Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts
by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words
These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...
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295 End. Colophon. visayah | gunagahanabhavanasugharayana bhariyadamsana visudaracchama | sanghanagara bhaddam ve akkhada़ caritayagara || ityadi | cyadikara purisa taleya carittiyausabhasenassa | anussa unamanaunamanaunamanauvacanara || bhavopabhavanam padaropa tadubhaya hi yam macchaya | panaumaproya kappoya sambaraha nijjhara || - - namdau samatto | subham || atha paramanandarupasreyahpadamadhirodhukamena tadavaptaye svaparasamanabhavena paropa- karaya yatitavyam | tatrapi mahatyamasayavisuddhau paropakrti karttum sakyate ityasaya- visuddhiprakarsasampadanaya visesatah paropakare yatna stheyah | paropakarasca dvidha | dravyato bhava- tasca | tato dravyato vividhannapanadhanakancanadipradanajanitah | sa canaikantikah | kadacit tato vistrcikadidosasambhavah | prakrtopakarasambhavat kiyatkalamacasthayitvacca | bhavato jinapranitadharmmasampadanajanitah | sa caikantikah | kadacidapi tato dosasambhavat | catya- ntikasca | paramparaya sasvatikamoksasaukhyasampadakatvat | jinapranito'pi dharmma dvidha | srutadharmma svaritradharmmasca | tatra srutadharmmah svadhyayah, caritradharmmah ksantyadirupo dasavidhah sramanadhanaih | tatra srutadharmmasampatsamanvita eva prayascaritradhammabhyupagamayathavatparipalana samartha bhavantauti tattada- dharmasya prasastyakathanamukhena danadivartmanirupanam || No. 4197. inches. Folia, 14. Nagara. Date, ? nagavalih | Substance, country-made paper, 9 x 4 Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 204 Slokas. Character, Place of deposit, Calcutta, Government of India. Appearance, old. Prose and Verse. Correct. Nagavali. Serpents should not be killed but they should be propitiated. The present work gives the process of propitiating serpents as given in Vidhana-Parijata a well-known Smriti work. Beginning. sriganesaya namah | atha nagabalih | tatra saunakah | cyatha vaksyami sarpasya samskaravidhimuttamam | sinivalyam paurnamasyam pancamyam karayet tatah | aslesartayuktayamanyasyam vapi karayet ||