Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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316 No. Page Pravaradhyaya, Prayaschitta-chandrika, ... Prayaschitta-marttanda,... Prayaschitta-pradipika,... Prayaschitta-ratna kara, 2248, 5 2503, 256 2252, 7 142376, 142 2272, 39 Prayaschitta-sangraha, ... Prayaschittaughasara, Prayaschitta-varidhi, Prayoga-ratna, Purushartha-chintamani,... Rajaniti-mayukha, Sahanumarana-viveka, Sahridaya alias Sadachara-smriti, Samaya-pradipa-jirnoddhara, Sankhachakra-vidhi, Santi-tattvamrta, Smriti-ratna, 2469, 224 2246, 1 2313, 86 2392, 155 608 2369, 137 2278, 48 2468, 223 2530, 281 2364, 133 2551, 305 2477, 233 2276, 253 Smriti-ratnakara, Smriti-ratnavali, Smrityarthasara, Sradha-nirnaya, 2500, 45 2472, 228 2495, 248 2408, 170 Sraddha-paddhati, Srutyadhyaya-vyakhya-vyakhya, Suddhi-nirnaya, Suddhi-ratnakara, 2430, 191 2466, 222 2418, 176 2384, 149 Suddhi-smriti, 2344, 115 Svachchhanda-paddhati, 600 2253, 8 Tirtha-kaumudi, 2504, 257 Tirtha-ratnakara alias Ramaprasada,... 2542, 292 Tithi-chandrika, 2373, 141 Tristhalisetu, 24 2268, 34 Upasana-tattva, Vaidhahimsagha-timira-martandodaya, Vaidika-sarvasva, Varsha-bhaskara, Varsha-kritya, Vichara-nirnaya, 2522, 271 2280, 51 2348, 118 2274, 41 2311, 84 2310, 83

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