Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts
by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words
These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...
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TRY OF CULTURE OF INDIA GOVERNMENT DE bharata samgata SL 98 the root of sacred trees. Regions of Indra and others. The census of their inhabitants. Description of Vyantara lokas. The number of Jaina temples therein. Various kinds of kings who dwell therein--such as Kinnara, Kimpurasha, Maboraga &c. Trees fit for Chaityas; these are Asoka, Champaka, Nagakesara, Tumbura, Vata, Asvattha, Tulasi and Kadamba. Jambudvipa stands to the east of the Vyantara region. Description of Jyotir loka. In this chapter are given accounts of the celestial luminaries, and casually of the 16 continents or great islands, Sixteen other continents. Jambudvipa, Ghataki-khanda-dvipa, &c. Stars and Characters of the different oceans connected with the continents. planets, their distance from each other. Planets reckoned at 88, their names. The paths, motions, dimensions &c. of the sun and the moon. Night and day, their causes and those of their decrease and increase. Intercallary months. Equinoxes, and other details regarding the motions of the earth. Description of Vimana loka, or the region of the Devas. Devas and Jaina worship there. Sacred places in the Nara loka. This includes notices of a great number of sacred places on earth and their presiding divinities. Characteristics of emperors and their belongings. Descriptions of various distinguished Jaina emperors of India. Description of the salt ocean and its belongings, including various sacred places therein. The Sanskrit contents given below will be found fuller and more detailed. Beginning. balagovimda sihamani- kira ekalacaranaha kiranam | atarar: 1 vimalayaranemicamda tilavanacamda emam sami || 1 || bhavanabvenam tari disa vimanatiriya lothajinabhavo | sadhyamarinda saravara sampujiyayandi evam de || 2 || sabvagasanam tasya vajramanvadesa bhagayi | logosamkhapadeso jagamedighanapyamano || 2 || cibhavanacandra jinendram bhaktyanatya triloka sarasya vrtiriyam kincijna-prabodhanaya prakasyate vidhina || jiyadakalankadih surirgunabhuriratulatanadhari | dhanavarasa vinata jinamata virodhiya jivateā¤ž jagati ||