Triveni Journal
1927 | 11,233,916 words
Triveni is a journal dedicated to ancient Indian culture, history, philosophy, art, spirituality, music and all sorts of literature. Triveni was founded at Madras in 1927 and since that time various authors have donated their creativity in the form of articles, covering many aspects of public life....
V. Lalitha Kumari
‘What is in a name?’ says a Shakespearean character. But in India names are given after much thought and consideration. There are cases where the appelatives are like ‘Neti Beera’ and ‘Perugu Thota Koora’ which belie their meaning. We come across Harischandras who abhor truth and Arjunas who flee for fear.
On the contrary, Some names are so well-suited as to draw admiration and appreciation. The Triveni Cultural Quarterly is one such. Its objective is to make fertile three areas, namely - Art, Literature and History and thus bring out the crop of culture.
Even the editorial of this periodical has a significant title. The ‘Triple stream’ has been there for long (since 1927?) Like Alfred Tennyson's brook it might have been caught among the ‘shingly bars’ of circumstances and ‘lingered’ there for a while but has worked its way out under the engineering of the present editor. The stream, thus revived, has been enriching the fields of Art, Literature and Culture. And in tune with the changing social needs, it is being guided into new directions too.
The editorials make such an impact that their nature is described in a wide variety of words. ‘Academic, brilliant captivating, comprehensive, delightful, educative, erudite, fantastic, instructive, innovative, inspirational, illuminating, superb, thought-provoking, valuable and well-timed etc.,’ are some of the epithets (all culled from Readers' mail) used by those that drink the nourishing water of the stream. It is called a special gift. It is likened to a jewel.
A limited survey of the editorials of the last three years (the new millenium) reveals how varied and extensive their themes are. They range from down-to-earth, practically useful and contemporary subjects such as I.T., Supertechnology, Bureaucracy and time management, to spiritual and elevated ones like Meditation, and Pursuit of Happiness. There are literary treatises on Poems, Creative Writing and topics of general interest such as Creativity and Intuition, Memory, Gandhi's Humour and Anecdotes about Writers and Artists.
The magazine quenches the intellectual thirst of all ages and contributes to the fulfilment of life at all stages. It is not just a triple stream. Like the Ganges with its many tributaries it is multi-dimensional. And like that perennial river may it flow on and on!