Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts
by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words
These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...
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289 rgvidhanadikam drstva rgvede devatakramam | balakrsnah srotriyo'ca vacle homavidhanakam || 2 || End. jatavedagnim 3 | surya 2 | bhavavrttam 3 | sajnanam 4 | rca 218 | sukte 49 | Colophon. ityastamastakah samaptah | iti sakalasamhitaya anvadhanam samaptam | visayah | rgvedaparayanavidhanam | rgvedaparayanakaranaprakaradarsanam | etanparayanangi- bhutahomadikathanasca | No. 888. gangasnanavidhih | Lines, 10 on a ? Place of Substance, country paper, 12 x 44 inches. Folia, 6. page. Extent, 250 slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, deposit, Calcutta, Government of India. Appearance, new. Prose and verse. Generally correct. Ganga-snanavidhi. Directions for bathing in the River Ganges. Anonymous. Beginning. atha gangasnanavidhih | yanani tu parityajya bhavyam padacarairnagaih | End. luthitva lotanincaiva krtva karsatikakrtim || iti | sastangam pranamya | gangasnanasangatamiddhyartham godanam datva dasadhikan brahmanan bhojayitva tebhyo daksinam datva casiso gtahitva visnu m smaret | Colophon iti gangasnanavidhih | visayah | gangasnanavidhikathanam | No. 889. gakaradiganapatisahasranamastotram | Substance, country paper, 12 X 41 inches. Folia, 9; line 10 on a page. Extent, 250 slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, SK. 1713. Place of deposit, Calcutta, Asiatic Society. Appearance, new. Verse. Generally correct. Gakaradi-ganapati-sahasra-nama-stotra. A hymn in praise of Ganes 'a in which a thousand epithets, each beginning with the letter, are strung together. Siva recited the hymn at the request of his consort. The work is alleged to be a section of the Rudrayamala Tantra. 2 Q