Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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00 90 sanubandhaphalavaptirdharmmasiddhau satam mata || ityam yogavivekasya vijnanadvitakalmasah | yatamano yathasakti paramanandamasrute || Colophon iti yogavivekadvatrimsika samapta | visayah | jainamatena icchayogadikathanam | No. 3338. yogavataradvatrimsika | Substance, country-made paper, 12 x 5 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 36 slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, ? Place of deposit, Valuchara, Panchayatapausala. Appearance, old. Verse. Incorrect. Sanskrit. Yogavatara-dvatrmsika. On conscious and unconscious Yoga meditation of the Jains. Anonymous. Beginning. samprajnata'parasceti dvidhanyairayamiritah | End. samyak prajnayate yena samprajnatah sa ucyate || vikalpena vicarenanandenasmitayanvitah | bhavyasya bhavanabhedat samprajnatascaturbidhah || ityadi | mithyatve mandatam prapte mitradya api drstayah | margibhimukhabhavena kurvvate moksayojanam || prakrtya bhadrakah santo vinito mrduruttamah | sutre mithyadrgapyuktah paramanandabhagatah || Colophon. iti yogavataradvatrimsika samapta | visayah | syanyamatena samprajnatasamprajnatarupayogadvayavivecanam | No. 3339. klesahanopayadvatrimsika | Substance, country-made paper. 12 x 5 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 36 slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, ? Place of deposit, Valuchara, Panchayatapausala. Appearance, old. Verse . Incorrect. Sanskrit. Klesa-hanopaya-dvatrmsika. A treatise on the subject of the destruction of mundane pain according to the doctrines of Jaina philosophy. Beginning. jnananca sadanusthanam samyak siddhantavedinah | klesanam karmmarupanam danopayam pracacyate || H. P. S.

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