Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts
by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words
These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...
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End. visayah | 93 tadecchasanam vaikhanasam pavitram sisyebhyah pradeyam diksitebhyo viprebhyah | nasisyebhyo- naputtrebhyo na hetukebhyah pasubhyah | om tata saditi | srikrsnamahatmaprakathanam, yanmahatma naradena badarayanaya kathitam | No. 672. pisacabhavyam | ? Substance, country yellow paper. Folia, 38. Lines, 17-18 on a page. Extent, 2588 slokas. Character, Bengali, well written. Date Place of deposit, Manakara, Bardhamana, Babu Hitalala Misra. Appearance, new. Prose. Very incorrect. Pis 'achabhashya. A commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, attributed to a demon of the name of Pis / acha. Beginning. sarvvam ramam gadharaviddharasabha nagamara vegaravisamannara (?) | End. velasarotirakarajahamsa slokamtatam saptasatena puritam (?) || prapannaparijataya statra ve caikapanaye | jnanamudraya krsnanaya gautamrtaduhe namah || kim bahuna yatra mama yasmin patte yogesvarah krsnah sthitah yatra parthah dhanurddharah udyadgandivastatra tasmin patte srirdevata vijayartha vijayah satrunam gharsanam bhutirnotirnayah prajna jayasadhika iti | ittham matirniscayah | itikaranam gita- sastraparisamaptartham || iti paisacabhasye astadaso'dhyayah || visayah | srimadbhagavadgitaya vyakhyeyam | No 673. radhatapani | Substance, country yellow paper. Folia, 2. Lines, 7-21 on a page. Extent, 47 slokas. Character, Bengali. Date ? Place of deposit, Manakara, Bardhamana, Babu Hitalala Misra. Appearance, new. Prose. Generally correct. Radha Tapani. An apocryphal Upanishad on the divinity of Radha, a mistress of Krishna. Though running over very much the same subject, the work is distinct from No. CXIV. Beginning. om asonniyamanandam sa brahma yad drstama suksmamavyaktamavyavaharyyamagrahyamavahya- madhyayamavajneyamatarkyamabodhyamacintyamasankhyamekam na tamo na gandhavati notam na sunyam