Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF INDIA GOVERNMENT OF arama SL 3 Page Page Cowell, Professor E. B., .. 126 Damodara Thakkura, 40 Dolayatra...... Dolayatra-viveka, 296 209 Dana-chandrika, 162 Drona Parva, 156 Dana-dharma,, 152 Dravida, 227 Dana-khanda, 163 Durga, ...230, 252 Dana-panji, 23 Durga-puja, ........210, 234 Dana-ratna kara, 134 Durgavabodhini, 236 Dana-sagara,. 239 Durgotsava-nirnaya,...... 210 Dasaratha, 70 Dvadasayatra-pramanaDatarama,.. 130 tattva, 296 Dattaka-viveka, 129 Dvirupa-kosha, 298 Dayabhaga, ....142, 166, 189 Dvividha jalasayots/argaDayabhaga-siddhanta-kumupramana-darsana, 11 da-chandrika, 142 Ekoddishta sarini, 45 Dayabhaga-tika,.. Dayabhaga-tippani, 166 Gadadhara, 6 1-9 Gadasimha, 205 Devadatta, .. 271 Gaga Bhatta, 111 Devanatha Sarma, 32 Galava,... 62 Deva Sinha,. 1 Devi, 180, 181, 280, 281, 287 Devibhakti-rasollasa, 230 Devimahaumya-tika, 128 Devi purana,... 180 Dharmadharma-prabodhini, 18 Dharmadhikari, 202 Gambhiraraya Bharati Dikshita, Ganesa Daivajpa.......49, 51 Gangadhara,. Ganga-srota-nyaya,...... Cangesa, ..28, 195, 199, 237 Garbha-gita,... 261 174 199 207 Dharina-kosha,. 58 Gargeya, Dharma-purana, 244 Garuda,.... 62 yeong-yeong Dharma-ratnakara, 198 Gauda, 209 Dhatu-mala,.... 304 Gaudapada Acharya, 208 Dhyana-yoga-sara, 158 Gaura, 205 Dilipa, 70 Gaurachandra, 217 Dinakara Bhatta,. 111 Gauranga,..... 158, 218, 232 Dipa-prakasa, 122 Gaurangastava-kalpataru,.. 288 Dipa-prakasa-tippana,.... 123 Gauri, ....12, 62 Divakara Daivajna, 51 Gayatri hridaya, 251 Divya-nirnaya 40 Gayatryupanishad, 251

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