Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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244 21ra ra 2ra 1 2ra 2 Beginning. om bhrajah 2 bhraja 31 udhara agna ayuskrdhi pavema jyasuvarjamityacanah End. yare badhakha dughatam bhraja 2 bhraja 31 uva 2 svabhraja 3 annaja 3 | (ityadi ) | svasti na indro vrddhasravah khasti nah pusa visvavedah | svasti nastaksyo aristanemih svasti no brhaspatirdadhatu om svasti no brha spatirdadhatu | Colophon. iti rudrajapah sampurnah visayah | a page. T rudradimahatma dyotaka katipayasamnam pathakramah | No. 844. hotrakalpadrumah | Substance, country paper, 11 X 42 inches. Folia, 149. Lines, 9-10 on Extent, 4500 slokas. Character, Nagara. Date ? Place of deposit, Calcutta, Government of India. Appearance, old ; some of the leaves are torn. Prose. Correct. Hautrakalpadruma. Directions for performing Homas. Compiled under orders of Bhavasimha Deva of the Baghel clan, by Lakshmana Bhatta, son of Narayana Bhatta. Contents; Darsa and Paurnamasa homas, according to the rules of Asvalayana. 2 Adhana, Agrayana, Anvarambhaniya, Kamya, Chaturmasya, Varunapraghasa, Sayahnagrahamedhiya, Krilaniya, and Mahendri Ishtis. The concluding portion of the second chapter, and the whole of the 3 rd and 4 th chapters wanting in the MS. Then follow directions for performing the Pasubandha, Soma, Agnisomiya and other rites, tau Beginning. natva herambamisam girivaratanayam ksemahetu guru to End. laksminarayanakhyavapi nijapitaro laksmanah sastradarsi | prityatha hotrakalpadrumamiha vibudhakhantastattervidhatte labdhvanujnam vaghelanvanayajaladhi vidherbha | vasimhasya rajnah || pranamya saradam devim pivyacaranau tatha | vicarya sutravrttyadi kurve hotrasya sangraham || yatra manyanasyarthasiddhasya punarvacanatsa sa evodavasaniyaya yastavye prapte'pyagni- hotrakale tenodavasaniyayah somangatvadistim samapyaiva sayamagnihotram hatavyamiti siddham ||

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