Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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End. 297 ityam yat parabhuvrttamabhucchahau prasasati | smrtyartham tat pakikabhi (patrikabhi )rabannan kopindatah (ke'pi panditah ) || Colophon. idam parabhutrakaranam samaptam | srisake 1732 satanamasamvatsare asadha़- saktastamyam idam pustakam jyotisityupanamagovindatmajaprabhakarena likhitam | visayah | parabhujatiyasya govindarayanamakasya rajalekhakasya khajatiyanam dasavidha samska- rarthamudyamadikathanam | parabhujatiyasyotpattyadikathananca | No 4199 nyayasangrahah | Substance, country-made paper, 10 x 4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 17 on a page. Extent, 68 Slokas and 10 Aksharas. Character, Nagara. Date, ? Place of deposit, Calcutta, Government of India, Appearance, fresh. Prose. Correct. Nyaya-sangraha. The rules of interpretation applicable to the Jaina work on Sanskrit grammar entitled Siddha Hema Chandra and also to other works of similar nature. It was written by Hema Hansa Gani, the pupil of Ratna Sekhara, the head of a Jaina Gachchha who was himself the pupil of Soma Sundara the Lord of the learned Divines of the Jainas. Beginning. om rupaya namah srimaddemavyakaranaya ca | srisomasundaraguruttamsaya ca namo namah || atha ye tu sastra X cita lokaprasidvasca nyayastadartham yatnah kriyate | svam rupam sabdasya- sabdasamjna | susavaidiksabdebhyo janapadasya | rto - ityadi | End. - sistanamanispattiprayogadhatunam saucatvacyanurodhadva siddhih || Colophon. iti srisidva hemacandravyakaranasyanyayasangrahah || srauvarausvarasomasundaragurornihsesasisyagranau- rgacchendrah prabhuratnasekharagururdedaupyave sampratam | tacchisyasrava hema hamsaganina srisiddhahemabhidhe nyaya vyakarane vilokya sakalah samsangrhauta ime || pratyaksaram gananaya granthe'smin nyayasangrahe | slokanamastasastih syadadhika ca dasaksarau || iti sam | visayah | siddhahemavyakaranoktanam nyayanam yathakramena sankalanam | tadasamuccitanam kesa- ncidanyesanca sangrahah | 38

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