Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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52 Advaita-siddhanta-vidyotana. A treatise on the theory of nonduality. By Brahmananda Sarasvati. Beginning. sadanam taccidanande jagati yatra jayate | End. rajatadivat suktyadau tadevaham paragatih || agre tadasattayam tattvapramasamagragra eva niyamakatvat tattva pramayastattvajnana- tatkaryyam purvvavasthana niyatatvaditi dik | Colophon. ityadvaitasiddhantavidyotane paramahamsaparivrajaka brahmananda sarakhativiracite prathama- paricchedah | visayah | cyatra anyathakhyatisadhanapurvvam kamadvaitasamsthapanam | No. 1445. vakyasudha, vivaranasahita | Substance, country-made paper, 1032 x 42 inches. Folia, 34. on a page. Extent, 783 slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, deposit, Calcutta, Government of India. Appearance, old. Commentary, prose. Generally correct. Lines, 10 ? Place of Text, verse ; Valeya-sudha-vivarana. A commentary on the Vdkeya-sudha of Sankara Acharya, on the nature of the Supreme Spirit. Mr. Hall notices several commentaries on Sankara's work, but not the one under notice here. Contributions, pp. 129, 130. Beginning. (mu0 )| svargasthitipralayahetumacintyasaktim visvesvaram viditavisvamanantamurttim | nirmuktabandhanamaparasukhamburasim srivallabham vimala baghaghanam namami || (ti0 )| brahmaham tanmathi bhati savrvvam srimadhavaprajnaguroh prasadat | ccanvarthavisvesvarapanditakhyah asyanghripadmapranataih rato'smi || End. (mu0 ) | pratibhasikajivasya laye syurvyavaharike | tataksaye saccidanandah paryyavasyanti saksini || (ti0 )| yattu vakyasudhametam vinrtya visadaih padaih | punyam mayarjitam kincit tad brahmani samarpitam || Colophon. iti srisankaracaryyaviracitaya vakyasudhaya vivaranam sampurnam | visayah | sankaracaryyaviracitaya vakyasudhaya vyakhyanam | vakyasudhayantu moksopaya . tmajnanasya samhajopayakathanam |

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