Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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219 vidhikathanam | tatra garbhadhanavidhikathanam | prathamarajodarsane subhasubhacintanam | pativratadhammai- kathanam | rajakhalayah snanadiniyamakathanam | gurvvinaudharmmakathanam | atha pumsavanadividhikatha- nam | atha jatakarmmaाnnaprasanacautakarmadikalakathanam | tatra tatra prayogakathananca | atha punarupa- nayanavidhikathanam | godanadivratavidhikathanam | atha snatakadharmmadikathanam | atha vivahavi- dhikathanam | tatra svaulaksanadinirupanam | tattatkaladikathanam | prayogadikathananca | caturthi - karmmadividhikathanam | atha upagamadividhikathanam | dvitauyadivivahanimittakathanam | atha vatakadyatikrantau upasanavidhikathanam | anadhyayadikathanam | punaradhanadividhikathanam | naisvadevadividhikathanam | pidhayajnadividhikathanam | nityasraddhadividhikathanam | gograsadana- dividhikathanam | brahmayajnavidhikathanan | upakarmmavidhikathanam | sarpavalyadividhikathanam | atha danadividhikathanam | mudradipadividhikathanam | sayanavidhikathanam | atha sraddhavidhikathanam | pravasavidhikathanam | nandisraddhavidhikathanam | karnavedhavidyarambhadividhikathanam | sarvatra prayo- gakathananca | No. 4135. sarvvanukramanika | Substance, country-made paper, 10 * 4 inches. Folia, 42. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 660 Slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, SK. 1758. Place of deposit, Santipura, Pandit Ramanatha Tarkaratna ; another copy at Calcutta, Government of India. Appearance, new. Prose. Correct. Sarvanukramanika. An Index to the White Yajur Veda of the Madhyandina school by Katyayana one of the most noted names of the Vedic Period. The Yajur Veda being written in prose, has no metre, so the index gives only the Rishi to whom a mantra is revealed and the Devata or the subject of a mantra. This work also gives an index of the Anuvakas or chapters or lectures of the White Yajur Veda. Beginning sriganesaya namah | om | mandalam daksinamati hrdayancadhisthitam yena | suktani yajumsi bhagavan yajnavalkyo yatah prapa || tam vivakhantam trayaumayamarcciyantamabhidhyaya | madhyandinauye vajasaneyake yajurvedamnaye || sarvve sakhile sasukriya rsidevatacchandamsyanukramisyamo yajusamaniyataksaratvadekesam chando na vidyate | drastara rsayah smarttarah paramestha pradayo devata mantrantarbhuta sranadika ivibhajah 32

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