Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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312 No. Pe Malati, Amaru-sataka-tippani, Anandalahari-tika, Anvayalapika, Bhagavatashtaka, Bhavanamrta-tika, Devi-sataka, Gitagovinda-madhuri, Govardhana-bhattashtaka, Kas'igita, Kavya-rasavali, Kurukshetra-pradipa, Mahimna-stava-tika, Mangalashtaka, Manjubhashini, Radha-saundarya-manjari, Rakshasa-kavya-tika, Rama-sukta, 2367, 13 2490, 2491, 245 2403, 2404, 167 2541, 291 2520, 270 2341, 113 2312, 85 2514, 264 2363, 132 2475, 232 2257, 12 2388, 152 600 2383, 148 2462, 219 2415, 174 2529, 280 2389, 153 2413, 173 Saravali, Siva-kusumanjali, 2476, 233 2339, 112 Sivananda-lahari, 2254, 9 Sivastava-tika, 2308, 82 Siva-tattvarnava, 2433, 194 Srikrishna-bhavanamrta, 2519, 269 Srutyanta-suradruma, 2256, 10 Subodhini 2374, 141 Surya-sataka, 2340, 113 Tattva kaumudi Vaishnavi Vidvanmodini, Viveka-sataka, 2405, 168 2249, 6 2505, 257 200 2510, 261 Apekshita-vyakhyana, b. Nataka. Gunavati, 606 BLO 2479, 235 2368, 136

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