Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts
by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words
These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...
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Beginning. End. Colophon. ( 83 ) om namo ganesayah || pancasadvarnabhetta sakalagunamayo nadacidrupasaksa- hyapau sattva vidhata paramagurutaro niskalo nirvikarah || 9•• srimatyadava panditonijaguroh padajasevavasat | vyacaste janarocanaya vidhina sastram pramodapradam || kecinnagamatantramantranipunah kautilyamohatatah | tesam vamavimargamocanaghiya tarapradipam subham || tantrani sakalani syuh satvikadisu nityasah | tesam vijnanasampannau grantho'yam svacchasundarah || sattviko rajasacaiva tamasasca tathaparah | vividhah pujako devyah svasvajatyanusaratah || nadavasanam khalu pathamahapadmapadmantarasyam | dhyayecaitanyarupamabhimata suphalapraptaye saktimayam || iti srauyadavacaryyaviracite tarapradaupe ....... ball ... sasthah patalah || visayah | 1 patale taramantradikathanam | 2 patale pujasanketadikathanam | 3 patale maranoccatanadimantra sanketa kathanam | 4 patale sadhanasanketa kathanam | 5 patale nanamantradi- kathanam | 6 patale antaryagavahiryagadikathanam || Hodgolo No. 129. varinautarakabrahmakutastottarasatasahasranamastotrarajah (kavacanyasa sahitah ) nilatantre, uttarakhandiyah . Substance, country-made paper, 12 x 3 inches. Folia, 13. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 325 shlokas. Character, Bengali. Date ? Place of deposit, Upalatagram, Post Meher, Zilla Comilla, Pandit Jagadbandhu Tarkavagisa. Appearance, old. Generally correct. Beginning. om meruprstha sukha saunam sankaram candrasekhara m papraccha pranjalirbhaktya parvvatau paramesvaram || sriparvvatyuvaca || cailokyanatha sranatha jagannatha jagadguro | krpaya parayavista kathayakha mayi prabho || takarakutavidyaccastarayah paramam subham | Verse. WORK COM willowfont lol agro mad AUTO BOTT .gaimaigol