Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts
by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words
These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...
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294 No. 1711. vidvanmanohara | Substance, country-made paper, 112 x 42 inches. 8 on a page. Extent, 1,240 slokas. Character, Nagara. Folia, 40. Lines, Date, SM. 1841. Place of deposit, Lalgola, Zila Murshidabad. Pandit Kalicharana Upadhyaya. Appearance, fresh. Prose. Correct. Vidvanmanohara. A commentary on the poem called Vidagdha-mukha-mandana. By Tarachandra. The poem is by Dharmadasa, and describes the feeling of separation from a lover. Beginning. srige|kulesapadapadmamadhutratena tarabhidhena kavina sivarajadhanyam | vidvatkulapakrtaye kriyate sphutarthi tika vidagdha mukhamandalasacakasya || vimatsaranam vidusam + + tika krta maya | End. mudam vitanutam nityamesa vidvanmanohara || jainakrte'smin kavye samyag jnatum yada mano vijnah | vidvanmanoharakhyam ++ drastum yatnam kuruta || iha granyakatti nirvighnam parisamaptartham kayika- vacika-manasika-papaharitva- rupam khestadevataprasangatmakam mangalamacarati, - sidosadhaniti | - yaminipakse purnacandrena yukta racih, punah nilambara nirmalam nirabhram gaganam yasyah sa manohara || Colophon. iti sritaracandrakrtayam vidvanmanoharayam tikayam purnancaturtho'yam paricchedah | visayah | samvat 18 41 | dharmadasakrta vidagdha mukha mandalasya vyakhyanam | No. 1712. rasikaranjini | Substance, country-made paper, 11 X 5 inches. Folia, 41. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 1,312 slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, SM. 1841. Place of deposit, Lalgola, Zila Murshidabad. Pandit Kalicharana Upadhyaya. Appearance, fresh, Prose. Correct. Rasika-ranjini alias Rasamanjari-tika. A commentary on Bhanu Datta's Rasamanjari on ars erotica. By Gopala Bhatta, son of Harivans 'a Bhatta.