Triveni Journal
1927 | 11,233,916 words
Triveni is a journal dedicated to ancient Indian culture, history, philosophy, art, spirituality, music and all sorts of literature. Triveni was founded at Madras in 1927 and since that time various authors have donated their creativity in the form of articles, covering many aspects of public life....
Reader’s Mail
“I have read the latest issue of TRIVENI and enjoyed reading the articles, I am particularly impressed with the humorous article ‘In Praise of Baldness’ by Sri Ranga Rao”.
- Prof. Kal Shastry, Berkeley, California University, USA.
“It seems to be a very prestigious journal. At the same time, it also encourages the new scholars and poets”.
- Dr. Brinda Srinivas, Dalhousie (H.P.)
“Your editorial “Sands of Time” is a wise amalgam of sense and sensibility advocating value based efficiency. Its universal appeal comes from the fact that it echoes the thoughts and feelings of all thinking people, who, sometime or the other, have become the victims of bureaucratic inefficiency and delay. Hope such instructive and enlightening articles keep on flowing from your pen. I also appreciate the articles – ‘Value in Education’, and ‘Abode of Peace’.
- K. M. Kale, Gondia (Maharashtra)
“As usual your editorial is not only informative but also instructive. Your readers will surely be bitten by the time bug but they will also realise that “time is the mite that bites everyone and every thing in the universe” Time will teach/heal those who fail to feel its significance in their lives”.
- Dr. P Dhanavel, Chennai
“I feel distressed to find the carelessness of proof readers doing irreparable harm to quality aspects of the esteemed journal”.
-Prof. Hazara Singh, Ludhiana.
“I am quite happy to know that TRIVENI stands like an age-old banyan tree, supported by stalwarts.”
-S. S. Prasad, Chennai.
“The editorial (Sands of Time) is a bedecked jewel. The theme selected is one of universal appeal and you have tackled terse issues of the complex subject in a lucid way compelling the appreciation of even men of mediocre calibre. Such editorials redound to the credit of the editor and prestige of the magazine.
-R. Narayanaswami, Tirupati
“As time and space are eternal the TRIPLE STREAM of Prof. I. V. Chalapati Rao is eternal and its content infinite, ‘Values in Education’ by Jandhyala B.G. Tilak is a must read article. The two faces of the coin, i.e. 20th century, are nicely brought out in K. B. Rai’s ‘The Turbulent and Innovating Twentieth Century’. Sumit Talukadar’s tribute to Henry Louis Derozio is a reminder to the doyens of literature which is superbly woven.”
-K. Lakshminarayana, Pathapatnam.
“I discovered a serious mis-spelling in ‘An Appeal’. For ‘illustrious’ ‘illustrating’ is being used.
-M. S. Sarma, Hyderabad
(Thanks for pointing out the error. Ed)
“Your editorial on Time management is quite revealing and thought provoking. As you have rightly pointed out, Indians have to go a long way to learn proper use of precious time. Laxity, apathy, and narrow mindedness have made us pay a heavy penalty in clear contradiction to our professed goals and promises. Instead of aping the West merely in outward fashions it will be better to emulate them in punctuality, work performance, self-management and proper planning without empty talk and vainglorious show”.
- G. Somasehu, Nizamabad.
“TRIVENI has become a class journal keeping up its glorious traditions under your masterly guidance and editorship. That is why I would like to get as many poems published in it. It is sound policy to encourage budding poets. Only, give the old ones too a chance”.
-Dr. R. Rabindranath Menon IAS (Retd.) Bangalore
“In your editorial you have made very interesting and practical comments about methodical utilization and prudent management of time in this age of super - computer and revolutionary developments in communications and informative technology. Most of the suggestions are based on your own keen observations and rich experience as an administrator.
- M. G. Narasimha Murthy, Hyderabad.
“The Triple Stream (in Sept. issue) is in true tone of the original Triple Stream by Sri Kolavennu, the founder editor. ‘In Praise of Baldness’ by Prof. Ranga Rao provides a pleasing relief. The other contributions too arc worthy of the great journal”.
- Surampudi Bhaskara Rao, Kakinada.
“Your article on ‘Sands of Time’ is really eye-opening. Man is inching towards the grave every moment and yet he wastes his time which is precious...which comes once but never returns.”
- Har Prasad Sharma, New Delhi.
“The July-Sept No. of your eminent quarterly just to hand. As usual, your scholarly article, “Sands of Time/Time Management” stands out prominently as the pole star, with some other interesting article following behind. I quite enjoyed the humorous article “In Praise of Baldness” by Dr. Ranga Rao. “Abode of Peace” by Dr. A. R. Rao and “Remembering Gandhi” by Dr. Sarojini Ragani.
-Dr. H. Tulasi, Editor Meterverse Muse