Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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End. Colophon. visayah | ( 196 ) jalpanti surayah sarvve dharmmo raksati dharmikam | etajjnatavyamadyaiva kimatra ca bhavisyati || jayo'stu panduputranam yesam pate janarddanah | yatah krsnastato dhamma yato dharmastato jayah || iti mahakavihalayudhaviracitam dharmmavivekakhyakavyam samaptam || katipayaprasnapuranaslokakathanam | . No. 194. dhamrmetihasah Substance, country-made paper, 16 x 3 inches. Folia, 115. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 2,932 shlokas. Character, Bengali. Date, ? Place of deposit, Mayamanasimha, Serapura, Pandita Candrakanta Tarkalankara. Appearance, old. Prose. Correct. Beginning. End. om namo ganesaya | narayanam namaskrtya naracaiva narottamam | devim sarasvatauncaiva tato jayamudirayet || ekada brahmanah kascit putradaradiposane | vayo gatamabhijnaya cintamapa duratyayam || dharmmo hi paramo bandhuh paralokasukhavahah | srutah kadacit sadhubhyamiti gatha sanatani || sa maya na sruto dharmmo na krto nanucintitah | pyadhuna svalpamevayuravasistam hi me matam || iti cintakulo vipro dharmasusrusane ratah | sahitah putrasisyabhyam sadaiva sah || svatam gatva mahatmanam vinayanatakandharah | krtanjaliputah samyak provaca svamanogatam || andhasca pangavaste vai drtha bhavasamudbhavah | kevalam garbhaduhkhaya ye gangam na gata narah || gangamahatmaprametaddhi yah pathet visnusannidhau | sabhayam vapi viprendrah stanuyadvapi bhaktitah || gangasnanaphalam prapya sukhabhogekasannidhih | cirayu ' putrapautraisca to divamathavrajet || ityadi |

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