Essay name: Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts
Author: Rajendralala Mitra
These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast heritage of Indian literary and philosophical traditions contained within these manuscripts.
Volume 4 (1877)
229 (of 367)
External source: Shodhganga (Repository of Indian theses)
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No. 1636. सुबोधिनी ।
[subodhinī |
] Substance, palm-leaf, 15 X 2 inches. Folia, 115.
Extent, 4,061 s'lokas. Character, Bengali. Date, ?
Lines, 5 on a page.
Place of deposit,
Gángute, Post Purendrapura, Zillá Vírabhúma, Gopínátha Bhattáchárya. Ap-
pearance, old. Prose.
Subodhini. A commentary on the Bhatti Kávya. By Kumudá-
nanda. This is not near so well-known as the work of Bharata Mallika.
The author follows the rules of Pánini in explaining the text.
Beginning. श्रीकृष्णगिरिशौ नत्वा धर्म्मकामार्थमाचदौ ।
[śrīkṛṣṇagiriśau natvā dharmmakāmārthamācadau |
] End.
चक्रे श्रीकुमुदानन्दो भट्टिटीकां सुबोधिनीं ॥
च्यत्र कविना श्रीखामिलूनुना सर्गबन्धलक्षणं प्रकीर्णकाण्डं प्रथमं दर्शयितुं तस्य
विषयव्यापकत्वात् तत्रादौ वस्तुनिर्देशं कुर्च्चन् इष्टदेवतास्मरणात्मकं मङ्गलं
विघ्नोपशान्तये करोति | रुचिरनाम च्छन्द चादौ निबध्य पश्चाज्जात्यादि च्छन्दसा
सर्गनिव्र्व्वीः । यथा इन्दोमञ्जय । —- —जतौ गजैौ रुचिरेत्यादि । चभूदिति ।
इतः समुद्रात् उत्तरा या दिक् तस्याः । उत्तरा हि वसन् रामः लवण-
तोयतो दक्षिणतः |
[cakre śrīkumudānando bhaṭṭiṭīkāṃ subodhinīṃ ||
cyatra kavinā śrīkhāmilūnunā sargabandhalakṣaṇaṃ prakīrṇakāṇḍaṃ prathamaṃ darśayituṃ tasya
viṣayavyāpakatvāt tatrādau vastunirdeśaṃ kurccan iṣṭadevatāsmaraṇātmakaṃ maṅgalaṃ
vighnopaśāntaye karoti | ruciranāma cchanda cādau nibadhya paścājjātyādi cchandasā
sarganivrvvīḥ | yathā indomañjaya | —- —jatau gajaiौ ruciretyādi | cabhūditi |
itaḥ samudrāt uttarā yā dik tasyāḥ | uttarā hi vasan rāmaḥ lavaṇa-
toyato dakṣiṇataḥ |
] Colophon. इति श्रीकुमुदानन्दकृतायां सुबोधिन्यां भट्टिटीकायामष्टमः सर्गः ।
भट्टिकाव्यस्य अष्टमसर्गान्तं व्याख्यानं ।
विषयः ।
[iti śrīkumudānandakṛtāyāṃ subodhinyāṃ bhaṭṭiṭīkāyāmaṣṭamaḥ sargaḥ |
bhaṭṭikāvyasya aṣṭamasargāntaṃ vyākhyānaṃ |
viṣayaḥ |
] No. 1637. भट्टिबोधिनी ।
[bhaṭṭibodhinī |
] Lines, 4 on a page.
? Place of deposit,
Substance, palm-leaf, 15 x 2 inches. Folia, 108.
Extent, 2,268 s'lokas. Character, Bengali. Date,
Gángute, Post Purendrapura, Zillá Virabhüma, Gopinátha Bhattáchárya.
Appearance, old. Prose. Correct.
Bhattibodhini. A commentary on the Bhatti Kávya. By Nara-
nárayana Vidyávinoda Achárya, son of Vánes'vara, who was brother of
Jatádhara of the family of Púrvagráma. The object of this work is to
explain all grammatical references by citing the authority of the
Sankshiptasára grammar.
Beginning. नत्वा रामपदद्वन्द्वमरविन्दं भवच्छिदं ।
[natvā rāmapadadvandvamaravindaṃ bhavacchidaṃ |
] 2 B
विद्याविनोद आचार्य्यः कुरुते भट्टिबोधिनीं ।
[vidyāvinoda ācāryyaḥ kurute bhaṭṭibodhinīṃ |