young stem and root is edible, it is also cooked with rice during general debility. Brooms, basket and toys are also prepared with the leaves.
Loc. Kahra, Hamirpur (U.P.) 940. Ethn.dist. North eastern India (Arora, 1981), India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Singh and Maheshwari, 1985; Bajpayee and Dixit. 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1995; Maheshwari, 1996), Rajasthan (Das, 1997). ARACEAE 255. Colocasia esculenta, (Linn) Schott. (Ghunya), Herb Loc. The corm is eaten as vegetable. #The corm is pounded into paste and applied externally for the treatment of scorpionsting. Barua Sagar, Jhansi (U.P.) Ethn.dist. Bihar (Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Rajasthan, (Das, 1997). 256. Pistia stratiotes, Linn. (Jal-Kumbhi), Herb Loc. The leaf juice with coconut oil is applied on skin diseases. Banda (U.P.) 1580. Ethn.dist. Rajasthan (Singh and Singh, 1983). TYPHACEAE 257. Typha angustata, Chaub. & Bory. (Hathi-ghas), Herb Loc. Rhizomes and stems are used as vegetables. #Spike of the plant is used in cuts. Banda (U.P.) Ethn.dist. Rajasthan ( Singh and Singh, 1983 ). Madhya Pradesh (Samwatsar & Diwanji, 1996).
CYPERACEAE 258. Eleocharis dulcis, (Burm. f.) Trinius. (Shuri ghas), Herb #Washed rhizomes are dried and powdered, it is used for Loc. the treatment of stomachache and diarrhoea. Pirauna, Jalaun (U.P.) 1585. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Bajpayee and Dixit, 1996), Rajasthan (Das. 1997). 259. Scirpus grossus, Linn. (Kasharu), Herb Loc. The cleaned and boiled underground rhizome are said to be an antidode to insectbite. The boiled rhizomes are edible. Niwari, Jhansi (U.P.) 502. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. GRAMINEAE 260. Avena sativa, Linn. (Jai), Herb Loc. The young plants are used as fooder. The powdered seeds are used for the treatment of general debility. Binaura, Jalaun (U.P.) 1589. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987). 261. Cynodon dactylon, Linn. (Dub ghas), Herb The expressed juice of plant is taken orlly for the treatment of histeria. The fresh juice of plant is used as eye drop for the treatment of conjuctivites.
130 Loc. The plant is pounded alongwith the rizome of saccharum officinarum and mixed with cows milk, it is taken orally for the treatment of leucorrhoea. The plants is used for the worship of gods. Mudhari, Mahoba (U.P.) 503. Ethn.dist. India (Mitre. 1981), Assam (Hajra and Baishya, 1981), West Bengal ( Das et al., 1983). Vyasi Valley (Dhyani & Sharma, 1987). Bihar (Tarafder, 1983; Sahoo and Mudgal, 1993), Uttar Pradesh (Singh et. al., 1996; Saini, 1996) Rajasthan (Singh & Pandey, 1996; Das, 1997), Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar & S. K. Jain, 1998; Khare & Khare, 1999), Nepal ¡Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000). 262. Dendrocalamus strictus, Nees. (Bans), Shrub Loc. Sticks are used for making baskets & huts. Stem are useful for making musical instruments. Talbehut, Lalitpur (U.P.) 1590. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Singh & Maheshwari, 1985), Maharashtra (Sharma and Lakshminarasimhan, 1986), Rajasthan (Das. 1997). Madhya Pradesh (Shukla et. al., 1991; Singh et. al.. 1999). 263. Hordeum vulgare, Linn. (Jawa), Herb Loc. Powdered seed are used as poultice on boils. The flour is used as cattle feed. The germinated seeds are worshiped. Atarra, Banda (U.P.) 1592. Ethn.dist. Vyasi Valley (Dhyani and Sharma, 1987). 264. Oryza rufipogon, Griff. (Pasai), Herb Plant used as fooder for cattle.
731 Loc. The seeds are cooked and eaten by women during fast on the 'Halshashthi' festival. Khurhand. Banda (U.P.) 1594. Ethn.dist. Rajasthan (Singh and Singh, 1983). West Bengal (Paland Jain, 1989). 265. Oryza sativa, Linn. (Chawal), Herb Loc. The fruit is grinded with water and the paste is kept in water for some time, the supernetent is taken orally the treatment of vomting. The seeds offered to God. The seeds are cooked and eaten. Atarra, Banda (U.P.) 870. Ethn.dist. Assam ( Hajra and Baishya, 1981), India (Chadhuri and Pal, 1981). 266. Pennisetum typhoides, Stapf. (Bajra), Herb Loc. The leaf juice along with honey is used for the treatment of asthma and heart diseases. Chitrakut. Karwi (U.P.) 937. Ethn.dist. Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996). 267. Saccharum spontaneum, L. (Kans), Herb Loc. # The root is pounded into paste along with Cynadon dactylon. the past is take orally along with cows milk for the treatment of leucorrhoea. Maudaha. Hamirpur (U.P.) 1015. Ethn.dist. Madhya Pradesh (Jain, 1995), Rajasthan (Das, 1997), Nepal (Siwakoti & Siwakoti, 2000).
268. Sorghum vulgare, Linn. (Pers) (Jowar), Herb Flour is said to be useful to control diabities. Young plant is used as fooder. Loc. Ghatera. Mahoba (U.P.) 1044. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 269. Triticum vulgare, Vill. (Gehun), Herb Loc. The seeds are soaked in the water for 48 hours, the soaked seeds are dried and powdered with the flower buds of cloves. The powder is fried in geee and taken orally during migrain. Bharwa Sumerpur, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1596. Ethn.dist. Bundelkhand. 270. Vetiveria zizanioides, Linn. (Khas), Herb Loc. # The root is grinded and made into paste, it is applied externally for the treatment of scorpion sting. The roots are used for making mats. Devgaon, Hamirpur (U.P.) 1232. Ethn.dist. India (Khanna and Mudgal, 1992), Uttar Pradesh (Khanna et. al., 1996, Saini, 1996), Rajasthan ( Das, 1997) Madhya Pradesh (Vivek Kumar & S.K.Jain, 1998; Samvatsar and Diwan Ji. 1999). CRYPTOGAMS SELAGINELLAE 271. Selaginella bryopteris, (L) Baker. (Kamraj), Herb The plant is pounded and taken orally during genral debility. The plant is boild with brassica oil and filtered, this oil is used !