Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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168 ntayoh pujavidhikathanam | pavitraropanavidhih | kamyapujavidhikathanam | dhyana- bhede phalabhedakathanam | nityacandikadhyanakathanadikam | navadurgavidhikathanam | syasvine navadurgamahotsavadividhanam | satacandividhikathanam | yanarayadya khiladuritasantyupayakathanam | mandaparacanartham pracisadhanavidhikathanam | kunda- nirmanavidhikathanam | syagnisthapanadividhikathanam | syatra sarvvatra prayogakathanam | kumaripujavidhih | pujyapujya kumarilaksanakathanam | khukkhuvadinimmanaprakri- yadikirttananca | No. 1856. sraddhapradipah | Substance, country-made paper, 13 x 4 inches. Folia, 74. Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 2,646 slokas. Character, Maithili. Date, ? Place of deposit, Magrani, Post Madhubani, Darbhanga, Pandit Kanailala Jha. Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse. Correct. Sraddha-pradipa. A digest of the rules for performing Sraddhas. By Vardhamana Misra. Beginning. abhinavarasavenih padapadme murare End. rmadanamathanamalemalatipuspamala | jayati jayapataka kapyasau moksalaksma | kalikalusanihantri janhavi nah punatu || harim pranamya savrvvajam nilotpaladalatvisam | calocya munivakyani sraddhasya vidhirucyataॆ || nanu kim sraddham tavat, pitadevatako dravyatyagah | pindapitayajne tarpane ati- vyapteh, na ca brahmanabhojanaparyyantatvena sa eva visesyah, sudrakartaka sraddhavyapteh | ityadi | tatputradyabhave satiti mantavyam | smrtih puranani ca sastrajatam jnatva vicaryyapi ca sastrayuktya | srivarddhamanena krtah pradipah khante satam sarma samatanotu || Colophon. iti mahamahopadhyaya srivarddhamanaviracitah sraddhapradipah samaptah | subhamastu | anyabhimatasraddhalaksanaksepapurvvakam 'vedabodhitapatralambhanapurvako dravyatyagah sraddha- miti sraddhalaksana vivecanam | dvadasavidhasraddhabheda nirupanam | sraddhakalanirupanam | visayah |

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