Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts

by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words

These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...

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286 Colophon. iti bhavisyottare mangalagaurauvratodyapanam sampurnam | visayah | bhavisyapuranoktamangala gaurauvratodyapanasya vidhikathanam | No. 3213. vyudha़ाddinadvadasahaprayogah | Substance, country-made paper, 9 * 4 inches. Folia, 64. Lines, 8 on a page. Extent, 861 Slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, ? Place of deposit, Calcutta, Government of India. Appearance, fresh. Prose. Incorrect. Vyudhahinadvadasaha-prayoga. Rituals of the rite called Ahinadvadasha. Beginning. srimahalaksmai namah | atha vyudha़ाddaunasya dvadasahaprayoga ucyate | tatra mahanme voca ityadisamidadhananto vidhih sarvve'pi bhavati || visesastucyate || ityadi | End. ya hariyahaviya vodhamat svata dau va | ityatah khanditatvat parisesavakyam nasti | visayah | sya haunadvadasahasatrasya prayogakathanam | No. 3214 asvinasastram | Substance, country-made paper, 10 * 4 inches. Folia, 77. Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 1,600 Slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, ? Place of deposit, Calcutta, Government of India. Appearance, new. Prose. Incorrect. A'svinasastra. Rituals of the rite called Asvina-sastra. Beginning. athasvinam sastram | paryyayasasvanantaram hotavisamsthitasancarena niskramyagnau srauyeja * * * itaurjuhuyat | x X | End. sruvam yujdhum samudga arajasah paradum X tam | yatamaccha patatribhinasatyasataye tatotmavam | Colophon. asvinasastram sampurnam | visayah | cyasvinasastraprayogakatham | No. 3215. chandogyopanisat | Substance, country-made paper, 11 x 5 inches. Folia, 33. Lines, 13 on a page. Extent, 1,241 slokas. Character, Nagara. Date, SM. 1743. Place of deposit, Calcutta, Government of India. Appearance, fresh. Prose. Generally correct.

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